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The Worst Week Yet: October 8-14, 2023

16-10-2023 < Counter Currents 27 2160 words

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I Don’t Have a ZOG in This Fight

I’m already war-weary, and it’s only been a week. I was burned-out on all things Middle Eastern a long time before this latest round of tedium arrived uninvited at my doorstep. I invariably zone out of any discussion about the Middle East, and now it’s going to suck up the news cycle and clog my cerebral arteries for the unforeseen future.

I feel so sick in my stomach that I can’t even locate my stomach. What can you say when you can’t even muster the energy to say, “It’s all so tiresome”?

As a child attending grade school in the 1960s, I was weaned on the notion that the United States was the greatest nation in world history, the best country there ever was and possibly could ever be. Back in the days when the history books called them “Mohammedans” rather than Muslims, I was cheerfully unaware of the Middle East’s existence until the oil crisis of the early 1970s. By the time of the Iran hostage crisis at the end of the limp-dicked Carter Administration, I’d become bored with the very idea of the Middle East. I never understood what was in it for me or why I should be interested in what was going on “over there.”

When 9/11 rolled around at the dawn of this millennium, I was unique in Portland — of all places — in that while everyone else, no matter how severely Leftist they were, was urging for Muslims to get bombed into bits, I seemed to be the only one aware that US sanctions had led to the starvation deaths of about a million Iraqi women and children since the entirely unnecessary Persian Gulf War, and my attitude was, “What did you think would happen when you fuck with people to that degree?”

And then came the War on Terror, where at least twice as many Americans died than had died on 9/11 and taxpayers were forced to pay trillions for those fruitless endeavors. Thousands of coffins draped in American flags were shipped back here from “over there” in the endless quest to help our best buddies, our greatest allies, who for some inscrutable reason are never required to die on our behalf.

And now, with the US falling apart like it’s never fallen apart before, here comes another Middle Eastern Distraction.

If Aeschylus was right in saying that truth is the first casualty of war, the body count should be in the trillions by year’s end. My ears have heard a lifetime’s worth of lies, and I can’t handle any more. I am bored to the point of rigor mortis at the fact that I’m being slapped in the face with another sequel to this ongoing movie series.

What happened “over there” last week is another Holocaust, another 9/11. What Hamas did is as bad as the Nazis. Maybe worse. Dozens of charred and headless babies. Warehouses full of headless babies. So far I’ve heard of 40 headless babies, and next week it’ll be a million.

Our wonderful, official, and not-at-all-fake media is concerned about the “high tide of American antisemitism,” which, miraculously, has never ebbed since they started tracking such things. For absolutely no reason, anti-Semitism always gets worse and worse and worse.

Jews feel more unsafe than they usually feel, more hunted down than they are used to being hunted down, and none of it has anything to do with guilty consciences.

Israel did nothing to provoke the attack, just as Jews have never done anything to provoke anti-Semitism.

You don’t hear anything about what the Israelis may have done to the Palestinians, and you have to do some earnest digging merely to learn about how modern Israel sprung to life through those dreaded “terrorist bombings” that only Muslims and white supremacists are said to do these days.

No, last week all happened out of nowhere, totally unprovoked. This certainly doesn’t go back to the 1940s, nor does it go back to the siege of Masada.

The spontaneous eruption of masturbatory, ejaculatory, orgasmic Zionist bloodlust is sickening. Ben Shapiro and Laura Loomer and Michael Rapaport are soiling their diapers about this “unprovoked” attack on their people.

Zionists and pro-Palestine protesters are clashing in American and European cities.

As is always the case with these sorts of skirmishes, it is always the other side that’s the heartless, murderous pig, and it’s our side that’s the humane and rational and righteous side.

In Europe, the officials appear to have already chosen sides.

Police in England are threatening to arrest Hamas supporters. According to London’s Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor:

Our role as an independent and impartial service is to balance the right to lawful protest with potential disruption to Londoners. . . . People do not have the right to incite violence or hatred. The law is clear that support for proscribed organizations is illegal. . . . Anyone with a flag in support of Hamas or any other proscribed terrorist organization will be arrested. . . . We will not tolerate the celebration of terrorism or death, or tolerate anyone inciting violence.

How very independent and impartial of him.

In Muslim-addled France, you are no longer legally permitted to demonstrate in support of Palestinians. France’s Minister of Justice is calling for five-year prison sentences for the vague crime of “apologizing for terrorism”:

Antisemitism is not an opinion, it’s an offense. Apology for terrorism is an offense punishable by 5 years’ imprisonment, and 7 years when it received a certain level of exposure. . . . We cannot see antisemitism grow in this country with impunity.

What is actually an opinion is the entirely subjective matter of what constitutes “antisemitism.”

Last week saw some “conservative media advocacy group” driving around Harvard and digitally blasting the faces and names of students who’d signed some sort of pro-Palestine statement calling Israel “entirely responsible” for the Hamas attacks. Pro-Palestinian students at Tufts University also found out who really rules over them.

These sorts of situations set insanely bad precedents in an already insanely bad time. There’s a feeling in the pit of my gut that censorship is going to get far worse for all of us.

Prepare yourself for more and more lectures about anti-Semitism and Islamophobia as a very brief media focus on whether anti-whiteness even exists is put on the back burner.

I don’t want to spend one dollar to fund Israel’s military or to import Palestinian refugees here. Not a nickel. But I’ve never been offered a choice to say “no” by either party.

I’ve never seen democracy work for me. Nor “free speech,” for that matter.

When they can shut off your bullhorn instantly, there’s no such thing as free speech. When you never get what you want no matter how you vote, but are forced to work from January 1 until late April every year just to pay taxes to keep them from throwing you in jail, I don’t see how that’s a “democracy,” either.

And it’s all getting worse.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

Israel’s Prime Minister is referring to the Palestinians as “savages,” while its Defense Minister is calling them “animals.”

But what about the Palestinian babies? Well, they’re just savages and animals, too. Bomb them into glass so we can get our fill of war porn.

Putin is comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, and Zelensky is comparing Hamas to Russia.

American and British aircraft carriers are headed to the Eastern Mediterranean.

An actual quote from our actual president:

I never really thought that I would see, have confirmed, pictures of terrorists beheading children.

And later the White House actually confirmed that our actual president had never actually seen such a thing.

When it comes to the Israel Question, there is only one political party in America.

This will be bad for the economy, bad for morale, bad for everything, and maybe a foreign war will finally come to the US for the first time since, what, 1812?

Bankers start wars but don’t fight in them.

Soldiers fight wars but don’t profit from them.

Israel is preparing an all-out, scorched-Earth siege of Gaza and have already, in their humane and impartial way, cut off water and electricity for those animalistic savages.

And it appears that officials in the US, France, and England are all ready to go to the mat for Israel.

And it’s all because the Jews are the best friends a formerly great country could ever hope for.

Why are we defending Israel’s borders more ferociously than we defend our own?

The Second World War might have made things better for Americans in the short run, but it played a huge part in snuffing my father’s soul like a leather boot stomping out a lit stogie. Dad served in the US Army Air Forces in the Last Great Brother War, but mom would talk about how when he came back home to the States, he’d be a raging drunken furniture-smashing maniac every night and how she would pray to God that it would end. But it never ended.

My brother served in Vietnam. He was 13 years older than me and was my first hero. And I remember the day when I was about six and walked him out to the car that drove him to the airport so he could go fight the in the US Army and murder “gooks.” But he came back shattered. And I lost my first and only real hero while the US lost pretty much every war since.

All the wars Americans really needed to be fighting were right here in front of our faces, not “over there.”

Exactly how is Israel our greatest ally? What or whom have they ever protected us from? The entire Western world seems to exist to make Jewish people feel safe. Well, what about Western people? When has Israel’s existence ever made Western people feel safe?

With their retaliation in Gaza and even airports in Syria, Israel risks turning the entire Muslim world that surrounds them into one giant, flaming, bellicose hemorrhoid.

Unless they all get nuked, some of them will be coming into white countries, probably in the millions, and I’m supposed to care more about them than they are expected to care about me.

I’m going to crawl out on a thin, rickety limb here to suggest it might not be a good idea for America in its current state to go against Russia, China, Iran, and the entire Muslim world just to save Israel’s ungrateful ass.

As Europeans gird themselves once again to ensure the safety of the official Jewish homeland, the unmentionable truth is that Europeans no longer have any kind of legitimate, officially sanctioned homeland anywhere on Earth.

I don’t want to be a friend to Israelis or the entire Muslim world. Tell me what’s wrong with that.

The US is already terminally ill, and this will be another injection of poison.

I wish I had something happy to report or something funny to say. But I’m coming up dry.

Would you call me a pessimist if I told you I don’t think any of this will end well?

Jim Goad

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