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Responding to David Cole on the Dissident Right and Israel

26-10-2023 < Counter Currents 30 1706 words

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In his recent Takimag essay, “White Knighting for Middle East Unsalvageables,” David Cole gets a lot right, but he misses the broader picture. With his usual caustic flair, Cole complains about the uncritical — and what he sees as hypocritical — support many on the Right have been lavishing on the Palestinians during their ongoing war with the Israelis. If American Rightists have no sympathy for, say, irredentist Mexicans or American Indians languishing on reservations or reparation-minded blacks, then why the sudden bleeding heart over the Palestinians? The Palis, according to Cole, are losers in the same way that the Mexicans, Indians, and blacks are. Therefore, for the sake of consistency, the Right should lay off the rah-rah stuff regarding the swarthy denizens of Gaza — unless, of course, they’re only in it to hate Jews.

Here is a choice quote [emphasis mine]:

Like welfare blacks living in ignorance and squalor in inner cities, and Injuns living in abysmal poverty on reservations, Gazans are a failed people who lost a war ages ago but can’t accept it. Yet Gazans are egged on in their discontent by an international community that hates seeing people with lighter skin prevail over people with darker skin (the same international community that would cheer blacks in the U.S. for slaughtering whites as “revenge” for slavery).

Palestinians are told, “Keep fighting to get back those olive groves! You lost, but you deserve a do-over.” Many far-rightists seem to be on board with this. And when those rightists decide that blacks, Injuns, and Mexicans also deserve a do-over, then maybe I’ll view their pro-Palestinianism as something other than naked Jew-hatred.

I understand where Cole is coming from. I had the same thoughts 20 years ago, back when I was a philo-Semitic Zionist neocon who was still seeing red over 9/11. I also draw a similar comparison with American Indians in my recent essay, “It’s Not About the Palestinians.” In 1862, the Minnesota Sioux murdered 644 white settlers, took 300 captives (mostly women and children), and depopulated 23 counties. This provoked a war, which required many more dead Indians to resolve. It’s not a perfect analogy, but something similar is happening in Israel and Gaza right now, with the Israelis as stand-ins for the whites, and the Palestinians for the Indians. So, if principled White Nationalists support the whites in their violent suppression of Indian terror, then they should also support Israel’s violent suppression of Palestinian terror.

It’s a good argument. But it overlooks the fact that these are Jews we are talking about, and that changes everything. This is a point I made previously, and I will make it again, since it’s important that David Cole reads the memo. In the past century or so, Jews have consistently used blacks, browns, and aboriginals as weapons against white people in traditionally white nations. This I call demoskrieg, which is long-term, low-contact, no-holds-barred evolutionary warfare between peoples. You wouldn’t know it from Cole’s essay, but Jews are the world heavyweight champions of demoskrieg. As a diaspora, they take up and amplify non-white causes, even when whites all around them are respectful and allow them to prosper. Jews do this through a process I call “counter-plugging,” which describes encouraging one’s enemies to tolerate dysgenics while promoting eugenics among one’s own. How else to describe the Anti-Defamation League, which opposes discriminatory pro-white policies in traditionally white countries while supporting equally discriminatory pro-Jewish policies in Israel?

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s young adult novel The No College Club here.

And why? Because Jews as a group are dead set against white power in white nations or anywhere else. They were instrumental is overturning race-realist and pro-white political structures such as apartheid in South Africa and segregation in the United States. They have also championed the rights of aboriginals in Australia, as well as bankrolled the migrant crisis in Europe. Where would black and brown Muslims in Europe be without well-heeled Jewish Leftists such as Barbara Spectre and George Soros lending their considerable fortunes and influence to diversify their new homes?

It is not as simple as all this, of course. Many whites are complicit in their own downfall. But without the Jewish diaspora lending them their energetic support, resources, talent, and leadership, the white Left would be held in check by the white Right — and vice versa. The Right, as the bastion of tradition, religion, and patriotism, is therefore perfectly justified in viewing Jews as a dangerous and subversive element in their home nations despite all the good Jews do in fields such as medicine, business, and entertainment. Without Jews, Right and Left would be in balance, and we would still be arguing over the moral efficacy of the pill or how to better implement “separate but equal” in Negro schools. But we don’t do that today, do we? Now we argue about the moral efficacy of transgenderism in children, or how to make it easier for blacks to riot or murder whites whenever they feel aggrieved. This is how civilizations decline and ultimately die, and Jewish demoskrieg is disproportionately to blame.

I find Cole’s article misguided because he doesn’t recognize this. Instead, he complains solely about white demoskrieg against Jews, which is, in essence, retaliatory. In this sense, he resembles a boxing spectator who boos only when one guy gets hit in the cup and not the other. And he isn’t complaining about the fighter who’s doing most of the fouling. The dissident Right can root for the Palestinians all it wants, but we all know it will have no tangible impact other than annoying David Cole. Eventually, Israeli forces will crush Hamas and its allies while leaving quite a few dead Palestinians in their wake. The gradual depopulation of Gaza will then commence, sending displaced Palestinians to join their troublemaking brethren in Europe and the United States.

Meanwhile, white voices in the West brave enough to stand up against this injustice by promoting white identity get silenced across the board. This is done largely by Jewish power, which suddenly cares a lot more about Palestinians as soon as they set foot on the magic dirt of Europe and America. Because Cole does not address this switcheroo in his essay, he has allowed me to use his own argument against him: When those Jews decide that white people also have a right to ethnically homogeneous homelands, then maybe I’ll view their solicitous concern for non-whites as something other than naked hatred of white people.

Embedded in Cole’s essay, however, could very well be a subtle call for a ceasefire — or perhaps even an alliance — between Jews and whites. At least I hope there is. I interpret his annoyance as disappointment that many on the dissident Right — his political cohorts whether he likes it or not — didn’t have the decency to at least remain neutral while Israeli citizens — his ethnic cohorts whether he likes it or not — got slaughtered in the war’s first couple of days. He seems to imply that if the dissident Right were more consistent across the universal white-brown divide (with Jews counting as white), then he would give them the props they deserve.

This approach is consistent with the population competition strategy I call diaskrieg, which is exclusive of demoskrieg. With diaskrieg, different populations respect each other’s ethnocentrism while opposing each other’s efforts to expand and conquer. Some of the more stalwart mainstream conservatives in America, such as Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, resist the designs of the Jewish diaspora, yet embrace Israel. This is a form of diaskrieg, and it appears to be the strategy Cole wishes to pursue when he likens white historic oppression of blacks or Indians to Israel’s current treatment of the Palestinians. But diaskrieg only works when both sides practice it. When Rightists take on the Palestinian cause and undermine Jewish nationalism in Israel, they run counter to Cole’s sense of principled diaskrieg. Fair enough. But anti-white Jewish behavior in the West for the past century undermines my sense of principled diaskrieg. How could it not, given how decadent and dangerous our culture has become thanks to the political empowerment of blacks, browns, and aboriginals?

This is why I see the wisdom in demoskrieg. This is why I will not criticize people on the Right for supporting the Palestinians, even though I personally never will. This will change only when a critical mass of the Jewish diaspora abandons the Left and proves to be decent enough ethnocentric allies for whites. Sort of like David Cole himself. Let’s not forget that Cole has recently been interviewed for Counter-Currents and has said complimentary things about Greg Johnson. He was also slated to speak at the 2022 American Renaissance conference. He deserves a ton of credit for that. He may not be /ourguy/, but if more Jews were like him, the world would be a much better place — and maybe those of us on the Right would become less interested in the Palestinians and more willing to give Israel a second look.

Spencer J. Quinn

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