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China’s Plan To Build Global Technocracy Using Artificial Intelligence

21-12-2023 < Blacklisted News 35 7536 words

This 12,000-word tome is straight from the official Chinese website, and it gives marching orders to every corner of the country to use AI to implement Technocracy in China and beyond: Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture, Smart Society, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare, Smart Economy, Smart Robots, Smart Transportation, Smart IoT, Smart Finance, Smart Logistics, Smart Homes, Smart Education, Smart Government, Smart Courts, and more.

This is a cradle-to-grave, a-to-z recipe for scientific dictatorship, a.k .a. technocracy. China has long abandoned Communism in favor of Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor

The State Council issued the Notice of the Development Plan for the New Generation of Artificial Intelligence,
Guofa [2017] No. 35

The people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all agencies directly under the State Council:

The “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” is now issued to you, please implement it conscientiously.

State Council

July 8, 2017

(This article is released to the public)

New generation artificial intelligence development plan

The rapid development of artificial intelligence will profoundly change human social life and the world. In order to seize the major strategic opportunities for the development of artificial intelligence, build my country’s first-mover advantage in the development of artificial intelligence, and accelerate the construction of an innovative country and a world science and technology power, this plan is formulated in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

1. Strategic Situation

The development of artificial intelligence has entered a new stage. After more than 60 years of evolution, especially driven by new theories and technologies such as mobile Internet, big data, supercomputing, sensor networks, and brain science, as well as the strong demand for economic and social development, artificial intelligence has accelerated its development, showing deep learning, Cross-border integration, human-machine collaboration, open crowd intelligence, autonomous control and other new features. Big data-driven knowledge learning, cross-media collaborative processing, human-computer collaboration to enhance intelligence, group integrated intelligence, and autonomous intelligent systems have become the focus of the development of artificial intelligence. Brain-like intelligence inspired by the results of brain science research is ready to go, and it will be chip-based and hardware-based. The trend of platformization has become more obvious, and the development of artificial intelligence has entered a new stage. At present, the overall advancement of the development of new-generation artificial intelligence-related disciplines, theoretical modeling, technological innovation, and software and hardware upgrades is triggering a chain of breakthroughs and promoting the accelerated leap from digitalization and networking to intelligence in all economic and social fields.

Artificial intelligence has become a new focus of international competition. Artificial intelligence is a strategic technology that will lead the future. The world’s major developed countries regard the development of artificial intelligence as a major strategy to enhance national competitiveness and safeguard national security. They have stepped up the introduction of plans and policies and strengthened deployment around core technologies, top talents, standards and regulations, etc. Strive to take the lead in the new round of international scientific and technological competition. At present, my country’s national security and international competition situation is more complex. We must look at the world, put the development of artificial intelligence at the national strategic level, plan systematically and proactively, firmly grasp the strategic initiative of international competition in the new stage of artificial intelligence development, and create new competitive advantages. Open up new space for development and effectively ensure national security.

Artificial intelligence has become a new engine for economic development. As the core driving force of a new round of industrial transformation, artificial intelligence will further release the huge energy accumulated in previous scientific and technological revolutions and industrial changes, and create new powerful engines to reconstruct all aspects of economic activities such as production, distribution, exchange, and consumption, forming a New demands for intelligence in various fields from macro to micro have spawned new technologies, new products, new industries, new formats, and new models, triggered major changes in the economic structure, profoundly changed human production, lifestyles, and thinking patterns, and achieved an overall jump in social productivity. . my country’s economic development has entered a new normal, and the task of deepening supply-side structural reform is very arduous. It is necessary to accelerate the in-depth application of artificial intelligence, cultivate and expand the artificial intelligence industry, and inject new momentum into my country’s economic development.

Artificial intelligence brings new opportunities for social construction. Our country is in the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Challenges such as an aging population and resource and environmental constraints are still severe. Artificial intelligence is widely used in education, medical care, elderly care, environmental protection, urban operations, judicial services and other fields, which will greatly improve public health. The level of precision in services comprehensively improves the quality of people’s lives. Artificial intelligence technology can accurately perceive, predict, and provide early warning of major trends in infrastructure and social security operations, timely grasp group cognitive and psychological changes, and proactively make decisions and responses. It will significantly improve the ability and level of social governance, and is indispensable for effectively maintaining social stability. The role of substitution.

Uncertainty in the development of artificial intelligence brings new challenges. Artificial intelligence is a disruptive technology with wide impact. It may bring about problems such as changing the employment structure, impacting laws and social ethics, invading personal privacy, and challenging the norms of international relations. It will have far-reaching consequences for government management, economic security, social stability, and even global governance. Influence. While vigorously developing artificial intelligence, we must attach great importance to possible security risk challenges, strengthen forward-looking prevention and restraint guidance, minimize risks, and ensure the safe, reliable, and controllable development of artificial intelligence.

my country has a good foundation for developing artificial intelligence. The country has deployed key national research and development plan projects such as intelligent manufacturing, issued and implemented a three-year action plan for “Internet + ” artificial intelligence, and proposed a series of measures from the aspects of scientific and technological research and development, application promotion and industrial development. After years of continuous accumulation, my country has made important progress in the field of artificial intelligence. The number of international scientific papers published and the number of invention patents granted has ranked second in the world, and core key technologies in some fields have achieved important breakthroughs. Speech recognition and visual recognition technology lead the world. Adaptive autonomous learning, intuitive perception, comprehensive reasoning, hybrid intelligence and swarm intelligence have the initial ability to develop by leaps and bounds. Chinese information processing, intelligent monitoring, biometric identification, industrial robots, service robots, Unmanned driving is gradually entering practical applications, artificial intelligence innovation and entrepreneurship are becoming increasingly active, and a number of leading enterprises have accelerated their growth and have gained widespread attention and recognition internationally. The accelerated accumulation of technical capabilities, the organic combination of massive data resources, huge application demands, and an open market environment have formed unique advantages for the development of artificial intelligence in my country.

At the same time, we must also be soberly aware that there is still a gap between the overall development level of artificial intelligence in my country and developed countries, and there is a lack of major original achievements. In basic theory, core algorithms and key equipment, high-end chips, major products and systems, basic materials, There is a big gap in components, software and interfaces; scientific research institutions and enterprises have not yet formed an ecosystem and industrial chain with international influence, and lack a systematic advanced R&D layout; cutting-edge artificial intelligence talents are far from meeting the demand; adapting to the development of artificial intelligence The infrastructure, policies, regulations, and standard systems need to be improved urgently.

In the face of new situations and new demands, we must proactively seek changes and adapt to changes, firmly grasp the major historical opportunities for the development of artificial intelligence, closely follow development, analyze the general trend, proactively plan, grasp the direction, seize opportunities, lead the new trend of artificial intelligence development in the world, and serve Economic and social development and supporting national security will drive the overall improvement and leap-forward development of national competitiveness.

2. Overall requirements

(1) Guiding ideology.

Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee, and thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and new concepts, new ideas and new strategies in governance, in accordance with the “Five “One” overall layout and “Four Comprehensives” strategic layout, conscientiously implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, in-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, with the main line of accelerating the in-depth integration of artificial intelligence with economy, society, and national defense, and to enhance the new generation of artificial intelligence The main direction of scientific and technological innovation capabilities is to develop smart economy, build smart society, safeguard national security, build an ecosystem of interactive integration of knowledge groups, technology groups, and industrial groups and mutual support of talents, systems, and culture, proactively respond to risks and challenges, and promote human-centered development. Intelligentization with sustainable development as the center comprehensively enhances social productivity, comprehensive national strength and national competitiveness, and provides opportunities for accelerating the construction of an innovative country and a world science and technology power, realizing the “Two Centenary Goals” and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Strong support.

(2) Basic principles.

Technology leads. Grasp the development trend of artificial intelligence in the world, highlight the forward-looking development of research and development, explore layout and long-term support in key frontier fields, strive to achieve transformative and disruptive breakthroughs in theories, methods, tools, systems, etc., and comprehensively enhance the original innovation capabilities of artificial intelligence. Accelerate the construction of first-mover advantages and achieve high-end leading development.

System layout. Formulate targeted system development strategies based on the different characteristics of basic research, technology research and development, industrial development and industry applications. Give full play to the advantages of the socialist system in concentrating efforts on big things, promote the overall layout of projects, bases, and talents. The major projects that have been deployed are organically connected with new tasks. The current urgent need is to connect with the long-term development echelon, to build innovation capabilities, to reform systems and mechanisms, and to policy environment. Create collaborative efforts.

Market dominance. Follow the laws of the market, adhere to the application orientation, highlight the main role of enterprises in the selection of technical routes and the formulation of industry product standards, accelerate the commercial application of artificial intelligence scientific and technological achievements, and form a competitive advantage. Grasp the division of labor between the government and the market, and better leverage the government’s important role in planning guidance, policy support, safety precautions, market supervision, environmental creation, and formulation of ethical regulations.

Open source. Advocate the concept of open source sharing and promote the co-creation and sharing of innovative entities in industry, academia, and research. Follow the law of coordinated development of economic construction and national defense construction, promote the two-way transformation and application of military and civilian scientific and technological achievements, and the joint construction and sharing of military and civilian innovative resources, and form a new pattern of deep military-civilian integrated development with all factors, multiple fields, and high efficiency. Actively participate in the global research and development and governance of artificial intelligence, and optimize the allocation of innovative resources on a global scale.

(3) Strategic goals.

Take it in three steps:

The first step is that by 2020, the overall technology and application of artificial intelligence will be synchronized with the world’s advanced level, the artificial intelligence industry will become a new important economic growth point, and the application of artificial intelligence technology will become a new way to improve people’s livelihood, strongly supporting the entry into the ranks of innovative countries and the realization of The goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

——The new generation of artificial intelligence theory and technology has made important progress. Important progress has been made in basic theories and core technologies such as big data intelligence, cross-media intelligence, swarm intelligence, hybrid enhanced intelligence, and autonomous intelligent systems, and landmark results have been achieved in artificial intelligence model methods, core devices, high-end equipment, and basic software.

——The competitiveness of the artificial intelligence industry has entered the international first phalanx. Preliminarily establish artificial intelligence technology standards, service systems and industrial ecological chains, and cultivate a number of world-leading artificial intelligence backbone enterprises. The scale of the core artificial intelligence industry exceeds 150 billion yuan, driving the scale of related industries to exceed 1 trillion yuan.

——The development environment of artificial intelligence has been further optimized, innovative applications have been comprehensively launched in key areas, a group of high-level talents and innovation teams have been gathered, and artificial intelligence ethical norms, policies and regulations in some fields have been initially established.

In the second step, by 2025, major breakthroughs will be achieved in the basic theory of artificial intelligence, and some technologies and applications will reach the world’s leading level. Artificial intelligence will become the main driving force for my country’s industrial upgrading and economic transformation, and positive progress will be made in the construction of an intelligent society.

——The new generation of artificial intelligence theory and technology system has been initially established, artificial intelligence with autonomous learning capabilities has made breakthroughs, and has achieved leading research results in many fields.

——The artificial intelligence industry has entered the high end of the global value chain. The new generation of artificial intelligence is widely used in fields such as smart manufacturing, smart medical care, smart cities, smart agriculture, and national defense construction. The scale of the core artificial intelligence industry exceeds 400 billion yuan, driving the scale of related industries to exceed 5 trillion yuan.

——Initially establish an artificial intelligence legal, regulatory, ethical and policy system to form artificial intelligence safety assessment and control capabilities.

The third step is to reach the world’s leading level in artificial intelligence theory, technology and application by 2030, becoming the world’s major artificial intelligence innovation center, achieving significant results in smart economy and smart society, and laying an important foundation for becoming a leading innovative country and an economic power.

——Form a relatively mature new generation of artificial intelligence theory and technology system. It has made major breakthroughs in the fields of brain-like intelligence, autonomous intelligence, hybrid intelligence and swarm intelligence. It has an important influence in the field of international artificial intelligence research and occupies the commanding heights of artificial intelligence technology.

——The competitiveness of the artificial intelligence industry has reached the international leading level. The breadth and depth of the application of artificial intelligence in all aspects of production and life, social governance, and national defense construction have been greatly expanded, forming a complete industrial chain and high-end industrial cluster covering core technologies, key systems, support platforms, and intelligent applications. The scale of the core artificial intelligence industry has exceeded 1 trillion yuan, driving the scale of related industries to exceed 10 trillion yuan.

——Form a number of world-leading artificial intelligence technological innovation and talent training bases, and build a more complete artificial intelligence legal, regulatory, ethical and policy system.

(4) Overall deployment.

The development of artificial intelligence is a complex system project that affects the overall situation. It must be laid out in accordance with “building a system, grasping dual attributes, adhering to the trinity, and strengthening the four major supports” to form a strategic path for the healthy and sustainable development of artificial intelligence.

Build an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation system. In response to key and difficult issues such as weak original theoretical foundations and lack of major products and systems, establish a new generation of basic artificial intelligence theories and key common technology systems, layout and build major scientific and technological innovation bases, strengthen the team of high-end artificial intelligence talents, and promote collaborative interaction among innovative entities. Form artificial intelligence continuous innovation capabilities.

Grasp the highly integrated characteristics of artificial intelligence’s technical attributes and social attributes. It is necessary to increase the research and development and application of artificial intelligence to maximize the potential of artificial intelligence; it is also necessary to predict the challenges of artificial intelligence, coordinate industrial policies, innovation policies and social policies, achieve coordination between incentive development and reasonable regulations, and prevent risks to the greatest extent .

Adhere to the “three-in-one” promotion of artificial intelligence research and development, product application and industry cultivation. Adapt to the characteristics and trends of artificial intelligence development, strengthen the deep integration of innovation chain and industrial chain, and the interactive evolution of technology supply and market demand, promote field applications and industrial upgrading with technological breakthroughs, and promote technology and system optimization with application demonstrations. While currently promoting technology application and industrial development on a large scale, we will strengthen mid- and long-term R&D layout and key research, achieve rolling development and continuous improvement, and ensure that we are ahead in theory, occupy the commanding heights technically, and are safe and controllable in application.

Comprehensively support science and technology, economy, social development and national security. Use artificial intelligence technology breakthroughs to comprehensively improve the country’s innovation capabilities and lead the process of building a world science and technology power; by strengthening intelligent industries and cultivating intelligent economies, we will create a new growth cycle for our country’s economic prosperity in the next ten or even decades; to build intelligent The society promotes the improvement of people’s livelihood and well-being and implements people-centered development ideas; uses artificial intelligence to enhance national defense strength and ensure and maintain national security.

3. Key tasks

Based on the overall development of the country, accurately grasp the global artificial intelligence development trend, identify breakthroughs and main directions of attack, comprehensively enhance the basic capabilities of scientific and technological innovation, comprehensively expand the depth and breadth of applications in key areas, and comprehensively improve the level of economic and social development and national defense application intelligence.

(1) Build an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation system.

Focusing on increasing the source supply of artificial intelligence innovation, strengthen deployment from cutting-edge basic theories, key common technologies, basic platforms, talent teams, etc., promote open source sharing, systematically improve continuous innovation capabilities, ensure that my country’s artificial intelligence technology level ranks among the top in the world, and serve the world Make more contributions to the development of artificial intelligence.

1. Establish a new generation of artificial intelligence basic theoretical system.

Focus on major scientific frontier issues of artificial intelligence, take into account current needs and long-term development, focus on breaking through the bottleneck of basic theories of artificial intelligence applications, and advance basic research that may trigger changes in the artificial intelligence paradigm, promote cross-disciplinary integration, and provide a basis for the sustainable development and depth of artificial intelligence. The application provides a strong scientific reserve.

Break through the bottleneck of applying basic theories. Aiming at the basic theoretical direction with clear application goals and expected to lead the upgrade of artificial intelligence technology, strengthen basic theoretical research on big data intelligence, cross-media perception computing, human-computer hybrid intelligence, swarm intelligence, autonomous collaboration and decision-making, etc. Big data intelligence theory focuses on breaking through difficult problems such as unsupervised learning and comprehensive deep reasoning, establishing a data-driven cognitive computing model with natural language understanding as the core, and forming the ability to move from big data to knowledge, and from knowledge to decision-making. Cross-media perception computing theory focuses on breakthroughs in theoretical methods such as low-cost and low-energy intelligent perception, active perception of complex scenes, natural environment auditory and speech perception, and multimedia autonomous learning to achieve superhuman perception and highly dynamic, high-dimensional, multi-modal distributed large-scene perception. . Hybrid augmented intelligence theory focuses on breakthroughs in human-computer collaboration and integration of situational understanding and decision-making learning, intuitive reasoning and causal models, memory and knowledge evolution, etc., to achieve hybrid augmented intelligence where learning and thinking are close to or exceed the level of human intelligence. The theory of swarm intelligence focuses on breaking through the theories and methods of organization, emergence, and learning of swarm intelligence, establishing expressible and computable crowd intelligence stimulation algorithms and models, and forming a swarm intelligence theoretical system based on the Internet. The theory of autonomous collaborative control and optimized decision-making focuses on breakthroughs in theories such as collaborative perception and interaction for autonomous unmanned systems, autonomous collaborative control and optimized decision-making, and knowledge-driven human-machine-object three-dimensional collaboration and interoperability, forming the innovation of autonomous intelligent unmanned systems. Theoretical architecture.

Lay out frontier basic theoretical research. Aiming at directions that may lead to changes in the artificial intelligence paradigm, we proactively plan cross-field basic theoretical research on advanced machine learning, brain-like intelligent computing, and quantum intelligent computing. Advanced machine learning theory focuses on breakthroughs in theoretical methods such as adaptive learning and autonomous learning to achieve artificial intelligence with high interpretability and strong generalization capabilities. Brain-like intelligent computing theory focuses on breaking through brain-like information coding, processing, memory, learning and reasoning theories, forming brain-like complex systems and brain-like control theories and methods, and establishing new models of large-scale brain-like intelligent computing and brain-inspired Cognitive computing models. Quantum intelligent computing theory focuses on breakthroughs in quantum accelerated machine learning methods, establishing a hybrid model of high-performance computing and quantum algorithms, and forming an efficient, accurate and autonomous quantum artificial intelligence system architecture.

Conduct interdisciplinary exploratory research. Promote the cross-integration of artificial intelligence with relevant basic disciplines such as neuroscience, cognitive science, quantum science, psychology, mathematics, economics, sociology, etc., strengthen research on basic mathematical theories that lead the development of artificial intelligence algorithms and models, and pay attention to artificial intelligence laws. Research on basic theoretical issues in ethics supports exploratory research with strong originality and non-consensus, encourages scientists to explore freely, and has the courage to overcome cutting-edge scientific problems in artificial intelligence, propose more original theories, and make more original discoveries.

Column 1 Basic Theory

1. Big data intelligence theory. Research new artificial intelligence methods that combine data-driven and knowledge guidance, cognitive computing theories and methods with natural language understanding and image graphics as the core, comprehensive deep reasoning and creative artificial intelligence theories and methods, and basic theories of intelligent decision-making under incomplete information and frameworks, data-driven general artificial intelligence mathematical models and theories, etc.

2. Cross-media perceptual computing theory. Research on perceptual acquisition beyond human visual capabilities, active visual perception and computation for the real world, auditory perception and computation of natural acoustic scenes, speech perception and computation of natural interactive environments, human-like perception and computation for asynchronous sequences, media-oriented Intelligent sensing autonomous learning, urban full-dimensional intelligent sensing reasoning engine.

3. Hybrid augmented intelligence theory. Research on “human-in-the-loop” hybrid augmented intelligence, behavioral enhancement and brain-machine collaboration of human-computer intelligence symbiosis, machine intuitive reasoning and causal models, associative memory models and knowledge evolution methods, hybrid augmented intelligence learning methods for complex data and tasks, cloud Robot collaborative computing methods, situation understanding in real-world environments, and human-machine group collaboration.

4. Swarm intelligence theory. Research swarm intelligence structure theory and organizational methods, swarm intelligence incentive mechanism and emergence mechanism, swarm intelligence learning theory and methods, and swarm intelligence general computing paradigms and models.

5. Autonomous collaborative control and optimal decision-making theory. Research on theories such as collaborative perception and interaction for autonomous unmanned systems, collaborative control and optimal decision-making for autonomous unmanned systems, and knowledge-driven three-dimensional collaboration and interoperability of humans, machines, and objects.

6. Advanced machine learning theory. Research basic theories of statistical learning, uncertainty reasoning and decision-making, distributed learning and interaction, privacy-preserving learning, small sample learning, deep reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, active learning and other learning theories and efficient models.

7. Brain-like intelligent computing theory. Research theories and methods such as brain-like perception, brain-like learning, brain-like memory mechanism and computing fusion, brain-like complex systems, and brain-like control.

8. Quantum intelligent computing theory. Explore the quantum patterns and intrinsic mechanisms of brain cognition, research efficient quantum intelligence models and algorithms, high-performance and high-bit quantum artificial intelligence processors, real-time quantum artificial intelligence systems that can exchange information with the external environment, etc.

2. Establish a new generation of key common technology systems for artificial intelligence.

Focusing on the urgent need to enhance the international competitiveness of my country’s artificial intelligence, the research and development and deployment of key common technologies of the new generation of artificial intelligence must be based on algorithms and based on data and hardware to improve perception and recognition, knowledge calculation, cognitive reasoning, motion execution, Focusing on human-computer interaction capabilities, an open, compatible, stable and mature technology system has been formed.

Knowledge computing engine and knowledge service technology. Focus on breakthroughs in core technologies of knowledge processing, in-depth search and visual interaction, to achieve automatic acquisition of continuous incremental knowledge, with the capabilities of concept recognition, entity discovery, attribute prediction, knowledge evolution modeling and relationship mining, forming a scale covering billions of entities A multi-source, multi-disciplinary and multi-data type cross-media knowledge graph.

Cross-media analytical reasoning technology. Focus on breaking through technologies such as cross-media unified representation, association understanding and knowledge mining, knowledge graph construction and learning, knowledge evolution and reasoning, intelligent description and generation, etc., to realize cross-media knowledge representation, analysis, mining, reasoning, evolution and utilization, and build analytical reasoning engine.

Key technologies of swarm intelligence. Focus on breakthroughs in technologies such as Internet-based popular collaboration, large-scale collaborative knowledge resource management and open sharing, establish a group intelligence knowledge representation framework, realize knowledge acquisition based on group intelligence sensing and group intelligence integration and enhancement in an open dynamic environment, and support The perception, collaboration and evolution of tens of millions of groups covering the whole country.

Hybrid augmented intelligence new architecture and new technologies. Focus on breakthroughs in core technologies such as the integrated perception and execution model of human-machine collaboration, new sensor devices that move forward in intelligent computing, and general hybrid computing architecture, to build hybrid enhanced intelligent systems that autonomously adapt to the environment, and hybrid enhanced intelligent systems and support for human-machine groups. environment.

Intelligent technologies for autonomous unmanned systems. Focus on breakthroughs in common technologies such as autonomous unmanned system computing architecture, complex dynamic scene perception and understanding, real-time precise positioning, and adaptive intelligent navigation for complex environments, as well as intelligent technologies such as autonomous control of drones and autonomous driving of cars, ships, and rail transit. Core technologies such as service robots and special robots support the application of unmanned systems and industrial development.

Virtual reality intelligent modeling technology. Focus on breakthroughs in virtual object intelligent behavior modeling technology, improve the sociality, diversity and interactive fidelity of intelligent object behavior in virtual reality, and achieve the organic combination and efficient interaction of virtual reality, augmented reality and other technologies with artificial intelligence.

Intelligent computing chips and systems. Focus on breakthroughs in high-energy-efficiency, reconfigurable brain-like computing chips and brain-like visual sensor technologies with computational imaging functions, and develop high-performance brain-like neural network architectures and hardware systems with autonomous learning capabilities to achieve multimedia perception, information understanding and intelligent growth , brain-like intelligent system with common sense reasoning ability.

Natural language processing technology. Focus on breaking through the core technologies of grammatical logic, character concept representation and deep semantic analysis of natural language, promote effective communication and free interaction between humans and machines, and achieve intelligent understanding and automatic generation of natural language in multiple styles, languages ​​and fields.

Column  Key common technologies

1. Knowledge computing engine and knowledge service technology. Research knowledge computing and visual interaction engines, research innovative design, digital creativity and business intelligence with visual media as the core and other knowledge service technologies, and carry out knowledge discovery of large-scale biological data.

2. Cross-media analysis and reasoning technology. Research technologies such as cross-media unified representation, association understanding and knowledge mining, knowledge graph construction and learning, knowledge evolution and reasoning, intelligent description and generation, and develop cross-media analysis and reasoning engines and verification systems.

3. Key technologies of swarm intelligence. Carry out research on key technologies such as active perception and discovery, knowledge acquisition and generation, collaboration and sharing, evaluation and evolution, human-machine integration and enhancement, self-sustainment and safe interaction of group intelligence, build a service architecture for group intelligence space, and study mobile groups Intelligent collaborative decision-making and control technology.

4. Mix new architectures and new technologies for enhanced intelligence. Research hybrid enhanced intelligence core technology, cognitive computing framework, new hybrid computing architecture, human-machine co-driving, online intelligent learning technology, and hybrid enhanced intelligence framework for parallel management and control.

5. Intelligent technology for autonomous unmanned systems. Research on intelligent technologies such as autonomous control of drones and autonomous driving of automobiles, ships, and rail transit, service robots, space robots, marine robots, and polar robot technologies, unmanned workshop / smart factory intelligent technologies, high-end intelligent control technologies, and autonomous unmanned operations system. Research on computer vision-based positioning, navigation, recognition and other autonomous control technologies for robots and robotic arms in complex environments.

6. Virtual reality intelligent modeling technology. Study the mathematical expression and modeling methods of intelligent behavior of virtual objects, issues such as natural, continuous and in-depth interaction between virtual objects, virtual environments and users, and the technology and method system of intelligent object modeling.

7. Intelligent computing chips and systems. Research and develop neural network processors and high-energy-efficiency, reconfigurable brain-inspired computing chips, new sensing chips and systems, intelligent computing architecture and systems, and artificial intelligence operating systems. Research hybrid computing architecture suitable for artificial intelligence, etc.

8. Natural language processing technology. Research short text computing and analysis technology, cross-language text mining technology and semantic understanding technology for machine cognitive intelligence, and human-computer dialogue systems for multimedia information understanding.

3. Coordinate the layout of the artificial intelligence innovation platform.

Build and deploy an artificial intelligence innovation platform and strengthen basic support for artificial intelligence research and development applications. The artificial intelligence open source software and hardware basic platform focuses on building a unified computing framework platform that supports artificial intelligence paradigms such as knowledge reasoning, probability statistics, and deep learning, forming an ecological chain that promotes mutual collaboration between artificial intelligence software, hardware, and intelligent clouds. The crowd intelligence service platform focuses on building knowledge resource management and open sharing tools based on large-scale Internet collaboration, forming a crowd intelligence and crowd-creation platform and service environment oriented to the innovation links of industry, academia, research and application. The hybrid enhanced intelligent support platform focuses on building heterogeneous real-time computing engines and new computing clusters that support large-scale training, and provides service-oriented and systematic platforms and solutions for complex intelligent computing. The autonomous unmanned system support platform focuses on building a support system for common artificial intelligence core technologies such as environmental perception, autonomous collaborative control, and intelligent decision-making in complex environments of autonomous unmanned systems, forming an open, modular, and reconfigurable autonomous unmanned system. Development and testing environment. The artificial intelligence basic data and security detection platform focuses on building public data resource libraries, standard test data sets, cloud service platforms, etc. for artificial intelligence to form methods, technologies, specifications and tool sets for artificial intelligence algorithm and platform security testing and evaluation. Promote the open source of various general software and technology platforms. Various platforms must promote military-civilian sharing and sharing in accordance with the requirements for in-depth military-civilian integration and relevant regulations.

Column  Basic Support Platform

1. Artificial intelligence open source software and hardware basic platform. Establish a big data artificial intelligence open source software basic platform, an artificial intelligence cloud service platform for terminal and cloud collaboration, a new multi-smart sensor device and integration platform, a new product design platform based on artificial intelligence hardware, and a big data intelligent service platform in future networks. wait.

2. Group intelligent service platform. Establish a crowd-intelligence and crowd-innovation computing support platform, a science and technology crowd-innovation service system, a crowd-intelligence software development and verification automation system, a crowd-intelligence software learning and innovation system, an open environment crowd-intelligence decision-making system, and a crowd-intelligence sharing economic service system.

3. Hybrid enhanced intelligent support platform. Establish an artificial intelligence supercomputing center, a large-scale superintelligent computing support environment, an online intelligent education platform, a “human-in-the-loop” driving brain, an intelligent platform for industrial development complexity analysis and risk assessment, an intelligent guarantee platform to support the safe operation of nuclear power, and a human R&D and testing platform for ride-sharing technology, etc.

4. Autonomous unmanned system support platform. Establish common core technology support platforms for autonomous unmanned systems, autonomous drone control and autonomous driving support platforms for automobiles, ships and rail transit, service robots, space robots, marine robots, and polar robot support platforms, and technical support for smart factories and intelligent control equipment. Platform etc.

5. Artificial intelligence basic data and security detection platform. Build public data resource libraries, standard test data sets, and cloud service platforms for artificial intelligence, establish artificial intelligence algorithm and platform security test models and evaluation models, and develop artificial intelligence algorithm and platform security evaluation tool sets.

4. Accelerate the cultivation and gathering of high-end artificial intelligence talents.

Make the construction of a high-end talent team the top priority in the development of artificial intelligence, insist on combining training and introduction, improve the artificial intelligence education system, strengthen talent reserves and echelon construction, especially accelerate the introduction of the world’s top talents and young talents, and form my country’s artificial intelligence Talent high ground.

Cultivate high-level artificial intelligence innovative talents and teams. Support and cultivate leading artificial intelligence talents with development potential, and strengthen the training of professional and technical talents in basic research, applied research, operation and maintenance of artificial intelligence. Pay attention to the cultivation of compound talents, focusing on cultivating vertical compound talents who are well versed in artificial intelligence theory, methods, technology, products and applications, as well as horizontal compound talents who master the “artificial intelligence + ” economy, society, management, standards, laws, etc. Through major research and development tasks and base platform construction, we will gather high-end artificial intelligence talents and form a number of high-level innovation teams in several key areas of artificial intelligence. Encourage and guide domestic innovative talents and teams to strengthen cooperation and interaction with the world’s top artificial intelligence research institutions.

Increase efforts to introduce high-end artificial intelligence talents. Open up special channels and implement special policies to achieve the precise introduction of high-end artificial intelligence talents. Focus on introducing top international scientists and high-level innovation teams in neurocognition, machine learning, autonomous driving, intelligent robots, etc. Encourage the flexible introduction of artificial intelligence talents through project cooperation, technical consultation, etc. Coordinate and utilize existing talent plans such as the “Thousand Talents Plan” to strengthen the introduction of outstanding talents in the field of artificial intelligence, especially outstanding young talents. Improve policies related to corporate human capital cost accounting and encourage companies and scientific research institutions to introduce artificial intelligence talents.

Build the discipline of artificial intelligence. Improve the subject layout in the field of artificial intelligence, establish artificial intelligence majors, promote the construction of first-level disciplines in the field of artificial intelligence, establish artificial intelligence colleges in pilot colleges as soon as possible, and increase the enrollment quota for doctoral and master’s degrees in artificial intelligence-related disciplines. Encourage colleges and universities to expand the content of artificial intelligence professional education on the original basis, form a new model of “artificial intelligence + Cross-integration of professional education. Strengthen industry-university-research cooperation, and encourage universities, research institutes, enterprises and other institutions to cooperate in the construction of artificial intelligence disciplines.

(2) Cultivate a high-end and efficient smart economy.

Accelerate the cultivation of artificial intelligence industries with major leading and driving effects, promote the in-depth integration of artificial intelligence and various industrial fields, and form an intelligent economic form that is data-driven, human-machine collaboration, cross-border integration, and co-creation and sharing. Data and knowledge have become the first elements of economic growth, human-machine collaboration has become the mainstream production and service method, cross-border integration has become an important economic model, co-creation and sharing have become a basic feature of the economic ecology, personalized needs and customization have become a new trend in consumption, and productivity has increased significantly. Improve, lead the industry to move towards the high end of the value chain, strongly support the development of the real economy, and comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of economic development.

1. Vigorously develop emerging industries of artificial intelligence.

Accelerate the transformation and application of key artificial intelligence technologies, promote technology integration and business model innovation, promote intelligent product innovation in key areas, actively cultivate emerging artificial intelligence business forms, deploy high-end industrial chains, and create an internationally competitive artificial intelligence industry cluster.

Intelligent software and hardware. Develop key basic software such as operating systems, databases, middleware, and development tools for artificial intelligence, break through core hardware such as graphics processors, and research intelligent system solutions such as image recognition, speech recognition, machine translation, intelligent interaction, knowledge processing, and control decision-making. Plan to cultivate and expand basic software and hardware industries for artificial intelligence applications.

smart robot. Overcome the core components and special sensors of intelligent robots, and improve intelligent robot hardware interface standards, software interface protocol standards and safe use standards. Develop intelligent industrial robots and intelligent service robots to achieve large-scale application and enter the international market. Develop and promote special intelligent robots such as space robots, ocean robots, and polar robots. Establish a standard system and safety rules for intelligent robots.

Smart delivery vehicle. Develop autonomous vehicles and rail transit systems, strengthen the integration and support of on-board sensing, autonomous driving, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of Things and other technologies, develop intelligent transportation sensing systems, form my country’s independent autonomous driving platform technology system and product assembly capabilities, and explore autonomous driving Driving in car sharing mode. Develop consumer and commercial drones and unmanned ships, establish professional service systems such as trial identification, testing, and competition, and improve airspace and water management measures.

Virtual reality and augmented reality. Make breakthroughs in key technologies such as high-performance software modeling, content shooting and generation, augmented reality and human-computer interaction, integrated environments and tools, develop virtual display devices, optical devices, high-performance true 3D displays, development engines and other products, and establish virtual reality and augmented reality Realistic technology, product, service standards and evaluation systems promote the integration and application of key industries.

Intelligent Terminal. Accelerate the research and development of core technologies and products for smart terminals, develop new generation smart phones, vehicle-mounted smart terminals and other mobile smart terminal products and equipment, encourage the development of wearable terminal products such as smart watches, smart headphones, and smart glasses, and expand product forms and application services.

Internet of Things basic devices. Develop high-sensitivity, high-reliability smart sensing devices and chips that support the new generation of IoT, and conquer core IoT technologies such as radio frequency identification and short-range machine communications, as well as key devices such as low-power processors.

2. Accelerate the intelligent upgrading of industries.

Promote the integration and innovation of artificial intelligence and various industries, carry out pilot demonstrations of artificial intelligence applications in key industries and fields such as manufacturing, agriculture, logistics, finance, commerce, and home furnishing, promote the large-scale application of artificial intelligence, and comprehensively improve the level of intelligent industrial development.

Smart manufacturing. Focusing on the major needs of a manufacturing power, promote the integrated application of key technical equipment, core supporting software, industrial Internet and other systems for intelligent manufacturing, develop intelligent products and intelligent interconnected products, intelligent manufacturing enabling tools and systems, intelligent manufacturing cloud service platforms, and promote process intelligent manufacturing , discrete intelligent manufacturing, networked collaborative manufacturing, remote diagnosis and operation and maintenance services and other new manufacturing models, establish an intelligent manufacturing standard system, and promote the intelligentization of manufacturing life cycle activities.

Smart agriculture. Develop agricultural intelligent sensing and control systems, intelligent agricultural equipment, autonomous agricultural machinery field operation systems, etc. Establish and improve an intelligent agricultural information remote sensing monitoring network integrating sky and ground. Establish a typical agricultural big data intelligent decision-making analysis system, and carry out integrated application demonstrations such as smart farms, smart plant factories, smart pastures, smart fisheries, smart orchards, smart agricultural product processing workshops, and green smart agricultural product supply chains.

Smart logistics. Strengthen the research, development, promotion and application of intelligent logistics equipment such as intelligent loading and unloading, sorting and packaging, processing and distribution, build a deep-sensing intelligent warehousing system, and improve the level and efficiency of warehousing operation and management. Improve the intelligent logistics public information platform and command system, product quality certification and traceability system, intelligent distribution and dispatching system, etc.

Smart finance. Establish a financial big data system to improve financial multimedia data processing and understanding capabilities. Innovate smart financial products and services and develop new financial formats. Encourage the financial industry to apply technologies and equipment such as intelligent customer service and intelligent monitoring. Establish an intelligent early warning and prevention system for financial risks.

Smart commerce. Encourage the application of new technologies such as cross-media analysis and reasoning, knowledge computing engines and knowledge services in the business field, and promote new business services and decision-making systems based on artificial intelligence. Build a cross-media big data platform covering geographical location, online media and city basic data to support enterprises in developing smart business. Encourage the provision of customized business intelligence decision-making services based on personal needs and enterprise management.

Smart home. Strengthen the integration and application of artificial intelligence technology and home building systems to improve the intelligence level of construction equipment and home products. Develop home interconnection protocols and interface standards adapted to different application scenarios to improve the perception and connectivity capabilities of household products such as home appliances and durable goods. Support smart home companies to innovate service models and provide Internet sharing solutions.

3. Vigorously develop intelligent enterprises.

Promote the intelligent upgrading of enterprises on a large scale. Support and guide enterprises to apply new artificial intelligence technologies in core business links such as design, production, management, logistics and marketing, build new corporate organizational structures and operating methods, form a business model that integrates manufacturing, services and finance with intelligence, and develop personalized customization , expand the supply of smart products. Encourage large Internet companies to build cloud manufacturing platforms and service platforms, provide key industrial software and model libraries online to manufacturing companies, carry out manufacturing capacity outsourcing services, and promote the intelligent development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Promote the application of smart factories. Strengthen the application demonstration of key technologies and system methods in smart factories, focus on promoting technologies such as production line reconstruction and dynamic intelligent scheduling, production equipment intelligent IoT and cloud data collection, multi-dimensional human-machine-thing collaboration and interoperability, and encourage and guide enterprises to build factories Big data systems, networked distributed production facilities, etc. realize the networking of production equipment, visualization of production data, transparency of the production process, and unmanned production sites, and improve the level of intelligent factory operation and management.

Accelerate the cultivation of leading enterprises in the artificial intelligence industry. Accelerate the creation of a global leading enterprise and brand in artificial intelligence in advantageous fields such as drones, speech recognition, and image recognition. Accelerate the cultivation of a number of leading companies in emerging fields such as smart robots, smart cars, wearable devices, and virtual reality. Support artificial intelligence companies to strengthen their patent layout and take the lead in or participate in the formulation of international standards. Promote domestic leading enterprises, industry organizations, scientific research institutions, universities, etc. to jointly establish the China Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Alliance. Support leading and key enterprises to build open source hardware factories and open source software platforms, form an innovation ecosystem that gathers various resources, and promote the development of artificial intelligence, small, medium and micro enterprises and applications in various fields. Support various institutions and platforms to provide professional services to artificial intelligence enterprises.

4. Create a highland for artificial intelligence innovation.

Combining the foundation and advantages of each region, we will carry out relevant industrial layout according to the categories of artificial intelligence application fields. Encourage local governments to gather high-end elements, high-end enterprises, and high-end talents around the artificial intelligence industry chain and innovation chain to create artificial intelligence industry clusters and innovation highlands.

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