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Cheikh Anta Diop Proved Ancient Egyptians Were Black

13-11-2023 < Activist Post 36 3787 words

By Neenah Payne

A growing number of European, American, and African scholars have revealed that the history Americans and Europeans are taught now is far from our real history – especially regarding ancient Egypt. Our  true history is very inspiring – and may provide essential guidance now to navigate the many challenges we face today. As the Bible says, “The truth shall set you free”.

Oscar Is Based on Egyptian God Ptah points out that The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of The Pharaohs shows it would be hard to overstate the impact of Egyptian culture on Europe and America. In the inspiring video, British author Peter Gandy reads from the book’s introduction and cites the quote:
A nation without a history is like a man without a memory”.

Gandy points out:

We live in a culture that has been so bowdlerized by the Christian takeover which has endured for a couple thousand years and has given us a completely mistaken identity of who we are. Our memory is wrong. Your memory is your identity. Without a correct memory, we don’t know who we are or where we’re going. So, for me, history is a sacred science. Also, it is about giving credit where credit is due.

Was Ancient Egypt A White Civilization? 6/21/21

Ancient Egypt lasted for 3,070 years until its annexation by Rome in 30 B.C.

Ancient Egyptians were, no doubt, pioneers of a tremendous and startling number of inventions that are still relevant to us today….The pyramids, which are the most talked-about innovation of Ancient Egypt, still standing today, serve as a testament to how sound they were architecturally….research has also shown that other inventions like paper and ink, writing, math, the earliest uses of wigs and makeup, medicines, furniture, calendar, toothpaste, perfume, and many more can be linked to Ancient Egypt.

Thus, it can be said that their civilization had a significant effect on the way people today dress, eat, communicate, travel, et cetera…But who were Ancient Egyptians? What did they look like? Was Ancient Egypt a white civilization or a black one? We shall find out in the course of this article….

The article shows how desperate the claim that ancient Egyptians were White became. It says,

The UNESCO, in 1974, organized a symposium in Cairo on the “Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Merotic Script.” The black theory was faced with “profound” dissent by scholars. In a like manner, none of the attendees lent their voices supporting an earlier hypothesis that Egyptians were “white with a dark or even black, pigmentation”.

When the claim that ancient Egyptians were White rests on the idea that some Whites are Black, it’s fair to say the thesis is on shaky ground!

The article adds:

“Perhaps one of the strongest proofs in favour of African descent of Egyptian civilization stems from the fact that Egyptians themselves called their land Kamit, translating to the Black Land, whilst their name for themselves was Kamiu, which means the Blacks.

In the 1800s, a French philosopher, Constantin Francois de Chasseboeuf, comte de Volney, wrote about the Egyptian race disputation.…. de Chasseboeuf said their full faces, their puffy eyes, their crushed noses, and their thick lips showed that the ancient Egyptians were true negroes of the same type as all native-born Africans….Literary works from Greek writers like Herodotus and Aristotle referred to Egyptians as having dark skin.

Many Western scholars, especially in the early 2000s, could not bring themselves to accept that black people could have created such a great civilization. To this day, they perpetuate and give room to the racist proposition that only white people ever could and ever will be capable of such architectural attainment….Finally, assuming without conceding that the race of the ancient Egyptians was of grand importance to the civilization, then the odds would be in favour of the blacks as evidence tilts in their direction”.

While the race of Egyptians has been a hot potato since the 1800s, the US Founding Fathers worshipped ancient Egypt and knew it was black because of the book The Ruins of Empires by Count Constantine Francis Volney, which Jefferson translated from French.

Egyptomania Comes to America

The Washington Monument in the nation’s capital to honor our first president is based on an Egyptian obelisk. There is a pyramid and the Eye of Horus is on the back of the dollar. Nine of the 56 signers the Declaration of Independence and 13 of the 39 who signed the US Constitutions were Masons. In addition, 14 of the 44 US presidents were Masons – dressing up with ancient Egyptian apron and performing ancient Egyptian rites. See AFRICAN ORIGINS OF FREEMASONRY: Treatise of the Ancient Grand Lodge of Khamet and Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools and Freemasonry.

Ancient Egypt: Khemit “The Black Land”

Egyptologist (Khemitologist) Stephen Mahler learned from the indigenous Egyptian wisdom keeper
Dr. Abd’El Hakim Awyan (1926-2008) — known as Hakim — that the language of pre-dynastic Egypt (Khemit) was “Suf”. Hakim said the Suf language and script was the origin of ALL other scripts – including Sanskrit which is often portrayed as the mother of all Indo-European languages.

In the video below, Hakim describes ancient Egypt as “Khemit or the Black Land”.

Last Of The Great Wisdom Keepers Of Egypt: Hakim Awyan 4/18/22

The Pyramid Code

Starring: Sally Jennings , Graham Hancock and Abd’el Hakim Awyan

Ancient Egyptian Universal Writing Modes by Moutafa Gadalla says, “This book will show that the Egyptian Alphabetical language is the MOTHER and origin of all languages: and how it was diffused to become other ‘languages’ throughout the world.” Ancient Egyptian Literature by Adolf Erman, confirms: “The Egyptians alone … attained to the highest form of writing, the alphabet”. The Formation of the Alphabet by W.M. Flinders Petrie, a British Egyptologist says: “From the beginning of the prehistoric ages, a cursive system of linear signs, full of variety and distinction was certainly used in Egypt”.

Myth of White Supremacy Is Based on Stolen Legacy

The myth of “White Supremacy” hides a lot of history to make it seem that Europeans created everything of value in the world — and no other people contributed anything. Peter Gandy explains that when the curriculum of the British Empire was established in the 1800’s, Europeans could not admit their debt to the people they were enslaving and falsified the origin of Western civilization by attributing it to Greeks rather than to Egyptians. See Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy.

However, ALL the ancient Greeks were proud that they studied in Egypt — the center of learning. When the Greeks brought that knowledge home, they were exiled or killed because the knowledge was foreign to Greece. When Egypt was conquered, Christians burned the legendary Library of Alexandria, the storehouse of thousands of years of knowledge. When Rome was conquered in 500 AD, Christian Europe fell into the Dark Ages until the Renaissance starting in the 13th century.

Athens, the capital of Greece, is named for the Greek goddess Athena — derived from the Egyptian god Aten. Martin Bernal, author of Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization (The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985), explains in the interview below that the Ancient Model of history was accepted in Europe until the 1800s. In that model, the testimony of the ancient Greeks was accepted in which they reported that they had learned everything  from Egyptians who were Black. Europeans accepted that Greece and Italy were first colonized by Black Egyptians and were civilized by them.

However, Bernal said the Aryan Model was introduced in the 1800s and is largely in place today. In that model, ancient Greeks are given credit for everything from philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), to medicine (Hippocrates), to history (Herodotus), to math (Pythagorus), etc. In the Aryan Model, the Egyptians are ignored — and/or said not to have been Black. Perhaps this is because after  President Jefferson conquered the Moors in 1805 in the Battle of Tripoli, there was no one left on the world stage to keep the record straight. However, that is rapidly changing now.

Video Interview: Black Athena with Martin Bernal.

Cheikh Anta Diop

Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986), born in French-speaking Senegal, is considered one of the greatest African scholars of the 20th century. He was a polymath – an historian, linguist, physicist, chemist, philosopher, anthropologist, sociologist, Egyptologist, author, professor, and researcher.

Dr. Diop lived during the African independence explosion that began with the independence of Ghana in 1958. The Pan-African Congresses were held in America under the leadership of W.E.B. DuBois with the largest Africa-oriented movement ever built. Because of the work of Dr. Diop, all people now have a better understanding of world history and the origins of civilization.

Civilization or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology was Dr. Diop’s magnum opus and the last of his great contributions to the clarification of African and world history. Through this book, Dr. Diop left us an historical legacy that will inspire future historians and researchers who seeks the truth about Africa’s role in world history.

American historian John Henrik Clark says in the Foreward to Dr. Diop’s book Civilization or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology,

I then discovered that Presence Africaine had published a comprehensive work by him on African history: The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality. When I attended the second meeting of the International Congress of Africanness  in Dakar, Senegal, which met at the University of Dakar in 1967, I sought out Dr. Diop. I was surprised to learn that his office and laboratory were located on the campus of the university, less than three hundred yards from the assembly hall where the Congress weas being held, yet he was not one of the participants in the conference. The sponsoring organization, the African Studies Association, was then dominated by white scholars, and to this day it has not recognized the scholarship of Cheik Anta Diop and his contributions  to a new concept of African history. Neither his name nor his work was mentioned at the conference….

I returned to the United States and spent the next seven years trying to convince American publishers that the books of Cheikh Anta Diop should be translated into English and published in the United States….It was not until 1974 that an American publisher Lawrence Hill and Company saw fit to publish Diop’s book The African Origin of Civilization…a one-volume translation of the major sections of two other books by Diop, Nations Negres et Culture, and Anteriorite des civilisations negres. These two works have challenged and changed the direction of attitudes about the place of African people in history in scholarly circles around the world. It was largely due to these works that Cheikh Anta Diop, with W.E.B. Du Bois, was honored as “The writer who has exerted the greatest influence on African people in the twentieth century,” at the World Black Festival of Arts and Culture held in Dakar, Senegal, in 1966.

The main thrust of The African Origin of Civilization is a redefinition of the place of Egypt in African history. Here, Diop calls attention to the historical, archaeological, and anthropological evidence that supports his thesis. Diop states: “This history of Africa will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians connect it with the history of Egypt”.

I wrote a review of this book which reads, in part: “Cheikh Anta Diop, one of the most able of present-day scholars writing about Africa, is also one of the greatest living African historians. His first major work, Nations negres et Culture (1954), is still disturbing the white historians who have made quick reputations as authorities on African history and culture.

In this book, Dr. Diop shows the interrelationships between African nations, North and South, and proves, because in this case proof is needed, again and again, that ancient Egypt was a distinct African nation and was not historically or culturally a part of Asia or Europe.” This book and others of recent years, all by African writers, have called for a total reconsideration of the role that African people have played in history and their impact on the development of early societies and institutions….

That the ancient Egyptians were Black (again, in any variant you may prefer) – or, as I myself think it is more useful to say, were African – is a belief which has been denied in Europe since about 1830, not before. It is a denial, in short, that belongs to the rise of modern European imperialism, and has to be explained in terms of the “new racism,” especially and even frantically an anti-Black racism, which went through with and was consistently nourished by that imperialism. I say, “new racism” because it followed and further expanded the older racism which spread around Europe after the Atlantic slave trade had reached its high point of take-off” in about 1630.

The video below explains that in the 1700s, Europeans all agreed that Egypt was a Black African culture.

The Scholar Who Exposed Egyptology – Cheikh Anta Diop and The Truth about His Work and Who He Was  7/17/22

In this video we dive into the life and work of a great African scholar, that is, Cheikh Anta Diop. Who was he? What did he do? If you want to find out, WATCH THE VIDEO.

Diop says in The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality:

According to the unanimous testimony of the Ancients, first the Ethiopians and then the Egyptians created and raised to an extraordinary stage of development all the elements of civilization, while other peoples, especially the Eurasians, were still deep in barbarism.…It is impossible to stress all that the world, particularly the Hellenistic world, owed to the Egyptians.

Civilization or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology

Diop offers a critical challenge to orthodox scholarship’s interpretation of Egypt as a White civilization, which arose during the nineteenth century to reinforce European racism and imperialism. Amassing evidence from the linguistic to the archaeological, from the historical to the philosophical, he demonstrates that Egypt was a Black civilization and that Blacks are the rightful heirs to Egypt’s proud legacy. Moreover, he shows through superbly detailed documentation that Greek civilization, long revered as the birthplace of Western thought, owes a substantial debt to Egyptian ideas and accomplishments.

Editorial Reviews

This last work of the well-known Senegalese scholar (1923-86) is a summation and expansion of his two previous volumes– Precolonial Black Africa (1987) and The African Origin of Civilization (1974) — and offers a refined statement of his life’s work, to prove the primacy of African culture by proving that ancient Egypt was a black society, first in many cultural achievements later claimed by the following Indo-Aryan cultures. To this end, Diop discusses the paleontology, sociology, anthropology, and intellectual history of the ancient Egyptians set against contemporaneous cultures and also the modern Wolofs.… Diop’s erudition is patent, his place in African letters is secure, and his major works should certainly be available. For academic and large public collections.

-Jo-Ann D. Suleiman, SANAD Support Technologies, Rockville, Md.

Cheikh Anta Diop, the man who gave the pharaohs back to Africa 2/18/23

“Pharaonic Egypt is an African civilisation, developed in Africa by Africans”: what seems obvious today – except, perhaps, for Nicolas Sarkozy and his “monkeys” – has long been passed over in silence, or even openly denied by the Egyptology developed in European laboratories. We owe it to the scientist, historian, anthropologist, and politician Cheikh Anta Diop for having given what belongs to Africa back to Africa.

Born almost a century ago on 29 December 1923, in Thieytou, Senegal, the researcher went to Paris to study and provoked a scandal in academic circles by publishing, in 1954, Nations nègres et culture (Negro Nations and Culture), the doctoral thesis for which he had been unable to assemble a jury at the Sorbonne three years earlier, due to a lack of interest from the teachers.

His chapter, ‘Origine des anciens Égyptiens’, which opened Volume II of the General History of Africa (published in 1984 by UNESCO and Jeune Afrique two years before his death, in Dakar, on 7 February 1986), summarised his final conclusions….

“When it was discovered that Egypt had a prehistory, Egyptologists went looking for its sources in the great Mesopotamian civilisations, still convinced that the light could only come from the East. This theory prevailed until the 1960s,” says Béatrix Midant-Reynes, a specialist in Egyptian prehistory and director of research at the CNRS in Paris.…

In 1960, Sorbonne finally granted Anta Diop a doctorate for the thesis he had been unable to submit a decade earlier. Nevertheless, the academic world, both Western and Egyptian, for a long time ignored him and sometimes treated him with contempt.

Martin Bernal, a professor of history at Cornell University, revived the debate in the 1990s with the first of three volumes of Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilisation, published in 1987, a year after Diop’s death. For its author, Greek civilisation, considered to be the origin of Western civilisation, was the result of a period of Egyptian and Phoenician colonisation, i.e. Afro-Asian. In line with Diop and Said, Bernal denounced “the appropriation by the West of the culture of the ancient Near East in the service of its own project”….

In contrast, in 2018, British geneticists discovered that the “Cheddar Man”, like other Mesolithic congeners unearthed in Europe, had dark skin, frizzy hair and blue eyes. Further sequencing now suggests that between 40,000 BC and 6,000 BC, the inhabitants of Europe had dark skin and hair, far from European school images – which seems to confirm Diop’s thesis of a recent settlement of Eurasia by Africa….

Wasn’t it Ndiaye who – a year ago in these pages – asked for the society to “definitively turn the page of Françafrique and to engage France in a new path in its relations with the continent”? For, beyond the improvement of relations between France and the African people, the shared recognition of the Africanness of ancient Egypt touches on the universal, as the poet Aimé Césaire, who coined the term “négritude”, recalled:  “Historians have always considered Egypt as a kind of fact apart in Africa, we even forgot that Egypt was an African nation. By giving Africa back its past, Cheikh Anta Diop may have given humanity back its past”.

In the video below, Dr. Diop explains  that it was only in Africa that all six species of humanity evolved. Since only three (Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens Sapiens) left Africa, the first three existed only in Africa. He discusses the fabrication of “Piltdown Man” created in an attempt to establish that modern humanity was born in England – a claim that was accepted for from 1912-1953.

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop discusses the African origin of humanity & Civilization

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop & the Power of Melanin 9/8/23

Confirmation of Dr. Diop’s Work

The video below explains that when researchers from the German Institute of Archaeology in Cairo got access to skin samples of 273 mummies in 2000 and 2005, they confirmed Diop’s thesis that ancient Egyptians were Black Africans. Dr. Diop had requested samples to do those tests but had been denied.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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