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A Separate View of the Israel/Hamas War

20-10-2023 < Activist Post 75 1297 words

By Janet Phelan

The understanding that has informed my work for over a decade now is this—that there is a eugenics program afoot and that it is being expressed in certain domestic agendas, such as the war against the elderly and disabled being deployed via court authorized guardianships and also potentially  through a pandemic agenda. The understanding includes the recognition that there are certain demographic groups slated for removal, including the elderly, people of color and Jews and that in pursuit of the removal of the latter, it is more than likely that a war will be launched against Israel.

Following the decimation of that tiny country, a selectively delivered pandemic will be released in the US and other countries, to “mop up” the remaining people of Ashkenazi or Sephardic origins who did not choose to move to the ghetto known as Israel, as well as other “inconvenient” racial and political groups. It was initially suggested that the coming pandemic could selectively be delivered through the weaponized wáter system, thoroughly documented in my 2021 book, At the Breaking Point of History and and elsewhere. This thesis was later expanded to include the possibility of the deployment of other selectively delivered weapons systems, such as a selectively delivered “vaccine” or other impostor pharmaceutical.

From my perch in Latin America, it seems that the conditions are now ripe and we could indeed be seeing these predictions play out before us. The war now taking place in Israel and Gaza has all the earmarks of an op. These were summarized recently in an article by Brucha Weisberger as follows:

  1. Why were light-complexioned foreign fighters seen on the Hamas side in videos of the October 7 atrocities?

  2. Why did Hamas have high-tech American murder weapons?

  3. How on earth could the Israeli government not have gotten wind of the planned attack? All the more, how were the multiple layers of alarms not set off? Even if it was a surprise and even if all the warning systems were somehow disabled, why was there no response for hours, as hundreds and hundreds continued to be tortured and butchered and another 200 led away captive back across the border?

  4. Why is Hamas forcing civilians to remain in Gaza, in harm’s way?

  5. Doesn’t this massacre appear to be a set-up by the same evil globalists who brought us the deadly covid vaccines? Not only are lots more people now dead, but a war is brewing and worldwide antisemitism is boiling over – just as they wish.

The entire article is well worth reading and can be seen here.

At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic

As reported widely a couple of years back, Iran is close to developing a nuclear weapon which it has repeatedly said it would use against Israel. The fact that the press has not announced the completion of this Iranian project is hardly surprising. That Tehran is edging towards involvement in this recent war is widely reported, with Iran threatening “an earthquake” level response against Israel.

That the Biden administration may have facilitated the Iranian involvement in this war is entirely consonant with the unfolding story. Not only did Biden unfreeze six billion dollars for Iran shortly before this war began but there is also now emerging discussión concerning another 90 billion earmarked for Iran due to the reinitiation of arms talks. In addition, Biden will send 100 million dollars in humanitarian aid to Gaza, while acknowledging that the funds may be requisitioned by Hamas for their war chest.

The US “friendship” with Israel was thoroughly dissected and exposed in the 1994 bestseller, The Secret War Against the Jews, by former DOJ Prosecutor John Loftus as being the friendship of an assassin for his victim, of a predator for its prey. There are those who take exception to this perception, citing the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. However one regards the actions of the state of Israel regarding the Palestinians, what appears to be at play is a multi-stage op, all being played out without our (or the Israelis’ or Palestinians’) knowledge or consent. Following the destruction of the Jewish state we will again see the release of a worldwide pandemic. We will be told that certain races of people, i.e., blacks and Jews, appeared to be genetically “susceptible” to what was a surreptitiously and selectively delivered toxin and our world will mourn the loss of those who were actually killed by the very parties leading the elegies.

This understanding has come at a very high cost, relayed partly in my 2014 book, EXILE, which discusses the attack on my mother, Dr. Amalie Phelan, clearly led the State, which graduated to her murder and a rather relentless pursuit of yours truly. The pandemic was also predicted in that book, as something in the works. It has become clear to us all that the pandemic agenda has not run its course and the power to compel aqcuiescience to dictates involving “countermeasures”— vaccines and  lockdowns and other mandates — will be centralized in a pandemic treaty as well as in amendments to the International Health Regulations, to be presented for a UN vote this next year.

The walls appear to be closing in. Universities stand idly by as the current crop of students adopt the cry to “Gas the Jews.” The only way to thwart these heavily occluded and misreported events is through a stance of outrage and honest, heartfelt objection. You are therefore encouraged to forward this article to media, elected representatives and anyone else you can think of. We are truly entering the final war and only our awareness and our Divinely given ability to love each other will protect us now.

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan and Twitter @JanetPhelan14. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan.

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