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Why Is Support for Israel Collapsing?

16-11-2023 < Counter Currents 30 2675 words

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Hamas fighters attacked Israeli military positions and settlements near Gaza on October 7 and took the Israelis completely by surprise. Around 1,400 Israelis, many of them soldiers, were killed, and hundreds of Israeli civilians were taken captive to be used as barter in the eventual ceasefire negotiations. In the aftermath of the attack reports surfaced that Hamas had “beheaded babies.” This is untrue, and is yet other example of over-the-top war propaganda. A week or so later, claims were even made that Jewish babies had been put in ovens, but that story didn’t gain traction. Hamas has since released some of the hostages, one of them offering a final greeting to a Hamas fighter, indicating that she was likely treated decently despite the circumstances.

Israel has responded furiously responded. I have seen several livestreams of Gaza in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’ raid, and I could hear bombs and artillery shells exploding throughout. These sounds were made more appalling by the fact that these explosives were being carefully and deliberately dropped or fired at places where Palestinian civilians were gathered. Every explosion meant the deaths and maiming of many people.

Israeli bombardments of Gaza are not uncommon, however. Israel has dumped huge amounts of American-made and -funded  ordnance upon Gaza since 2005. In 2021 the Israelis deliberately bombed a building housing the offices of media agencies. In the past, the Israelis were able to get away with such attacks with little objection apart from that of the Palestinians or other small, narrowly-focused groups.

The 2023 attack on Gaza is unique in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in that, although it is slightly more vicious than earlier attacks, the global outrage against Israel has been instant, loud, and large. In fact, it seemed as if the Israelis had lost the narrative war even before they started their ground counter-offensive. The ethnonationalist Jews are alarmed by this.

An editorial in the Times of Israel states:

. . . [W]e are at one of those defining moments in Jewish history when we find ourselves at a moral disconnect with much of the international community. As we struggle to absorb the enormity of the October 7 massacre and to confront a global wave of antisemitism, the trauma of aloneness has returned. . . . Anti-Israel rallies, we have noted, routinely attract large numbers of non-Muslims, but pro-Israel rallies attract mostly Jews.

The causes of this collapse of the narrative regarding Israel’s morality have been long in coming. But why now?

The senile Emperor

A future history of the decline of any empire could very well start by citing the example set by the Biden regime: “The empire began to fall due to a senile Emperor who was surrounded by Jews and sexual perverts. He presided over a series of military debacles, and was unable to secure the empire’s border. The Emperor then went on to support a reckless rogue state with no strategic value that was carrying out immoral military actions.”

The Biden regime is a major factor for the collapse of the support of ordinary Americans for Israel. Biden usurped the presidency through obviously illicit means, and his presidency was fatally wounded as a result. He then surrounded himself with Jews and politically-correct staffers who were hired for their identity rather than any genuine talent. Biden’s homosexual Transportation Secretary has presided over a supply chain crisis, disorder and theft at our West Coast ports, and a significant rail disaster. Biden’s chief medical officer is a Jewish man who dresses as a woman and preaches transgender quackery. Yet another pervert in his administration was arrested for his habit of stealing luggage at airports.

When Biden recently visited Israel in a show of support, his poll numbers among Democrats declined and did not increase among Republicans. He will be unable to rally the American electorate — particularly the most intelligent, wealthy, and innovative — through any policy he will attempt to enact in the Middle East.

The crumbling Anglo-Protestant vanity project

The key metapolitical event surrounding Israel’s creation is the exact opposite of robust white Christianity. It is rather a diversion from that faith by Anglo Protestants who were carrying out a vanity project. Cyrus Scofield, for example, popularized dispensationalist theology, which accidently put Jews at the apex of society. Even the idea of a Zionist homeland is an Anglo creation. Two years prior to Theodor Herzl’s push for Zionism, an Anglican minister named William Hechler wrote a book called The Return of the Jews to Palestine.

At first, Americans faced few consequences for supporting Israel. From 1948 until 1967, the Israeli military trounced its enemies in wars that lasted only a few days. But the Israelis weren’t winning these wars because they were wildly superior soldiers, such as those in the Prussian infantry. It was because they had superior equipment and ammunition to the Arabs.

By 1973, the Egyptians showed that they could inflict serious harm on Israel whenever they wanted. Then, when Israel invaded Lebanon in the early 1980s, its army became immersed in a quagmire and withdrew. Israel’s French and American backers received a further blow when suicide bombers massacred French and American military personnel who were overseeing the resolution of the crisis. And in 2006, Israel was defeated in Lebanon by Hezbollah.

Incorrect theological ideas such as Christian Zionism are entirely dependent upon success in the real world in order to maintain their illusion. Israel stopped being truly successful in a military sense more than four decades ago. Additionally, Israel’s moral standing has decreased, as Israelis have presided over one massacre after another. These massacres have likewise caused a decrease in support for the Zionist entity among many Christians. This decrease was never noticed until recently, however. In the last four decades, individual Christians have searched their consciences and tuned their backs on the Zionist project with little fanfare.

Strangely, however, although Christian Zionists have always supported Israel, Christians have been opposed by the organized Jewish community at every turn. The gay marriage and pride movements have triumphed as a result of Jewish money and support. Jews have also opposed nativity scenes, Passion plays, prayer in schools, and every other project Christians have pursued. The Anglo-Protestant Zionist vanity project has been undermined by the very people it was aimed to help.

The unstable “civil rights” social system

The creation of the state of Israel is not a triumph of white supremacy, as some pro-Palestinian protesters claim. In fact, it was the opposite. The old-stock Americans who supported Israel in 1948 were one-world liberals who supported “civil rights” such as Wendell Willkie and Eleanor Roosevelt. Israel is also not in fact a colonialist apartheid state, but a decolonized, genocidal one. Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians is more akin to the endemic ethnic conflicts of decolonized regions such as those in Czechoslovakia in the 1930s, or India in 1947. Comparisons between Israeli settlers and American pioneers are false analogies.

Israel was recognized as an independent state over the objections of Northeastern WASPs in the US State Department who were “Arabists.” Many of these Anglos were involved in missionary work in Ottoman Syria — modern Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine — and they were sympathetic to the Arabs. These old-stock American Arabists were eventually displaced at the US State Department, however, and American interests in the Middle East have danced to the tune called by ethnonationalist Jews and Zionists ever since. The recognition of Israel by the State Department is in fact an example of the dispossession of the American Majority.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

In 1948, the same year that Israel burst upon the scene, the Democratic Party rejected its core supporters in the Deep South in the name of “civil rights.” America has suffered as a result of both events. American society has bumbled along, but things have not gone well, especially for whites, who are the essential group for keeping the entire project going.

“Civil rights” has also undermined the American empire, which requires talented and fit whites to serve in the military, with white Southerners having historically provided the bulk of its recruits. But starting in 2020, the American government, launched a coordinated attack on all Confederate and pro-Southern imagery. This attack was led by Jews, especially Jewish women. The US military also launched an ill-advised attack on “extremists” in 2021. Given that Israel is entirely reliant on the American military to police its near abroad, the breakdown of the “civil rights” regime, partly caused by Jews themselves, is also breaking down support for Zionism.

Donald Trump’s unjust first impeachment

The first President to be impeached in American history was Andrew Johnson, due to his opposition to the Radical Republicans following the Civil War. Until the coup against Richard Nixon, impeachment was seen as something unusual. But when Donald Trump was elected President after pointing out long-running problems in American society, many Democrats moved to impeach him. This effort was led by Jews in the US Congress. From the viewpoint of the Right, it was obvious at the time that this impeachment effort was an optics disaster for the American Left as well as the organized Jewish community. The impeachment was in fact carried out by Jewish Congressmen, who called on Jewish or immigrant “fact witnesses.” It also created a serious rift between American Christians and Jews when Pastor Rick Wiles referred to the impeachment as a “Jew coup.”

The unintended consequences of Black Lives Matter & antifa

Black Lives Matter and antifa are both anti-white social movements supported by the organized Jewish community. Since 2016 they have moved from one violent act to another. Of the two groups, Antifa is the more unstable entity. Antifa supports transgender lunacy, which alienates those Muslims who are a part of the anti-white coalition. Antifa likewise has expressed support for the open genocide in Gaza, which undercuts their core mission.

Black Lives Matter represents an actual tribe of people, so it is somewhat more stable than antifa. But BLM has aligned itself with the pro-Palestine movement. Previous pro-Palestine statements that were made at BLM events and in their literature should have warned the organized Jewish community that their anti-white juggling act was sure to come apart.

The organized Jewish community has of course also long supported immigration as well as refugee invasions. Many of these invaders are Muslims who are hostile to Israel. During the Trump administration, the organized Jewish community nevertheless supported the elections of non-white “progressive” women such as Rashida Tlaib and Illian Omar to Congress in order to “get back at Trump.” Now these women work against Israel’s interests.

Hard work by the counter-Semites

Another important factor is years of hard work by counter-Semites. In the 1920s, Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard worked to get immigration restrictions enacted, but even after their enormous success, Americans eventually opened the door to both immigration and Jewish subversion.

Wilmot Robertson wrote The Dispossessed Majority in the early 1970s, pointing out the problems caused by Jewish control over America’s foreign policy. Within ten years, the problems stemming from America’s support for the Zionist entity became clear with the bombing of the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, killing 241 US military personnel.

The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in itself was significant beyond merely the Israel Defense Force’s failure to win a decisive victory. It occurred at a time when anti-Zionists were getting organized, and the invasion gave them the opportunity to have their voices heard. Among them was Congressman Paul Findley of Illinois, who wrote the first mainstream book exposing Jewish control of America’s foreign policy. Findley was defeated by the Israel Lobby, but his claims were never proven wrong.

These problems have only grown. During the Persian Gulf War of 1990-91, Israel acquired Patriot anti-ballistic missile system from the United States for its defense, but they didn’t otherwise support America’s efforts. But during the Iraq War, it was widely noticed that the Zionists were at the helm of America’s foreign policy decisions. 20 years after the Iraq War began, young Americans recognize that it was a war waged on behalf of Israel. The people that inform today’s young adults are their veteran fathers. Possibly the best indicator of the success that anti-Zionism is having an impact was when Kanye West, one of America’s biggest stars, began attacking Jewish power.

Bad Faith

It is possible that none of the factors described above are the reason for the decline in popular support for Israel. It could also be due to bad faith on the part of the Israelis and the Jewish diaspora. Christian supporters of Israel have been treated with contempt and hostility by Jews in the United States at every turn. While Zionist lobbyists have pushed for American involvement in the Middle East, there is ever any reciprocity of any kind from Israel. Israelis have also been bad-faith actors regarding their non-white refugee and immigrant pets.

Mass protests

It has been said that the North Vietnamese knew they would win when hundreds of thousands of Americans turned out to protest President Lyndon Johnson’s war effort. But those protests were the result of hostile attitudes regarding American involvement in Southeast Asia that had been growing since long before the American casualties of the late 1960s became too large to ignore. In 1963, an episode of The Twilight Zone already contained anti-war themes before any American combat units were deployed there.

It is the same with wars for Israel. Support for the Jewish state began its slide as early as 2006, when the Democrats won the House and Senate in the midterm elections as a result of popular dissatisfaction with the Iraq War. In the wake of the election, then-President George W. Stupid assembled a panel called the Iraq Study group. It released a report that said:

The United States cannot achieve its goals in the Middle East unless it deals directly with the Arab-Israeli conflict and regional instability. There must be a renewed and sustained commitment by the United States to a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace on all fronts: Lebanon, Syria, and President Bush’s June 2002 commitment to a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.

Today, we see mass protests against Israel which include ethnicities other than Muslims. I see older white women in my family posting cease-fire memes on social media. In Austin, Texas, cowboys are riding through town while flying Palestinian flags. And American Christians who attend a Christian Zionist church might be pro-Israel on Sunday morning, but may say something different the rest of the week.

White advocates have contributed immensely to this situation, but the crisis in Gaza is so extreme that it could very well spin out of control. Zionist sympathy persists at the top echelons of power in both political parties. Indeed, the Republican presidential candidates have recently debased themselves in front of the Jewish candidates. It is possible, however, that Donald Trump’s America First ideology will triumph over the groveling to wealthy donors, since America First logically means ending US support for Israel.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military seems to have made significant progress in ethnically cleansing the Palestinians of Gaza. It remains to be seen if the IDF’s casualties will lead to a sapping of will in Israel that could cause their efforts will fall apart. If not, they may well go for broke in this war and take the entire Gaza Strip, while Europe and the US are forced to take in yet another batch of refugees who will disrupt our white homelands.
