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The Worst Week Yet: November 19-25, 2023

27-11-2023 < Counter Currents 27 2601 words

Conor McGregor

2,368 words

After Migrant Stabs Three Irish Children, Ireland’s Gay Indian Leader Declares War on the Irish; Dublin-Born MMA Superstar Conor McGregor Accepts the Challenge

The Irish occupy a unique place in white-identity lore: so feisty, foul-mouthed, and seemingly ill-bred that many uppity Nordicists don’t consider them to be white at all.

But if diversity finally causes the West to collapse and it all leads to war in the streets, would you rather have snobs or slobs fighting on your behalf?

Last Thursday afternoon, a middle-aged man later identified as an Algerian immigrant stabbed three children outside their school in Dublin’s city center. When a woman in her 30s who worked at the school tried to intervene, the Algerian stabbed her, too.

According to one witness:

The kids were out walking. All of a sudden one of them fell to the ground, then another fell to the ground, then another falls to the ground. . . . I saw a young girl with blood all over her and a woman was giving her treatment. There was just chaos everywhere. Everybody was in tears.

One man used his helmet to knock the knife out of the assailant’s hand, and a crowd of legendarily angry Irish folk pummeled the knifeman into submission and held him until police arrived.

Two of the children who were stabbed — a five-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl — were treated at the hospital for minor injuries. But a five-year-old girl and the woman in her 30s are still apparently being treated for much more serious injuries, as is the attacker, whom police say is still so incoherent from the beating he received that they’ve yet to interrogate him about the incident.

As night fell on Dublin, the city center erupted in flames and “absolute bedlam.” Locals, many of whom had reached an emotional tipping point over the fact that the migrants they’d never requested had increased their country’s population by nearly 12% over the past 11 years, exulted in the chaos and attacked police and migrants alike.

By Friday morning when the smoke had cleared and 34 people had been arrested, Irish officials expressed their outrage — but mostly at the rioters rather than the migrant who’d stabbed three children and a woman.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee:

The horrific attack today in Dublin city center was an appalling crime that has shocked us all. However, the scenes we are witnessing this evening in our city centre cannot and will not be tolerated. A thuggish and manipulative element must not be allowed to use an appalling tragedy to wreak havoc.

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris:

These [riots] are scenes that we have not seen in decades, but what is clear is that people have been radicalized through social media and the internet . . . [creating a] complete lunatic faction driven by far-right ideology.

Irish President Michael D. Higgins:

All of our thoughts are with each of the children and their families affected by today’s horrific attack. . . . We are particularly thinking of the five-year-old girl and the member of staff caring for her who are both in serious condition in hospital. . . . This appalling incident is a matter for the Gardaí and that it would be used or abused by groups with an agenda that attacks the principle of social inclusion is reprehensible and deserves condemnation by all those who believe in the rule of law and democracy.

Piping in most vociferously was Taioseach (roughly pronounced “TEA-shock”) Leo Varadkar, an openly gay ethnic Indian who has far more governmental power than Ireland’s president.

These criminals did not do what they did because they love Ireland, they did not do what they did because they wanted to protect Irish people, they did not do it out of any sense of patriotism, however warped. . . . They did so because they’re filled with hate, they love violence, they love chaos and they love causing pain to others.

Back in 2020, Varadkar had openly groused that Ireland’s government was “very white”:

One thing I strongly agree with the Deputy on is the need to target, set a target to have a number of people from ethnic minorities in areas of the public service. We have a health service that is very diverse, although less so as you go up towards the senior positions. Not so much in the Gardaí, not so much in the Defence Forces, not so much in the education sector as the Deputy mentioned, not at all in the civil service which is very white, including the Department of Equality for example, and that actually needs to change. So we need to have a target for people who come from ethnic minority backgrounds but also dedicated recruitment campaigns to encourage people because we do need a generation of young people growing up in Ireland who are people of color to see black and brown school principals, judges. . . .

Clearly not knowing how to read the Little Green Room over which he presides, Varadkar focused on fighting “hatred” — not the hatred displayed by migrants who stab indigenous Irish people, but the “hatred” of the Irish who finally fight back. Speaking in Dublin Castle the morning after the riots, he intended to broaden Ireland’s hate-speech laws and vowed to “modernize laws against hatred”:

We are better than this. . . .

I think it’s now very obvious to anyone who might have doubted it that our incitement-to-hatred legislation is just not up to date. It’s not up to date for the social media age and we need that legislation through and we need it through within a matter of weeks because it’s not just the platforms who have a responsibility here and they do, there’s also the individuals who post messages and images online that stir up hatred and violence and we need to be able to use laws to go after them individually as well. . . .

This morning, as Taoiseach, I promise that we will use the full resources of the law — the full machinery of the State — to punish those involved in yesterday’s grotesque events — and we will put in place measures to ensure that any repeat attempts will meet the full measure of the law.

We will pass new laws in the coming weeks to enable the Gardaí to make better use of the CCTV evidence they collected yesterday, and also we’ll modernize our laws against incitement to hatred and hatred in general — and that is more required than ever was the case before.

To all those cowardly champions of Ireland who took to the streets of Dublin last night, let me say one thing. Ask your sisters — ask your friends — ask everyone you know — what they fear most on the streets. They are afraid of you. They are afraid of your anger and rage. They are afraid of your violence and your hate, how you blame others for your problems.

Ah, it’s the old “blaming other people for your problems” rather than “blaming us for the troublesome ‘other’ people we foisted on you” trick.

Varadkar’s comments led Elon Musk to tweet:

Ironically, the Irish PM hates the Irish people

Based on the reaction from one of the “cowardly champions of Ireland” — namely, the Dublin-born national hero and legendary mixed martial arts champ Conor McGregor — Varadkar and other officials may have sorely misjudged the mood of Ireland’s “sisters” and “friends”:

Ireland, we are at war. — November 22

I don’t care about president higgins [sic] statement. Or Varadkars [sic] statement. Or Mary Lou’s. Or Justice McEntee’s. Or Garda commissioner’s. Announce our plan of action!! What are we waiting for? Your statements of nothing are absolutely worthless to the solving of this issue. Take Action!! Fix this situation IMMEDIATELY! — November 23

Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. . . . There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory. . . . God bless those attacked today, we pray — November 23

According to London’s Sunday Times:

McGregor’s posts are being assessed by the gardai, the Irish police, as part of an inquiry into the dissemination of online hate speech.

Just like Ireland, London is currently led by a Person of Brownness. So is the entire country of England. As is Scotland.

A demographic Cold War has been waged against the indigenous inhabitants of the British Isles for decades now. Since they’re all trapped on tiny islands, “flight” is not an option; it’s either “fight or die.” Will the deliberate and entirely unsolicited flooding of the United Kingdom and Ireland with hordes of largely hostile foreigners finally be what unites the whites against a common enemy?

Derek “The Floydinator” Chauvin Gets Shanked in Federal Prison

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

In our second of Three Tales of Whites Getting Stabbed this week, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin — who has been wrongfully convicted of murdering George “Fentanyl” Floyd following the provably false allegation that he knelt on the demonstrably retarded rubber-lipped primate’s neck for nine uninterrupted minutes in May of 2020, directly causing his death — was “seriously injured” after another inmate stabbed him at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona last Friday.

Apparently, the federal prison in Tucson isn’t the safest environment for inmates or visitors. According to the geniuses at the Associated Press (emphasis mine):

It is also the second major incident at the Tucson federal prison in a little over a year. In November 2022, an inmate at the facility’s low-security prison camp pulled out a gun and attempted to shoot a visitor in the head. The weapon, which the inmate shouldn’t have had, misfired and no one was hurt.

I was unaware that federal prisoners shouldn’t have guns with which to shoot at visitors. Thanks for clearing that up, AP!

In case anyone still didn’t realize that inmates shouldn’t have access to firearms, The Guardian is here to provide backup to the AP (emphasis mine):

Meanwhile, in November of last year, an inmate held in another part of the Tucson prison drew a gun and attempted to shoot a visitor in the head. No one was hurt after the gun, which the inmate shouldn’t have been able to get, misfired.

I was also under the impression that inmates shouldn’t be able to have, nor should they be able to get, knives. I would also assume that former policemen, no matter their crime, are open targets for all other criminals. I’m also going to tiptoe way out on a limb here and assert that in the case of Derek Chauvin, who is perhaps the world’s most notorious former policeman and who followed standard police procedure in his arrest of Floyd, prison officials should have placed him in protective custody due to the fact that any inmate who took a stab at him would get lifelong Honor Points in the prison population.

It has been reported, although not confirmed, that Chauvin’s stabbing took place over the course of several minutes while other inmates stood around and watched. As of this writing, Chauvin is still alive and in the hospital.

It has been speculated that a recent focus on Floyd’s autopsy — which states that there were “No life-threatening injuries identified” and that his blood contained far more than a lethal dose of fentanyl — may have caused the Powers That Be to start fidgeting about the possibility that Chauvin’s conviction could be vacated and the nation’s angry street primates would finish the job they started in the summer of 2020.

“B-but what about the riots in Ireland?” you stutter. For one, Derek Chauvin never stabbed children. And the children stabbed in Ireland weren’t convicted robbers and part-time porn stars who were trying to pass counterfeit bills. And I’m reasonably certain that autopsies will find that the Irish children’s blood was entirely fentanyl-free. Thanks for asking. I encourage you to work on your analogies.

French Teen Stabbed to Death By Arabic Youths Who Said They Wanted “To Kill White People”

Finally, in France — which saw massive riots this past summer over the shooting death of a misbehaving Muslim teen driver — police have “arrested nine individuals on suspicion of murder on Tuesday following the fatal stabbing of a French teenager in a suspected racially motivated attack.”

In the French village of Crépol on Sunday, November 19, a gang described variously by witnesses as consisting of anywhere between 15 to 30 Arab-tinted youths laid in wait for French teens as they were leaving a winter ball, shouted “We are going to kill white people!” and repeatedly yelled “Fucking gwer!” — an Arabic anti-white slur — as they began randomly stabbing locals. A 16-year-old French rugby player named Thomas was fatally stabbed, and several others were injured in the attack.

Although the French press originally described the incident as a “brawl,” they were eventually set straight by people who were actually there. According to one eyewitness

It wasn’t just a fight like we’re used to, where there’s little punches thrown at each other. We saw between 15 and 20 people arrive. We didn’t know them, they took out the knives, they were there to kill. We experienced it as an attack.

French police later clarified that this was no brawl:

A brawl is two groups of young people who have decided to make an appointment and confront each other. Here, we are not in that configuration.

And that’s the awful news for this rotten week. Try not to get stabbed out there.

Jim Goad
