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New Peer-Reviewed Case Study Reveals Previously Healthy Man Develops Heart Problems Forcing Him to Flee His Home after 5G Tower Installed

5-12-2023 < Activist Post 19 1787 words

By B.N. Frank

Since 2017, doctors and scientists have been asking for 5G moratoriums on Earth and in space due to biological and environmental health risks (see 1, 2, 3, 4) and the majority of scientists worldwide oppose deployment. Additionally in 2019 telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they had NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe.

Opposition to the controversial technology continues to increase which has limited, slowed, and/or stopped deployment but obviously not everywhere, hence more people reporting symptoms and illnesses after activation as well as case studies being published to document this.

From Children’s Health Trust, The Defender:

49-Year-Old Develops Severe Heart Problems After New 5G Antenna Installed

Immediately after a 5G tower was erected across the street from his apartment building, a previously healthy 49-year-old Swedish man developed concerning cardiac symptoms and other issues that dissipated when he took refuge in an apartment without 5G, according to a new case study published in the Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health.

By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

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Within a week of a 5G cell tower being activated near his home, a 49-year-old Swedish man developed severe heart symptoms that forced him to flee his home, according to a new peer-reviewed case study.

The case study, published Nov. 13 in the Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health, reported that the man’s symptoms immediately lessened when he took refuge in an apartment without 5G radiation. But each time he returned to his original home to collect his belongings, the symptoms returned.

This is the fifth scientific report by Dr. Lennart Hardell, a world-leading scientist on cancer risks from radiation, and Mona Nilsson on the human health effects of real-life 5G radiofrequency (RF) radiation.

Hardell, an oncologist and epidemiologist with the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, has authored more than 350 papers, almost 60 of which address the topic of RF radiation.

Nilsson, managing director of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, has been researching the human health impacts of 5G with Hardell for more than three years. She told The Defender:

“This study further strengthens the findings of our previous case studies, which consistently showed 5G caused very high microwave [or RF] radiation exposure rapidly provoked the onset of severe symptoms typical of ‘microwave syndrome’ [sometimes called ‘RF sickness’].”

According to Nilsson, the 5G rollout is a “huge scandal” because it’s “forcing people to be exposed to very high levels of pulse-modulated 5G radiation in their own homes without their informed consent and most importantly without any studies showing that it is not harmful.”

“It is about time to halt the roll-out and dismantle 5G because, from all that we know this far, 5G is dangerous to human health and there is nothing to show that it is not harmful,” Nilsson said.

Severe symptoms came on swiftly

The new case study reported on the health experiences of a previously healthy man after 5G infrastructure was installed near where he and his adolescent daughter lived.

In November 2022, a 5G tower was deployed on a building rooftop 20 meters from the man’s apartment, with its antennae directed toward his apartment.

Prior to the 5G antennae, there had been 3G/4G infrastructure on the roof of the building since 2013, but it was placed farther away from the man’s apartment, Hardell and Nilsson said.

Upon deployment of the 5G antennae, the man “rather immediately” began experiencing numerous health problems including chest pain, severe headaches, dysesthesia (abnormal sensations), loss of immediate memory, transitory high pulse, irregular pulse and burning or lancinating (piercing or stabbing) pain on the skin of his hands and arms.

“It became unbearable [for him] to stay in the apartment and he even feared for his life due to the severity of the experienced health effects,” Hardell and Nilsson said.

The daughter complained of headaches and sleep problems.

One week after the 5G deployment, the man and his daughter relocated to a different apartment with much lower levels of RF radiation.

The man completed a questionnaire about the symptoms he experienced in October 2022, before the 5G deployment, in November 2022, when exposed to 5G and in May 2023, when living in his new apartment without 5G radiation.

He said his symptoms quickly abated when he left the apartment and quickly returned each time he returned to gather more of his personal belongings.

Hardell and Nilsson noted that the man’s symptoms when exposed to 5G were “typical” for microwave syndrome:

“Headache, sleeping problems and effects on the heart are well documented and reported repeatedly in studies on health effects due to exposure to microwave/RF radiation.”

5G pulsed radiation ‘more hazardous’ than continuous radiation

Hardell and Nilsson measured the RF radiation levels in the vacated apartment.

5G uses pulsed RF radiation signals which may be “more hazardous” than non-pulsed, or continuous, signals, Hardell and Nilsson said.

This is because cellular processes are highly sensitive to fluctuations in the electromagnetic environment of the cell. Indeed, a 2021 scientific review showed that pulsed RF radiation is twice as bioactive as continuous radiation.

Hardell and Nilsson’s highest reading was more than 3,180,000 microwatts per square meter (μW/m2) — the highest maximum value that the meter they used could measure — so the actual radiation may have been even higher, Hardell and Nilsson said.

“However, the measured levels are far below the recommended ICNIRP [International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection] 2020 limits for the 5G frequency,” they said. “For these frequencies, ICNIRP recommends [a] maximum 10,000,000 μW/m2 averaged over 30 minutes.”

Hardell and Nilsson concluded that the case study shows that “5G at levels far below the ICNIRP limits may cause severe health effects in [a] short time.”

ICNIRP is a “self-appointed” private organization based in Germany that has “worldwide influence and dominance” regarding which scientific studies on negative health effects from RF radiation are taken into account, Hardell and Nilsson said.

ICNIRP’s exposure guidelines — which serve as reference values for many governments when setting their exposure limits — are based on the idea that RF radiation is harmful to humans only at levels high enough to heat body tissue.

Hardell and Nilsson wrote, “Their [ICNIRP’s] guidelines are based on evaluations that have rejected non-thermal effects, despite growing evidence of a range of harmful effects well below the ICNIRP levels.”

ICNIRP, FCC ‘protecting the telecommunications industry’

Nilsson said she hopes the study will raise awareness about the negative health impacts of 5G.

“I want the public to know that they are being exposed in their own homes to levels of microwave radiation that have never been shown to be safe for chronic exposure,” she said, adding:

“Scientists and medical doctors have for years warned about serious potential health effects from 5G and that 5G would cause a high increase in microwave exposure — which is confirmed by our studies.

“They have asked for a moratorium until the risks have been investigated.”

Meanwhile, the RF radiation exposure limits accepted by most governments — including the U.S., via the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) — are allowing the rollout of 5G because the limits are set too high, she said.

“It is clear that ICNIRP and governmental agencies like the FCC are protecting the telecommunications industry,” Nilsson added.

Their limits protect only against acute effects from radiation so intense that it heats the body and are inadequate for protecting the public against harm from chronic exposure to lower levels of radiation, she said.

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, director of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless program, agreed. She told The Defender:

“Not only have the FCC limits not been updated in over 20 years, but as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held in CHD’s landmark win against the FCC in 2021, the FCC failed to take into consideration non-cancer causing adverse health effects of RF radiation, the environmental threats, and the particular impact of RF radiation on children.

“It is time the FCC and other standard-setting bodies take the hundreds of studies, like this one, into consideration and do their job to protect the public and the environment, rather than big industry.”

Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa.

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