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When Jews Wander Right

29-12-2023 < Counter Currents 29 2151 words

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White Americans should be prepared for a rightward shift coming their way soon. It seems that diaspora Jews are beginning to wake up to the violence of the Left — especially the anti-Jewish Left — and are deciding that the Left is no longer for them. Earlier this month, the Boston City Council rejected millions in grant money from the US Department of Homeland Security, which would have funded anti-terrorism training and operations in and around Boston.

The reason, of course, was racism. It seems black and Hispanic council members were concerned that the money would have further enabled the Boston police to disproportionately target black and Hispanic gang activity, which they find strangely tolerable. They would rather live with crime and terror while maintaining the illusion of racial equality than reduce crime and terror while being forced to admit that black and brown people commit most of the crime and terror. Maintaining such an insidious lie is one of the more revolting aspects of ethnocentrism in a multiracial society such as modern America.

But it gets better — or worse, depending on your perspective. Just days after the rejection, over 30 synagogues in Massachusetts received bomb threats. Yes, they all turned out to be hoaxes. But still — bomb threats. This is making Jews rethink their commitment to the multiracial Left, which, ironically, they more or less brought into being themselves with the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965.

What’s exacerbating all of this right now, of course, is the war in Gaza. Most non-whites cannot get past the superficial optics of “white” Israelis cracking down on “brown” Palestinians. It shatters their illusion of racial equality, thereby offending their sense of social justice. This causes them to lash out at Jews here in America. (And we’re not even talking about Muslims, who are more liable than anyone else to lash out at Jews regardless.) It doesn’t help that one of the black council members, Kendra Lara, has shown open support for the Palestinians and recently encouraged her thousands of followers on social media to join the Global Strike for Gaza.

At around the same time, Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi, a Harvard University chaplain, publicly proclaimed that “Harvard does not have our back.” This came partially as a result of Harvard’s black female president and alleged plagiarist Claudine Gay seeming to take a soft stance against anti-Israel demonstrations on campus. More pertinently, Jews are beginning to feel rather unwelcome there in general.

According to the Daily Wire:

“We heard how Harvard pledges to have our back,” [Zarchi] said recalling what Gay told attendees during that event. “We didn’t feel it last night.”

Zarchi spoke of several instances where he felt he was targeted in recent weeks including during the previous night’s lighting when a woman interrupted and screamed that anti-Semitism is a “hoax.”

The Jewish Harvard Chaplain said he was advised by the Harvard Police to get security to protect his family after hosting a screening of IDF-released footage of Hamas’s atrocities earlier this month.

Not only this, but after the menorah lighting ceremony mentioned above, university officials instructed Zarchi and his group to pack up their candelabra for fear it would be vandalized overnight. Prominent Jews are discovering that the anti-white, multiracial coalition which they so lovingly nurtured over the past several decades is beginning to turn on them over Gaza. They look for support in all the usual places, and they are not getting it:

“When the faculty failed us, when leadership wasn’t speaking in a way that it should have, the chaplains could have made themselves relevant and been the moral voice,” Zarchi said. “This morning I asked where were they to condemn the genocide attack on the Jewish people? Not a word from the Harvard chaplains to this day.”

Zarchi said calls for intifada have been normalized at Harvard.

“They normalized it,” he said. “Completely desensitized and indifferent to the call for murder of Jews.”

Thus, it should come as no surprise that Jewish leaders are now shifting away from racial diversity. Since the Gaza War began in October 2023, Jewish billionaires have been pulling their financial support for Ivy League institutions like Harvard. Former Anti-Defamation League (ADL) leader Abraham Foxman and former World Jewish Congress leader David Harris recently called for something the dissident Right has been wanting for a long time: the dismantling of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at universities.

According to Foxman, DEI cannot be fixed:

[I]t needs to be scrapped and replaced by a vigorous implementation of our civil rights laws that are color blind, and apply equally to all. If necessary some civil rights laws can be amended and strengthened. DEI was developed to eliminate bias but sadly it created bias.

Harris gets to the heart of the matter even more directly:

DEI today poses a major challenge to liberal understanding of American societal aims, so the goal of rethinking it conceptually is far more urgent than just trying to get along with it.

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s young adult novel The No College Club here.

Despite what these men may believe politically, such calls represent a rightward shift among Jews. If we roughly define “the Right” as that which is good for white people, and its opposite, “the Left,” as that which is good for non-white people, then this is certainly what is happening. When Foxman and Harris speak of amending civil rights laws and rethinking DEI, they’re calling for less diversity — that is, fewer brown and black people — at our top universities. They are placing themselves in opposition to affirmative action, which has been a mainstay of the Left since the 1970s. This will open the door for more whites in places such as Harvard.

So how should the dissident Right respond to this?

It would be shortsighted, not to mention spiteful and childish, to be as unwelcoming to the Jews as the Left currently is. When opportunity knocks, you don’t tell it to buzz off, no matter how loudly it bangs on the door. You answer the door and make the most of it. Whites now have some powerful Jewish allies in the fight against racial diversity — which has been an anti-white trope since its inception. Yes, these are fair weather friends who cannot be trusted. But that does not mean we as whites have anything to gain by alienating them the moment they realize they have something in common with us. Further, it’s not as if whites can forge a better alliance with the blacks and browns. These people would never set themselves against DEI.

I understand why some on the dissident Right sympathize with the Palestinians in this current war. But to actively take up their cause simply because their enemies are Jews seems silly, since Palestinians and Muslims in the West are in many ways less friendly to whites than other non-whites are. Islamic terror, no-go zones, and grooming gangs are hard things to get over, after all — to say nothing of the fall of Constantinople, the siege of Vienna, and the Barbary slave trade, which no white should ever forgive without a mass exodus of Muslims from the West.

One can argue for white support for Palestinians by claiming that Jews are worse than Muslims. Okay, fine. This may or may not be true in an absolute sense — although it has certainly been the case since the First World War. But attitudes and stances evolve over time, and this claim is now being challenged by the recent rightward shift of formerly Left-wing Jews. I predict this will continue for as long as the strife in Gaza continues. Because blacks and browns have a weakness for social justice, because they have either too little or too much working knowledge of Islam, and because they on average have lower IQs and poorer impulse control than Jews, they just won’t be able to help themselves when it comes to harassing and attacking the Jewish diaspora. Thus, a considerable number of influential Jews will continue to give the Right — that is, white people — a second look. As this diverse Jew-hatred metastasizes, Jewish powerbrokers such as Foxman and Harris will change from merely opposing affirmative action to opposing non-white immigration in general, and taking other effectively pro-white stances as well.

This is a good thing, and whites should do nothing to hinder it from happening. It reminds me of university basketball programs in the 1960s, which were forced to recruit black players if they wished to remain competitive. You can have your blacks, while we have ours. Well, in the 2020s, the Left can have their Jews, while we on the Right have ours. Things will begin to balance out as the Overton window shifts further right, where it belongs. It also beats the alternative. If the Right proved completely inhospitable to Jews — as I am sure some of us would want — that would facilitate a mass Jewish departure to Israel or somewhere else. A good thing? Well, yes, if 90% of the influential Jews were Left wing and the remaining populace were racially homogeneous. But what if that number were 65%, with whites representing less than half of the remaining population? Would it be so good then? With enough anti-Jewish misbehavior by the Left, these numbers could become a reality in the next five or ten years. Then what?

We on the Right could either match the Left in blind Jew-hate, help send our Hebraic friends off to greener pastures, and then effectively go to war with the remaining rainbow coalition for control of this country. Or, we could take advantage of the enormous influence Jews wield to strengthen white resolve against the modern world while we still have the chance. In other words, if Jews shift rightward in search of safety from the Left, then we on the Right are in a position to get something out of this for ourselves. This is a unique quid-pro-quo opportunity we shouldn’t pass up if we want a peaceful resolution to our troubles. If we can suppress any knee-jerk anti-Jewish reactions, we might actually get the best of both worlds.

Of course, I am not calling for some permanent white-Jewish alliance; nor am I calling for assimilation. Both options would be self-defeating for whites — and we all know that Jews are only in it for themselves. I am, however, considering tactics for both short- and long-term gains for the white race in North America. Our goal should be to carve out a sizeable portion of the continent for an ethnostate of vetted, Right-wing whites (along with whatever tiny percentage of non-whites who have something to contribute). After this, we can execute Greg Johnson’s “slow cleanse.” But the only way to achieve this is through Red-State Secession and the ultimate breakup of the United States into ethnic and racial enclaves, as advocated by Wilmot Robertson in his 1993 book The Ethnostate. Robertson even contemplated a second Jewish homeland on Long Island. If cooperating with Jews who wander rightward can help achieve this future, would it be correct to spurn them?

That said, none of these efforts would be worthwhile if whites repeat their mistakes of the past. The last time Jews wandered in large numbers toward the Right was in the 1960s and ‘70s, when neocons such as Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz split with the Communist Left over Soviet atrocities and the growing anti-Jewish sentiment in the USSR. They eventually took over the Right and purged many of its best people, such as Joe Sobran, Pat Buchanan, and Sam Francis. This ultimately turned conservatism into the joke it has become today. In order for this not to happen again, whites on the Right need to always do three things when dealing with Jews: assert their white identity, emphasize race realism, and be honest about the Jewish Question.

Who knows? If whites have the right attitude, we might net ourselves that ethnostate after all. And all for the low price of telling the truth and not vandalizing menorahs.

Spencer J. Quinn
