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China’s First Emperor: Role Model For Globalists Now?

29-11-2023 < Activist Post 21 3681 words

By Neenah Payne

Understanding the philosophy that guided the creation of China over 2,000 years ago may provide insight into the critical choice America and the world are facing today. It is the choice between centralization of authority that characterizes all dictatorships, and decentralization which is at the heart of the US Constitution’s protection of our God-given rights.

People in positions of power are often seduced by the easy authority that centralization can provide.  In 2013, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his admiration for the dictatorship of China because he sees it as a more efficient way of governing. His harsh suppression of the Trucker Movement in 2022 shows that he is increasingly acting like a dictator rather than elected official of a democracy.

Trudeau said: “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar. There is a flexibility that I know [Prime Minister] Stephen Harper must dream about: having a dictatorship where you can do whatever you wanted, that I find quite interesting.”

Why China’s First Emperor Chose Centralization

The video below discusses Ying Zheng (259-210 BCE) from the Chin province who united the seven warring states of Chin, Zhao, Wei, Han, Chu, Yan, and Qi to create China and become its first emperor. It explains why he chose legalism (centralization) over Confucianism (decentralization).

Legalism – The Tyrannical Philosophy that Conquered China – Qin Dynasty Origin 2

In early China, there were eight primary schools of thought with Confucianism and Legalism in the lead. Confucius thought that people are inherently good and a rulers should treat their ministers with kindness to gain their loyalty. He advised that rulers follow their ministers’ advice to rule better.

However, Han Fei, the proponent of Legalism, believed that people are inherently are selfish and greedy and therefore must be controlled. He believed that a ruler must strike fear into people and keep his true intentions hidden. He said ministers must stick to their assigned duties or suffer the pain of death! He believed that the ruler must never trust anyone – especially his own family because they are the ones that can benefit most from his death. Han Feizi is Han Fei’s book.

Han Fei’s philosophy matched Ying Zheng’s experience in his own family. The goal of Han Fei’s legalism was unification of the seven waring states, meritocracy, standardization of rewards and punishments, brutal conformity to the given tasks and roles, and most importantly absolute centralization of the power of the sovereign. Ying Zheng implemented all those policies and made legalism the state philosophy. He owed much of his success to that oppressive philosophy, but it also led to his downfall.

Later dynasties replaced legalism with Confucianism.

Burning Books and Burying Scholars: On the Policies of the Short-lived Qin Dynasty in Ancient China (221-207 BC) explains that in 213 BC, Ying Zheng “perpetuated one of the most pernicious and hated acts in all of Chinese history. During his book-burning campaign, dissent was vigorously suppressed and dissidents severely punished. He ordered the execution of the first group of 460 Confucian scholars by burying them alive for daring to criticize him, and, in order to silence potential criticism of his policies, he trapped a second group of over 700 Confucian scholars, who had not even uttered a word of dissent, and ordered them to be executed by burying them alive. His cruel treatment of scholars was frowned upon by his own eldest son, the Crown Prince, Fusu, who tried to convince the First Emperor not to execute those scholars, but in vain.”

The article adds:

The First Emperor of Qin comprehensively created a most repressive system in which it harnessed all human and physical resources of the empire to his “one mind, single in purposes”. In many respects, the empire resembled a giant prison camp, in which he forced the entire population into corvée labour service to work hard toward his overwhelming ambitions. The Qin reign had a particular harsh legal system. The penalties imposed by the Qin laws consisted of hard labour, physical mutilation, banishment, slavery and death. Hard labour could last from one to six years. Mutilation included shaving of the beard and head, branding the forehead, cutting off the nose or the left foot or castration.

Execution could be carried in several forms and the most severe one was being torn apart by horse driven chariots. Mutual responsibility units of five households were set up, and the members of these units had to inform each other or suffer the same penalty of the offenders. For the worst offence, even distant relatives could be enslaved. The most common punishment was penal labour. Many were sentenced to exile to the frontiers, some becoming slave soldiers serving in the hostile and harsh north and west and some less fortunate becoming coolies for building the Great Wall…..

The First Emperor succeeded in creating an empire, but pressed its population so savagely in these huge and often unrealistic projects that eventually the population could not bear any more. The question, which might have been only whispered at first, eventually began to be uttered aloud: how long could the population endure such a tyranny?

The Qin liquidated the fragmentation of the “Warring States” and established a new amalgamated imperial system, hence putting an end to the chaos that had lasted five centuries. But, for obvious reason, the Qin dynasty has always been viewed by traditional Chinese scholars with extreme distaste. The image of the First Emperor as murderer, usurper, burner of books, and oppressor of the masses has been deeply imbedded in the Chinese mind. He has been cursed and excoriated by Confucian historians for the last 2000 years. Nevertheless, he has had some great admirers, among whom are the famous Tang dynasty essayist, Liu Zongyuan (773–819 AD) and Mao Zedong (1898–1976).

Whereas Liu Zongyuan esteemed the pioneering spirit of the First Emperor for establishing a new system, Mao Zedong never concealed that he thought highly of the First Emperor’s firmness in dealing with dissent and his resolution for destruction of the old. The political and administrative system that the First Emperor of Qin created virtually lasted, although with many modifications, over two thousand years until 1911.

The Qin epoch marked a cultural transition in history. The destruction of old books and compulsory reform of the script meant that almost all the old writings were either transmitted to the new script for later ages or lost altogether. It was this uniformity of written language that tied all those peoples of diverse areas together and made the centralisation of administration feasible. The bond of a common written language, together with a uniformed currency and standardised system of weights and measurement, not only made the central government able to control communications throughout the land, but also enhanced regional administrative, cultural and economic integration.

The First Emperor of Qin was a man of rage, impetuosity, megalomania and a huge ego and ambition for his place in history. He was prepared to grasp the absolute power. The authority of the old traditions was destroyed, but the First Emperor had no new ideology to fill up the vacuum. As long as his colossal personality reigned and his armies and bureaucrats kept a firm grip on the land, the masses would comply. They complied out of fear of his brutality, not out of conviction of his moral authority. When power was concentrated entirely with the single person, the crises created by his departure from the political stage would be particularly acute.

This happened to the Qin rule after the death of the First Emperor in 210 BC. The Qin ruled through naked cruelty. This cruel rule was a terror to everyone, including the rulers themselves. It was characterised by never-ending massacre, murders and assassinations. In a short period of the last three years of the regime, the acute power struggle in the imperial court led to a distinct phenomenon: to kill or to be killed.

As the article shows, Mao Zedong was an admirer of China’s first emperor . Han Fei’s philosophy experienced a revival under the rule of the Communist Party during the leadership of Mao who admired some of its principles.

The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass Murder 2/2/10

Can you name the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century? No, it wasn’t Hitler or Stalin. It was Mao Zedong. According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with—by execution, imprisonment, or forced famine.

For Mao, the No. 1 enemy was the intellectual. The so-called Great Helmsman reveled in his blood-letting, boasting, “What’s so unusual about Emperor Shih Huang of the China Dynasty? He had buried alive 460 scholars only, but we have buried alive 46,000 scholars.” Mao was referring to a major “accomplishment” of the Great Cultural Revolution, which from 1966-1976 transformed China into a great House of Fear.

The most inhumane example of Mao’s contempt for human life came when he ordered the collectivization of China’s agriculture under the ironic slogan, the “Great Leap Forward.” A deadly combination of lies about grain production, disastrous farming methods (profitable tea plantations, for example, were turned into rice fields), and misdistribution of food produced the worse famine in human history. Deaths from hunger reached more than 50 percent in some Chinese villages. The total number of dead from 1959 to 1961 was between 30 million and 40 million—the population of California.”

President Xi Jinping and China’s Social Credit System

Xi Jinping president of China and general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party since 2012, is one of the most powerful political figures in the world. By initiating an unprecedented third term as China’s leader in October 2022, Xi has signaled he may plan to remain in power for life — making him the first Chinese leader since Mao Zedong to hold unchecked power over the People’s Republic of China.

China displays a total distrust of its citizens. It is one of the most authoritarian nations in history – using it Social Credit System to track and control almost every aspect of its citizens’ lives. China is the world’s first digital dictatorship – and it’s just getting started as the videos below show. Cameras track and record every move people make in public – and reward or punish them accordingly on their credit scores which determine everything from whether they can travel, bank, send their kids to good schools, etc.

It’s a system of total control that the first emperor of China and Mao Zedong would have loved! The first video interview below was with an investigative journalist, one of the 10 million Chinese who have seen the dark side of the social credit system. His social media accounts have been closed for criticizing a corrupt official. He says the mainstream media is a propaganda machine for the party whose main duty is to indoctrinate people and keep them from knowing the facts. Hmmm… sounds familiar. He was detained without trail – like many of the January 6 detainees here.

Exposing China’s Digital Dystopian Dictatorship 9/18/18

China is marrying Big Brother to Big Data. Every citizen will be watched and their behaviour scored in the most ambitious and sophisticated system of social control in history.

A Look Inside China’s Social Credit System | NBC News Now 6/4/19

NBC’s Janis Mackey Frayer goes inside the factories making facial recognition scanners that track the movements and communities experimenting with China’s social credit system.

Trudeau’s Centralized Control: Canadian Digital ID

Trudeau Supports Partnership With EU For Digital ID Push, Suggests it Will Help Curb Online “Disinformation”

Canadian Pre Minister, Justin Trudeau, a proponent of centralized control, has finalized a controversial collaborative digital partnership with the European Union. This agreement exhibits full commitment to the introduction of a digital identity system in Canada and the government is pursuing it, in part, under the guise of fighting online “disinformation.”

The Trudeau government’s announcement delineates the terms of the Canada-EU Digital Partnership, which aims not only to institute digital credentials for Canadians but also to bolster cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

The contentious partnership insists on a joint effort from Canada and the EU to bolster their respective bilateral and multilateral cooperation in forums like the G7 and the G20. “The Digital Partnership will allow Canada and the EU to have a stronger common voice in multilateral fora, where appropriate, and bring jointly developed solutions to international partners and advance our joint strategic priorities,” the announcement states.

The G20, an influential conglomerate of the globe’s 19 major countries and the EU, has previously encouraged exploring the creation of “digital public infrastructure,” including potential digital identification systems and perhaps even a centralized digital currency. This “digital public infrastructure” phrase is the same buzzword being used by the likes of The Gates Foundation and the UN, when it comes to pushing digital ID and payment systems.

Alarmingly for many Canadians that support the protection of civil liberties, Trudeau has demonstrated a seemingly unwavering allegiance to this digital ID agenda.

Globalists’ Centralized Communist Agenda

The danger Americans and the world face now is that globalists like Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization, are attracted like Trudeau to China’s total top-down control rather than to American democracy which used to be envy of the world. Schwab is a proponent of  The Great Reset  — global governance run by a few unelected bureaucrats who force their ideology on the world. Schwab wants to replace shareholder capitalism with “stakeholder capitalism” which he defines as a merger of corporations and government — the definition Mussolini gave fascism! Schwab  also advocates the Fourth Industrial Revolution which will introduce transhumanism – the total permanent destruction and control of humanity.

COVID policies facilitated the next steps in the globalist takeover as the WHO imposed its agenda on the world. It is now proposing a Pandemic Treaty which it will introduce in May 2024. If it is ratified, it will permanently destroy national sovereignty and allow unelected globalists to rule the world.

Biden endorsed the WEF’s “Build Back Better” (BBB=666) – as did Trudeau and other Western leaders.
The video points out the many similarities between The Great Reset and communism which is based on a centralized economy and political control rather than the American federal system.

Historic Power Shift Now: Centralization vs Decentralization

Most Americans believe that the choice each election is between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, left and right. They don’t understand that the real choice has always been between centralization vs. decentralization, between slavery vs. freedom. The US Founding Fathers understood that when the broke free of the centralized government of the British monarchy.

Never was understanding that choice more urgent than now as we are on the verge of losing our national sovereignty to globalists at the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, and to Bill Gates, etc. The global COVID policies  facilitated a massive increase in that global takeover in the name of protecting us from “an invisible enemy”. Now, we are on the verge of losing our very humanity to “transhumanism”. According to Dr. Carrie Madej, the COVID shots initiated that transition without informed consent – in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

On February 20, 2022, Joe Rogan interviewed Maajid Nawaz who explained the global takeover by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. It was a wakeup call to humanity and millions of people who may not have heard of The Great Reset suddenly got interested.  This is a 2-minute preview of the show: Watch Joe Rogan Get Red Pilled On The WEF, Klaus Schwab, and Digital ID’s aka The Great Reset “WATCH — Maajid Nawaz explains that people in power shut down debate to create a void where reason, logic, and truth no longer exist, but where power can define reality.”  For a 15-minute snip of the show watch: The Great Reset | Maajid Nawaz BLOWS Joe Rogan’s Mind Explaining Klaus Schwab’s Agenda.

WTF?? Great Reset Total Global Control Plan Exposed on Joe Rogan? 2/22/22

At 2:15 in the 3-hour show Joe Rogan Left Speechless on WEF infiltrating Governments, The Great Reset Is Now Out In the Open on 2/20/22, Nawaz explained that we are in a pivotal moment in history because of the ways in which the internet and cryptocurrencies are decentralizing information and money — and thus power. He says this is similar in the shift in power caused by the introduction of the Gutenberg printing press. Nawaz said decentralization of the media is causing a critical shift because whoever gets to define the truth defines reality.

The Powers That Be that are losing the ability to control the narrative and the money supply need to clamp down to retain power. He says, “So, it’s an internal civil war over truth and over information.”
The conflict is not about Left or Right. It is about Centralization or Decentralization. He says that humanity is facing a crossroads now — total centralization (slavery) or decentralization (freedom).

At 2:41, Nawaz discusses Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and his infiltration of governments with his “Young Global Leaders” like Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, and Gov. Gavin Newsom of California.

Why Globalists Are Increasingly Losing

The dominoes are falling now as globalists lose power around the world:

  1. Giorgia Meloni became Italy’s Prime Minister in September 2022.

  2. Jacinda Ardern was a Prime Minister of New Zealand 2017-2023. She imposed particularly strict COVID policies. In late 2022, Ardern said she had no intention of resigning, but she suddenly resigned in February 2023. Arden was a WEF Young Global Leader. She endorsed the WEF’s “Build Back Better”. See Documentary: The New Zealand Scamdemic.

  3. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suddenly resigned on June 9, 2023. He endorsed the WEF’s “Build Back Better”.

  4. Kyriakos Mitsotakis became the Greek Prime Minister on June 26, 2023.

  5. Geert Wilders was elected as the Dutch Prime Minister on November 22, 2023. He defeated WEF pinup boy Mark Rutte who is a WEF “Young Global Leader” like Trudeau. The Netherlands is the world’s second largest food producer and is forcing 600 farmers off their land. Rutte was in charge of the WEF Global Food Hub to destroy agriculture and promote famine worldwide. See Why Was David Icke Banned From 26 European Nations?, Global Food Fight: Protests Spreading , and Dutch Farmers’ Surprising HUGE Victory!Wilders shocked the world with his astonishing win in the Dutch elections.He blasted into first place with nearly double the vote of the next party. Wilders won on a simple but profound platform. He wants to stop immigration, especially Islamic immigration. He wants to break free of the European Union to have a Dutch version of Brexit.Wilders’ success marks a 180-degree turn for the Netherlands. See the Rebel News interview with Wilders and Wilders explains that the West is now facing an existential crisis in which the globalists are ending freedom of speech and national sovereignty! Globalization is threatening the survival of nations and humanity. Wilders says, “We need a democratic, non-violent revolution from the people to stop the elite from doing what they are doing which is killing our country!”

We Need A Peaceful Revolution Now

Oliver Anthony predicts US will not last ‘more than another generation’ unless country changes course

If we continue on the path we’re going down now, culturally, we won’t have a country very long. Five years? Fifty years I don’t know,” Anthony said. “I mean, I don’t see our country lasting more than another generation the way we’re headed. We gotta go back to the roots of what made this country great in the first place, which was our sense of community.

See Oliver Anthony: Rich Men North of Richmond and RFK Jr’s Collaboration With Oliver Anthony.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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