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Residents Convince County Board to Pass Resolution Against Proposed Carbon Pipeline

16-11-2023 < Activist Post 26 733 words

By B.N. Frank

Who is fighting to stop carbon pipelines from being installed near their communities?  Environmentalists, lawmakers, regulators, as well as residents (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14).  In fact, last month widespread opposition stopped one company from pursuing development in five states including Illinois!  More recently Tazewell County, Illinois residents also convinced their county board to pass a resolution that opposes a proposed carbon pipeline.

From the Pekin Times:

Tazewell County Board passes resolution opposing CO2 pipeline proposal

Mike Kramer

After hearing residents speak out for and against a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline, the Tazewell County Board made its opposition to the project official during Wednesday’s meeting.

The Board approved a resolution urging the Illinois Commerce Commission to deny Wolf Carbon Solutions U.S. LLC’s application to construct the pipeline, which would run through parts of Tazewell, Peoria and Stark counties.

In drafting the resolution, the County Board Executive Committee determined that the proposed pipeline may have negative impacts on Tazewell County is such areas as public safety, economy, schools, businesses, infrastructure, water supply and an increased burden on Tazewell County first responders.

More: CO2 pipeline proposal a cause for concern for Pekin area residents, officials

“I strongly support any resolution by this Board opposed to this pipeline and telling the ICC how we feel,” said Board member Russ Crawford.

The unanimous vote to oppose the pipeline was greeted with a round of applause from Tazewell County residents who attended the meeting to voice their concerns about the project.

Wolf Carbon Solutions applied with the ICC in June to construct the Mount Simon Hub Pipeline System. The ICC is set to make a final decision on the application in May 2024.

In other business the Board approved:

  • Two special use authorizations for the construction of five megawatt commercial solar farms in Little Mackinaw and Washington Townships.

  • Amendments to the official Groveland Township and Washington Township zoning maps to change the zoning classifications of property from Agricultural Preservation District to Low Density Residential Zoning District.

  • The renewal of contractual agreements with Tri-County Regional Planning Commission for zoning and planning services and Municipal Addressing Services for addressing services.

  • A resolution appropriating funds for the payment of the county engineer’s salary.

  • A collective bargaining agreement with the Control Room Operators.

  • A Decommissioning Agreement for Bunker Solar, LLC.

Activist Post reports regularly about energy and unsafe technologies.  For more information, visit our archives.

Top image: Pixabay

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