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The 23 Most Annoying People of 2023

1-1-2024 < Counter Currents 45 5382 words

Ali Alexander

4,905 words

When it comes to their ability to disappoint me, people never disappoint me. One of the biggest compliments I can give someone is “You never annoyed me,” but it’s a compliment I use sparingly — perhaps once a year.

Although I’ve skipped a year here and there, this “Most Annoying People” listicle is a tradition I started ten years ago when writing for another site. Last year for Counter-Currents I wrote about “The 22 Worst Things About 2022,” but this year I’m shifting the focus back to annoying people.

I’m still angry that any of these people ever invaded my consciousness. Thankfully, most of them remain stubbornly obscure. Most of these are names you’ve likely never heard. These are merely the people who annoyed me the most during my literary perambulations as I tried to make sense of a world that makes none. There are no right or wrong answers here.

In each case, the annoying person’s name is hyperlinked to a story I wrote about them in 2023. You may notice a surfeit of woke Asians, obstreperous Jews, and black trannies among this year’s finalists.

23. Jekierin Walker: Panhandler Claims He Shot and Killed a Reluctant Donor Because He Called Him a “Nigger”

What’s not to hate? First there’s the stupid name, which despite the stupid spelling, is pronounced with four syllables: “Juh-KEER-ee-in.” Then there’s the stupid face, which looks as if it was produced by mating a Negro with a shrew. Then there’s the stupid haircut, which looks as if it was grown in a petri dish. Then there’s the fact that the vile rodent said “Your son was racist” to the victim’s mother as he was perp-walked past her. The only thing he did that wasn’t stupid was using the “He called me ‘nigger,’ so I had to kill him” defense, because at least he’s savvy enough to know it’s a word that’s currently worse than murder.

22. Leo Kim: Wrote that “Preferring Biological Children Is Immoral” and Was Designed to “Uphold White Hegemony”

Beware the woke Asian, because they are a vicious breed of piranha. Over the coming decade, Asians will give Jews a run for their money in the anti-whiteness department. Leo Kim is but one pathogen among a plague of Orientals who’ve invaded Western countries, only to badmouth their hosts. He writes music articles with titles such as “White electronic artists love pretending to be Asian” and penned an essay for Wired called “Preferring Biological Children Is Immoral,” the latter of which contained this golden dung-nugget:

Genetic provenance has long been used as a tool to construct and uphold white hegemony; think of the legacy of the “one drop rule” that erected whiteness around a logic of ancestral purity. The desire for biological ties, in many ways, can easily legitimize a racially inflected obsession with genetic history. . . .

Those are choice words coming from a Korean transplant. I’d assume that North Korea is nearly 100% genetically Korean, whereas South Korea is 96% Korean, but I don’t see Leo Kim writing essays about how Korean parents are immoral — nor about how white people invented electronic music.

21. Behzad Karim Khani: Iranian Refugee Wrote Essay in German Newspaper Lauding the Demographic Annihilation of Germans

Yet another ungrateful Asian migrant, Khani fled Iran to Germany with his family when he was ten and grew up to resemble a hybrid of the Happy Merchant and Gandhi. To show his gratitude for the fact that indigenous Teutons didn’t beat him to death, he wrote an essay for the German daily Berliner Zeitung applauding the demographic replacement of ethnic Germans:

Let’s start with the simple statement that we — migrants, foreigners, people with . . . call us what you like — are not going to leave that easily. . . . Though, demographically, you’re definitely going away. They’re dying out. . . . What is certain: we are here. Not only for your pension funds, but because we ensure that the Aryan nightmare never becomes a reality in this country. For the fact that this reality is so far away that even the Nazis apparently gave it up, just as we all gave up the idea of this social-democratic comprehensive school and middle-class coexistence. Without extreme violence, eclipsing that of Hitler’s Germany, that nightmare will not come true. This tooth has finally been extracted.

I suppose he forgot that during and shortly after the Second World War, the Shah of Iran was sympathetic toward Germany and that English and Soviet forces occupied his country.

20. Ruth Malone: Equated Hatred of Bicyclists with Racism, Sexism, & Homophobia

In an essay for the San Francisco Chronicle, this rumpled and bespectacled professor wrote an article called “Hate is Dangerous, Including Against Bicyclists,” which seems to presume that there’s something wrong with racism, sexism, and homophobia. Her article also replicates the canard that any public criticism of a group invariably leads to violence toward them:

Just as those who tolerate or encourage racist, sexist and homophobic or transphobic comments on social media contribute to emboldening the people who attack and menace particular groups, people who parrot stereotypical comments about cyclists on social media subtly encourage those who would harm them.

Why would anyone be foolhardy enough to regularly pedal a bicycle on urban streets and expect not to wind up dead or crippled? I hate bicyclists, but not as much as I hate people who write essays defending them.

19. Kimbrady Carriker: Cross-Dressing Black Republican Who Shot & Killed Five Blacks on July 4 to Protest Gun Violence

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.

With yet another unforgivably dumb black name and a face that even a mother could hate — which looks as if it may have resulted from some sort of mangled back-alley plastic surgery — this gun-loving Republican Black Lives Matter supporter is a walking mass of irreconcilable contradictions who donned tactical gear and murdered five other blacks in Southwest Philadelphia on Independence Day, setting off a depressingly familiar social-media guessing game as to whether he was black or “Pacific Islander,” male or female, Left or Right, and most importantly, why he decided to go on a killing spree.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Carriker also told [detectives that] the gunfire — which spanned several blocks and struck people, including children, who had no apparent connection to one another — was an attempt to help police because “all these guys are out there killing people,” the sources said.

In other words, he killed five people with a gun to make a statement that you shouldn’t be killing people with guns. That’s the most archetypically “2023” explanation I heard all year.

18. Ryan G. Polly: “Queer Identified Transman” Who Urged White New Englanders to Feel Uncomfortable

Polly is a mother of four who took enough hormones to grow a beard. She also took her Ph.D. in “Transformative Studies” and moved from California to New England — the whitest part of the country — so she could heckle its residents about how they need to feel uncomfortable. I haven’t been to New England in nearly 20 years, but I was made deeply uncomfortable merely typing the previous sentence.

Polly apparently makes a living hectoring Maine’s healthcare workers about their unremitting whiteness. During one public scolding, she said:

I think that organizations that are very white — particularly when you look at your white leadership — needs to start to do, is start to get uncomfortable making relationships with people that aren’t white. . . .

Last year, she also led an “antiracist prayer service” where she implied that all white people are complicit in murdering blacks:

You share something with Darren Wilson [who shot Michael Brown] and George Zimmerman [who shot Trayvon Martin]. We share the experience of living in a culture that tells us that our lives have more value just because we’re white. . . .

Where is this culture that tells people their lives are more valuable because they’re white? More importantly, can anyone recommend a real-estate agent who sells houses there?

17. Pope Francis: Foot-Washing Maven of Global Demographic Replacement

The man who was christened Jorge Mario Bergoglio 87 years ago in Buenos Aires is the first pope since 742 AD who was born and raised outside of Europe, and he sure acts like it. He not only washes Muslims’ feet, he appears to smell and kiss their feet, too. Just like the church he represents, he is an avid cheerleader for international immigration, even if the immigrants weren’t invited and didn’t apply for asylum through legal means. During a speech in Marseille, he told European leaders to shed their “belligerent nationalisms” and allow the boat people to demographically drown them:

There is a cry of pain that resonates most of all, and it is turning the Mediterranean, our sea, from the cradle of civilization into the sea of death, the graveyard of dignity: it is the stifled cry of migrant brothers and sisters.

Go away, pope — you bother me.

16. Justin Pearson: From Clean-Shaven Nice Black Boy to Malcolm X Impersonator

Black Tennesseans are eight times more likely to die from gun violence than white residents of the Volunteer state. In honor of all known statistics, it is to be presumed that their primary killers are also black. In late March, when a white female with tranny aspirations named Audrey Hale killed six people at a Christian school in Nashville, five of her victims were white. The only black victim was a janitor named Mike Hill.

Ignoring all the “black bodies” routinely killed by other blacks in Tennessee, as well as the five white people who were killed, two black members of the Tennessee legislature — Justin Jones and Justin Pearson — decided to act a fool and cause a ruckus in the state chambers, leading to their temporary expulsion. The New York Times fawned over Pearson, writing:

Mr. Pearson, 28, evokes the image of a 1960s activist in both appearance and manner. His browline glasses recall Malcolm X, while his Afro and dashiki — which he wears to the Capitol at times — bring to mind a young Rev. Jesse L. Jackson. . . .

Perhaps the Times was unaware that Pearson’s “1960s activist” image was nothing more than an image, because in 2016 he evoked the image of an adult Steve Urkel: soft-spoken, willing to reach out to everyone, and possibly even a couple shades lighter than the faux Malcolm X shtick he adopted in 2023. Behold his transformation.

15. Michelle Wu: Boston’s First Non-White Mayor Disinvited White Politicians to a Christmas Party

Boston elected its first-ever mayor in 2021 who was neither white nor male, but rather than celebrating this as a landmark achievement in castrating and disemboweling its white patriarchy, Leftist racial purity-spiralers complained that Michelle Wu wasn’t black.

There’s simply no pleasing some people.

During Wu’s acceptance speech on election night, she promised:

We are ready to become a Boston for everyone. We’re ready to become a Boston that doesn’t push people out, but welcomes all who call our city home.

Only she knows whether or not she meant that promise, but it became clear last year that she’d abandoned it. A minor scandal bubbled up in Beantown when Wu’s black female aide mistakenly e-mailed an invitation to all 13 members of the City Council — including the seven white ones — to an “Electeds [sic] of Color” event that was exclusively designed to push white people out. The only apology that Wu and her handlers made was for mistakenly inviting the white council members — not for excluding them.

Expect the Woke Asian to become an ever more annoying problem in 2024.

14. Michael Horwitz: “Anne Frank Impersonator” Got Arrested for Stabbing His Dentist Daddy to Death

Michael Horwitz published a book six years ago under the nom de drag “Menorah Horwitz.” According to the book’s description:

Michael Horwitz, a shy 29 year-old [sic] gay illustrator, combines Judaism and a love of drag in all the wrong ways when he becomes Menorah, Portland’s premiere Anne Frank impersonator. Dressed in a puke colored school-girl’s uniform, stripper heels, and nails made from burning candles taped to his fingers, Michael explores Portland’s queer and punk party scene, one bad lip synch at a time.

As if that wasn’t sufficiently annoying to impel someone to construct a concentration camp for drag queens, in June the “transgender activist” was arrested on suspicion of stabbing his 68-year-old father, a retired dentist, to death in daddy’s “multimillion-dollar Virginia Beach mansion.” It would have been far less annoying if Ms. Menorah had stabbed himself to death.

13. David Schroeder: Jewish Teacher Who Personally Threatened His Seventh-Grade Class Over Swastika Drawings

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

Am I imagining things, or have others noticed how touchy Jews can get about perceived slights? In May of 2023, a 46-year-old Wisconsin middle-school teacher named David Schroeder was arrested and charged with making terroristic threats after he allegedly caught a pair of his students drawing swastikas in a notebook.

According to the criminal complaint:

The defendant told the students that he would have his daughter come to their homes with a baseball bat . . . [and said that] all Jews have guns and that he had 17 guns in his basement and that he would ‘F’ them up . . . [and threatened to] go scorched earth on them . . . [that he] wished pain upon them and their families . . . [and] was screaming or yelling while making these statements.

Full disclosure: In first grade, I was summoned to the principal’s office for drawing a swastika-festooned tank in my notebook, but only because I was a fan of the TV show Rat Patrol, which featured Allied soldiers messing with Rommel’s Afrika Korps. They don’t make TV shows like that anymore.

12. Hasan Minhaj: American-Born Indian Muslim “Comedian” Fabricated Several Stories about Racist Persecution

Although he was born in the United States, Muslim “funnyman” Hasan Minhaj’s parents were so unaware of the toxic hatred that pulsates here from sea to shining sea that they made the mistake of emigrating here from India.

This hostile new land wasn’t so hostile to brown aliens that it didn’t allow Minhaj to achieve such prominence as a comedian that he was awarded with multiple Netflix specials and granted an exclusive interview with ex-president Barack Obama. Much of Minhaj’s alleged comedy was built on the idea that the US still treated him as an unwelcome invader. But a September profile in the New Yorker revealed that at least three stories Minhaj has presented as autobiographical were entirely fabricated:

  • A false tale of how the racist parents of his white prom date forbade the girl from going to the prom with him. As a result of several identifiable details, the woman described in the routine received death threats.

  • A fable about how a musclebound white federal informant infiltrated Minhaj’s California mosque. Images of Craig Monteilh, who was actually a white federal informant who’d infiltrated California mosques, were displayed on a screen behind Minhaj during the routine. The problem is, Monteilh had been imprisoned during the time when Minhaj said these events happened, and Monteilh says he never even met Minhaj.

  • A mythical event where the fabulist claims he received a letter containing white powder, which he accidentally spilled on his daughter, whom he rushed to the hospital, fearing she’d been exposed to anthrax. Multiple sources confirm that this event never happened.

In his “defense,” Minhaj said:

Every story in my style is built around a seed of truth. . . . My comedy . . . is seventy per cent emotional truth — this happened — and then thirty per cent hyperbole, exaggeration, fiction.

In other words, you’re a liar who needs to be deported.

11. Thomas Gates & Shelby Martinez: Black Couple Blamed Imaginary “White Couple” for Running Over Their Two-Year-Old Son

These winners are the first of two couples on this list who acted in tandem to annoy me, so I’m treating them as one unit. So my list here actually enumerates 25 people who annoyed me, but “25” doesn’t flow as well with “2023” as “23” does, so please forgive me for this numerical indiscretion.

I have no idea whether Gates and Martinez are legally wed, but apparently they’ve conspired to pop out a baby or three, and on Valentine’s Day in Wichita, Falls, Texas, Gates accidentally backed up and ran over the couple’s two-year-old son, whom they rushed to an emergency room, where the po’ chile was found with “life-threatening internal injuries, burns, and a lacerated liver.”

En route to the emergency room, police stopped Gates for speeding. He told them that an unknown “white couple” had run over the child, and sympathetic police provided him an escort to the hospital. But when police interrogated Ms. Martinez about the incident, certain details didn’t jibe with Gates’ account. Martinez reportedly started getting belligerent, which led to eventual charges against both parents for providing false information to police. As far as can be discerned, neither parent was charged with child endangerment.

10. Zyahna Bryant: Insanely Corpulent She-Boon and Hate-Crime Hoaxer Became Dove Soap’s Token Spokespig for “Fat Liberation”

If you want to trace 2017’s disastrous “Unite the Right” debacle and 2023’s ritually humiliating desecration of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville to its source, you can blame a wider-than-she-is-tall black woman named Zyahna Bryant, who wrote the 2016 petition demanding the removal of the Lee statue.

In 2020 Bryant, then a student at the University of Virginia, falsely accused a white student of racial hate speech, ruining the student’s academic career and social life.

Rather than being spurned and ostracized, Bryant has been rewarded. In 2023 Dove USA, the company that for generations has been churning out those pure-white soap bars, elected Bryant as their “fat acceptance ambassador,” possibly because the fatter someone is, the more soap they need to wash their bodies.

Bryant, who is clearly too obese to fit within a smartphone’s “portrait” perspective, filmed an Instagram video encouraging people to accept her in all of her adiposity:

So, when I think about what fat liberation looks like to me, it looks like centering the voices and experiences of those who live in and who maneuver through spaces and institutions in a fat body. It looks like making accessible spaces and having conversations that are aware of the fact that people have different bodies, and that they are interacting with space and people and institutions and communities in a different way.

Here’s hoping she doesn’t choke to death on a hoagie in 2024.

9. Courvosier Cox: Astronomically Obnoxious Gay Black “Influencer” Shoved “Karens” on a Plane

I’ve written about how the term “Karen” is a racial slur against white women that is often employed in the service of excusing black criminality.

As if using social-media pseudonyms such as “Courvosier Cox” and “Vosièy Fvogèswièr” wasn’t enough to qualify him for this list, the chocolate flamer who hides behind those handles gained notoriety in May after he was filmed shoving his way past white women on a plane in his haste to disembark, get some more drinks in him, and continue being fierce and fabulous. When the women objected to what technically qualifies as criminal assault, he accused them of being “Karens” and proceeded to verbally berate them:

I understand that we all are waiting, but that’s not how I work — I make the rules as I go. And guess what, I’m breaking ’em right now . . . Don’t be rude to me, because one thing I can do is be rude back to you, is what I can be. I didn’t push no-damn-body! I moved you out of my way, that’s what I did. . . . Have a great day! I love you [blows a kiss]. And I kiss it more and more and more — and I’ll kiss your tits too, babe! Just don’t tell me to kiss your ass — it’s not worth it. . . . Because guess what: You think I look pretty, but the ghetto can come out of me, darling. . . . I’m an African American darling, I’m always worth it.

The South fought the Civil War to prevent such things from happening.

8. Jordan Neely: Homeless Michael Jackson Impersonator Finally Joined His Idol in the Afterlife

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

For over a decade — when he wasn’t being arrested over 40 times — a homeless Manhattan darkie named Jordan Neely earned chump change by “impersonating” Michael Jackson, which seemed to consist of doing nothing more but greasing up his hair, wearing one of those Thriller-era marching-band jackets, and dancing to a tape of “Billie Jean.” To my knowledge, he never “impersonated” Jackson by actually singing.

Neely also earned a reputation as a verbally abusive nut case who was arrested in 2015 for dragging a seven-year-old girl down a Manhattan street against her will, breaking a 67-year-old woman’s nose and fracturing her orbital bone by punching her in the face, and punching a 64-year-old man in the face, but the looser-than-a-dockyard-hooker’s-vagina New York City judicial system allowed him to continue roaming the streets and harassing strangers.

This all came to an end last spring when a white ex-Marine named Daniel Penny, reacting to Neely’s perceived threats against riders on a subway train, placed Neely in a chokehold, which eventually led to Neely’s death. The most annoying thing of all is that Penny’s act of civic heroism is being punished with charges of second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide.

7. Colin Kaepernick: Failed Football Player Released a Comic Book Shitting on His White Adoptive Parents

A serially annoying offender, Kaepernick hoodwinked most of the nation into believing he’d lost his career as a National Football League quarterback after he “took a knee” to protest imaginary “police brutality” against blacks, when the truth is that his team — the San Francisco 49ers, who may make the Super Bowl this year due to the fact that they have an outstanding quarterback and running back, both of them white — benched him before he “took a knee” because he’d won only once against ten losses that season.

Kaepernick has come back to annoy us this year with a “graphic novel” where he shames his white adoptive mother for allegedly saying he looked like a “thug” when he came home one day with his hair braided in cornrows in honor of his basketball idol Allen Iverson — who himself had been convicted of “maiming by mob” after smashing a white girl in the head with a chair while he was in high school.

6. Josh Kruger: HIV+ Meth Addict Mocked the Notion that Philly Is Unsafe Got Shot Dead by Black Teen He’d Been Grooming

When Josh Kruger — an immunocompromised bottom who wrote self-pitying stories about being a homeless Christian meth addict and found himself as job wrangling social media for Philadelphia’s mayor — was shot to death in the Point Breeze section of South Philadelphia in early October, many assumed it was because the aggressively progressive gaybird had foolishly wandered into the jungle and been slain by local fag-hating and white-hating blacks.

On Twitter/X, Kruger routinely mocked those who said that Philadelphia was dangerous and even alleged that “shootings are . . . dropping to levels not seen in years.” He also wrote that “It’s fine to rejoice in the death of people who facilitated injustice.”

Then it emerged that the 19-year-old suspect in Kruger’s murder was a black male who’d engaged in gay sex with Kruger since he was 15 — which also makes the slain Kruger a pedophile.

Taking all of this into account, I think it’s fine to rejoice in Josh Kruger’s death.

5. Jonathan Lewis, Sr.: The Latest in a Long Line of White Parents Who Preemptively Forgave Their Child’s Black Killers

White Parents Who Make a Point of Publicly Forgiving Their Children’s Killers” ranked #3 on my list of 2022’s most annoying things.

On November 1, 2023, 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis, Jr. was beaten to death by a “huge swarm of bullies” in Las Vegas who mobbed him and pounded him into the concrete after Lewis allegedly defended a friend whose vape pipe someone in the crowd had stolen.

As if that wasn’t appalling enough, Lewis’ father used his glassy eyes and flat affect to stand on his son’s corpse and grandstand that his son’s murder was “not a race thing.”

Regarding his son’s killers, he told a local news station:

All I can do is just hope that they can find forgiveness in their heart and find a way to be able to come to terms with what they’ve done, man. . . . Mostly, I think that it’s just a failure of all of humanity to recognize that we need to be teaching our youth how to be able to coexist.

Why on God’s green earth is he hoping that his son’s killers can find it in their hearts to forgive? Who wronged them?

On social media, he wrote:

The way the community has come together shows that wicked cowardly violence will always loose [sic] and those who do so will loose [sic] their freedoms and love will always win!

His son is dead, and somehow he sees it as a “win.” Unforgivably annoying.

4. Stockton Rush: White Guy Who Refused to Hire “White Guys” Died in “Catastrophic Implosion” During Mission to View the Titanic’s Ruins

64-year-old Stockton Rush was descended from Richard Stockton and Benjamin Rush, both of whom signed the Declaration of Independence, along with 54 other white guys. His wife, Wendy Weil, was descended from Isidor and Ida Strauss, both of whom perished on the Titanic in 1912.

Stockton Rush was the CEO of OceanGate, a company that produced an underwater submersible known as the Titan, which charged adventure-seekers $250,000 to travel two miles to the bottom of the Atlantic and ogle the Titanic’s ruins. He bragged:

When I started business, one of the things you’ll find for other sub operators out there, they typically have people who are ex-military submariners and you’ll see a whole bunch of 50-year-old white guys. I wanted our team to be younger, to be inspirational. . . . And I’m not gonna inspire a 16-year-old to go pursue marine technology, but a 25-year-old who’s a sub pilot or a platform operator or one of our techs can be inspirational. So we’ve really tried to get very intelligent, motivated younger individuals to get involved.

In June, Stockton Rush was one of five passengers inside the Titan when it suffered a “catastrophic implosion,” instantly killing everyone inside.

His death wasn’t annoying. I actually found it amusing. But everything leading up to his death was annoying. Maybe if he’d hired some of those 50-year-old white guys, he’d still be alive.

3. Jonathan Greenblatt: Charmless Defamer of the Goyim

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Bomb Inside My Brain here.

I’ve met charming, engaging, witty, and funny Jews in my lifetime, which is why I’m always perplexed when Official Defenders of Jews such as the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok, and the Jewish Defense League’s deceased former head shtarker, Irv Rubin, wouldn’t be charming even if you locked them inside a steel chamber and sprayed them with charm particles.

Greenblatt was no more or no less annoying in 2023 than he was in any previous year. He butted heads with Elon Musk and Roseanne Barr, and he refused to forgive serial idiot Kanye West for claiming that he liked Jews again after viewing a Jonah Hill movie.

As long as he breathes, Greenblatt will continue to annoy, but one inspiring thing about 2023 is that he started to receive some pushback.

2. Camdyn Rider & Riley Groover: Overweight & Sexually Confused Couple Brought Their Unborn Fetus Along with Them in a Murder/Suicide Mission

As if the fact that she spelled her first name with a “y” wasn’t sufficiently irksome, this overweight and viciously uncomely Floridian decided to mate with a mentally unstable, fat ginger boy whose mere name never ceases to perturb me. At some point — I don’t know whether it was before, during, or after her ill-advised impregnation — Ms. Rider decided that she was a man, and the pair began to live together with Mr. Groover’s mother, who said they frequently quarreled, often about chores.

In July, when the unborn kid’s dad decided it’d be a good idea to shoot his eight-months-pregnant mate — and by extension, kill the unfortunate fetus nestled somewhere beneath her fat rolls — along with himself, it led to headlines such as “Man allegedly shot and killed his pregnant boyfriend and then himself in murder/suicide,” which has no competition as 2023’s most annoying headline.

1. Ali Alexander: Giant-Chinned Brown Amphibian Grifter Imploded Amid Pedophile Allegations

Quite possibly the only person on this list who would self-identify as “Right wing,” this greasy turd in human form whose birth name was Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar is a convicted thief and fraudster who started the ill-fated “Stop the Steal” movement in the wake of 2020’s presidential election. Like many on the “trad Christian” Right, he is a serial defamer of the white poor, gleefully slamming “hillbillies” and referring to Marjorie Taylor Greene as a “trailer park hoodrat.”

The histrionic Sammy Davis, Jr. lookalike also likens himself to Jesus and declares he is the “father of dragons.”

Because the young, closeted Groypers who follow the Virgin Queen Chihuahua staked their claim on having “good optics,” they naturally recruited both Ali Alexander and Milo Yiannopoulos, both of whom claim to be reformed homosexuals who now sup at Christ’s loins, who fell out this past spring over mutual accusations that the other one was a fake Christian and an active homosexual.

Yiannopoulos shared screenshots where Alexander purportedly demands a young white Christian male to show him his penis and telling another young white man that “I find your jawline cute and powerful. And your lips cute and curious,” and that “You should be strip teasing for dad.”

Although Alexander denied the screencaps’ veracity, the leaks led the Virgin Queen Chihuahua to disassociate himself from both Alexander and Yiannopoulos amid allegations that the Virgin Queen had known about Alexander’s predations all along.

All three of them continue to wane in popularity and credibility, so it wasn’t a completely annoying year.

Jim Goad
