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The Worst Week Yet: December 17-23, 2023

25-12-2023 < Counter Currents 22 2236 words

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Donald Trump is being compared to Hitler yet again, but as always, it doesn’t seem to be hurting him in polls for the Republican nomination or the 2024 general election.

The Independent alleges that Trump has been using “increasingly violent rhetoric in his social media, in interviews and on campaign rally stages,” yet try as I may, I was chagrined to find not a single verbal morsel suggesting violence, a topic with which I’m intimately familiar. As purported evidence of his “increasingly violent rhetoric,” the paper cites a snippet from a speech Trump gave in New Hampshire on December 17:

They’re poisoning the blood of the country. That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America. Not just the three or four countries we think about. But all over the world they’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia.

Trump then posted on his Truth Social account, in roaring all-caps: “ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS POISONING THE BLOOD OF OUR NATION.”

Again, search and scrape as I may, I failed to discern even a crumb of what The Independent is calling Trump’s “accelerated volatile, dehumanising language,” nor his “increasingly violent and authoritarian rhetoric.” In the same article, they actually used the text string “increasingly violent . . . rhetoric” twice, but they don’t have the honor or basic human decency to throw me a bone and explain what’s so violent about what Trump said. Instead, they cite “experts” with surnames that assure me their ancestors weren’t on the Mayflower.

Ammar Moussa, a spokesman for Biden’s 2024 campaign, says that Trump’s comments “parroted Adolf Hitler” and that Trump had “praised Kim Jong Un and quoted Vladimir Putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy.”

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, an alleged “scholar of authoritarianism,” likens Trump’s comments to those scary German and Italian dictators of the 1930s:

Yes, this is fascist rhetoric. . . . The Nazis made the fear of ‘blood pollution’ of their master race and their civilization a foundation of their state. Italian fascists talked about the threat of nonwhite immigrants coming in to ruin white civilization. . . . Trump is referencing and prolonging and echoing fascist rhetoric.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler said that “great cultures” had fallen because “the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.”

When pressed on his comments, Trump — easily one of the most Jew-friendly presidents in history — said he was not a “student of Hitler.” But to the shock and dismay of his detractors, he doubled down on the idea that immigrations were poisoning the nation’s blood:

They are poisoning the blood of our country. And I’m not talking about a specific group, and I never read Mein Kampf, and I have no idea what Hitler said other than I’ve seen on the news. And that’s a very entirely different thing than what I’m saying. They’re pouring, they’re destroying our country. They’re coming in from every continent, and we have no idea, we have no idea who they are, what they represent. Are they from jails? Are they from prisons? And I will tell you, a big percentage of the people coming in are from prisons and from mental institutions and are terrorists. And we cannot let that…and that is poisoning our country.

Chris Christie, the intensely fat former New Jersey governor who is currently polling at a robust 3% in what will undoubtedly be another failed presidential run, told CNN that Trump knows exactly what he’s doing and exactly whose words he’s citing:

What he’s doing is dog-whistling to Americans who feel absolutely under stress and strain from the economy [and] blaming it on people from areas who don’t look like us.

Christie, who is likely unable to find a mirror big enough to behold his entire bulk, also called Trump “disgusting.” Look who’s talkin’, fella! Better a dog-whistler than a hog-whistler.

8-Year-Old Oklahoma Boy Shot in the Head While Looking at Christmas Lights

In a story that seems to encapsulate the sorry state of American culture as 2023 winds to a close, a white mother in Lawton, Oklahoma who for some reason is forced to supplement her income by driving around delivering food for DoorDash witnessed her eight-year-old son get shot in the head while they were paused in between deliveries and “enjoying a Christmas light display.”

Nicole Groshong, who does not share her son’s surname, was in a car with her mother and two sons — ten-year-old Waylon and eight-year-old Zack — when the shooting occurred and a bullet pierced the vehicle, striking young Zachariah Bannister in the head:

It sounded like somebody was throwing fireworks at the car. . . . Their grandma was like, “They’re shooting at us, go, go, go,” so I threw it in drive, and I started getting out of there. . . . His little head started falling over toward his shoulders.

Groshong says that Zachariah’s brother kept telling him, “You can’t go to sleep. You can’t go to sleep.” She sped to a local children’s hospital, where Zachariah was treated for a fractured skull and brain bleeding.

A 30-year-old black male named Jullian Ramone Phillips was arrested and charged with felony shooting with intent to kill. According to the Lawton Constitution:

Phillips said earlier he’d been outside with his girlfriend when an unknown man in a red car stopped and threatened her. They went inside and called 911.

Later in the evening, Phillips said, he was outside working on inflatable Christmas decorations when a teen boy told him there was an “AK type” rifle next to the tree that had been placed there, the affidavit states. He said when a gray car stopped in the roadway near his home and when the car went into reverse, he said he heard two gunshots and so he grabbed the rifle and fired “twice” at the back window of the car, according to [Detective] Meurant. Phillips said when the rifle jammed, he dropped it and ran into the house.

Phillips told the detective he’d never seen a muzzle flash from the vehicle or any kind of threat, according to the affidavit. When told to stand up to be arrested, Meurant said, there was a brief struggle before being handcuffed.

Imagine that — a black criminal suspect resisting arrest.

US Steel Sells Itself to Japanese Company

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

US Steel, the first company in history to be valued at over $1 billion and once a symbol of American economic dominance, has sold itself to the Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel for $14.1 billion. The company had been formed as part of a corporate merger in 1901 when financiers J. P. Morgan and Charles Schwab bought the steel company originally founded by Andrew Carnegie, who became the world’s richest man as a result of the sale.

In 1991, after a gradual (and still continuing) process of offshoring America’s industrial base, US Steel was no longer on the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s list of the 30 most important American companies. The same year, the financial firm JP Morgan & Co., named after US Steel’s cofounder, joined the Dow Jones list of “important” companies, signaling that the United States economy was far more invested in speculation and derivatives than in tangibles.

But not to worry: US Steel CEO David Burritt, who will retain his job, just as US Steel will retain its name, however meaningless, assures us that it’s all for the common good:

We are confident that . . . this combination is truly best for all. . . . Today’s announcement also benefits the United States — ensuring a competitive, domestic steel industry, while strengthening our presence globally. . . . US Steel’s best days are ahead, together.

Even the horror-movie homunculus and verified stroke victim John Fetterman, a Democratic Senator from Pennsylvania, could smell the bullshit in Burritt’s comments:

It’s absolutely outrageous that US Steel has agreed to sell themselves to a foreign company. Steel is always about security — both our national security and the economic security of our steel communities. I am committed to doing anything I can do, using my platform and my position, to block this foreign sale.

Fetterman, who lives across the street from a US Steel plant in Braddock, Pennsylvania, said the Japanese buyout represented another example of “hard-working Americans being blindsided by greedy corporations willing to sell out their communities to serve their shareholders.”

Catholic Bishops in Italy Accused of Funding Illegal Immigration From Africa

In what’s being called a “significant scandal,” the Italian paper La Verita alleges that Leftist activists are milking Catholic bishops and cardinals to help fund an organization called Mediterranea, which helps traffic illegals from Africa to Europe. According to ReMix News:

Investigations by the city of Ragusa prosecutor’s office have exposed the involvement of certain Italian dioceses in funding Mediterranea. . . . Key figures in this informal network of bishops include Cardinal Matteo Zuppi of Bologna, Archbishop Corrado Lorefice of Palermo and several others, with Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg also implicated for donating €25,000. . . .

The scandal’s central figure is Luca Casarini, a leftist activist known for his role in the 2001 G8 summit protests in Genoa. He later became involved in transporting illegal immigrants to Lampedusa. Casarini’s relationship with Pope Francis, beginning in December 2019, has raised eyebrows, especially after Francis invited Casarini to participate in the Vatican Synod of Bishops, despite his lack of active involvement in Church life. . . .

Messages were intercepted during the investigation and leaked to the press, revealing that Mediterranea activists, funded by the Church officials, expressed disdain for the bishops in private while adopting a reverent tone in direct interactions. . . . The chaplain of the Mare Jonio, Fr. Mattia Ferrari, a priest known for working in pro-refugee circles, said with astonishment: “The Catholic Church is becoming our Soros,” in reference to the funding they were receiving.

Some would assert that the Catholic Church has been acting like George Soros since before Soros was born. After all, its name is derived from the Greek word katholikos, which essentially means “universal” and “inclusive.”

The United States has had only two Catholic presidents, both of them Democrats: John F. Kennedy and Joe Biden. Catholics had almost nothing to do with America’s founding — in 1776 Catholics accounted for less than 1% of the new nation’s population, and only one of the Declaration of Independence’s 56 signatories was Catholic — so it’s definitely not Catholics who were in America first.

But ever since, and especially lately, the allegedly Holy Roman Church has been an avid proponent of immigration to America. A 2008 poll found that “nearly half of the U.S. foreign-born are Catholic (mostly immigrants from Latin America),” and the organization Catholic Charities USA boasts that they work “to welcome and integrate immigrants, refugees and asylees, assisting over 393,000 individuals over the past year.”

A web page titled “Catholic Social Teaching on Immigration and the Movement of Peoples” by the United States Conference on Catholic Bishops cites passages from both the Old and New Testaments supporting the idea of color-blind politics where aliens are treated no differently than natives:

“You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; have the same love for him as for yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt” (Lv 19:33-34).

The Apostle Paul asserts the absolute equality of all people before God: “There is neither Jew nor Greek . . . for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28). In Christ, the human race is one before God, equal in dignity and rights.

The Conference on Catholic Bishops also claims that “the goods of the earth belong to all people”:

The native does not have superior rights over the immigrant. Before God all are equal; the earth was given by God to all. When a person cannot achieve a meaningful life in his or her own land, that person has the right to move.

Under the harshest view, undocumented people may be regarded as undeserving of rights or services. This is not the view of Catholic social teaching. The Catholic Church teaches that every person has basic human rights and is entitled to have basic human needs met—food, shelter, clothing, education, and health care.

I’m with Cain on this one: I’m not my brother’s keeper, and I will regard anyone who tries to force me into such a role as an enemy. I will also treat any political grifter who openly misrepresents Catholic teaching as a charlatan. As for everyone else, Merry Christmas.

Jim Goad
