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No White Identity for You or Your Kiddos

13-10-2023 < Counter Currents 24 1640 words

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Posters that appeared in the cities of Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, and Port Moody near Vancouver, British Columbia caused a bit of a stir in late September. A group named “White Tri-Cities Parents and Tots” affixed flyers to lampposts, bus stops, and at shopping malls that promoted a “Whites-Only Moms and Tots” play group.

This apparently frightened the living daylights out of a black woman, who took time out of her busy schedule as a black housing advocate — whatever that’s supposed to mean — to pose for some serious, professional photographs to accompany news articles about this horrible injustice. An organization called Black Vancouver also called attention to the criminal notion of white children gathering with other white children for an afternoon. Meanwhile, her equally aggrieved black friend stealthily joined the white play group’s Telegram channel to see just what awful stuff was being written in the chat.

What was so terrible, anyway? Here is what the posters actually had written on them:

Are you looking for somewhere your children can play with others that look like them? Are they tired of being a minority in their schools or daycares? Escape forced “diversity” and join other proud parents of European children as we create an atmosphere in which our kids can feel like they belong. Invest in your child’s sense of well being and racial identity by giving them the gift of time spent amongst their own people — because they deserve it.

A statement released by the City of Port Coquitlam reassures everyone that the city does not condone any statement of intolerance or hatred. Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West had this to say about the absolutely appalling notion of having white people, along with their little children, gather for a play group:

As soon as it was brought to our attention, Bylaw officers immediately searched the area and all bus stops in the surrounding area, to remove the posters but no signs were present. Perhaps, it was removed by someone else in the community . . . This vile garbage isn’t welcome in our community, or anywhere else. We strive and continue to work on building the bonds of our community and breaking down barriers, promoting all the diversity our city has.

The statement from the city, in addition to quoting the Mayor, went on to condemn any articulation of “hate”:

The City of Port Coquitlam condemns this in the strongest terms and promotes an environment without hate. The City appreciates the community for sharing their concerns and for bringing it to their attention . . . Coquitlam RCMP are aware of the incident and encourage residents to report incidents such as this to the Coquitlam RCM . . .

The balance of the statement provides contact information and encourages aggrieved individuals who are afraid of white people and their little toddlers to alert the authorities. It stands to reason that public bureaucracies which exist to persecute the white majority need reports of so-called “hate” incidents to justify their own officious existence. Incidentally, the word “hate” is used 17 times in the brief statement.

To the north and east of Port Coquitlam is the City of Coquitlam — confusing, but true. They issued their own statement on the egregious play group posters:

The City of Coquitlam is deeply committed to fostering an environment of equity, diversity and inclusion for all its residents. We are aware of the exclusionary and racist notices posted in our community, promoting activities that run counter to these principles.

The notice in question promotes activities that explicitly exclude certain groups based on their racial background, this is the definition of racism. We want to make it unequivocally clear that such practices and sentiments have no place in our city. Discrimination and prejudice have no place in our society, as they run contrary to the values that we uphold as a community.

Coquitlam celebrates its rich diversity, and we firmly believe that it is through the embrace of different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences that we grow stronger as a community. We reject any attempt to create division or foster an environment where children are separated based on their racial or ethnic backgrounds.

We understand the importance of creating spaces where children feel comfortable and included, and we believe that these spaces should be inclusive of all races and backgrounds. Coquitlam encourages initiatives that promote unity, understanding and appreciation of the differences that make our community inclusive.

We stand firmly against any message that promotes racism, discrimination, exclusion or harm to any individual or group. We encourage open and respectful dialogue that brings our community together.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

It is absurd that multiculturalism is a must for whites, but non-whites can practice their identity politics whenever they see fit. That is rank hypocrisy at best. Meanwhile, blacks-only spaces, along with non-white identity politics more generally, are celebrated by the prevailing ruling class.

Shree Paradkar, a “Social and Racial Justice” columnist for the Toronto Star, argues that the posters are an indication that racism in Canada remains a powerful force. She argues that the flyers “evoke at least two uncomfortable truths: the role of inaction that has emboldened overt racists, and the role that white women have played in entrenching white supremacy.” It is obvious that Paradkar not only resents white females for a whole host of reasons, but denies that white people have an interest in providing an optimal environment for their children. Furthermore, a statement such as this is lazy, anti-white journalism that makes no distinctions between what Greg Johnson calls white separatists, white supremacists, and uppity white folks. Johnson makes these distinctions:

I am a white separatist, meaning that I want to live in a racially homogeneous society rather than a multiracial society. I want racially homogeneous homelands for all peoples, to the extent that is possible.

White supremacists want whites to rule over other races, which logically presupposes the existence of a multiracial society in which whites are at the top of the hierarchy. If we must have multiracial societies, I would want whites and white standards to be supreme. But I recognize that such a society is oppressive to other racial groups, which is why I would prefer separate homelands for all peoples.

It is also encouraging to note that the Telegram channel linked to the playgroup insisted that its members took steps to conceal their phone numbers and identities. By right, white people who engage in identitarian activities should be able to do so with impunity, but as Counter-Currents readers well know, we live within a draconian anti-white system that requires us to take security seriously. A local news website reported that “[s]creenshots of the WhitesTri-CitiesParentsandTots Telegram chat, posted by Black Vancouver, show that those interested in the group are asked to make their profile anonymous and to not reveal their phone number.” Moreover, no one from the group engaged with the publication: “The Tri-City News has reached out to the group but has yet to receive a response.”

Even if the organizers of the play group were only interested in goading the establishment into a hysterical flurry of over-the-top denunciations, it is safe to say that the flyer campaign was a success. The fact that upwards of 200 people joined the Telegram group is encouraging as well. It indicates that there are many white people — uppity white folks, as Greg Johnson has named them — who are otherwise mild-mannered and moderate but who are fed up with duplicitous double standards when it comes to whites pursing their racial interests. As Greg Johnson has argued, white identity politics is inevitable in a multicultural society:

There is no such thing as a common good in a multicultural society, because there is no single people. There are many peoples competing for control over a single state, a single economy, and a single set of resources. Once white people see their interests being threatened, it is inevitable that we will start organizing to preserve and advance our interests. [emphasis in original]

When white people start to actively pursue their own interests as a group, especially to benefit their children, it is a good sign, indeed.

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