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The Third World War Begins

8-11-2023 < Counter Currents 35 1921 words

John Martin, The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum (1822)

1,742 words

Events in the Middle East continue to escalate. As the great powers of the present day continue their mobilization of resources, men, and materiel, war on a global scale is on the horizon. While the world is transfixed by events in Palestine, fighting in Ukraine grinds on, and the specter of China’s ongoing confrontation with Taiwan remains simmering in the background. Moreover, the presence of millions of Muslim interlopers across the West poses one of the greatest threats to Western civilization.

Although it is commonplace to look at these various theaters of conflict in isolation, they have become increasingly interconnected as the United States, Russia, and China, as well as smaller regional powers in the Middle East take sides. Sometimes it is difficult to draw apt parallels between historical events, but in this case, the memory of 1914 and the opening phases of the Great War loom large. The stage is being set for another cataclysmic war, this time between the world’s foremost nuclear powers.

Given the United States’ blank-check assurances to Israel, the Israelis have been bellicose in their response to the Hamas incursions that occurred on October 7, 2023. President Biden, while announcing a new $100 million aid package to bolster both Ukrainian and Israeli military capabilities, declared that the defense of both countries is linked to the defense of democracy itself. In another theatre of latent conflict, the United States has been arming its allies in Taiwan in an attempt to dissuade Chinese aggression.

In October, the United States diverted tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells that were originally bound for Ukraine to Israel. A spokesman for the Pentagon stated publicly that “[w]e are confident we can support both Ukraine and Israel in terms of their defensive needs.” Despite such reassurances, the prospect of military overstretch remains a real concern.

A carrier strike group has now taken up a position in the Red Sea. In a recent statement, the US 5th Fleet announced that the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and accompanying vessels had passed through the Suez Canal and is now stationed near the conflict zone: “Eisenhower, USS Philippine Sea (CG-58) and USS Mason (DDG-87) entered the Red Sea after transiting from the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal, Nov. 4,” the statement read. This is the first time an American carrier has operated in the Middle East since the USS Ronald Reagan’s departure in 2021. The move was prompted by attacks against American forces in Syria and Iraq by Iran-backed militias, as well as the need to reinforce American vessels in the region after the USS Carney was attacked by missiles and drones launched from Yemen.

As far as the other great powers of this increasingly turbulent world are concerned, the Chinese are increasingly reliant on Middle Eastern oil and have historically sided with the Palestinians. Moreover, Beijing is always trying to leverage events to undermine American power. Russia, too, is bolstering its allies in the region and would benefit from the distraction a protracted conflict in the Middle East would provide its campaign in Ukraine. According to one British ex-Navy Chief, Admiral Lord West, the potential for British and American troops to end up on the ground in Israel is very real, with the possibility of Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Russia being drawn into the conflict as well.

Another regional power, Iran, declared that Israel will suffer for its ongoing military operations against Gaza. Ali Fadavi, Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, adumbrated future action against the Jewish state:

The resistance front’s shocks against the Zionist regime [Israel] will continue until this cancerous tumor is eradicated from the world map . . . Another shockwave is on the way if Israel does not end atrocities in Gaza.

The vast diaspora of Shi’ite Muslims loyal to the Iranian regime will undoubtedly be deployed in the region and throughout the world to cause untold damage.

The conflict will spread. Representatives of the United Nations are now wringing their hands nervously about the prospect of a wider war. Israel has vowed to “wipe Iran off the map” if things continue. Israeli airstrikes hit a Palestinian refugee camp in Gaza on October 31, and that same camp was struck again on November 1. The Israelis bolstered their naval presence in the Red Sea as they reinforced their flotilla of ships there to intercept missiles being fired by Houthis in Yemen. The United States has accused Iran of aiding the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah. President Emmanuel Macron of France has proposed that a coalition already in place to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria should now widen its scope to include Hamas in Gaza. And a German minister urged Europeans to get ready for a wider war in Europe. With everything happening in the world, a wider war is a possibility, according to German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. Meanwhile, Turkish president Erdogan has vowed to unite the Muslim world against Israel.

You can buy The World in Flames: The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey here.

In spite of all this international saber-rattling and maneuvering, and after initially delaying their much-anticipated ground attack, the Israelis are now conducting full-scale ground operations in Gaza. As of November 7, Israeli forces have been fighting the Palestinians in Gaza for over a week; they have cut the territory in half and encircled Gaza City. According to one spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, IDF troops “are located right now in a ground operation in the depths of Gaza City and putting great pressure on Hamas.” Approximately 10,300 Palestinians have been killed as a result of Israeli airstrikes and artillery bombardments, with 2,300 people believed to be buried in the rubble of the blasted cityscape.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached a breaking point. In an agreement between the United States, Israel, Egypt, and the United Nations, for example, Israel has allowed the entry of a mere 20 trucks carrying medical supplies into Gaza, a pittance that had little or no impact on the suffering of Gaza’s 2.3 million inhabitants. Qatar arbitrated an agreement to allow a limited number of evacuees from Gaza to find refuge in neighboring Egypt, but this gesture was only made for appearance’s sake. The Israelis have targeted hospitals, churches, refugee camps, and ambulances over the course of the conflict so far. They not only want to displace the Palestinians through ethnic cleansing, but want to make the neighboring Arab states and Western countries absorb the resulting migrant fallout.

Meanwhile, there are forces ready to take advantage of the situation by readying the populations of the West for the inevitable influx of Palestinians who are being displaced by the ongoing fighting. The very same people who would have us froth at the mouth and call for the eradication of the Palestinians now want us to take them in. This is an influx we cannot abide or accommodate, and we should not.

An Israeli concept paper has recently come to light which reveals that the aim of the Israelis isn’t their stated one of destroying Hamas. It is rather to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Gaza altogether. The paper outlines one option as the “evacuation” of Palestinians to Sinai in Egypt, a move which would “yield positive, long-term strategic outcomes for Israel” at the expense of both the Palestinians and Egypt. Although ethnic cleansing has been their aim all along, it is damning for the Israelis to have their true plans exposed.

Jewish advocates for the open society in the diaspora have enjoyed the enviable position of having their cake and eating it, too over the last several decades. They have not only exploited the American juggernaut along with proxy forces such as Islamic State and others, along with their own military and intelligence apparatus, to displace Palestinians and other non-Jews from their homes and then use them to swamp Europe and the wider West. It is no wonder that anti-Jewish sentiment is on the rise. Reuters has pointed out that hatred of Jews is now a global phenomenon.

Organizers in the United Kingdom have called for a massive, million-strong protest march in London to support the Palestinians and condemn Israel. It will also be an obvious expression of Muslim power, as well as an effort to influence and intimidate native Britons. The protest, planned for November 11, would invariably disrupt traditional Remembrance Day commemorations. Henry Smith, a Tory MP from Crawley, suggested that the armed forces be deployed in the streets of London to prevent violence, widespread unrest, and the further desecration of sites of remembrance:

After consecutive weekends of demonstrations where the Cenotaph and other national monuments have been grossly disrespected, it’s completely inappropriate for further protests to be held over Remembrance weekend.

I don’t have confidence in the Mayor of London or Metropolitan Police under him to properly handle the situation given their past poor record, and call on the Government to consider deploying military assistance.

The conflict has resulted in calls for authoritarian measures. In France, for instance, a group of 16 senators has proposed a bill that would make the articulation of anti-Zionist sentiment illegal. Senator Stéphane Le Rudulier made the following statement on X (Twitter):

With 16 senators we demand the criminalization of anti-Zionism. The explosion of anti-Semitism is fueled by hatred of Israel, the false nose of hatred of Jews Anti-Zionism could expose its perpetrators to up to 5 years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros.

Despite being buried in an avalanche of news ranging from the large-scale movements of the great powers’ forces to mawkish human-interest stories about fleeing Palestinian refugees and Jewish hostages, we must try to remain focused on our own group interests. White people must remember to pick their own side in all of this. It is perfectly legitimate for whites to condemn the Israelis for their bellicosity as well as the subversive activities of diaspora Jews in our own countries. Moreover, it is equally moral to point out that the presence of Palestinians and other non-whites in our countries is anathema to our best interests. Disruptive protests, violence, widespread crime, industrial-scale rape of white women, and population replacement have been devastating to white populations across the West. We have no business getting embroiled in these tribal conflicts, but we can take the opportunity to criticize the appalling barbarism on both sides. We should support calls to close our borders, deport as many invaders as possible — and stay out of conflicts that have the potential to once again set the whole world aflame.
