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Should We Defend Anti-Semitic Literature?

22-11-2023 < Counter Currents 26 842 words

673 words

The American Regime is gradually slipping in European-style totalitarian speech restrictions through the back door due to the climate of repression around so-called “anti-Semitic” speech. The latest example is the arrest of a Georgia couple, Philip and Hilary Jacobs who were arrested for “littering” after distributing political literature critical of Jewish power.

The couple livestreamed themselves distributing anti-Zionist literature for the White Nationalist podcast, the Catfish & Weaver Show, where the Jacobs couple uses the “Catfish” pseudonym. The couple, along with a third unidentified man, have been charged with at least 350 counts of littering for distributing perhaps thousands of fliers in the driveways of the Lithia Springs neighborhood in Douglas County, Georgia.

A screencap from the livestream of the Catfish & Weaver Show

As can be seen in the cover image, the literature’s message was broadly critical of Jewish influence in areas such as corporate America, pornography, and abortion. It is not important whether you agree with the content of the flyers or not, however. Since “anti-Semitic” political speech is the type that is most targeted for censorship, it is the true bulwark against totalitarian speech repression. If multi-million-dollar censorship advocates such as the Anti-Defamation League are successful in outlawing the literature of people such as the Jacobs couple, every other type of dissident literature is theoretically on the chopping block in the future as well.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

Their literature was not “trash” recklessly dumped by nuisance offenders. It was neatly packaged in plastic envelopes so that it would not get blown in the wind or absorb moisture, and it was weighed down with a handful of corn kernels.

The couple believed that they were well within their constitutional free speech rights to distribute the literature. In the Georgia Supreme Court case Statesboro Publishing Company Inc. v. City of Sylvania, the city tried to protect the “aesthetic beauty” of their community by charging the owners of the Penny-Saver newsletter with littering for placing their literature in driveways throughout the community.

However the court ruled that

the city’s ordinance imposes too many restrictions on the distribution of handbills, pamphlets, and newspapers at homes and that the city’s desire to protect the aesthetic beauty of the city does not justify these restrictions. Because the Sylvania ordinance unreasonably restricts the home delivery of printed materials, we hold that it violates the free speech and press provisions of the Georgia Constitution.

Judge Susan Camp released the Jacobs couple on $30,000 bond each. As of this writing, they have not yet received a court date.

The attempt to restrict criticism of Jewish political power by classifying it as “trash” under littering statutes is not unique to Georgia. This tactic has also been significantly employed in Florida against White Nationalist shock jock Jon Minadeo II, who is known by his online pseudonym Handsome Truth. Like the Jacobs, Minadeo livestreams on the GoyimTV website, and he was recently sentenced to 30 days in jail under Florida littering statutes for distribution of similar fliers that were critical of Jewish political power.

Florida resident Jon Minadeo II, aka Handsome Truth

Florida, which has a relatively large population of Jewish retirees, has recently passed new legislation making distribution of so-called “anti-Semitic” fliers a third degree felony. Governor Ron DeSantis, a passionate advocate of Israel’s brutal mass slaughter in Palestine, signed HB-269, vastly restricting the speech rights of his own constituents while on a diplomatic mission to Israel.

The court in the Minadeo case refused to hear First Amendment arguments in his defense.

Even if you don’t agree with the politics of the Jacobs or Minadeo, it is highly concerning that there are groups, such as the Jewish lobby, who are so powerful that they can outlaw speech that is critical of their political activities. This is the death of free speech by inches which, over time, expands into yards and then miles.

Benjamin Franklin said it best when talking about why the powerful should always be open to criticism in a free society: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech.”
