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How to Divide White People

7-12-2023 < Counter Currents 28 1274 words

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White people have always been a global minority, but in the past that didn’t impede them from ruling the globe. Not so long ago, it was astounding what whites — despite their national, religious, and ideological differences — were able to achieve merely by viewing themselves as a unique racial group that was distinct from the world’s other races.

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Clearly this didn’t sit well with the world’s other races, and over the past century, the smoldering embers of non-white resentment have been successfully stoked by convincing the world’s non-whites that, despite all their differences, they are united as one makeshift race merely by dint of not being white; they are one happy, global family known as “People of Color,” which leaves whites isolated by implication as people without color.

We’ve been told . . . no, we’ve been lectured . . . actually, we’ve been threatened . . . that there’s really no such thing as “white people,” that it was all a cruel, anti-scientific fantasy concocted to help white people — even though they don’t exist — abuse, rape, roll over, and dominate the rest of the world. So whites must never be permitted to think of themselves as a group again, lest they resume their sick and inhumane cycle of abusing, raping, rolling over, and dominating.

In what has to rank as one of history’s most successful propaganda campaigns, the whole non-white world has been turned against whites.

Even more impressively, half of the white world has been turned against the other half.

As majority-white countries are flooded with non-whites who are poised, eager, and openly encouraged to breed those nasty and perfidious whites out of existence, keeping whites divided against one another will remain a tactical necessity until it’s far too late for white people to stop the cresting wave that’s ready to drown them.

Divide and conquer is the oldest political trick in the book because it is the most effective. What has seemed to escape nearly everyone’s notice is that as the West burns, whites have been played like fiddles against one another. Their differences, no matter how microscopic, have been magnified and used to distract white people from ever noticing that the world is one big prison yard and the rest of the inmates are rushing toward them with knives.

There are countless ways to divide white people. If you were planning to get them at one another’s throats in the service of robbing them of power and influence, here are some great fault lines to exploit:

Young v. Old

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

Don’t let them ever focus on the fact that they are different iterations of the same breed, different temporal manifestations of the same protoplasmic blueprint. Instead, hammer away at the notion that they are different generations, and pretend that these generations have scientifically verifiable goalposts. Imbue the young ones with simmering hostility toward their elders. Encourage them to blame their progenitors for their own aimless misery. Fool them into thinking that older white people — purposely, in tandem, and as a monolithic group — engineered this disaster. Delude them into thinking that most members of any generation have the agency and power to make decisions that change the world. In turn, encourage older people to shrug, walk away from these snotty little clueless ingrates, and leave them to the wolves.

Male v. Female

If you’re trying to engineer a shortage of white males and females, play them against one another like natural-born enemies who refuse to ever kiss and make up. Use the sexes’ innate differences as a wedge and drive it like a freight train between them. Encourage women to think that they don’t never need no man, no how, no way. Applaud them for mocking, belittling, and demonizing men. Persuade men that their own failures and shortcomings in finding women who are willing to have sex with them, or even to spend five minutes alone with them, is entirely women’s fault. Turn the battle of the sexes into a never-ending war of attrition.

Rich v. Poor

Convince the rich that all their wealth was earned, that it’s a fundamentally just world, and that there is no such thing as ill-gotten gains. Prod them into looking down with disgust at those with meager means, to shit and spit on them, to jeer and sneer at them, and to view them as genetic debris who deserve every last morsel of their suffering. Persuade the poor that the rich only acquired their wealth through luck, malevolence, or dishonesty. Keep both groups’ eyes diverted from the fact that if the economy were to suffer a major collapse and food riots, water riots, and pill riots sprouted up everywhere, you’d all still be white in the hungry eyes of the enemy tribes.

Believers v. Nonbelievers

Convince a significant faction of whites that Christianity is more important than race. Failing that, insist that Christianity must be part of the package rather than a completely separate topic. Set Catholics against Protestants and both groups against atheists, agnostics, and pagans. Make them forget that Christianity’s founders were all Asians rather than Europeans and that Christianity is a majority non-white religion globally. Make them focus on the hereafter and the unseen rather than the here and now and what we can see with our own eyes. Keeping their heads in the clouds will make them forget that the enemy is approaching on the ground.

Left v. Right

Do anything you can to distract them from the fact that by obsessively splitting ideological hairs, they are actually splitting biological heirs. Hoodwink them into thinking that the only meaningful divide is between blue and red rather than white and non-white. Have them barking at one another over tradition v. modernity, monarchy v. anarchy, piety v. libertinism, capitalism v. socialism — keep them focused on anything other than “us v. them.” Even though in a street fight no one screams, “Kill the libertarian!” and no one gets a bottle smashed over his head for his stance on capital-gains taxes, make their mantra “don’t punch right” instead of “don’t punch white.”

Dissidents v. Normies

If you’re trying to push the message that there’s nothing wrong with being white and that developing a group consciousness among whites is the primary goal, make sure you come across like a tone-policing, moralfagging cult member who’s purity-spiraled himself into a dark, moldy corner. Be a pompous twat who calls himself a “dissident” and uses “normie” as a putdown, just like trannies use “cisgender.” Indulge in squirrelly esotericism and a nutty compulsion to smear everyone who doesn’t follow every last tedious dictate in your rulebook as a federal agent. Engage in endless speed-freak infighting, backstabbing, and unmedicated schizophrenia. Pretend it’s a private club with secret passwords and complicated hand signals rather than a natural order whose only qualification is being born white.

Jim Goad
