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The Worst Week Yet: October 29-November 4, 2023

6-11-2023 < Counter Currents 25 2508 words

Amichai Eliyahu

2,328 words

Israeli Minister Won’t Rule Out Using the Samson Option to Nuke Gaza

If someone said “Amichai Eliyahu” to me, my first instinct would be to say, “Gesundheit!

Amichai Eliyahu is Israel’s Minister of Heritage, which apparently means that his role is to maintain a long and seemingly uninterrupted heritage of seeing Jews as divinely anointed and everyone else as subhuman cattle to be extorted and murdered whenever The Chosen see fit. Eliyahu is a member of Israel’s Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party.

During a recent radio interview, the host raised the topic of the Samson Option to Eliyahu:

Your expectation is that tomorrow morning we’d drop what amounts to some kind a nuclear bomb on all of Gaza, flattening them, eliminating everybody there.

The Jewish supremacist responded:

That’s one way. The second way is to work out what’s important to them, what scares them, what deters them. . . . They’re not scared of death.

When the host countered that there are currently an estimated 240 hostages being held in Gaza, Eliyahu shrugged it off:

I pray and hope for their return, but there is a price to be paid in war. Why are the lives of the abductees, whose release I really want, more important than the lives of the soldiers and the people who will be murdered later?

He also dropped golden compassion-nuggets such as “there is no such thing as uninvolved civilians in Gaza,” “they can go to Ireland or deserts; the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves,” and asserted that anyone who waves a Palestinian or Hamas flag “shouldn’t continue to live on the face of the Earth.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office announced that it had indefinitely suspended Eliyahu from cabinet meetings, which led one unnamed government minister to tell the Times of Israel that “[t]his is a joke; there barely are any cabinet meetings anyway, and most of the work is being done in rounds of votes by phone.”

Here in the land of Israel’s Greatest Ally, The New York Times published an editoral by three Jewish college students titled “What Is Happening on College Campuses Is Not Free Speech.” After alleging that “campus life in the United States has imploded into a daily trial of intimidation and insult for Jewish students . . . leaving Jewish students alarmed and vulnerable,” it laments the fact that certain college professors have neither been disciplined nor fired for allowing students to . . . well, uh, exercise their right to free speech:

Most recently, over 100 Columbia and Barnard professors signed a letter defending students who blamed Israel for Hamas’s attacks. To the best of our knowledge, none of these professors have received meaningful discipline, much less dismissal.

The terms “Zionist” and “colonizer” have evolved into epithets used against Jewish students like us. These labels have been spit at some of us and our friends in dining halls, dorm common rooms, outside classes and at parties.

Speaking of Jews, free speech, and college campuses, The Occidental Observer recently published a report alleging that certain Jewish billionaires and hedge-fund managers have demanded the “unmasking” of all college students who support the Palestinians and are threatening to withhold funding from any university that doesn’t strictly kowtow to their very narrow and totalitarian definitions of what constitutes “anti-Semitism,” and also that major law firms are vowing never to hire any law-school graduates who bear even the slightest whiff of skepticism regarding total Jewish innocence.

This past spring — while in Israel — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB269, a bill which was designed to prevent the dissemination of purportedly hateful and threatening literature, some of it under the guise of anti-littering laws.

Last week in Palm Beach County, Florida, Jon Minadeo II, the founder of the Goyim Defense League, a Jew-baiting organization which garners headlines through public stunts such as projecting giant, lit swastikas onto buildings was sentenced to 30 days in jail on a littering misdemeanor in connection with an incident last March when police “found Minadeo and two other men driving around the community and tossing . . . flyers from a truck.”

Only a madman would dispute that America is Israel’s greatest ally. I welcome anyone to sit me down and explain why Israel is America’s greatest ally. And I don’t even mean in a “What have they done for us lately?” sense. What have they ever done for us?

Drunken Muslim Airplane Pest Who Yelled “White Children Are Easy to Rape!” Gets 14 Months in Prison

We can all agree that one of the most wonderful things about the first two world wars is that the Ottoman Empire was defeated in the first one and Israel was established shortly after the second one, which suddenly opened up formerly great Western powers such as England to being swarmed with psychotic, drunken, rape-prone Muslims.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

Mohammed Shiraz Riaz is a 42-year-old father of three who hangs his hat in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire and has over 30 criminal charges on his record “for drink related thuggery, including assault on police and being drunk and disorderly.”

The swarthy, foul-mouthed car valet was recently sentenced to 14 months in the Stony Lonesome after he caused a ruckus on two separate flights into England, one from Morocco to Liverpool John Lennon airport — yes, the Brits actually named an airport after John Lennon — and the other from Istanbul to Manchester.

A report in the Daily Mail doesn’t clearly distinguish what happened on each specific flight, but it appears that on both of them, Riaz was visibly drunk and made a point of harassing stewardesses for being fat white slags. During one of the incidents, he bit a police officer and left visible bite marks on his arm.

During the flight from Istanbul to Manchester, Riaz “was seen drunkenly shadow boxing in the aisles and punching the seats.” After being arrested and placed into a police van, he was heard shouting:

No wonder it’s so easy for us to rape your white children — you’re all a bunch of pussies. You fucking slags, fat-ass cunts. White women are easy to rape. White children are easy to rape because white men are pussies.

And despite the fact that this is England, where it seems that all a white person has to do to receive life imprisonment is anonymously post “I’m not bloody keen on these immigrants” in an online forum, Riaz was “not charged with any racially aggravated offenses.”

POLLS: An RFK Candidacy Would Help Biden More than Trump

Election Day 2024 looms less than a year away, and as Americans brace themselves to select which potential Chief Executive would be best equipped to aid Israel in its holy mission to blow up the rest of the world, gravel-throated vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is shaping up to be the spoiler who may nudge the senile and sclerotic Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. toward a first-place photo finish.

A USA Today/Suffolk University poll from late October found that if the suspiciously muscular Kennedy — who declared himself an independent rather than a Democrat in early October — were to enter the race, Trump would lose his lead.

A Quinnipiac University poll released last Wednesday found that in a two-way race, Sleepy Joe would edge out Trump 47% to 46%. But if Kennedy were to enter the race, he’d snag 22% of the vote and Biden’s lead over Trump would expand to 3% (39%-36%). The same poll found that adding horse-toothed black activist Cornel West to the race would shave Biden’s lead over Trump down to one point again. A Politico analysis from last Wednesday also suggested that Kennedy is siphoning away more donors from Trump than he is from Biden.

Obese Bald Alabama Mayor Shoots Himself after Pictures Emerge of Him in Drag

Since a study released last month pegged Alabama to be the nation’s fifth-most-obese state, one shouldn’t be surprised to learn that that mayor of a small Alabama town near the Georgia border very closely resembled Porky Pig. Because a 2016 Pew Research study found that Alabama is America’s most religious state, neither would one be shocked to discover that this corpulent mayor was also the pastor of a Baptist church. And considering the fact that “Bubba” is probably the most stereotypical nickname for all white male Southerners, one would hardly gasp in horror to learn that locals affectionately referred to the adipose mayor/pastor as “Bubba.”

What may force even the most cynical among us to arch our eyebrows and mutter “That’s strange” is the fact that Fred L. “Bubba” Copeland, mayor of Smiths Station, Alabama and pastor at First Baptist Church of Phenix City, fired a bullet into his pumpkin-sized head last week after a conservative website outed him as a cross-dresser with autogynephilic proclivities who also wrote repulsively graphic “erotic fiction,” as well as a lurid piece where he openly fantasized about murdering a local businesswoman and assuming her identity.

In 2019, after helping his town pull through a tornado with winds up to 170 miles per hour that killed nearly two dozen, Copeland received a personal visit from then-President Donald Trump. In a radio interview earlier this year with a local Georgia station, Copeland ominously intimated that although everything in his town seemed wholesome, something was rotten in Smiths Station:

I always say, “We’re Mayberry 2023.” It really is like everybody knows your name. You know, everybody dies famous in a small town. That’s what it is. It is Friday Night Lights. It is mama’s apple pie. Our community is very, very low crime, very low drug abuse. Our number one problem is suicide. It is sad. . . . I think some of it has to do with social media and the reality of that.

Then, last Wednesday night after conservative Alabama site 1819 News published an exposé about Pastor Bubba’s “secret life” as a “transgender curvy girl” who posts on social media under the nom de plume “Brittini Blaire Summerlin,” the humiliated holy man told his congregation:

I’ve been an object of an internet attack in an article that was written [regarding] my capacity as a mayor and my capacity as a pastor. . . . Just my wife knows about it. It’s a hobby I do to relieve stress. I have a lot of stress, and I’m not medically transitioning. It’s just a bit of a character I’m playing. . . . I don’t go out and seek solicitation or anything like that. . . . It’s something that I don’t intermingle with the other. It’s private. I don’t do it in the public or anything like that. . . .  It’s just a fictional character I made up to relieve stress. . . . What I do in private life has nothing to do with what I do in my holy life. . . . Does this have any effect on me being mayor, that I sometimes put on a dress or sometimes put on makeup? Does that have anything to do whatsoever with me being mayor or being a pastor?

Although I am neither a holy man nor a man of God, it strikes me as intensely weird that Copeland draws a sharp line between his “private life” and his “holy life.” I would also bet anything that attendees at his small Baptist church would have serious misgivings about “erotic” passages such as:

I grabbed the back of his legs so he couldn’t pull away and then for the first time ever I had a load of cum dumped inside me. My own little dick squirted clear fluid as he came. I thought how far I’d come since I’d first met Taylor. I was now a shemale porn star getting a cream pie from a hot stud. Coming down from my haze, John stopped the tape and told Tim to stay inside me. He then Informed Taylor that when Tim pulls out to eat my cream pie as I pushed it out. When the filming started again, Tim pulled out of me. I then squeezed his seed out out [sic] of me with a slight farting sound and Taylor was there to catch it in her mouth.

On Friday, after being pursued by rural Alabama police, Copeland pulled to the side of the road, stepped out of his car, pulled out a handgun, and shot himself in full view of authorities.

Hispanic Californian Charged with Chopping Off His Female Relative’s Head and Running Away with It

According to a summary of the 1973 book Human Decapitation in Ancient Mesoamerica:

Decapitation seems to have been an integral part of indigenous ceremonial life, warfare, and personal achievement from a considerably early era and throughout most of Mexico and Central America.

Mugshots of 24-year-old California resident Luis Aroyo-Lopez suggest Mesoamerican features, despite the fact that I could find no evidence of ancient Aztecs or Mayans ever tattooing the sides of their skulls with the number “420” and a crude rendering of a marijuana leaf.

Lopez was arrested on Saturday at a downtown San Francisco transit station and charged with the personal achievement of removing an unnamed female relative’s head and fleeing the crime scene with it. According to a statement by police in Santa Rosa, California:

On Thursday, November 2, 2023, at approximately 3:40 pm, Santa Rosa Police officers responded to the 2500-block of Pomo Trail, Santa Rosa, regarding a possible homicide. When officers arrived on scene, they located a deceased female inside of the residence. The adult female victim had been decapitated. The victim’s head was not located at the residence.

Detectives from SRPD Violent Crimes Investigations team assumed the investigation and began interviewing anyone who potentially had information about the incident. The initial investigation revealed Luis Gustavo Aroyo-Lopez, a 24-year-old resident of Santa Rosa and relative of the victim, killed the victim before leaving the scene. It is believed Aroyo-Lopez took the victim’s head with him when he left the residence and he may still be in possession of it.

It is currently unclear whether police found Aroyo-Lopez “in possession of” the head when they arrested him. Since cannibalism is also a time-honored Mesoamerican tradition, it is quite possible that at some unspecified juncture between Thursday afternoon’s murder and Saturday’s arrest, the suspect may have eaten the head.

Jim Goad
