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NY Gov Hochul Sends Warning to Social Media Execs about “Encoded Hate”

24-11-2023 < Activist Post 16 724 words

HONEST MEDIA is a very interesting new platform taking on the dangerous marriage of Big Tech, Big Media and Big Government. Here they show how “Quarantine Kathy” is laying the groundwork to censor what NY Teachers can use to educate in the classroom, and how the state is searching for “Encoded Hate” on social media. Everyone should subscribe to the HONEST MEDIA Substack and follow them on Twitter & Instagram @honestmedia_ [don’t forget the underscore “_ ” at the end] – NY Teacher Michael Kane

After announcing increased state surveillance efforts allegedly searching for “hate speech” aimed at Jewish, Muslim and Arab populations on social media, New York Governor Kathy Hochul sent a letter to major social media companies on November 21. In this letter, she calls upon the companies to increase their efforts to monitor and intervene on the speech of individuals using their platforms. In particular, she calls for the companies to stop the spread of hate with “active attention and, as necessary, responsiveness to the changing ways that messages of hate are communicated, sometimes in coded language.” (emphasis added)

No specifics were given as to what “coded language” refers to. This point is not trivial, as it is easy to see hate almost anywhere and in anything once claims of a “code” are invoked. Under the guise of altruistic efforts to stop “hate speech,” Big Government is once again pushing itself across the sacred line the First Amendment holds for free speech and press. There has been no clear information from the governor on what the limits will be on these new interventions or what oversight will be implemented to prevent government overreach.

The governor also directed the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to develop and distribute a “media literacy toolkit” to help public school educators teach their students how to spot misinformation/disinformation/malinformation (“MDM”) online.

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Such a “toolkit” sounds very similar to what services like NewsGuard are already providing to the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)’s 1.7 million educators, which they offer to parents and students for free. Critics believe NewsGuard is used to censor political beliefs and critiques that are not “hate speech” in order to suppress perspectives the organization and their supporters don’t agree with.

Big Pharma is a major supporter of NewsGuard, as the rating system received much of its startup funds from Publicis Groupe, one of the largest PR firms in the world that is also used by the largest drug companies, and staffed by Big Pharma affiliates.

NewsGuard is being sued by Consortium News (CN) for calling them an “anti-U.S. media organization.” Consortium News was founded by award winning journalist Robert Parry who broke the legendary Iran Contra story for the Associated Press and Newsweek. Consortium News provides an intelligent critique of United States foreign policy affairs in Ukraine, Russia, Syria, Latin America and beyond.

The news of Governor Hochul making moves to infringe on speech comes right as she won back the right in court to lock up anyone she so desires just for being suspected of exposure to any one of over 200 diseases with no proof. The governor can now detain such individuals for as long as she likes with no due process and no defined process for getting out of detention. Hochul, the first woman to be governor of the State of New York, has quickly become a national symbol of authoritarianism.

Source: Author’s Substack – Subscribe!

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