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Ten Principles for a Healthy White Society

21-12-2023 < Counter Currents 44 519 words

400 words

1. Whites must comprise a supermajority — 99% or more — of any geographical territory they occupy. This is self-evidently true, as our failed attempts at multiculturalism have shown.

2. Whites must do our own work. We cannot import third-worlders to do it for us. This means not importing workers, and it means not offshoring jobs to the Third World.

3. Tribalism is eternal and immutable. There is no such thing as assimilation. Non-whites will always be hostile to our interests and therefore toxic to our societies.

4. Whites have a unique responsibility to defend our territories, because our territories are the most desirable. We have the power to construct the world’s most prosperous and beautiful societies. We also therefore carry the great burden of keeping non-whites out, and we must be prepared to do so at all costs. The alternative is oblivion.

5. Our people cannot worship celebrity, money, or individualism. We must have a conscious sense of culture and community in order to maintain a healthy society.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

6. Whites cannot take seriously the complaints of non-whites. This leads to white supplication and acquiescence. Non-whites complain out of envy and resentment towards whites, so they are not to be taken seriously.

7. White guilt and self-flagellation is not virtuous; it is asinine and traitorous. Some whites have misguidedly adopted the principle that self-sacrifice is virtuous by advocating for the interests of non-whites. This is caustic to our morale as a people, and it must stop.

8. Tribal competition is a zero-sum game. The world is a place of limited resources, and the extent to which we give our time and resources to non-whites is the extent to which we deprive our own people. We are like lifeboat survivors escaping from the sinking Titanic. We cannot take all the others who are in the water aboard, lest we capsize our own boat. We cannot save the world. We can only save ourselves.

9. Whites are not morally responsible for the well-being of non-whites. This is perhaps our most fundamental principle. Certain malevolent actors try to persuade us otherwise by propagating white guilt. They do this, though, not because it is truthful, but rather as an ethnocentric tactic to suppress whites, whom they view as their enemy.

10. Women have no place in politics. Woman should not vote, hold political office, or participate in the military. We must stop masculinizing women and indulging their complaints in these areas. Men are to be our leaders.
