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December 6 Rally To Save Vital NYC Programs!

4-12-2023 < Activist Post 23 1997 words

By Neenah Payne

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has announced that on December 31, he will cut funding for the following valuable organizations to pay for housing and other programs for migrants in the city:

  1. GrowNYC

  2. Big Reuse

  3. Earth Matter NY

  4. LES Ecology Center

  5. Brooklyn Botanic Garden

  6. Queens Botanical Garden

  7. New York Botanical Garden

  8. Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden 

These programs divert more than 8.3 million pounds of organic waste from landfills each year. They produce and distribute hundreds of thousands of pounds of compost to over 325 community groups, parks, 85 street tree care events, and thousands of individuals each year. They also provide compost outreach and education to over 600,000 New Yorkers annually. These budget cuts will end community composting programs in NYC and eliminate 115 green jobs!

Please sign the petitionWhen you do, an email with a letter will be sent to the Mayor demanding that he halt the elimination of community compost programs! For members of NYC, your city council member will also receive the letter urging them to help us to reverse these program cuts.

Please also come to the rally and press conference at City Hall Park on Wednesday, December 6 starting at noon. Bring a sign and stand with the Save Our Compost Coalition this Wednesday.

Mayor Warns Migrant Crisis Is Destroying New York City

WSJ: New York’s Migrant Meltdown

It’ll ‘destroy New York,’ the Mayor says. Then he blasts a Republican.

Texans won’t have much sympathy, but it’s worth paying attention to New York City’s migrant crisis as a lesson in the consequences in a progressive city of failed progressive policies. Mayor Eric Adams explained it Wednesday night in a rant for the ages.

“I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City,” the mayor said at a town hall. “We’re getting 10,000 migrants a month.” So far the total is 110,000, contributing to a $12 billion budget hole that will take painful cuts to refill: “The city we knew, we’re about to lose.”

Continue reading at WSJ

NYC Mayor Makes Unthinkable Decision – Now 1 Terrible Disaster May Be Imminent reported on 11/17/23:

When millions of migrants started entering the country illegally, most Democratic leaders said nothing. Republican governors of border states requested help from the White House. They reportedly got none. So, many of these governors started sending busloads of migrants to blue “sanctuary” cities.

Very quickly, Democrat mayors had opinions about the border crisis. One blue city is so overrun by migrants, that their mayor said it could “destroy” them. But instead of doing what many say is obvious, deporting these migrants, the mayor is instead taking steps that could devastate the city.

From The Post Millennial:

New York Mayor Eric Adams made good on his promise to slash the city budget when on Thursday he announced sweeping measures that will free police hiring, close libraries on Sundays, and take other drastic measures all to pay for the massive illegal immigrant influx caused by Joe Biden’s border disaster.

New York Mayor Eric Adams is reportedly slashing $110 billion from the city’s budget to pay for housing, food, and other benefits to illegal immigrants. Adams had been demanding funds from Washington to take care of these migrants. Instead, the federal government is seemingly retaliating against the Democrat, in the form of an FBI investigation.

Adams will be taking billions from the police department, issuing a hiring freeze at a time when police numbers are already too low. He is also taking money away from other needed services, like libraries and education. Adams appears to be blaming the federal government for this move. He also threatened that these deep cuts are “only the beginning.” New York is currently facing a crime and homeless epidemic. Like many other blue cities, the city has seen a dramatic rise in crime, thanks to progressive policies.

The city might see more problems, with these cuts. Residents of New York have become increasingly angry over the migrant crisis. They oppose shelters from being built in their neighborhoods, even as Democrat leaders lecture them on the need to welcome these migrants. Critics have been merciless to Democrat mayors like Adams. While complaining that thousands of migrants are overrunning their cities, none of these mayors have called on the federal government to enforce immigration laws and deport them. And while Democrats complain about tens of thousands of migrants, border states have been overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of migrants.

NY Times: In Escalation, Adams Says Migrant Crisis ‘Will Destroy New York City’ 9/7/23

In provocative remarks at a town hall meeting, Mayor Eric Adams said that he did not “see an ending” to the migrant crisis and renewed his push for federal help.

In a sharp escalation over the migrant crisis, Mayor Eric Adams claimed in stark terms that New York City was being destroyed by an influx of 110,000 asylum seekers from the southern border and said that he did not see a way to fix the issue. “Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to — I don’t see an ending to this,” the mayor said on Wednesday night in his opening remarks at a town hall-style gathering in Manhattan. “This issue will destroy New York City.”

Mr. Adams, a Democrat in his second year in office, has clashed with leading members of his party as New York City has struggled to provide housing and services to the migrants. For months, Mr. Adams has criticized President Biden and Gov. Kathy Hochul for failing to help the city handle the asylum seekers and pleaded for additional funding and expedited work permits. But the mayor’s comments on Wednesday were his most ominous yet. He pointed to new projections that the city’s budget gap could grow to nearly $12 billion — the same amount that city officials estimate that the migrants could cost the city over three years.

“Every community in this city is going to be impacted,” Mr. Adams said at the meeting. “We have a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut — every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us.” The surge of migrants crossing the southern border has overwhelmed the city, with nearly 60,000 occupying beds in traditional city shelters and in more than 200 emergency sites. As New York City students returned to school on Thursday, city officials said that about 20,000 migrant children were expected to join them.

Continue reading at the NY Times

Mayor Adams is trashing the Big Apple

Even Migrants Now Find Sanctuary Cities Unlivable 2/9/23

Which counties are closing their doors to asylum-seekers? 9/22/23

More than 30 counties around the state have taken steps to block New York City from sending migrants to local hotels and shelters.

NYTimes: New York City Tells Migrants There’s ‘No Guarantee’ of Finding Help Here 7/19/23

“Mayor Eric Adams announced new shelter rules for some asylum seekers, and will begin discouraging migrants at the southern border from coming to New York City. New York City will immediately begin discouraging asylum seekers from seeking refuge here, distributing fliers at the southern border that warn migrants there is “no guarantee” they will receive shelter or services, Mayor Eric Adams announced on Wednesday.

The city’s move is a sharp and somewhat unexpected departure from its long-held status as a sanctuary city, and as a place that guarantees a right to shelter. “We have no more room in the city,” Mr. Adams said during a news conference at City Hall. As part of the city’s shift in strategy, it will now require single adult migrants to reapply for shelter after 60 days, a move that the mayor said was designed to make room for families with children. Mr. Adams said the city would intensify efforts to help the migrants connect with family, friends or outside networks in order to find alternative housing arrangements…

More than 90,000 migrants have arrived in the city since the spring of 2022 and close to 55,000 are still in the city’s care. Combined with the city’s existing homeless population, more than 105,800 people are being sheltered by the city, a record. The city has opened more than 188 sites to house migrants, including 18 humanitarian relief centers. From July 10-16, 2,800 new migrants arrived, according to Anne Williams-Isom, the deputy mayor for health and human services. “Our compassion is infinite,” said Dr. Ted Long, senior vice president at NYC Health + Hospitals, the agency that operates much of the emergency housing for migrants. “Our space is not.”

Continue reading at the NY Times

No Country Can Survive Long With Open Borders

“Midnight At The Border” | Running on Truth | Episode 2

The video above features Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s mini-documentary “Midnight At the Border,” in which he travels to the U.S.-Mexico border in Yuma, Arizona, to investigate the illegal immigration issue firsthand.

The uncontrolled influx of illegals also puts an enormous strain on local communities, all of which have limited resources. In May 2023, NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced that nearly half of all NYC hotel rooms were occupied by illegal immigrants. The city is reportedly reimbursing hotels more than $300 a night per room, which means taxpayers are paying, while the city is slashing services in an effort to balance the budget.

Massive tent cities are also being set up to deal with the migrant influx. Is the conversion of office buildings to housing the White House’s “solution” to this crisis? Ultimately, it gives the global cabal one more win in its war against the sovereignty of humanity — and sovereign nations.

As Ivor Cummins, a biochemical engineer with a background in medical device engineering and leading teams in complex problem-solving, explains, “There’s … a massive change in immigration … it has been many times identified as a way of breaking down nationalism … the United Nations … made it clear we need to destroy national, we need to destroy sovereign nations …”

RFK Jr. on immigration: ‘No country can survive if it can’t control its borders’ 6/23/23

Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he recently visited the US-Mexico border and claims that he saw dozens of people — from a variety of different countries across the world — cross the border.

In his talks with border guards, Kennedy learned that the border can be closed with relatively simple and inexpensive steps. He learned that the majority of immigrants are not coming from Central or South America as asylum seekers but from around the world for better economic opportunities. Kennedy also learned about the many abuses migrants (especially children) suffer from the cartels.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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