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A Plague on Both Your Houses

20-10-2023 < Counter Currents 25 2324 words

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The Israeli military is poised to undertake ground operations in Gaza at any moment. At least that’s what is being touted by almost every Israel-friendly media outlet in the world. I have a feeling that even though Israel is technologically superior to Hamas’ irregular fighters, it’s not going to go particularly well for the Jews. Sure, they’ve been softening up the Gaza Strip with their self-propelled artillery bombardments, guided missile strikes, and white phosphorous airbursts for the last two weeks, but it’s still going to be a slugfest if the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) decide to drive their fancy Merkava main battle tanks into Fortress Gaza.

Every time a technologically superior enemy with significant maneuverability gets bogged down in urban warfare, it turns into a real quagmire. When maneuverability is lost and it comes down to slogging through a city street by street and house by house, technological superiority doesn’t amount to much. That’s something the Jews aren’t going to tolerate for long. There is speculation that the Israelis are getting cold feet about their touted ground offensive; when their soldiers start coming back in body bags, Israeli public support for the invasion will take a nosedive off the Golan Heights. And it’s not just the prospect of casualties, either. One commentator on Substack suggests that the Israelis have been surprised by the global outcry in response to their bombardment of Gaza and that there have been internal disagreements within the IDF about how to proceed.

As of this writing, The Hill reports that approximately 199 people are being held captive in Gaza. I have no idea whether that is true or if it is an inflated number. Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that some balaclava-clad irregular fighters have a number of hostages in their hands.

It is no surprise that Israel has a lengthy kill list of people it wants to bury before they retreat from their ethnic cleansing invasion. The Telegraph reports that first on the list is Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza. Speaking on behalf of the IDF, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said that “Yahya Sinwar is the commander of the campaign, and he is a dead man.” The article features some maps that depict potential Israeli ground attack plans as well. It then goes on to feature other prominent Palestinians who are on their kill list.

As I was writing this, the Israelis decided to drop a gigantic bomb on a hospital in the Gaza Strip. The news cycle has just exploded, literally and figuratively, once again. The Jews blamed a Hamas rocket misfire (not likely). Conversely, the Palestinians and their allies blamed the Israeli air force (most likely). It’s next to impossible to keep up with the veritable avalanche of news stories piling up about the conflict as things spiral out of control.

I honestly do feel sorry for innocent Palestinians being forcibly evicted from their hyper-dense ghetto high-rises by Israeli high explosive shells, Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), and white phosphorous incendiaries. This is beside the fact that Israel turned off Gaza’s water and power supplies and cut off all food shipments. According to the World Food Programme, even in peacetime “more than 60% of Gaza’s population faces food insecurity.” I also feel sorry for the Jews who are being subjected to genuine acts of barbarity, the same rapine acts of viciousness we see Muslims perpetrate on the women and children of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, and the rest of Europe.

Unfortunately, as Greg Johnson has pointed out, the fighting between these two bitter rivals will solve nothing: “The reason both sides target civilians is that their goal is ethnic cleansing through terror: Jews want Palestinian land, and Palestinians want Jewish land.” The real question about this whole conflagration is therefore, “What is good for white people?” No matter the issues at stake, Jews always ask “Is this good for Jews?” Going forward, we must always view international events such as these in terms of our own interests: How can we leverage the situation to suit our needs? Is our involvement in conflicts overseas in the interests of white people? How can we use circumstances to bolster our position domestically? We must always keep in mind that changing the culture through metapolitical agitation and awakening the white racial consciousness is our foremost priority.

A plague on both your houses. I am not a fan of Muslims or Jews acting like rapacious ethnic mafias in my country or in the wider West. I think the best way to leverage the current conflict is to draw attention to the disruptions that non-white diasporas cause in our countries when our borders and immigration policies are completely open. Everything would be much better if both the Palestinians and the Jews had homelands of their own. The Jews in Israel have that, but the Palestinians do not. I don’t consider a densely-packed ghetto kept under apartheid a homeland.

Ever since Hamas decided to transform themselves into an army of Super Dave Osborne clones on paragliders, the entire world has been transfixed by this genocidal war. This is thanks in large part to the enormity of Jewish media power to dehumanize Palestinians even further on every controlled legacy media outlet. The zero tolerance policy that Israel has for supporters of Hamas is predictably being pushed in the Western media as well.

As readers of Counter-Currents and The Occidental Observer well know, the near-total control of Western media by Jews or those sympathetic to or controlled by Jews is the reason for this. Even just a cursory glance at the headlines these days reveals an absolute pro-Israeli bias. Moreover, since our homelands have been transformed into multicultural hellscapes thanks to mass migration, every time the Middle East sneezes we get societal Ebola. The following recent news items are indicative of just some of the fallout that we are seeing in our own countries.

A man in the United States was arrested on hate crime charges for stabbing a Muslim boy. It takes a lunatic to attack a defenseless child, but that being said, the widespread, ubiquitous dehumanization campaign being waged by Jewish-controlled media outlets lead to incidents such as this. In another story, Aine Davis, a British national and convert to Islam who had been arrested at Luton Airport last year and charged with being an ISIS terrorist, pleaded guilty to the charges in court this week. I do not want to live alongside Muslims or Jews, but violence against them is not going to solve anything. Metapolitics is the solution.

Protests around the Western world sparked by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are an unnerving reminder of how our countries have been invaded as a result of mass immigration policies. These policies have been pushed relentlessly by Jewish interest groups since the end of the Second World War. Kevin MacDonald’s pioneering work on Jews and their relentless pursuit of their group interests, including advocating for open-borders policies in white-majority countries, is key to understanding the current state of our historic homelands. Jews, who are a paranoid group at the best of times, do not feel comfortable living amongst white gentiles, hence their incessant lobbying to open our countries to foreigners. Jews feel that it is in their group’s interest to reside in a multicultural state where they can pursue their group evolutionary strategy in countries where the white majority’s power has been attenuated by the presence of multiple competing ethnic groups.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.

In the United States, protests on university campuses and in the streets of major cities saw clashes between rival groups on either side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On a positive note, an Israeli billionaire and his wife decided to step down from Harvard’s Board of Directors in protest against a Harvard student association’s condemnation of Israel’s response to Hamas’ attack. It is always good when Jews release their stranglehold on academia even a little bit. Meanwhile, a Black History professor at Cornell University called Hamas’ attack on Jews “exhilarating” and “energizing.” And on Wednesday, October 18 in Washington, DC, a Jewish American group calling for a ceasefire in Gaza organized a protest that occupied the rotunda of the Cannon House office building on Capitol Hill, which resulted in a number of arrests.

In Canada, surprisingly large rallies were held in support of both Israel and Palestine on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, as well as at universities across the country. Other cities, including Edmonton, Montreal, and Toronto, saw numerous demonstrations as people hit the streets to show their support for one of the sides.

In Germany, there is little incentive for migrants to work given that Left-wing parties continue to increase financial and other benefits in support of mostly Muslim newcomers. The city of Hamburg, for example, is spending an unsustainable fortune every month to keep immigrants on welfare. Remix News reports that Hamburg alone is looking to increase its budget to support the foreign army of rapacious migrants in its midst:

The budget committee for the city is now looking to increase its funding for the reception of migrants by €212.8 million, after having already raised it by €118.7 million earlier this year. Now, with the latest increase, the total amount of money for housing and caring for migrants in 2023 will total €1 billion.

The article goes on to say that the €1 billion figure does not even include day care, schooling, and health care. Understandably, the Hamburg municipal officials are looking to the federal government for more funding. The cost to the federal government for the housing and care of migrants is approximately €36 billion and climbing. To offset this, support for the Right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) is on the rise, and according to a new poll, a majority of Germans have turned against mass immigration and all of its associated problems. The current crisis in the Levant will undoubtedly exacerbate the situation as Palestinians and other groups are displaced and then invariably find their way to Europe.

As Greg Johnson has pointed out, one of the key problems with multicultural societies is that there is no common good in them. When there are many competing racial and ethnic groups with divergent interests occupying the same territory, it is impossible to negotiate the convoluted landscape. Overseas conflicts therefore exacerbate pre-existing conflicts. Foreign wars that were at one time none of our concern are now being waged by proxy in the streets of our major cities.

The stories about ethnic cleansing in Palestine and Israel are being blared from every television, every computer screen, every smartphone, every radio, and every legacy media newspaper at present are reminiscent of what is happening to white people. Many Western countries are in a tumultuous state because we, too, are being ethnically cleansed in our historic homelands by a hostile, Jewish-controlled elite that uses mass migration and relentless propaganda as weapons.

One way to leverage the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict for white interests is to mimic, to some degree, Israel’s actions. We could say, “You’re right, we have to take this opportunity to rid our countries of our unwanted Muslim populations by way of mass deportations.” Is this a complete solution? No, but it would be a good start. Once more nationalist elements eventually take hold of the reins of power in our beleaguered countries, it won’t be much of a stretch to suggest that diaspora Jews return to Israel for their own safety and protection.

The most important aspect in all this from a White Nationalist perspective is: “What is good for white people?” We can ask this question and we can provide our own answers. Multiculturalism does not work, because every time something happens overseas, the unwelcome, ungrateful foreigners in our midst run amok and our toady politicians bend over backwards to placate them. It’s time to close our borders, deport all non-whites from our homelands, stay out of foreign wars that are not our concern, and look out for ourselves once again.

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