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Lamentations for a City

4-12-2023 < Counter Currents 46 2817 words

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Liz Collin
They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd
Paper Birch Publishing, 2022

The Fall of Minneapolis (2023)
Directed by J. C. Chaix

See also: “The Town that Floyd Destroyed” & “Hubert Humphrey’s North Country

Minneapolis is Minnesota’s largest city, a state with a mostly Nordic and highly conformist, but generally agreeable, population. The city is situated on the Mississippi River, and until recently it was spared the effects of the Great Migration of sub-Saharans from the South. Down the Mississippi, in Saint Louis, sub-Saharans who were somehow cut loose from the paternalistic plantation culture were already massing in areas of the city before 1830. As a result of the African pathologies which naturally followed, the whites in Saint Louis developed a resistance to both black crime and naïve white “civil rights” schemes. But in 2020, Minnesota’s Nice White Liberals had no inoculation to sub-Saharan pathology mixed with liberal white delusions — and this caused a disaster.

Liz Collin is a native of Worthington, Minnesota who became interested in journalism and published her own newspaper as a teenager. She went on to become an anchor at WCCO in Minneapolis, a CBS affiliate. She is married to Bob Kroll, who was the head of the Minneapolis police union in 2020.

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a petty sub-Saharan career criminal, died while in police custody. The mainstream media, the Democratic Party, most of the American establishment, and professional sub-Saharan race activists were able to create a nationwide social movement which ultimately resulted in the destruction of cultural objects, rioting costing billions, and a severely polarized American political culture. Since the riots Minneapolis has experienced white flight, crime is out of control, and the police force has been reduced to the point where it is barely able to carry out its core mission.

Liz Collin and her family were among the victims of the Summer of Floyd. Because Collin was married to the President of the police union, and the Minneapolis media elite suddenly became anti-police, she was demoted from her job as an anchor and sent to cover news about COVID-19. Her coverage was edited such that the narrative always focused on the idea that the virus was deadlier than it really was and that the vaccines were “safe and effective.”

In the wake of her cancelling, Collin wrote a book about the Floyd riots in Minneapolis called They’re Lying that was published in 2022. In 2023 she crowdfunded a documentary about the riots called The Fall of Minneapolis, which free of charge online.

If one was already reading dissident Right literature in 2020, most of what is presented in The Fall of Minneapolis was already known at the time of the riots. George Floyd was a petty criminal who was arrested for attempting to pass counterfeit money. He was also acting erratically given that he was high on drugs. Once the police arrived, he swallowed the rest of his drug stash; he can be seen with some sort of pill in his mouth on the police bodycam footage. Thus, Floyd died as a result of his poor choices.

In this image, one can see that George Floyd has something in his mouth — most likely fentanyl.

While Floyd was being arrested, he claimed that he’d been previously shot by the police (a lie), that he wanted to talk to his mother (who had been dead for more than two years), and he didn’t admit that he’d ingested drugs. Floyd also had a preexisting heart condition and untreated high blood pressure. The stress of the arrest, his pre-existing health conditions, and the overdose killed Floyd. Had he been found dead at home, his death would have been ruled a drug overdose — a simple death by misadventure.

Floyd’s death would not have been notable were it not for several other factors. The Mayor of Minneapolis at the time was a Jew, Jacob Frey. (It is remarkable how many social catastrophes have a Jew at the center of them.) Additionally, the city’s Police Chief was an affirmative action hireling, Medaria Arradondo. Like Colin Powell, Arradondo appeared sharp when things were going well, but he had no moral vision or real courage. His officers claimed that Arradondo was good at praising his officers and passing out awards, but was utterly overwhelmed during real crises. Floyd’s death also occurred during an election year.

The media and the liberal-minority coalition have often hyped the death of dangerous young sub-Saharans in the lead-up to elections since the mid-1950s. In 2012 Trayvon Martin was the hyped dead sub-Saharan, as was Michael Brown during the 2014 midterms. George Floyd’s death was no different, except for the fact that the Minneapolis police, and police more generally across the nation, were subjected to a massive and coordinated attack by the media and the Democratic Party. Those in elected offices who were the most anti-police generated iron-fisted anarcho-tyranny in 2020. Mobs of non-whites were free to attack businesses, and residents who fought back were imprisoned by pro-crime district attorneys.

It had been only a matter of time before the Minneapolis Police Department was attacked by the Minneapolis political establishment, however. Several members of the city’s political class were already hostile to the police prior to Floyd’s death, and there was foreshadowing prior to the explosion in 2020. In 2016, a sub-Saharan named Philando Castile was shot in Minneapolis while resisting arrest. An uproar ensued that was partially fueled by the Obama regime and Black Lives Matter in an attempt to aid the Democrats in the upcoming election. The city government and the media did nothing to calm the situation or aid the police. Castile had in fact been pulled over because he matched the description of a robbery suspect, had failed to follow instructions, and appeared to be threatening.

Then, in 2018, an inside joke regarding a Christmas tree that had been decorated with trash by Minneapolis police officers. The decorations were interpreted as depicting racial stereotypes about blacks. When word of the incident reached the Jewish Mayor, he vowed to have the officers responsible fired. Frey in fact made the vow while drunk. He did fire them, but without due process, so the officers were reinstated with help from the union. Frey’s immature overreaction to the Christmas tree controversy caused him an embarrassing — and unnecessary — political defeat, so he was certainly awaiting his opportunity for revenge, which came two years later.

Both the book and the documentary show that the technique officer Derek Chauvin’s used in restraining Floyd was an ordinary police procedure, and that the entire Minneapolis police force had been trained to use it. It is called the Maximum Restraint Technique (MRT). MRT is used when a suspect suffers a health emergency after resisting arrest, as Floyd had been doing. The suspect is then held down by an officer who has his knee on the suspect’s shoulder while he is handcuffed; then, the medics are summoned. Once the ambulance arrives, the suspect is loaded onto a gurney while still being restrained. There are several ways of restraining the suspect on the gurney depending on the health emergency. But the MRT can give the impression that the officer has his knee on the suspect’s neck when seen by outsider observers.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.

Judge Peter Cahill did not allow the training manuals that taught the MRT to officers to be admitted into evidence. This allowed Police Chief Arradondo to lie on the stand when he claimed that Chauvin’s method of restraint was something he had not seen before. Judge Cahill also stacked the jury with Black Lives Matter supporters. Cahill also barred much of the officers’ bodycam footage from being used as evidence, even though that is why police are equipped with bodycams in the first place. Chauvin and his fellow officers didn’t stand a chance during the trial.

Cahill also barred much of the police body cams footage from being used as evidence although the purpose of body cams is to create legal evidence and body cam footage is entirely neutral and obviously fact-based.

This is not in the book or the film, but is my own speculation: During the trial of the officers who had restrained Rodney King — another petty sub-Saharan career criminal — in 1992, Los Angeles police training and tactics were admitted into evidence and the entire video of King’s arrest was shown to the jury. As a result, the jury found the police not guilty. Ironically, the beating that King sustained was the result of political pressure that had been put on the LAPD by sub-Saharan political pressure that had led to end of the previous procedure for restraining suspects: the choke hold. Once the choke hold was barred to officers, they were issued the hollow aluminum bats that were used on King. Had the choke hold been used instead, King would have been quickly subdued with less violence.

The key individual who brought Floyd’s arrest to the attention of the Mayor and the mainstream media was Genevieve Hansen. Hansen represented the intersection of several negative trends in American culture: mainly the overproduction of elites and the feminist-inspired practice of putting women in dangerous, yet glamorous jobs, for which they are unsuited.

Hansen was an off-duty “firefighter” who had filmed Floyd’s arrest with her phone while immaturely shouting obscenities at the police. Hansen didn’t know that the police had already called for medical backup. The medics soon arrived, but not at the exact spot where the crisis was happening. Hansen didn’t direct the medics there or aid the first responders in any way; instead she shouted on the sidelines while claiming to feel “totally distressed.” Her behavior was overemotional, unprofessional, and demonstrated a lack of judgement. As a surplus member of the overproduced elite, Hansen knew how to shout Leftist platitudes, but she could not assess the situation accurately and put herself into a role where she could be helpful.

Genevieve Hansen looks like the type of woman who is looking to hurt others.

The four policemen who arrested Floyd that day are now all in prison. Chauvin received the longest sentence, and was recently nearly stabbed to death by a fellow inmate. The Floyd case also unmasked the anti-white animus motivating many of Minnesota’s community leaders. For example, during Floyd’s funerals one of the ministers gave a shout out to local gangs.

Both the book and the movie present the attack on Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct. The police had been perfectly capable of resisting the assault, but there was no leadership or plan of action to deescalate or deter the riot in the first place. Eventually the police were forced to retreat, and the building was burned.

It is entirely possible that the Mayor’s attack on the Minneapolis Police Department was a petty response to the Christmas tree incident. But it is remarkable just how many prosecutors and elected officials came to the forefront in 2020 who had already been predisposed to abolishing the police. The anti-police zealot Lisa Bender had been elected to the Minneapolis City Council in 2018, for example, as well as the “Squad” of non-white women in the United States Congress. As a result, law enforcement after 2020 became two-tiered affair: actual criminals go unpunished as long as they are Leftist and supporters of Black Lives Matter, while those who resist the criminals are prosecuted.

It is very likely that George Floyd’s death was an opportunity seized upon by the political establishment to damage President Trump’s reelection campaign. It fit a longstanding pattern used by Leftists. Anti-police rhetoric had been rampant during the “civil rights” movement in the early 1960s as well, but it didn’t reach the scale and scope of 2020.

The hyping of sub-Saharan deaths during an election is always a risky strategy in that it could create the conditions for a civil war if the circumstances are right. The anti-police rhetoric of 2020 made the situation even more dangerous. Uniformed policemen with a charter, an oath of office, and operating under known regulations and procedures make law enforcement easier, not harder. Without the police, society becomes a war of all against all, and armed militias eventually arise to maintain order — and the situation will come full circle. Besides which those suspects who are killed by the police are usually wielding a weapon or otherwise violently resisting. They also often have low IQs, and are thus unable to comprehend the likely outcomes of their choices.

It is also possible that the Democratic Party was attempting to put all police forces across the nation under federal authority. Many liberals believe that a hypothetical federal law enforcement agency would be more respectful of non-whites. In fact, such a body would ultimately either end up arresting sub-Saharans in large numbers in the same way that local cops do, or it would simply be ineffective: enforcing the law against whites while allowing non-whites to run free.

The most likely possibility is that the American political establishment was so frightened by the prospect of Trump’s reelection that they coordinated an anti-police narrative in the media and positioned anti-police politicians in local elections. The resulting breakdown in law and order in 2020 was thus part of a push to both punish American whites for electing Trump and damaging the Trump administration. The George Floyd riots were really no different from a color revolution.

The resulting riots spiraled into a bigger disaster whose effects continue to be felt. There isn’t a way to keep a society at a boil while not having some form of boil over. When a Democratic Minnesota Congresswoman was attacked by a sub-Saharan in early 2023, she received a barrage of vulgar messages claiming that she had “deserved it” since the Minnesota Democrats had become associated with pro-crime and anti-police attitudes. There is also a direct relationship between the non-white attacks against Jews taking place in America in the midst of the current conflict in Israel and the George Floyd riots. Official tolerance of violence as the result of “righteous anger” can easily backfire.

Meanwhile, many Republican presidential hopefuls are now mouthing the liberal slogans that emerged and were piously repeated during the Trump years but are using them against the liberals. Martha’s Vineyard, for example, was famously thrown into disarray when a planeload of illegal immigrants was sent to the island. So far, however, no one has followed the logical conclusion of the anti-police rhetoric by denying first-responder services to the ghettos. Nor has any politician advocated for a “white citizens’ militia” in response to calls to disband the police — yet.

Ultimately, the George Floyd riots, the surrounding lies, and the fall of Minneapolis are all the result of a perverted Protestant theology called Negro Worship. Gregory Hood explained this situation best. Anti-white attitudes such as those demonstrated during the Summer of Floyd

[have] nothing to do with empirical evidence but with a moral vision, impervious to evidence. It is now the mainstream, conventional opinion that all whites are beneficiaries of “white privilege” and that all the institutions of society serve their interests in some sense. Violence, while regrettable, is simply an excessive (but understandable) reaction to inequality.

The way to defeat the next anti-white crisis is to create a moral counter-narrative to Negro Worship. Theology matters. Documentaries such as The Fall of Minneapolis go some of the way toward building such a counter-narrative.
