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The Worst Week Yet: November 26-December 2, 2023

4-12-2023 < Counter Currents 23 2529 words

Derek Chauvin

2,362 words

FBI Informant Stabs Derek Chauvin 22 Times, and There’s Absolutely Nothing Suspicious About That

In last week’s column I informed you that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin — who enabled George Floyd’s death by failing to leach out every last particle of fentanyl from the rubber-lipped felon’s bloodstream — was stabbed at a federal prison in Tucson, Arizona.

Now comes word that, as luck would have it, Chauvin’s alleged assailant was a former FBI informant named John Turscak who is serving a 30-year sentence for crimes committed while performing his snitchly duties on the FBI’s behalf.

According to a 1997 Los Angeles Times article on Turscak’s conviction:

A former Mexican Mafia member who admitted carrying out a number of crimes while working as an undercover FBI informant was sentenced Monday in Los Angeles federal court to 30 years in prison.

John Turscak, 30, expressed bitter disappointment with his sentence. He told U.S. District Judge A. Howard Matz, “I didn’t commit those crimes for kicks. I did them because I had to if I wanted to stay alive. I told that to the [FBI] agents and they just said, ‘Do what you have to do.’”

In 1997, Turscak became an informant in an investigation that resulted in the indictment of more than 40 alleged Mexican Mafia members and associates.

Midway through the probe, however, prosecutors dropped him as an informer after he admitted dealing drugs, extorting money and authorizing assaults while on the government payroll.

Pardon me for not being up to snuff on my Castilian surnames, but “Turscak” doesn’t have quite the same ring as, say, Garcia, Fernandez, Martinez, or Rodriguez. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the Mexican Mafia, but I was under the impression that just like La Cosa Nostra requires you to be Italian, you have to be Mexican to join the Mexican Mafia. I mean, it’d be slightly more convincing if they called him Juan Turscak, but they couldn’t even go that far.

Finding a picture of the alleged snitch, Mexican Mafia member, and accused stabber of Derek Chauvin proved impossible for me at the time of this writing. A picture purporting to be of Turscak was circulating online that resembled a more benign-looking Rob Reiner, but the photo turned out to be a snapshot of a 71-year-old man who died last week in Georgia.

Federal authorities say that Turscak waived his Miranda rights and agreed to speak with them about the stabbing. According to a criminal complaint, he used an “improvised knife” and intended to “commit murder” before guards intervened and pepper-sprayed the enigmatic informant with the Slovenian surname before he could finish the job. According to authorities, Turscak allegedly told authorities that he stabbed Chauvin on Black Friday because he found it “symbolic with the Black Lives Matter movement and the ‘Black Hand’ symbol associated with the Mexican Mafia criminal organization.”

Chauvin’s attorney, Greg Erickson, says that neither he nor Chauvin’s family have been permitted to visit the “disgraced” cop in the hospital. “They say he’s stable, but he also could be stable but unconscious, we just don’t know. That’s all we were told.”

Los Angeles: Where Blacks Kill the Homeless and Homeless Blacks Kill White “Social Justice Advocates”

In yet another example of the hallowed tradition of virtue-signaling yourself to death, a 33-year-old white “social justice advocate” named Michael Latt was shot to death in a “tragic act of violence” — rather than, I presume, a “hilarious act of violence” — last Monday evening at his home in the Wilshire district of Los Angeles.

Charged with murder is one Jameelah Elena Michl, and although pictures of her are suspiciously (but not surprisingly) hard to come by, I’m going to bet all my chips that it’s scientifically impossible for someone named “Jameelah” not to be black. News outlets, while being careful not to mention her race, are at least referring to her as a “homeless woman” who lived in her car. She was also apparently entangled with Mr. Latt because he served as her gateway to a black female film director named A. V. Rockwell. Miss Jameelah had allegedly left letters at Rockwell’s house onto which she’d scribbled such charming bon mots as “My Glock is loaded” and “One pull of the trigger and I’ll be free.”

But in this day and age, black female film directors are able to afford better security than white social-justice advocates, so it was Mr. Latt who wound up eating lead.

Speaking of lead, Latt headed an organization called “Lead With Love,” but I’m reasonably certain that in this case, the word “Lead” was a verb pronounced “leed” rather than a noun pronounced “led.” After his murder at the hands of a homeless woman named Jameelah, Latt’s family took to Instagram to commemorate his valiant attempts to uplift the same sort of person who wound up burying him:

He devoted his career to supporting others, championing organizations that raised up women and artists of color, along with leveraging storytelling, art and various mediums to create enduring change and instill communities with hope, love and inspiration. Michael will never be forgotten and we can all carry on his legacy of love, compassion and fierce dedication to positive and lasting change.

There’s no denying that being killed is an act of “lasting change.”

Los Angeles prosecutors allege that during a four-day span that included the Monday night when Michael Latt was shot dead by a homeless woman with an extremely black-sounding name, a 33-year-old black man named Jerrid Joseph Powell was wantonly shooting and killing four people — three of whom were homeless.

As ABC News tells it:

Four fatal shootings that occurred in the Los Angeles area this week — including the unprovoked killings of three men who were all experiencing homelessness — have been linked to one suspect, police said. . . . The suspect — identified as Jerrid Joseph Powell, 33 — was arrested in the killings of the three unhoused men, who were shot while sleeping alone on a sidewalk or an alley in Los Angeles, police said Saturday. . . . Powell was already in custody for another homicide that occurred in Los Angeles County this week involving a follow-home robbery, police said.

It’s interesting that ABC News would describe the killings of the “three unhoused men” as “unprovoked,” which, pardon me for noticing, tends to imply that the victim of the “follow-home robbery” was somehow asking for it. LA Police Chief Michel Moore referred to the three homeless victims as “innocent individuals,” as if anyone, much less a homeless person, is ever truly innocent. I’m not saying they deserved to get killed, mind you — only that I think they were all guilty of at least something.

White Hip-Hop Fan Gets Knocked Out, Suffers Concussion and Brain Bleed after Asking if He Can Take His Favorite Rapper’s Picture

I’d never heard of a rapper who calls himself “Nardo Wick” (né Horace Walls III) until I saw the startling footage of a 20-year-old white fan approaching him last Monday night outside a club in Tampa for a picture, only to get sucker-punched by someone in Wick’s entourage. After being rattled by the punch, the white fan stood frozen in his tracks and was punched again by another member of Wick’s entourage, who sent his head crashing into the concrete, leaving him in the hospital with a concussion and a brain bleed.

Apparently, Nardo Wick’s biggest hit is a 2021 track called “Who Want Smoke?,” the video for which has been viewed more than 200 million times on YouTube. Let’s take a gander at some of the lyrics:

I’m wakin’ up
I’m wakin’ up
I’m wakin’ up (emkay)
I’m wakin’ up
Who want smoke with me?
Who want smoke with me?
Who want smoke with me?
Nigga, who want smoke with me?
Who want smoke with me?
Who want smoke with me?
Who want smoke with me?
Nigga, who want smoke with me?
Who want smoke with me? I’m tryna fuck a nigga lungs up

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

Sounds like a nice kid.

Wick was apparently 20-year-old George Obregon’s favorite musical artist, and Obregon seemed to have approached the rapper with the naïve belief that Wick would appreciate his fandom and reward him by posing for a picture. Alas, it was not to be.

Obregon’s mother took to social media and showed all the class and restraint one would expect from the mom of a 20-year-old white rap fan [reproduced here exactly as typed]:

I want everyone to see what these mother fuckers did to my son!!!!! At no point was my son aggressive, at no fuckin’ point did she [sic] show any sign of harm!!! My son wanted a stupid fuckin picture with his favorite artist!!!! And This is what he gets!!!!!!! I am sick to my stomach to think about how this could have turned out!!!! . . . Anyone who knows my son knows he is the sweetest and gentlest kid ever. No drugs, alcohol, gang, nothing! I am dying here and my fuckin heart is hurting so bad I am sick to mys [sic] stomach. I can’t stay quiet. . . .

That last statement in particular rings true. I get the sense that the victim’s mom has trouble staying quiet.

To Wick’s credit, the video of the incident shows that the mumble-rapper [pictured in white] attempted to intervene and stop the assailants.

In his defense, Wick posted on social media [reproduced here exactly as he rendered it]:

I can’t control another grown man actions, I ain’t know that was gone happen, and I was mad when it happened.

He also posted a video of himself claiming that he “don’t condone that situation to happen”:

I don’t condone that situation to happen. I don’t stand for that situation to happen. I was fully unaware that situation was about to take place. You feel me?

I can confidently state that, no, Mr. Wick, I do not feel you. What I can’t state for certain is whether that wayward 20-year-old white rap fan, should he survive his assault, will ever be able to feel anything again for the rest of his life.

Black KFC Worker Says “Shoot All the White People,” Then Shoots a Co-Worker in the Head, and Hardly Anyone Reports on It

In an intriguing but almost impossible-to-piece-together story from the Indianapolis suburb of Beech Grove, a 24-year-old black man named Roberto Petties is being charged with aggravated battery after allegedly shooting a KFC coworker and purported romantic rival in the head.

I’ll assume the story is hard to make sense of for two reasons:

  1. Reporters are sloppy as hell these days.

  2. The story involves a black person making an anti-white statement.

In the all-white neighborhood of my youth, if you shot someone in the head, you’d at least get an attempted murder charge. This does not appear to be the case in Beech Grove, Indiana, however, which makes this sordid saga all the more confounding.

I’ll let FOX59 in Indianapolis attempt to put the puzzle together for us:

The Beech Grove KFC isn’t serving any fried chicken today after that employee was shot in the day and was involved in a love triangle with another employee and the victim that went very wrong. Cops were called to the fast food restaurant just before 8 Tuesday night and found the victim with a bullet in his head but still able to tell police who the shooter was. He told detectives it was 24-year-old Roberto Petties who had been fired from the restaurant earlier that day for unknown reasons. According to court records, Pettis and the victim were sending threatening text messages to each other throughout the day. While they can’t say for sure, police believe the shooting may have stemmed from both Pettis and the victim’s relationship with another female employee at the KFC. The victim has two children in common with this other employee, and that other employee is expecting a child with the suspect. According to court filings, police discovered that Petties had threatened several employees before the shooting, telling them he would come to the restaurant and, quote, “shoot all the white people.”

It’s hard to tell whether Pettis attempted to shoot any white people, though. The employee who suffered the head wound is named Derick Piner, Jr. I could find no identifying details about his race, but based on how he spells “Derek,” I’ll assume that, like his alleged assailant and romantic rival, he was black. The female fried-chicken employee whose loins were apparently bearing fruit for both combatants remains unnamed.

The only identifiably white person in the story so far is a 17-year-old male named Drew Gardner who, for unspecified reasons, claims to have been fired after helping to save the nearly-slain Derick Piner, Jr.’s life. According to WTHR-13 in Indianapolis:

An Indianapolis teen who helped a coworker who had been shot has now been fired. So we first brought you Drew Gardner’s story on Wednesday. That’s after he provided first aid to one of his coworkers after he was shot in the head at a Beech Grove KFC. Well, two days later, his general manager tells us he let him go. . . .

[Drew Gardner]: “I was a bit bummed out ’cause I considered most of those people there my friends. But I feel like, I don’t know, it just feel like a bit like a betrayal in a sense.”

Gardner’s mother, who has the fakest eyebrows in world history, spoke to reporters about coming to KFC when it reopened two days after the shooting and asking the unidentified female manager why her son was fired. She says the manager summoned police, who told her that she was trespassing and had to leave the premises.

And now the KFC manager is claiming that she didn’t fire Gardner.

In summary: It’s a love triangle among fast-food fried-chicken workers, at least one of whom was black, involving a failed murder attempt, multiple baby daddies, an alleged threat of genocide against all white people, a white worker who claims to have been fired for trying to save the gunshot victim, a white mother with horrifically bad eyebrows, and a manager who says the white worker is lying about being terminated.

America, this is you as 2023 crawls to an end.

Jim Goad
