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The Worst Week Yet: November 5-11, 2023

13-11-2023 < Counter Currents 22 347 words

Jonathan Lewis

2,260 words

After Mob of Blacks Beats His Son to Death, White Father Insists It Was “Not a Race Thing”

On November 1 a “huge swarm of bullies,” nearly all of whom appear to have been black, surrounded a 17-year-old boy named Jonathan Lewis and beat him so badly that he died from his injuries a week later. The deadly beating happened across the street from Rio Rancho high school in Las Vegas, Nevada.

At around 2:05 PM on November 1, police found Lewis bleeding from the head. He was taken to University Medical Center but died on November 8 “after doctors made several attempts to save his life.”

Lewis was allegedly beaten to death “after standing up for a smaller friend who they’d just robbed” and then had shoved into a trash can. According to Reuben D’Silva, a teacher at Rancho High School, “This was all over, from what they told me, a nicotine packet. Something very small, very menial.”

I’ve seen two very short clips of the event. In this one, a local news reporter describes it as “an altercation with 15 people before cops arrived.” There are definitely 15 people at the scene, but from the footage I’ve seen, they aren’t all beating him. Some appear to merely be watching. As far as the number of black kids beating Lewis at once, it seems to be about seven or eight, although there are several other black onlookers. But my observations are based on two very brief clips of the event, so it’s highly possible that at various points, 15 very dark, youthful teen bullies got their kicks and punches in on the victim.
