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Predictions for 2024: Be Prepared for a Freefall into Mass Helplessness

31-12-2023 < Activist Post 33 540 words

By Dr. Mathew Maavak

If you want to know what 2024 brings, look no further than the WEF Wheel of Misfortune.

Approximating the future these days is relatively easy. All you need to do is find the answer to one central question: What is the globalist gameplan?

Every element in the Wheel of Misfortune, including its myriad iterations and permutations, will coalesce towards one inter-related outcome — universal chaos, mass depopulation and a global panopticon. Every pre-planned crisis in 2024 will act as a tightening noose around the neck of humanity. It is a year when geopolitics, Artificial Intelligence and food security will be inseparably intertwined. As a result, certain salient themes will be revisited throughout this commentary.

The world is experiencing a double whammy of accelerating mortality and decelerating birth rates. Well, everywhere except Africa which, to the best of my knowledge, still registers a median single-digit Covid-19 vaccination rate. This mass defiance is wholly unacceptable to globalist elites. I have a feeling that something sinister is being planned for the continent as well as undervaccinated nations (e.g. Haiti) and communities (e.g. Amish). With the possible exception of BRICS member South Africa, have you ever heard of mass hospitalisations from Covid-19 in Africa? Or Covid fatalities among the stubbornly unvaccinated Amish?

A new bioengineered virus or corona variant is on the cards for 2024. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have long predicted an imminent new “pandemic”. When this occurs, the alleged contagion will be spun, at least initially, as a medical consequence of refusing the clotshot and its boosters. Or it may be blamed on organic and small-scale farmers who refuse mRNA vaccines for their livestock.

Governments need new pandemics to ratchet up the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) factor. Their legitimacy depends on mass confusion and helplessness as well as the lack of genuine political alternatives. Ruling entities can no longer resolve ever-deepening socioeconomic malaises as national policies are no longer meant to serve national needs. Rather they are homogenised to meet a variety of nonsensical goals by the magic year of 2030. This promised global utopia is only six (6) years away. Your consent is no longer required.

The “free choices” left for the rabble are well-encapsulated by the following montage…

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