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The Road to National Digital IDs and CBDCs by 2030

8-12-2023 < Activist Post 23 1136 words

By Dr. Mathew Maavak

The planetary digital gulag envisaged by our globalist parasites should be operational in less than six years. This commentary explores some of the sinister groundwork being established towards that end.

By 2030, you will own nothing. Let me repeat that again: You will own nothing by 2030. This is the oft-stated goal of globalist power elites fronted by institutions like the World Economic Forum (WEF).

You may have been very careful with your finances; you may be free of debts; free from any outstanding loan for any of the properties (houses, cars, farms etc.) you had purchased but you will no longer own them within six years. You may even have millions in the bank, along with a well-cushioned pension fund, but they will no longer be available at your disposal. Rights to everything that you own will be steadily transferred to a national coordinating authority which in turn will report to a centralised international body. There is nowhere to run in the emerging planetary prison.

Disenfranchisement of any form of property ownership will become increasingly apparent in the coming months and years.  It will be total. This is a reason why products and services that you own or use are becoming more fragile – by design – worldwide.

This totalistic agenda of property disenfranchisement was casually justified by former Danish Minister of the Environment and WEF Agenda Contributor Ida Auken nearly a decade ago: “Why do you want to own a cell phone if you can just lease it and if you lease, why shouldn’t you lease your refrigerator or your washing machine or your dishwasher”? However, as I and many others have noted: all these leased personal and household tools will act as the ultimate panoptic tool. They will spy on you round the clock.

Ownership is increasingly deemed detrimental to the emerging power matrix. Ownership maintains bubbles of freedom in an increasingly communistic world. After all, a minority of independent businessmen and professionals did not heed the recent vaccine mandates as they were either sufficiently removed from the centres of coercion or were endowed with irreplaceable skills. They had also dismissed globalist tauroscatology with the contempt it deserves. And this is what bothers the parasites in power. As former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair demanded at a WEF powwow recently: “You need to know who’s been vaccinated” That means ownership over your physical body will be transferred to an unelected globalist hierarchy.

How does one sum up these sinister developments? As I had questioned in a recent article on planned obsolescence: “Will electronic micro-sensors be embedded into products of the future? Likewise, will humans be cattle-tagged with similar sensors to ensure consumerist compliance and the profitability of corporations?” Not to mention “behavioural compliance”?

Of course, there will be snafus, missteps and gross mismanagement of public funds along the road to 2030. These will be intentionally allowed for a short season. Your taxpayer money will be diverted to worthless endeavours which will bankrupt your nation. Your pension funds will be looted by globalist stooges who are fast approaching the end of their shelf-lives. Access to healthcare will be commandeered by specially-established national authorities as insurance companies go belly-up. In fact, due to compounding medical maladies caused by the Covid-19 vaccines, the health insurance sector is staring at mass bankruptcy. Besides, the concept of insurance is inextricably tied to ownership. Without legal ownership, there is no raison d’etre for insurance.

Many will rebel against what I call the End Times totalitarian system. (The Bible calls it something else). Fall guys will be produced to pacify the anger of the masses. The WEF, and its clueless puppets in particular, will be scapegoated for the multiplicity of national tragedies but the goal of eliminating ownership will remain on course. Imagine the popularity of a new breed of leaders once the masses see their hated oligarchs hanging from lamp-posts? One particularly nerdy oligarch, with a congenital penchant for vaccines and depopulation, comes to mind in this context. Whoever pulls this off would be seen as a “messiah”.

The anticipated explosion of riotous anarchy between now and 2030 will serve another purpose: to introduce a social credit system that will masquerade itself as a “smart engagement” platform for the masses. It will weed out the compliant ones from the recalcitrant minority. Of course, this cannot be accomplished without Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and an International ID system. I say International ID as all national IDs will sooner or later be integrated into a single system. Think of the digital vaccine certificates that were issued to individuals worldwide? With the exception of Sputnik V in some Western nations, all vaccines were universally recognized across international borders. Digital vaccine certificates therefore act as the perfect precursor to the National/International ID system.

There is one other unavoidable player in this globalist calculus. One cannot touch on digital IDs and similar initiatives from hell without linking them to certain psychopaths. As I had written recently: “Bill Gates, along with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), has announced plans to roll out digital IDs worldwide by the year 2030, and they will be mandatory for people who wish to participate in society, according to Reclaim the Net which advocates for free speech and individual liberty online. Talk about the Mark of the Beast being unveiled in the open!”

Finally, here are some issues to ponder. The six-year timeline between now and 2030 is grossly insufficient for the implementation of the envisaged global digital gulag. What exactly will accelerate the implementation of CBDCs and National Digital IDs worldwide? Remember, they need to be fully-functional and operational before 2030. How will the masses be pacified – and accept the inescapable – during the run-up to this end-game? Our globalist parasites will indeed introduce some peculiar catalysts and accelerants to speed up the process. What will they be?

I will attempt to answer these questions in an upcoming commentary on my Substack channel. Stay tuned!

Dr. Mathew Maavak researches systems science, global risks, geopolitics, strategic foresight, governance and Artificial Intelligence. Follow him on X @MathewMaavak or read his latest articles at

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