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The Worst Week Yet: November 12-18, 2023

20-11-2023 < Counter Currents 21 2720 words

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Trying to Make Sense of Argentina’s New President

When he was in school, classmates knew Javier Gerardo Milei as “El Loco” (“The Madman”) due to his volcanic temper and flamboyant personality. Modern Argentinians know him as “El Luca” (“The Wig”) due to his unkempt mop of hair, which he claims he never combs. On Sunday, after his opponent conceded defeat, Argentina has elected the world’s most eccentric national leader.

Milei, whom many are likening to a political rock star, once sang in a Rolling Stones cover band. He has described himself as a tantric sex instructor who can go three months without ejaculating. Although he’s never married, he’s boasted of having engaged in numerous threesomes with women. He has compared homosexuality to having sex with an elephant.

Although a Catholic, Milei has called the Argentina-born Pope Francis a “piece of shit,” a “communist turd,” and “the representative of the Evil One on Earth.”

He owns five English Mastiffs, each of which he’s named after a conservative economist. He also says that he uses a psychic to communicate with the dogs and that they provide him with political advice.

Although he rails against “shit leftards” and proposes eviscerating many primary governmental agencies, he describes himself as a “liberal and libertarian,” which he identifies as “things of the left.” Among his quotes:

The first thing I am going to say to the shitty, silly, parasitic and useless political caste is what I am not going to do. I will never go against private property, I will never go against freedom, I will never raise a tax, I will never create new taxes….The state is a criminal organization that finances itself through taxes levied on people by force. We are returning the money that the political caste stole.

I will not be apologizing for having a penis. I don’t have to feel ashamed of being a man, white, blond with light blue eyes.

If I had to choose between the state and the mafia, I would choose the mafia. Because the mafia has codes, the mafia adapts, the mafia doesn’t lie. And above all, the mafia competes.

Milei has stated that his primary allies as president will be the United States and Israel. He claims to read the Torah daily and says that he considered converting to Judaism but that laws about the Sabbath would make it difficult to perform his political duties.

The 53-year-old Milei will helm a country with triple-digit inflation where two-fifths of its residents live below the poverty line. He has proposed shuttering the national bank, getting rid of the peso, and eviscerating public spending. But it’s unclear how much he can actually accomplish when his party, called Liberty Advances, estimates it will hold only eight of 72 Senate seats and 35 of 500 House seats.

But even if he accomplishes nothing, his stint as president should be interesting.

The Week in Semitism, Antisemitism, and Prosemitism

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

Back in May in the course of fending off what have now become incessant charges of “antisemitism,” Twitter/X head honcho and world’s richest man Elon Musk called himself a “prosemite.”

This doesn’t stop the Powers That Be from calling him a Jew-hating scoundrel, though. On Friday, White House spokesman Andrew Bates called out Musk for agreeing with a tweet that claims Jews howl about antisemitism while peddling hatred against whites:

We condemn this abhorrent promotion of anti-Semitic and racist hate in the strongest terms, which runs against our core values as Americans….It is unacceptable to repeat the hideous lie behind the most fatal act of antisemitism in American history…[and] one month after the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

There’s absolutely nothing emotional or hyperbolic about what Bates said. The “most fatal act of antisemitism in American history” was apparently a reference to 2018’s Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, and let’s ignore the numerical fact that the October 7 Hamas incursion into Israel was, in comparison to the dead bodies Israel left in its response attacks, a walk in the park and a stroll in the meadow.

On Thursday, Musk “liked” a tweet that stated he’s being criticized for having “the audacity to criticize progressive Jewish organizations for their anti-white policies.” On the same day, the website Media Matters issued a report with the hysterical headline “As Musk endorses antisemitic conspiracy theory, X has been placing ads for Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity next to pro-Nazi content.” As a reaction to the report, several megalodon-sized corporations said they were pausing their ads on X.

This led Musk to claim he’s filing a “thermonuclear lawsuit” against Media Matters:

The split second court opens on Monday, X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company…[Media Matters] completely misrepresented the real user experience on X….[F]or speech to be truly free, we must also have the freedom to see or hear things that some people may consider objectionable…[and] we will not allow agenda driven activists, or even our profits, to deter our vision.”

But the Website Formerly Known as Twitter apparently has some competition in the realm of Jew-questioning social media. TikTok—which is essentially YouTube for those with short attention spans and low IQs—gets over two billion visits a month. It recently received publicity when several of its “influencers” shared the contents of Osama bin Laden’s 2002 “Letter to America” but has now buckled to pressure from the Usual Suspects and claims it’s “aggressively removing” hundreds of such videos. Despite this, a recent Daily Mail article claims that Western women, including self-identified “leftist queer gremlins,” are converting to Islam largely as a result of being inspired by TikTok videos encouraging them to do so.

In films such as Borat, Jewish comedian Sacha Baron Cohen made a name for himself mocking dumb white rural American hicks and dumb brown rural Muslim hicks. But he appears to have no tolerance when anyone questions Jewish power. The New York Times claims that last week, Cohen and other Jewish stars such as Amy Schumer and Debra Messing had a group video call with TikTok executives, many of whom, as luck would have it, also happen to be Jewish, pleading with them to knock it the heck off with all the virulent anti-Semitism they’re allowing to run rampant on their platform. During the call, Cohen said:

What is happening at TikTok is it is creating the biggest anti-Semitic movement since the Nazis….Shame on you….If you think back to Oct. 7, the reason why Hamas were able to behead young people and rape women was they were fed images from when they were small kids that led them to hate.

Shame on the suddenly humorless Cohen for repeating the lie about decapitated babies.

Still cranking out essays at age 90 is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, world-renowned transphobic calypso singer, In October, Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam filed lawsuits for First Amendment Violations and Defamation against the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. In November 14th’s “The criminal effect of being labeled ‘anti-Semitic’,” Farrakhan meticulously outlines the process by which Jewish self-interest groups isolate, ridicule, and destroy those who question their tactics and honesty:

We want to look at how these private Jewish organizations who do the labeling, like the Anti-Defamation League and The Southern Poverty Law Center, manipulate the government law enforcement agencies like the FBI and the IRS to target and harass those who are so labeled.…

[P]rivate interest groups start with “the labeling”:  “He’s a hate teacher, with a hateful message.”  And then the group he belongs to:  If they don’t repudiate the spokesperson fast enough, they also get called “a hate group that promotes intolerance.”

They don’t have to “prove it,” they just have to “say it over and over again”—and then “the drumbeats” get amplified by their brethren who control the media.  And if that person does not apologize “quick enough” after that, they start to pick away at his supporters….

And then the word “violence” gets thrown in, and then “hate crimes” are mentioned; and ultimately, you hear the words “domestic terrorism.”…

And this is why I say to my great brothers and sisters in “The Twitter Army”:  No matter what vile speech comes at you, no matter what threats are made against my life by those who hate The Truth that we are speaking, never ever “get down in the gutter,” or threaten anyone with violence, because they are building a record of what we are saying!

Farrakhan’s prose seems downright elegant and delicate compared to the angry oral warblings of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, 2024 presidential candidate and self-described “Inventor of Email.” In a recent video, he makes the following startlingly vulgar statements:

Every Presidential candidate except me sucks ZIONIST COCK. That may not sound very ‘Presidential,’ but it’s VERY Presidential because I represent the American WORKER who does NOT want us to be ‘cockZuckers’ of ZIONISM.

Every presidential candidate except me sucks Zionist cock. That may not sound presidential, but in fact it’s very presidential. Because I represent the American worker who does not want us to be cock suckers of Zionism. Donald Trump sucks Zionist cock, Nikki Haley sucks Zionist cock, Vivek The Snake sucks Zionist cock, Chris Christie, Boobie fucking Kennedy, Joe Biden, all of these people. The only people that don’t suck Zionist cock are the American workers who are being screwed. I’m an American worker, I’m one of us. But Donald Trump is no different than any one of them. They all serve Israel. Bernie Sanders, for example, is an Israeli citizen.

Anthony Blinken is an Israeli citizen. The head of the CDC is an Israeli citizen. All of these people are Israeli citizens. All of these people work together against the American working people. There’s a lot of liberal Zionists who are out there saying cease fire, peace now. I’ve seen that for 40 years. It doesn’t get us anywhere. All that cease fire does is let Israel pull back, then go bomb the shit out of the Palestinians again. The only way to end this is we must end the occupation. Ending the occupation means beginning with ending the occupation of America by Zionism. Zionists have taken over every seat of power of the United States. If we’re going to free Palestine, we must end the occupation of America by Zionism.
If there’s anyone who should get military aid, it should be the Palestinian people. I’m not talking about Hamas, by the way, all those morons who think Hamas represents the Palestinian people. Hamas was created by Israel. So when you see Hamas, replace it with Israel. We need to build a bottoms up movement. Go to and volunteer.

Although it’s been suggested that the video is an AI deepfake, it was posted on what appears to be Ayyadurai’s actual Twitter account, which has 338K followers. His YouTube account (246K subscribers) verifies the Twitter account as his, as does a link on the bottom of the home page to the Shiva4President campaign website. If it’s all merely one big attempt at trolling, it’s an impressively elaborate one.

The Week in Black Misbehavior

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

Last week’s column covered the beating death of white teenager Jonathan Lewis, who died from head injuries after being pummeled into paste by a mostly black mob of co-teens after Lewis attempted to defend a friend whom members of the mob had already robbed and attacked. Last Friday, nearly two weeks after the fatal beating, four teenaged “killer bullies” appeared in a Las Vegas courtroom to face murder charges. The four aspirant quantum physicists are Dontral Beaver (16), Gianni Robinson (17), Treavion Randolph (16), and Damien Hernandez (17), who appears to be Hispanic. They made their first appearance in court Friday morning. An additional four murder suspects are under 16 and have not been publicly identified.

In Alabama­—America’s fifth-blackest state and a place where blacks are celebrated as civil-rights heroes for beating up white people en masse—the parents of a 22-year-old white man who was at the end of a yearlong prison sentence for second-degree theft are questioning what prison officials told them about the cause of their son’s death.

Daniel Williams had been serving time at Alabama’s Staton Correctional Facility—which, according to this picture of one its dorms, appears to have an overwhelmingly black inmate population. On October 25, prison Warden Joseph Headley informed them that Williams had been hospitalized that day as a result of a drug overdose. The family consented to take him off life support on November 9 but began asking questions after several discrepancies emerged in what they’d been told.

Williams had actually been hospitalized three days earlier than the warden initially stated. According to his stepmother:

Me and his father just assumed he got a hold of some bad drugs or something….And when we went to see him he’s beaten and bruised up and you can tell where his hands were bound. I mean, you can tell it’s obviously not a drug overdose.

According to the Equal Justice Initiative:

His family learned from other men at Staton that their son had been assaulted in a dormitory, tied up, ‘rented out’ and likely sexually abused for two to three days before he was removed from the dorm and given medical treatment.

When the family first asked hospital officials to perform a rape kit on their son, they were told it was too late. But once they hired a lawyer, the hospital conducted an exam, the results of which have yet to be revealed.

Way down yonder in New Orleans, a town that is 58% black, a black Louisiana Tech student named Jacoby Johnson is in custody after he allegedly went on a “random stabbing spree” on campus early last Monday morning, killing one white woman and injuring three others.

Finally, in Memphis—a highly problematic city that has graduated this year to America’s most dangerous after being ranked #2 last year— a “swarm of 40 looters” attacked a pair of gas stations last Saturday night a couple hours after another swarm of looters ransacked a FedEx truck. Also on Saturday night, a 52-year-old black man shot and killed four women and left another one critically injured in a spree that police say is being investigated as a “domestic violence incident.” On Sunday, the gunman, Mavis Christian, Jr., was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted shot.

Tennessee State Senator Brent Taylor is petitioning the governor to deploy the National Guard as well as Tennesee Highway Patrolman to help keep the looting and shooting in check:

Memphians are absolutely frightened and terrified, businesses are frightened….There are people who live in Memphis, and I hear from them all of the time, they’re looking to sell their homes and move to a community they think is safer. I believe our crime problem may be beyond our local grasp to fix and we need assistance from the governor and the state to ensure we have police.

Things have gotten so bad in Memphis that its police chief, a black woman named CJ Davis, says that not even “the entire United States Army” could stop the crime wave if they’re merely going to keep arresting and releasing the same subjects.
