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Keeping Up with the Kauf(f)mans

3-10-2023 < Counter Currents 27 2746 words

2,224 words

In 1941, Jewish-American businessman Theodore Kaufman wrote Germany Must Perish! This 96-page booklet advocated for “the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth of all her people’ via forced sterilization.” Fun fact: Between the pages of Germany Must Perish! and Mein Kampf, one can find an open call to annihilate an entire race of people only in the former.

Fast forward to 2023 and another American Jew named Kauffman (this one adds a second “f” to the name) is at work writing polemics, albeit not in the form of self-published booklets but rather in the form of petty posts on the social media site formerly known as Twitter. Jeremy Kauffman is the CEO of LBRY Inc. LBRY is described by Wikipedia as “a blockchain-based file-sharing and payment network that powers decentralized platforms, primarily social networks and video platforms.” It is also the progenitor of Odysee, a video platform with which many readers will be familiar.

While not going so far as desiring the extermination of the Germans, Jeremy Kauffman can still hold a candle to Theodore K. when it comes to brazen proclamations of Jewish superiority and sneering derision towards European peoples. My first glimpse of this came in the summer of this year, right around the time an online personality called Elijah Schaffer was conducting polls on the app now known as X. One poll asked: “Would you rather have your son be in the KKK or be in the LGBTQ?” and another offered voters a choice between “Gay US Liberal Democracy” and fascism. The poll that got Kauffman’s attention, and later mine, put the following question to Twitter users: “Do you believe Jews disproportionately control the world’s institutions, banks, & are waging war on white, western society?”

Jeremy K. responded by stating:

Jews disproportionately control the world primary [sic] because they’re disproportionately intelligent. It’s that simple. No conspiracy necessary!

It’s worth noting that Jeremy’s answer does not address the second part of Schaffer’s question. It only addresses the question of disproportionate control of institutions and banks, and it waves the question away by asserting that this control is simply the result of Jews being geniuses. Here we see another example of what Michael Anton called The Celebration Parallax. This term describes the phenomenon in which the same set of facts is either true and wonderful or a combination of outrageous, false, racist conspiracy theories, hate speech, and so on, depending entirely on who asserts the set of facts. Anton applied The Celebration Parallax to the debate over mass immigration and the demographic replacement it causes. According to the political establishment, mainstream media, and the throngs of empty-headed back-patters who believe whatever the first two tell them to believe, demographic replacement is a racist conspiracy theory and not happening in any way except in the fevered minds of dastardly White Nationalists. Except that it is happening, but it’s a good thing, and white people deserve it as a punishment for the “sins” of their ancestors. It all depends on who is talking about the demographic shift. If someone like you or I says these demographic disfigurements are happening, we will be met with the usual insults and defamation from liberals. If liberals like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau, or institutions beloved by liberals such as the European Union say it, then it’s simply more of that enriching diversity we keep hearing about.

Kauffman’s response to the question of Jewish control of institutions and banks is another celebration parallax. If you or I say that Jews have an obscene amount of control in media, banking, and politics disproportionate to their population size, we will be branded as anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists and possibly face the wrath of organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). If a Jew like Kauffman says it, and says it with pride while highlighting Jews’ unrivalled smarts, then there is no problem.

Kauffman wasn’t content with declaring that “it’s real and it’s a good thing because Jews are intelligent.” According to him, when the goyim object to his claim by pointing out that Jewish nepotism, intense in-group preference, and unscrupulous practices are more responsible for Jewish control of various industries and branches of government, well, that’s just proof of the goyim’s stupidity.

Never mind that the notion of a wildly superior Jewish (specifically, Ashkenazi) IQ has been if not debunked, at least put into doubt numerous times. Never mind that even if high IQ were the reason, it still wouldn’t be a very good explanation, because East Asians score even higher on IQ tests and don’t have anywhere near the kind of presence in European and American sociopolitics that the Ashkenazim do. No, in Kauffman’s mind, his people are just super-duper smart, and that’s why Joe Biden’s cabinet looks like this:

Ashkenazi IQ is certainly not low. But is this the sole explanation for why everywhere from Wall Street to Hollywood to Washington, DC is full of them? Not likely.

The Jew Joel Stein doing a little anti-Semitism.

Jeremy Kauffman’s justification for Jewish omnipresence in the upper echelons of Western society demonstrates yet another celebration parallax. Let’s assume it’s true: Ashkenazi Jews really are just extremely clever, and that’s why they run Hollywood, the news media, and American politics. IQ is understood to be mostly an inherited trait. It can go up and it can go down, but those fluctuations mainly result from the intermixing of peoples with disparate levels of IQ. Those who study IQ and have been brave enough to speak honestly about it do not suggest that IQ can be increased by attending a very good school, for example. And why is bravery required to speak honestly about IQ? When a Gentile says that there are differences in IQ and these differences are heritable and go as deep as our very genetic makeup, he is attacked as a “racist.” Just ask James Watson.

This Nobel Prize-winning scientist has been defamed, disowned, mocked, and abused by the twenty-first century’s Inquisitors. His sin? Connecting intelligence to race. It’s the very same thing that Jeremy Kauffman does, but apparently when Jeremy makes the connection, he is not breaking any taboo. The celebration parallax: IQ is an inherent, biological, racially determined characteristic so long as it explains why Jews are so smart, and which therefore explains why Jews run the world. IQ is real and it’s a good thing. Say that IQ differences are real, heritable, and vary by race as an explanation for why European people are able to create societies that compare much better to those created by sub-Saharan Africans — prepare yourself for a public execution, or at the very least, to be universally shunned. Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve, has faced similar attacks. The Southern Poverty Law Center cites Murray as one of America’s “extremists,” accuses him of using “racist pseudoscience,” and includes him as an enemy in the Center’s fight against “hate.”

Jeremy Kauffman believes that Jews are successful and occupy positions of power because of their inherited IQ, and he also believes that non-Jews are just “too dumb” to compete. So is Kauffman a “racist”? If Jews run the world because of their disproportionate intelligence, it follows that Third World peoples live in poverty because of their disproportionate lack of intelligence. Kauffman clearly has no qualms suggesting that white people don’t have the same type of dominance Jews do because whites “can’t do math.”

He also frequently implies that the “Nazis” and so-called Right-wing whites today are just jealous of the Jews and want to “tear down” Jewish people “due to their success.” This is nonsense. All throughout the incredibly long history of acrimonious European and Jewish relations, European displeasure with the Jewish people living in their societies had little or nothing to do with the fact that Jews were wealthy or successful. During many periods in history, Jews were actually not that successful or powerful at all — certainly not compared to the nobility and the monarchy. In fact, part of the victimhood narrative Jewish people love telling stems from the lowly to middling status they were forced to occupy during many centuries in various European countries. Jews were wanderers and merchants and, in the grand scheme of things, it’s only very recently that merchants have come to occupy such a high place in the social strata. No, the animosity Europeans felt towards Jews was a reaction to Jewish behavior.

Let us look once more to East Asians as a counterpoint. They tend to score high on IQ tests similar to Ashkenazi and Europeans, and they do very well for themselves in white countries like the United States. Are “right-wing” Americans seething with envy of East Asian success? Not to my knowledge. Do “Right-wing” Americans bear any ill will towards the successful East Asians who live amongst them? No, because apart from the somewhat recent problem of Chinese spies infiltrating American institutions, the East Asians in the United States don’t engage in the kind of anti-gentile subversion that many Ashkenazi Jews do, nor do they have as much influence as the Ashkenazis. East Asians don’t tend to go around making fun of white Americans’ religious beliefs the way that, say, Sarah Silverman does. Compared to Jews, East Asians have absolutely zero sway on American foreign and domestic policy.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

Evidently, Kauffman isn’t much of a believer in the dogma of the day: We are all created equal, we all possess the same capabilities, and any discrepancy in the outcomes of various peoples is the fault of “socioeconomic factors.” Kauffman has launched numerous broadsides against the liberal notion of equality. Good for him! If only European people could enjoy being as openly anti-equalitarian and justifiably chauvinistic as Jews like Jeremy Kauffman. As ever, there isn’t so much a double standard as there is an anti-white standard.

So if Jews really do control so many institutions and run so much of the world, and if that really is due to their innate intelligence, at what point then do Jews have to accept responsibility for the state of things? A question I’d like to see put to Jeremy Kauffman: Have the Jews put their intelligence and all of their power and influence to good use for the rest of the societies they live in? Again, we’re assuming it’s true that Jews do “control the world,” but that it’s control they’ve earned by being very intelligent and competitive. All right, then, so when there’s an economic crisis caused by nefarious practices on Wall Street, who should be held accountable? I’m under the impression that it would be an “anti-Semitic” trope to lay blame at the feet of “the Jews,” but Kauffman is starting to change my mind.

Do you object to America’s and her allies’ wars? Don’t look at me. Take it up with Jeremy Kauffman’s genius friends in the State Department.

Perhaps you have a problem with the smut, subversion, and generally sleazy behavior typical of Hollywood. What can I say? That’s just what the bright minds who run the place are like.

The bitter irony is that Jews do indeed see themselves as the world’s do-gooders, blameless at all times, selflessly giving the benighted nations moral guidance. To our infinite misfortune, a huge number of Gentiles actually believe this, too. I look at the various problems facing the world, the various threats to the things he holds dear, and the history of how they all coalesce, and he isn’t convinced.

In fact, one could say the opposite is true. Rather than heroically giving of themselves, and rather than using their unique intelligence and the influence it has helped them earn to bring prosperity, joy, and enlightenment to the world, Jews are laser-focused on doing whatever is best for their people. Whether it’s profiteering from slave trades and then strapping all the blame for the practice of slavery on the backs of Europeans, or clipping coins, or causing wars for financial supremacy, or starting murderous revolutions, Kauffman’s kin and kith haven’t got a history of using their control of the world — which Kauffman quite frankly admits they have — for the purposes of good. At least it’s not good for anyone who isn’t a part of the “elite” Jew crew.

With great power comes great responsibility. It’s a concept that goes back to the most ancient of times, but the line itself was coined by Jewish comic-book writer Stan Lee. Well, Kauffman, you’ve got the power. Now take the responsibility. It’s all fun and games to sneer at the goyim, but are they wrong to take umbrage with the way your brainy co-ethnics have been running things?

The Babylonian Talmud recounts a meeting between Alexander the Great and the rabbis of the Negev. In his thirst for wisdom, Alexander asked these “sages” a series of questions. This meeting likely never occurred, and was probably just an excuse to jot down some rabbinical aphorisms, but Jews like Kauffman would do well to brush up on the tale. One question and its answer stand out in particular.

“Who is the wise man?” Alexander asked.

“He who foresees the consequences of his actions,” came the reply.

Jeremy Kauffman proudly proclaims that Jews are firmly seated at the controls. For him, it’s no conspiracy theory. Jews really do pull the strings. A wise man might contemplate, then, on the consequences of their actions.

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