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Elon Musk Names the Jew — and Candace Owens Sort of Does, Too

16-11-2023 < Counter Currents 35 1469 words

1,945 words

There are people in the world who are said to have “fuck you money.” That’s when you have so much money and such financial security that you can go around being a complete bastard to everyone and say “fuck you” to whomever you please with little or no adverse consequences to one’s self.

Elon Musk has more than “fuck you money.” He has “name the Jew money.” Kanye West thought he had “name the Jew money,” but actually did not. Elon Musk really does.

It all started with a tweet from a random nobody. According to 37-year-old Charles Weber’s Twitter/X profile, he is a “Jewish Conservative from S. Florida. Not here for “follows”. DM at your own risk. #BringThemHomeNow!” After seeing endless tweets raging against Jews, Zionists, and the state of Israel by anonymous frog and anime accounts, Chuck threw down the gauntlet and issued a challenge:

To the cowards hiding behind the anonymity of the internet and posting “Hitler was right”: You got something you want to say? Why dont [sic] you say it to our faces . . .

The tweet also included a video from the Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism which features a father confronting his son about his anti-Semitic social media posts and praising of Hitler. The father has driven his son to a synagogue and challenges him to get out of the car and repeat what he said to the Jews exiting the building.

Another random Twitter/X nobody going be the name of The Artist Formerly Known as Eric took up Chuck’s challenge and replied:

Okay. Jewish communties [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them. I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities they support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much. You want truth said to your face, there it is.

Eric is saying that Jews promote anti-white hatred and promote mass migration to the West. Basic Jewish Question 101 talking points.

So far we have an exchange between a Jewish nobody and a j-woke gentile nobody. Chuck and Eric have less than 20,000 followers between the two of them. In the history of social media, exchanges such as this one (“Why do y’all hate us Jews?” “Here’s why . . .”) have occurred a million times. But then Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, jumps in and says six words that change this unremarkable exchange into an event of earth-shattering, world historical importance: “You have said the actual truth.”

Elon Musk just endorsed the JQ. This is not a drill. He hasn’t endorsed Holocaust denial or Khazar theory or any of the more exotic JQ add-ons, but Musk signed off on the fact that Jews hate whites and are behind the Great Replacement, which are the JQ’s two most important tenets. In a follow-up tweet, Musk expanded on his thoughts

The ADL unjustly attacks the majority of the West, despite the majority of the West supporting the Jewish people and Israel. This is because they cannot, by their own tenets, criticize the minority groups who are their primary threat. It is not right and needs to stop.

Someone with the Twitter/X handle @WhatsupFranks then entered the fray and attempts to pull a “not all Jews” argument (his profile picture looks Jewish, but I did some research and he in fact has an Italian surname). He tweeted:

Yes, but this is not fair to say or truthful to say that ‘Jewish communities’ promote dialectical hatred towards white. Say what you want about the ADL, but don’t generalize the Jewish community.

Elon Musk is having none of it, though, and doubles down: “You right that this does not extend to all Jewish communities, but it is also not just limited to ADL”

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>You right that this does not extend to all Jewish communities, but it is also not just limited to ADL</p>&mdash; Elon Musk (@elonmusk) <a href=””>November 15, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Elon then added:

And, at the risk of being repetitive, I am deeply offended by ADL’s messaging and any other groups who push de facto anti-white racism or anti-Asian racism or racism of any kind. I’m sick of it. Stop now.

Of course, Elon Musk has to express his criticism of anti-white Jewish behavior under the banner of “I’m against all forms of racism, including anti-white racism.” That’s fine. As much I would love to see Musk tweet “110 and never again,” I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth right now.

At first I wasn’t sure anyone would notice Musk’s comments aside from the dissident Right and hardcore anti-racists who are hyper-sensitive to this kind of stuff. I was not sure if the normies would grasp the magnitude of what Musk had just said. But oh, they grasped it. Elon Musk’s comments went straight to the top of Drudge.

For what it’s worth, Chuck Weber, the guy whose tweet got the dominoes to fall, has come to Musk’s defense:

At the time of writing this story is only a few hours old and I’m loath to offer analysis or make predictions that might become obsolete within 24 hours. However, I will say something about another big story that has been going viral on social media: the feud between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro.

Last week I wrote that “[o]ne knows that criticism of Jews is the ultimate taboo by virtue of the fact that the establishment never bothers to cultivate a controlled or approved opposition to Jews.” It is my belief that Candace Owen is being groomed to be that controlled opposition. Since the Israel-Palestine War kicked off, Owens surprised everyone by not jumping on the Israel bandwagon and instead expressing sympathy for the Palestinian civilians being killed in Gaza.

Admittedly, Candace has been saying some good things lately. For example, she has been trolling Nikki Haley for talking about Israel non-stop:
