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New Study Reveals Hospitalized Newborn Babies Are Adversely Affected by Continuous Wireless Radiation Exposure

22-11-2023 < Activist Post 22 1092 words

By B.N. Frank

There’s been no indication anywhere in the world that cell phones and/or other screens are being put inside the cribs of hospitalized newborn babies yet.  Nevertheless, these wee ones are still being exposed to wireless radiation from hospital Wi-Fi networks, nearby cell towers and antennas, and perhaps wireless sources being used or worn by staff.  Given that research has already determined that exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) – including from sources of wireless radiation – is biologically harmful AND that children are more vulnerable to it, the results of this new study can’t be a big surprise.

From Environmental Health Trust:

New Study: Wireless Radiation Impacts Sleep in Hospitalized Newborns

Research supported by The French National Research Program for Environmental and Occupational Health found impacts from chronic wireless  radiation frequency RF-EMF on the sleep of hospitalized  preterm newborns.

Continuous measurements of RF-EMF levels were performed in 29 hospitalized preterm newborns throughout the first 21 days after birth.

The main chronic effect found was an increase in indeterminate sleep with RF-EMF exposure. At the highest exposure levels, an increase in RF-EMF levels increased sleep fragmentation. No significant relationship was found between acute (short term) RF-EMF levels and sleep parameters.

The authors concluded, ” Despite no consolidated disruption in sleep structure, this study is the first to show that some sleep parameters seem to have a certain sensitivity to chronic – but not acute – RF-EMF exposure in preterm newborns. Further studies are needed to confirm our results and examine possible mid- to long-term, sleep-related cardiorespiratory and neurodevelopmental outcomes.”

“Reducing wireless radiation in the hospital setting is an important and practical way to support health and recovery for vulnerable populations. Babies are not making phone calls. Instead they are exposed  to wireless radiation from the Wi-Fi network and all of the transmitting devices inside the building, as well as outdoor cell tower antennas. ” stated Theodora Scarato Director of Environmental Health Trust who pointed to the pilot program of the Archbishop Makarios Hospital whereby wireless was removed from the neonatal and pediatric  units.  Scarato also highlighted a review published Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care entitled “Wireless technologies, non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and children: Identifying and reducing health risks” detailing steps for medical institutions to take to reduce EMF levels.

Recommendations for healthcare settings to minimize exposures, to support positive health outcomes as well as to accommodate patients with sensitivities:13,83,197,199,215,275,281

  • Decrease RFR exposures in pediatric healthcare settings including waiting rooms, treatment areas, hospital rooms, and administrative workspaces by prioritizing wired connections and setting routers to their lowest operating settings;

  • Ensure facilities have spaces with adequate EMF mitigation for treatment of sensitive patients;

  • Educate patients, families, and staff;

  • Utilize medical devices, equipment and technology designed without wireless features, or configured such that wireless connections are not essential and can be turned off when not in use; and

  • Work with companies on research and design of safer technologies.

Cyprus has a Directorate to remove Wi-Fi from elementary schools, reduced RF in pediatric wards of Archbishop Makarios Hospital and launched multiple pubic awareness campaigns and support a strong educational initiative to educate children and families about cell phones and wireless radiation. They have developed comprehensive brochures for public health and video public service announcements regarding the issue. They also have clear guidance on how to hardwire computers.

Study: Besset D, Selmaoui B, Delanaud S, Bessarion L, Chardon K, de Seze R, Leke A, Stéphan-Blanchard E. Influence of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on sleep patterns in preterm neonates. Int J Radiat Biol. 2023 Nov 16:1-6.

Selected Readings

Aasen, S. E., Johnsson, A., Bratlid, D., & Christensen, T. (1996). Fifty-Hertz magnetic field exposures of premature infants in a neonatal intensive care unit. Biology of the Neonate, 70(5), 249–264.

Bellieni, C. V., Acampa, M., Maffei, M., Maffei, S., Perrone, S., Pinto, I., Stacchini, N., & Buonocore, G. (2008). Electromagnetic fields produced by incubators influence heart rate variability in newborns. Archives of Disease in Childhood – Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 93(4), F298–F301.

Bellieni, C. V., Nardi, V., Buonocore, G., Di Fabio, S., Pinto, I., & Verrotti, A. (2019). Electromagnetic fields in neonatal incubators: The reasons for an alert. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine: The Official Journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, 32(4), 695–699.

Bellieni, C. V., Tei, M., Iacoponi, F., Tataranno, M. L., Negro, S., Proietti, F., Longini, M., Perrone, S., & Buonocore, G. (2012). Is newborn melatonin production influenced by magnetic fields produced by incubators? Early Human Development, 88(8), 707–710.

Besset, D., Selmaoui, B., Tourneux, P., Leke, A., Delanaud, S., de Seze, R., & Stephan Blanchard, E. (2020). Environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic field levels in a department of pediatrics. Environmental Research, 181, 108894.

Besset D, Selmaoui B, Delanaud S, Bessarion L, Chardon K, de Seze R, Leke A, Stéphan-Blanchard E. Influence of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on sleep patterns in preterm neonates. Int J Radiat Biol. 2023 Nov 16:1-6.

Calvente, I., Vázquez-Pérez, A., Fernández, M. F., Núñez, M. I., & Múñoz-Hoyos, A. (2017). Radiofrequency exposure in the Neonatal Medium Care Unit. Environmental Research, 152, 66–72.

Passi, R., Doheny, K. K., Gordin, Y., Hinssen, H., & Palmer, C. (2017). Electrical Grounding Improves Vagal Tone in Preterm Infants. Neonatology, 112(2), 187–192.


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