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All He Wanted for Christmas Was White Genocide

28-12-2023 < Counter Currents 21 1341 words

Steven Hutcherson, AKA Esteban Esono-Asue

1,170 words / 8:23

Hearing that a black man who stands accused of stabbing two teenage girls in New York’s Grand Central Terminal on Christmas morning told arresting officers “I want all the white people dead” sounds depressingly familiar — at least if you’re white and don’t have a death wish.

Both girls were released from the hospital with minor injuries. The secret Yuletide surprise is that two major New York newspapers are using the term “anti-white” in their coverage of the incident.

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Man Charged With Hate Crimes in Stabbing of 2 Teens at Grand Central,” reads The New York Times headline. The subhead: “Esteban Esono-Asue uttered an anti-white slur before attacking two sisters from Paraguay who were on a family trip.”

Teen tourist sisters stabbed in random anti-white hate crime attack at Grand Central Terminal,” blares the New York Daily News above a mug shot of the blank-faced, dark-skinned perp, whom it identifies as 36-year-old Steven Hutcherson.

Most press reports list the suspect’s legal name as Steven Hutcherson and “Esteban Esono-Asue” as an alias, but the Washington Post says he’s listed as Esteban Esono-Asue on the formal criminal complaint. Then again, the Post article also uses term “anti-white,” which feels like the start of something big.

Manhattan’s Grand Central Terminal — which most people still refer to as “Grand Central Station,” although it hasn’t borne that name since 1910 — was recently rated the world’s sixth-most-visited tourist attraction. As the story goes, a family visiting from Paraguay was having lunch at around 11:25 AM on Christmas morning at a food-court eatery called Tartinery when the suspect got into a minor dispute with one worker about whether he’d be allowed to linger endlessly at a table without ordering anything. He allegedly told that worker, “I’ll leave; I don’t want the white man to get at you.” He then told another worker, “I don’t want to sit with the black people. I want to sit with the crackers” and asked for a table next to the Paraguayan family, who according to the complaint “appeared to be white.”

After being seated and given water, the suspect allegedly got up, pulled out a knife, and stabbed a 16-year-old Paraguayan girl in the back. As the family tried to flee, he stabbed a 14-year-old girl in the thigh. He was apprehended in under a minute and allegedly told arresting officers, “I want all the white people dead.”

On Tuesday, New York Mayor Eric Adams said:

Any time you have incidents in these high-profile locations, it sends the feeling of people don’t feel safe, that’s why we have to make sure we zero in, make the arrests as soon as possible, and make sure we get those repeat offenders off the streets.

Adams has something in common with the alleged stabber besides the fact that they’re both black: He uses the anti-white slur “crackers.” Adams got elected in late 2021 despite it being publicized that in 2019 he’d bragged that while he was an New York City cop, “Every day in the Police Department, I kicked those crackers’ ass.” (As part of my sincere desire not to make the mayor look grammatically retarded, I’ll assume that all of those crackers shared a single collective ass.)

As far as the idea of “repeat offenders” goes, a search of public records identifies a 36-year-old Steven Hutcherson who lives in New York City and has 17 prior arrests, which matches most press reports about the stabbing suspect. (A similar public-records search yielded zilch for “Esteban Osono-Asue.”) Mr. Hutcherson was arrested three times in 2006 for misdemeanor assault and once in 2007 for felony robbery. Until 2023, his most criminally productive year appears to have been 2009, when he was arrested three times for rape, four times for promoting prostitution, and once for attempted promotion of prostitution. According to the New York Daily News, Hutcherson has been convicted of crimes 11 times.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

In July 2023, he was found with two concealed knives and arrested while using the name Esteban Esono-Asue. He pleaded guilty to weapons possession in October and, despite his lengthy record, served only 15 days in jail.

On October 2, he was arrested after using a hammer to smash a glass display case at a Bergdorf Goodman store in Midtown Manhattan, causing $81,000 in damage. He was also sentenced to 15 days in jail for that offense, but it’s unclear whether he served that term concurrently with the 15-day bid for the July weapons charges.

On November 7 in the Bronx, after being spotted allegedly attacking a woman, he threatened a 46-year-old menial laborer named Yussif Abdullahi with a knife. According to Abdullahi, Hutcherson shouted at him:

Why are you working for white people? I’m going to kill this man! . . . I’m gonna shoot you. I don’t care what kind of green card the government gave you. . . . Open your mouth and say something. I will shoot you right now.

A police report says Hutcherson then fled and sucker-punched another man a half-hour later. After being apprehended, he then slapped an officer in the head at the police precinct. But despite all this — attacking a woman, threatening to shoot a man, sucker-punching another man, and then assaulting a police officer, combined with all his previous crimes, which include an arrest on November 23 for screaming on a Manhattan street and a restraining-order violation against his mother on December 1 — he pleaded guilty of misdemeanor assault on December 12 and was sentenced to a conditional discharge. No jail time at all.

This is what enabled him to get arrested yet again on December 19 for allegedly threatening to blow someone’s head off with a gun and, finally, for allegedly stabbing two teenage Paraguayan girls on Christmas morning.

When informed about the Christmas-morning stabbing, Yussif Abdullahi — whom Hutcherson accused of “working for white people” before he threatened to shoot and kill him — told the New York Post:

They shouldn’t have let him out [of jail]. I don’t believe it. . . . I’m so disappointed in the cops. When he was threatening me, he told me, ‘The cops don’t do shit! They don’t do shit!’ And what he said was true. The cops didn’t do anything.

At his arraignment on Tuesday night, Hutcherson was charged with attempted second-degree murder, assault in the first and second degree, attempted assault in the first degree, criminal possession of a weapon, and endangering the welfare of a child — all as hate crimes. He was also formally charged with two previous crimes for which he’d only been arrested.

It’s sad that it took the stabbing of two girls who at least “appeared to be white” for New York authorities to finally get serious with this serial predator. The girls will likely be scarred, physically and mentally, for life.

The good news, the glad tidings of great joy, is that the mainstream press is using the term “anti-white” to describe the incident. Hidden deep inside the ugly gift wrapping was a Christmas present for all of us.

Jim Goad
