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Israeli War Zone Genetics

12-12-2023 < Counter Currents 34 1554 words

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The unprecedented use of artillery, airstrikes, tanks, and a whole arsenal of other weapons have destroyed much of the infrastructure in Gaza, but the war rages on, as the Palestinian fighters are well entrenched. The pattern has been that, after the bombardments cease and Israeli armored vehicles roll in, Gaza’s defenders emerge from their tunnel complexes and attack the Israeli soldiers, sometimes destroying their tanks and personnel carriers. The fighting has been vicious. The displacement, dispossession, and death of civilians has been even more horrific.

As Israel continues its combined arms attack against the Gaza Strip to not only mete out a terrible retribution for the October 7 raids, but to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians once and for all, they are sustaining significant casualties. In an effort to preserve the genetic legacy of their dead soldiers, medical personnel have been deployed to harvest their sperm. Jewish families, in conjunction with the Israeli military and the state, have given the go ahead for medical teams to capture and preserve this sperm so that the dead may still procreate. This may seem shocking to many, but it stands to reason that the hyper-ethnocentric Jewish state would take the necessary steps to preserve the reproductive material of its soldiers.

Talia Geva, the head of the Israeli Health Ministry’s fertility and childbirth department, knows that time is of the essence when harvesting sperm from dead Israeli men, as it cannot survive more than four days after a man’s death. “The faster we do it, the greater the chance of finding moving sperm,” Geva said. “The best chance for sperm preservation is within 24 hours of death, and there are differences between the first half of the day and the second.”

Those military personnel assigned to inform loved ones of their sons’ passing also provide the families with information about sperm extraction. Israel is a “fertility powerhouse,” with over 10,000 in vitro fertilization (IVF) babies having been born in 2021 alone.

According to the Knesset’s Health Committee, as of November 15, 2023 sperm has been collected from 39 dead men since the fighting began. Of that number, 32 were soldiers and the remaining 7 were civilians. That total has undoubtedly risen, given that the fighting is ongoing. Normally in peacetime, permission to harvest sperm must be granted by both the families and the legal system, but that process has been expedited since the current conflict began.

In a 2014 Counter-Currents article entitled “Against Good Breeding: Understanding Jewish Opposition to Eugenics,” Marian Van Court states:

Eugenics is widely reviled as “the ideology of the holocaust,” the most diabolical scheme in all of history. Furthermore, the very idea of Jewish eugenics may seem strange, since eugenics is associated in the minds of most people with the Nazis. Nevertheless, eugenics is now, and has always been, practiced in Israel . . .

Van Court then goes on to describe the state of eugenic breeding initiatives in Israel at the time (italics in original):

Today in Israel, abortion is not a controversial issue. Human embryos are not considered sacred. The new eugenic reproductive technologies — pre-natal diagnosis, abortion of defective fetuses, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy — are all encouraged by the government and widely utilized by the population. (It should be noted, however, that Palestinians are not encouraged to take part, as their fertility is seen as a threat to the state.) In fact, surrogate mothers are paid by the government. There are 16 sperm banks in Israel, and more in vitro fertilizations are performed there per capita than in any other country in the world. Stem cell research is not strictly regulated in Israel. In short, their pragmatic attitude towards issues surrounding human reproduction contrasts sharply with that in America.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.

This is further confirmation of Israel’s historic and ongoing adoption of eugenic measures. Furthermore, it illustrates the Jewish state’s view of Palestinians and their fertility as an existential threat.

Despite the widespread vilification campaign that Jews have waged against eugenics and white gentile eugenicists, Israeli Jews are harvesting human biologics for their own purposes. Thanks in large part to the efforts of scholars on the dissident Right, Jewish hypocrisy on any number of issues has become glaringly apparent. Whether it is eugenics, immigration policy, racial differences, diversity, transgenderism, globalism, or any number of other issues, Jews do what is in their interests — depending on where they reside. If modern-day eugenics was being practiced by whites in America with the express purpose of racial improvement, there would be an unprecedented vilification campaign aimed at combating the resurgence of breeding programs, with inevitable comparisons made to the Third Reich and genocide.

The Jewish effort to vilify those who advocate for eugenic policies — other than themselves — is consistent with their strategy to weaken their racial and religious enemies. In Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition, Kevin MacDonald states that “[b]y 1938 eugenics — a commonly held perspective among all political persuasions earlier in the century — was ‘shunned in public discourse of the day’ because of its associations with National Socialism.”[1]

The science of eugenics is based on the notion that humanity can be improved by selective breeding. This view is essentially correct. Physical characteristics such as height, hair, and eye color, along with intelligence, physical strength, and overall health, are heritable traits that can be selected for. Even though the notion of selectively breeding humans to allow our race to grow in strength, intelligence, and beauty has been unjustly vilified, eugenic initiatives, if implemented, would undoubtedly lead to vast improvements.

It is possible to breed certain genetic traits, such as eye color and temperament, into animals. The practice of animal husbandry has been ongoing for centuries. All domesticated animals that proliferate throughout the world are the beneficiaries of some form of selective breeding.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, during the high watermark of eugenic thought, there were numerous academic departments devoted to the new science, which gained widespread attention and popularity, especially in the English-speaking world. Francis Galton, Karl Pearson, Charles Darwin, and many others on both the Left and Right subscribed to the notion that racial improvement through the selective breeding of humans of high genetic quality would undoubtedly be beneficial for the societies in which they lived.

Negative eugenics, with its focus on the sterilization of the mentally handicapped, alcoholics, and the criminally prone, contrasted with positive eugenic policies, which aimed to breed the best offspring by bringing together physically and mentally desirable parents. Eugenics or racial hygiene policies were enacted in National Socialist Germany as well. Because of post-war Jewish ethnic activism, however, the legacy of eugenics in National Socialist Germany acts as the fruit of the poisonous tree, thereby rendering the practice of eugenics by any white non-Jews morally reprehensible. And yet, Jews themselves have practiced eugenics for centuries.

As the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict grinds on, the Israelis will continue to harvest the genetic material they need from their dead. Even though sperm extraction and artificial fertilization practices are relatively new, it is consistent with Israel’s historic affinity for eugenics.

For all their protestations about eugenics and their opposition to white gentiles who wish to preserve their own genetic heritage, the Jews are actively engaging in it. Whether it is through securing their own borders or opening those of others, inter-ethnic networking, promotion or vilification, genocidal annihilation, or eugenics, Jews do what is best for them no matter where they reside. Meanwhile, non-Jews are vilified and subjected to genocidal policies. Many whites are completely unaware of the war being waged against them, even if they know intuitively or instinctually that something is amiss.

How do we ensure that our genetic legacy is here to stay and that our children have a future in the lands that were carved out of the wilderness by our ancestors? I think the answers are contained in the writings of the dissident Right’s key figures, as well as the once-revered figures of the past such as Karl Pearson, Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, Lothrop Stoddard, Madison Grant, J. Philippe Rushton, or Richard Lynn.

Jews avail themselves of the most advantageous group strategies, including eugenics, while denying those same tactics to non-Jews. Whether it is whites of Northern European heritage or Palestinians in Gaza, Jews do their best to annihilate their enemies by any means at their disposal.


[1] Kevin B. MacDonald, Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition (Self-published, 2019), 301; see also Kevin B. MacDonald, “Enemies of my Enemy,” in Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Western Civilization, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism (Atlanta: The Occidental Press, 2007), 262.
