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The Counter-Currents 2023 Fundraiser: Every Journey Begins with a Single Step

13-10-2023 < Counter Currents 27 1109 words

990 words

Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $106,075, or 35.36% of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) And now, A. C. C. Reader explains why the excuses some readers make for not donating don’t hold water — and reminds us that every great undertaking begins with a single step.

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A few weeks ago, I saw the most inspiring video I’ve seen in years: Dries Van Langenhove’s speech at the 2023 American Renaissance conference. I invite everyone here to watch it. Although it starts slow, it gradually builds to an impassioned series of climaxes. I don’t know a more powerful living speaker for our side. (And it was his first speech in English!)

One of the biggest problems on our side is having to make do on a threadbare shoestring of a budget. Unlike the Left, we don’t have billionaires founding and funding organizations to promote and amplify our views. It seems that we don’t even have millionaires. But we don’t need them! Counter-Currents boasts about 400,000 “unique viewers” per month. Let’s say that 92% of those are people who don’t share our views. That leaves 30,000 people such as yourself, who care about the fate of European peoples. And every single one of you can afford to give $10 — or the local equivalent — per year! If you did, Counter-Currents would easily reach its funding goals.

$300,000 sounds like a lot. What does Counter-Currents plan to do with all that money? Unlike what some may suspect, it’s not “beefsteaks for the boys.” It costs a lot of money to run a dynamic website that receives four or five million views per month and to pay writers, some of whom survive on hardly anything. 

Counter-Currents has fresh energy, ideas, and dreams that can only come to fruition with your support. So why not send Counter-Currents $10 today? (Maybe kick in a bit more to cover the inevitable freeloaders.)

In a recent post, some commenters offered the following excuses for why they can’t give:

1. They can’t afford it. This is false! Every reader can afford to give $10 per year (at a minimum)!

2. There’s no way to send money. This is also false. Not only does Counter-Currents have the most ways to donate of any site I’ve ever seen, but even if there’s still no option you can use, we still have cash and we still have mail. Put cash in the mail — carefully wrapped in a couple layers of paper. Done!

3. There’s no safe and anonymous way to send money. Not true! I don’t have personal experience with every nation’s postal system, but certainly in the United States and probably most countries, mail can still be sent anonymously. A money order can be purchased anonymously with cash at any post office and most large grocery stores, and mailed anonymously. Cash itself can be mailed anonymously. Anyone who desires anonymity can have it for the cost of mailing an envelope.

4. Counter-Currents needs more features before it’s good enough to be worth supporting. Perhaps we all have things we wish Counter-Currents did, but let’s consider what they do already:

  • They publish 15-20 original articles per week from a wide variety of authors, and on a wide variety of topics.

  • They publish books that are banned from mainstream outlets.

  • They produce podcasts and interviews.

  • They curate and maintain archives for Anthony M. Ludovici, Savitri Devi, and Jonathan Bowden.

  • Counter-Currents‘ archive of its own work is huge.

  • They financially support writers — and others — on our side so they can focus on writing. All this is free for you, but not free for Counter-Currents.

More to the point, Counter-Currents does all this on a slim budget, and it’s unreasonable to expect them to do more without the resources to do so.

I’ve met Greg, and it’s clear that he doesn’t live a lavish lifestyle. He doesn’t even have a car. He puts everything he has into supporting our people, and there are many more things he’d like to do if only Counter-Currents had the resources. Can you help?

If you care about the fate of European people, there is no excuse for not pitching in. Frankly, you should be ashamed if you don’t!

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Of our people who’ve been awakened, very few do more than passively consume content, or perhaps post comments online. But we can’t win without real-life action and organization. How do we get there?

It’s always hardest to take the first step toward anything, but once you do it you’ll want to take the next, and the next, until the goal is reached. The barrier here is only mental; nothing truly stops anyone from contributing who wants to contribute — and while our movement needs money, it needs your talents, too.

The same principle applies, whether it’s weeding your garden or building an institution. Once you go to your first real-life meetup, you’ll want to go to another. Once you start speaking the truth, you’ll want to say more. And along the way you’ll find allies. Taking the first step and doing something real to support your people will lead you down the path not only to larger contributions, but a sense of pride and of belonging to something greater. Take that step!

Dries put it better, but I don’t want to spoil even a single word of his speech. Watch it, and make your choice!

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There are many ways to help, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.

You can explore all your donation options on our newly-redesigned Donate page.

Also, check out our Paywall page!

For a preview of events in the coming year, check out our birthday page.

Remember: Those who fight for a better world live in it today.

Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.

Greg Johnson
