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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Democide

21-12-2023 < Activist Post 21 1043 words

By John C. A. Manley

It’s beginning to look a lot like democide… Alright, it’s looked like democide for about three years now — since Christmas 2020 when Pfizer and Moderna first gifted the world with their government-sponsored mRNA injections.

For those too innocent to know what democide means:

DEMOCIDE noun. The killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.

“Demo” is Greek for “common people” (e.g. democracy) and “cide” is Greek for “to kill” (e.g. homicide, pesticide).

This year is looking more like democide than ever because Statistics Canada released their death stats for 2022. Check out this table for a summary of the top 10 causes of death from 2019 to 2022:

The chart shows that there has been a 17% increase in deaths from 2019 to 2022, even though (despite massive immigration) Canada’s population has only increased 2.1%.

More revealing is the 475% increase in “ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality” (otherwise known as “death by unknown causes”) from 3,378 deaths in 2019 to 16,043 deaths in 2022.

Now, the “fact checkers'” rebuttal to this has a little truth mixed with deflection: Some of those “unknown deaths” are still under investigation and will be reassigned to another category. Of course, we’re twelve months into 2023, so I can’t imagine many of those 16,043 unsolved deaths suddenly being solved. The bodies are long gone, so how much more investigation is possible?

Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story

While most Canadian politicians won’t even acknowledge the data, Maxime Bernier of the populist-conservative People’s Party of Canada was bold enough to state:

“What happened in 2021 that could have caused this explosion of unexplained deaths over the last 2 years? An experimental pharmaceutical product was rushed to market and forced on Canadian society, is what happened. They told us it was ‘safe and effective’ but over the last few years we have learned more and more about how that Covid shot was neither.”

Bernier also pointed out that the chart shows COVID-19 deaths are rising. There were 15,890 COVID deaths in 2020 but 19,716 in 2022.

I suspect, however, this is principally a result of PCR tests labelling the old-fashioned flu as COVID. If you look further down the chart you will see that “chronic lower respiratory death and influenza and pneumonia” have dropped from 8,594 to 5,985. That’s 3,826 extra COVID deaths but 2,206 fewer flu deaths. Either way, no testimony to the “efficacy” of vaccines.

Now, despite all the evidence regarding vaccine-induced myocarditis, the data shows that “diseases of the heart” have only seen a 3% increase, about on par with population growth. Of course, many (if not most) of those “unexplained deaths” may have been undiagnosed heart attacks.

Liver disease has gone from 3,573 deaths in 2020 to 4,530 in 2023. The liver’s main job is processing toxins — such as the mRNA jab contains and produces.

Also worth noting is that death by pneumonitis (inflammation of the lung tissue without an infection) has increased from 1,616 to 2,104.

Despite all the talk about “turbo tumors,” cancer is only up 2.5% from 80,372 in 2020 to 82,412 in 2022, almost on par with population growth.

Accidents are up from 15,527 to 18,365. Could those extra 2,838 accidents actually be “vaccidents”? People losing consciousness as a result of their injections has become a well-known phenomenon. Note how in 2021, the year when most people were getting their shots, saw even more accidental deaths (19,257).

Possibly also related to the shots is the 30% rise in death from hypertension from 1,588 to 2,074.

While evidence of mass democide isn’t one of those Christmas gifts that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, I think Statistics Canada has given the world a gift that will help wake up many in 2023.

Of course, it all comes down to what we do with the data. We need to be bold. Share this post with friends and family via email and social media. Print out copies and stuff them in Christmas cards. It may not be the gift your loved ones were expecting, but if you want to see them around for many more Christmases then you may need to risk a little disharmony.

After all, the original Christmas story didn’t have a happy ending. It concludes with mass democide — wherein the military slays all babies under two.

Jesus evaded death because an angel warned his parents of King Herod’s evil agenda. Likewise, be an angel and share this article with those you care about this holiday season.


John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal. John lives in Stratford, Ontario, with his son Jonah, and the ever-present spirit of his late wife, Nicole. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his full bio or find out more about his novel.


Audio of this article read by the author available to embed at:’s%20Beginning%20to%20Look%20a%20Lot%20Like%20Democide.m4a

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