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Jewish Beliefs on Immigration, Israel, and Palestinian Refugees

25-10-2023 < Counter Currents 22 1652 words

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The ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict has been a tragedy of global proportions, not only for the combatants but the United States as well.

The short-term ramifications are billions of US taxpayer dollars in foreign aid going to both Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, as well as the risk of the conflict spreading into a regional or even global conflict and another explosive round of refugee immigration.

According to 2019 US Census data, the vast majority of Muslims in the United States come from the Middle East region, which has experienced the most wars with Israel since its inception in 1948, including Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan. The lone exception on the list, Morocco, established formal diplomatic relations with Israel in a deal brokered by President Donald Trump’s administration in 2020.[1]

The United States’ unyielding “special relationship” with Israel is a significant factor driving the instability motivating many of the refugee claims originating in the Middle East.[2]

As the video below demonstrates, the size of the Islamic immigrant populations in American states such as New Jersey are frankly astonishing.

The inevitable incoming refugee surge will be a humanitarian crisis that US citizens and native Europeans will be expected to shoulder yet again. It is a humanitarian crisis that our country is exacerbating with every foreign policy tool at its disposal, including money, weaponry, and the obstruction of international liability. Just this week the Biden administration continued America’s shameful policy of vetoing international human rights resolutions against Israel even as it is committing genocide against the Arab exiles in Gaza.[3] This assures Americans a role in maximizing the bloodshed and importing the survivors.

That’s not all. President Joe Biden has so far promised $14.3 billion in assistance for Israel, along with $9.15 billion in humanitarian aid to be split between Israel, Palestine, and Ukraine.[4]

As we’ve seen with aid for Ukraine, it is not often only a one-time deal, and we can expect many more billion-dollar tributes from the US to Israel during the course of the Palestinian conflict.

The American Jewish community, in aggregate, supports both sides of the conflict causing this ongoing epidemic of refugee and asylum claims from Middle Eastern countries. American Jews overwhelmingly support both immigration as well as Israel.

According Reuters/Ipsos survey data republished by journalist Ryan Faulk:

57 percent of Jews say that “all countries should open their borders to refugees,” while only 39 percent of gentiles do.


Forty-five percent of white gentiles “agree with Donald Trump on immigration” whereas only 30 percent of Jews do.[5]

In general, it’s fair to say Jews are moderately more supportive of immigration than white gentiles. Regarding the second point, American Jews are predominantly staunch supporters of Israel and are all eligible to receive dual citizenship there. According to the Pew Research Center, “Eight-in-ten Jews say caring about Israel is an important or essential part of what being Jewish means to them.”[6]

Never mind the clear fifth column problem this implies that America has with Zionism.

Realistically, the Trump administration would likely have been equally supportive of Israel’s recent mass bombing campaign committed in Gaza as the Biden administration. But we know that the Democrats are the party most open to solving the ensuing immigration crisis through refugee resettlement in the West. 71% of Jews identify with the Democrat Party, while just 26% support the Republican Party.[7] (U.S. Jews Political Views, Pew Research, May 11, 2021) Most Jews apparently have no problem importing those their Israeli brethren thought were dangerous enough to call “human animals”.

Israel’s Defense Minister — we are fighting “human animals”Israel’s Defense Minister — we are fighting “human animals”

According to an Institute for Social Policy and Understanding poll, American Jews are the least “Islamophobic” religious group, even less than Muslims themselves.[8]

As of October 23, 2023 there have already been more than 5,000 Gazans killed by Israel, and an additional 15,273 people have been injured. Like our tributary payments of billions to Israel, these numbers will only increase dramatically over time.[9]

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

Perhaps former President Donald Trump was on to something when he declared that “liberal Jews” were “voting to destroy America.” But he also intimated the falsehood that they do not support Israel. They do, just not in the same monolithic numbers as conservative Jews.[10]

Trump is unfortunately supportive, as most presidents since Harry Truman have been, of the dominance of the Zionist fifth column in Washington, DC. The bloated clout of the Israel lobby in America is one of the clearest examples of how broken and treasonous America’s electoral system is. Politicians fear crossing pro-Israel lobby groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which raises over $100 million per year.[11]

Don’t be fooled by AIPAC’s $28.5 million 2022 donation blitz aimed at defeating progressive Democrats. This is the epitome of the kind of “Deep State,” “permanent Washington” money that has strangled the life out of America’s so-called representative democracy. Republicans and Democrats are both guilty in this wicked game.[12]

Perhaps a good start would be demanding more accountability from Jewish Americans. America should demand sole loyalty from those born on her shores. Dual citizens have dual loyalties and should be forbidden from voting or serving in government, at a bare minimum. This should go for all dual citizens, with apologies to Djibouti-Americans, Nigerian-Americans, Kyrgyzstan-Americans, and all the rest.

We must recognize that American is in a phase akin to the decline of the Roman Republic at the moment, and we are deeply harming our national security by supporting Israel’s destabilizing conflicts with the Arab world.

Americans are less safe because of our inflexible support of Israel. Support for Israel is a common rationale given by Muslims for committing terror attacks throughout the United States and Europe. Osama bin Laden cited US support for Israel as the catalyst for his decision to launch the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.[13]

Further, we are losing our moral standing around the globe in terms of international leadership when we support policies of ethnic cleansing, torture, and genocide. We are likewise losing our national character by allowing millions of foreigners displaced by America’s foolish and inhumane neoconservative foreign policy mistakes in relation to Israel and its Middle Eastern neighbors to settle in our country.

Palestinians, like Americans, have a moral right to affirm their existence, defend their national sovereignty, and declare in the name of dignity and humanity that “Jews will not replace us.”

* * *

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[1] The Israel and Arab Lobbies: Arab Population in the U.S., The Jewish Virtual Library.

[2] John Mearsheimer & Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007).

[3] Michelle Nicholas, “US vetoes UN Security Council action on Israel, Gaza,” Reuters, October 18, 2023.

[4] Ani, “Biden requests $105 billion from US Congress for aid in Israel, Ukraine,” The Business Standard, October 20, 2023.

[5] Ryan Faulk, Reexamining the Jewish Question, p, 17.

[6]U.S. Jews’ connections with and attitudes toward Israel,” Pew Research, May 11, 2021.

[7]U.S. Jews’ Political Views,” Pew Research, May 11, 2021.

[8] Georgia L. Gilholy, “Jews are ‘least Islamophobic’ religious group in America, claims new survey,” The Jewish Chronicle, September 14, 2022.

[9]Israel-Palestine: Gaza death toll passes 5,000 with no ceasefire in sight,” UN News, October 23, 2023.

[10] Mariana Alfaro, “Trump attacks ‘liberal Jews’ amid celebration of Rosh Hashanah,” Washington Post, September 18, 2023.

[11] Julie Bykowicz & Natalie Andrews,  “Pro-Israel Group Lobbies for U.S. Aid, Funds Congressional Trips,” Wall Street Journal, February 14, 2019.

[12] Chris McGreal, “Pro-Israel lobbying group Aipac secretly pouring millions into defeating progressive Democrats,” The Guardian, May 17, 2022.

[13]US support for Israel prompted 9/11 attacks, says bin Laden video,” France 24, September 9, 2009.
