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Counter-Currents at the Crossroads

17-11-2023 < Counter Currents 31 1109 words

1,003 words

I talked today with Greg Johnson about the Counter-Currents Fundraiser. Our goal for 2023 is $300,000. We are now at $120,006: only 40% of the way to our goal, with six weeks left in the year. This isn’t looking good, folks.

Exactly a month ago we announced that a generous donor offered a $1000 matching grant for first time donors. The vast majority of our readers do not donate. His goal was to get some of the free riders to begin supporting us. In that month, we have had $719 in first time donations, for which we are very grateful. There is still $281 left of the matching grant. Again, this isn’t looking good.

I asked if some big donors might swoop in to save us. He replied: “I’ve already spoken to our major donors from last year, at least the ones I can reach. They’ve done what they can already.”

I asked about medium sized donors. He replied: “We are reaching out to them now, but we have gotten about a 10% response so far. We’ll see how it goes.”

I asked Greg what his means, and he was blunt: “Cutbacks. Imagine coming to CC one day and finding that some of your favorite writers are no longer there. Imagine fewer articles to read, fewer podcasts to listen to, and fewer books to browse. Imagine ideas that you champion having less of a presence in the world and less of an impact on it.”

This is very upsetting, because the world is finally catching up to us.

  • In 2011, the idea of the “Great Replacement” was coined. Since then, it has gone from the margins of White Nationalism to the mainstream of the Republican party.

  • When Counter-Currents was founded, the idea of secession was marginal in White Nationalist circles. Now “National Divorce” is a mainstream Republican meme.

  • When Elon Musk bought Twitter and declared he was making it a free speech platform, the organized Jewish community spearheaded by the ADL cried out in pain as they struck with a campaign of defamation, blackmail, and boycotts. Two months ago, the suggestion that the ADL be banned from Twitter for attacking the platform — championed by Keith Woods — went viral, and Musk himself responded to it.

  •  A month ago, Israel and Hamas went to war. The Israeli response has been twofold: horrific war crimes on the ground and ridiculous propaganda in the air. Jews are baying for blood. Their hypocrisy reeks as badly as the morgues, graveyards, and rubble of Gaza. Moreover, it has never been clearer that our political class is subservient to Jewish interests while being indifferent or hostile to white interests. In the past, White Nationalists muttered about this on the margins of the internet. Now the discussion of Jewish power is mainstream and global.

  • But it has gotten even better. Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and Charlie Kirk have pointed out that major Jewish donors who are threatening to pull their money out of the Ivy Leagues over anti-Israel sentiment on campus were happy to bankroll anti-white hatred on campus. Jew-naming has gone mainstream.

  • But I can beat that: Elon Musk has openly called out the organized Jewish community for promoting anti-white hate. Beyond that, he has rejected the idea that whites and only whites should feel guilty about our history and identity.

No one person can take credit for these changes. But none of them would have happened without our movement. And Counter-Currents has been an increasingly important part of that movement.

Now that the world is more receptive to our message, we should be expanding, not cutting back.

But that’s entirely up to you. What do you want in 2024?

  • Do you want the Homeland Institute doing more polls — or fewer?

  • Do you want to see more articles and livestreams by Trav LeBlanc or Pox Populi or yours truly — or fewer?

  • Do you want to see more videos by people like Jim Goad and me — or fewer?

  • Imagine everything you like about Counter-Currents: Do you want more of it — or less?

One road leads to growth. The other leads to cutbacks. But there’s a toll on the road to greatness. If you want more, you’re going to have to pay for it. We have already cut fat and are cutting into muscle. Any more and we may have to cut into bone.

One of the reasons the Right tends to be ineffectual is a tendency to hero worship. We keep hoping that a man on a white horse will swoop in to save us. It is easy to believe. Nations have been saved by Great Men. Look at what Elon Musk has achieved.

But too often, hero worship is just an excuse for inaction. Maybe no big donor is going to swoop in to save Counter-Currents. So we will all have to do our part.

At the Siege of Eger, common Hungarians had to step up to defend their homeland from the Ottoman Empire. It seemed impossible. But with creativity, camaraderie, and courage, they vanquished the superpower of their day. Many small sacrifices coaleseced into a big victory not just for Hungary, but for all of Europe. I would ask that you, too, stand with us during a critical moment in history. It is in times like these that small contributions can have big impacts.

Greg Johnson once said to a donor who apologized for not being a millionaire, “Don’t apologize for giving what you can. If everyone simply gave what he can, we would have no problems at all.”

I know you want to help. But we need to hear from you today.

There are many ways you can make a difference, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.

E-checks don’t work for donors outside the US, but there are other options to explore on our newly-redesigned Donate page.

Also, check out our Paywall page!

Or scroll down and leave a tip in our Tip Jar.

There’s so much I want to do in the new year. Thank you in advance.
