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“Chile’s Coup at 50” Impact

12-12-2023 < Blacklisted News 30 405 words

The National Security Archive’s Chile Documentation Project is wrapping up a notable year, as project director Peter Kornbluh continues to draw significant media attention to the 50th anniversary of the U.S.-backed military takeover that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power

Chilean media has interviewed Kornbluh for numerous productions, including ChileVision’s Operación Chile: Top Secret, which can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink and features dozens of U.S. declassified records obtained by Kornbluh. The declassified records include recently obtained documents published in the new Chilean edition of Kornbluh’s Chilean non-fiction bestseller, “Pinochet Desclasificado.”

Chile’s Museo de la Memoria y DDHH also invited Korkbluh to speak about his bestselling book, and the discussion can be watched here

Museo de la Memoria y DDHH
Sep 4, 2023

Kornbluh also appeared on Vía X to discuss the CIA and Manuel Contreras, who was head of Chile’s secret police during the Pinochet regime. The video can be watched below.

Contreras su propio pago como informante y colaborador”, Peter Kornbluh
Sep 7, 2023

The recent death of Henry Kissinger also brought renewed attention to the darker side of his controversial tenure, including his role in the overthrow of Chilean democracy. Kornbluh recently appeared on NPR’s All Things Considered to discuss Kissinger’s role in Chile, noting, among other things, that “the historical record, I think, will outlive and has outlived him. And, you know, years from now, when the compliments that have been paid to him at this time have faded in memory, the verdict of history will still be there.” Listen to the entire podcast here

To learn more, visit the National Security Arcihve’s Chile Documentation Project
