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The Worst Week Yet: September 24-30, 2023

2-10-2023 < Counter Currents 23 2551 words

Dayjia “Meatball” Blackwell

2,221 words

Obese She-Boon Known as “Meatball” Livestreams Philly Looting Spree

We begin our week in Philadelphia, which was America’s birthplace but is rapidly becoming its graveyard.

Last Tuesday night saw a widely-publicized spate of looting that began on Walnut Street in Center City, about a mile from where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Over the course of the evening, enabled by social media and the fact that black people are allowed to drive cars, the party spread its tentacles in all directions throughout the city via roving caravans.

The immediate excuse to justify the widespread smashin’ and grabbin’ was the fact that earlier in the day, a judge had dismissed charges against 27-year-old police officer Mark Dial, who on August 14 filmed himself shooting and killing 27-year-old Eddie “Junito” Irizzary. Police had given chase to Irizzary after spotting him driving erratically in the blighted neighborhood of West Kensington, which is nearly three-quarters Hispanic.

Cops originally stated that Dial shot and killed Irizarry after Irizarry lunged at him with a knife while outside his vehicle. Police retracted this statement after Dial’s own bodycam footage shows him firing six rounds into Irizarry’s rolled-up window a mere seven seconds after hopping out of his squad car, his body camera filming it all. Why police would lie so brazenly, especially knowing the current climate and the fact that the incident had been recorded, beggars belief. Why a judge would dismiss charges against Dial based on claims of self-defense is likewise mind-boggling. There appear to be no “good guys” in this saga.

This includes Irizarry’s understandably distraught aunt, Zoraida Garcia, feeling the need to drop four F-bombs while understandably criticizing the dismissal of charges:

Everyone in Philadelphia seen a murder. They seen my nephew get fucking murdered. Ambushed. Ambushed in his fucking car. And they threw out all the fucking charges. You just proved to Philadelphia that an officer can kill somebody, and get the fuck away with it in Philadelphia.

Although modern Negro looters rarely require an excuse to loot, they took the case’s dismissal as justification for another round of ritualized banditry as they violated retail stores with full primate fury.

The “star” of the event was a certain Dayjia “Meatball” Blackwell, who for reasons which will forever remain a mystery to me has nearly 200,000 Instagram followers. Ms. Meatball, who resembles a 300-pound Milk Dud wearing an Aunt Jemima bandana, filmed herself cackling with psychotic glee and egging on the looters as they rampaged through the Cradle of Liberty:

Tell the police if they lock me up tonight it’s going to be lit, it’s going to be a movie! Everybody’s gotta eat!

If everyone has to eat, it’s only because Meatball already ate their food.

Ms. Meatball eventually got arrested, and her tear-strewn “iconic mugshot has been turned into a marketing opportunity as she uses it to sell merch.”

At some point when the adrenaline had ebbed, Meatball realized she’d been charged with six felonies. She publicly expressed — as social-media “influencers” are wont to do — her remorse for getting caught up in the excitement:

I just want to say thanks to everybody that ya know cared for me. Ain’t nothing never been nothing. I ain’t done anything like this in my life. . . . I’ve never been through nothing like that ever in my life, I don’t even know what happened. I need some sleep, I’m scared, I’m traumatized, never again in my life, like seriously.

Beginning with “Ain’t nothing never been nothing,” I gave myself a headache attempting to parse all the aint’s and nevers and nothings in what was a naïvely futile attempt to make sense of what she was saying. I should know by now that hardly anybody makes sense anymore. The world has gone full stupid, and Meatball is its stupid face.

Blacks Who Beat and Stomped Ethan Liming to Death at Ohio Basketball Court Cleared of Involuntary Manslaughter

Last year in this column I covered the story of a white teen named Ethan Liming, who died of head trauma after being beaten by a trio of aspiring young basketball players after Liming and his pals had shot at them with a toy gel gun.

At the time of Ethan’s death, his father Bill Liming saw a clear racial motivation:

My son Ethan Liming was murdered by three African American males and a female who stood by and did nothing. . . . We live in a sick world. People look at each other based on the color of skin or the fact somebody disagrees with somebody else. . . . And we have so dehumanized each other in our society, that’s why my son was murdered. Some people looked at him as somebody whose life didn’t matter.

Some facts about the case which were predictably glossed over by the mainstream media are summarized here. The facts include:

  • When Liming and Deshawn Stafford first began fighting, Liming had the upper hand, which led to Tyler Stafford and another black male jumping into the fray.

  • Ethan was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground, whereupon the Negro Trio began kicking him in the head.

  • When Ethan’s friends tried to intervene, they were chased away, after which the Negro Trio turned back and kicked him for another ten seconds.

  • Ethan’s friends, two of whom were black, called 911 and then took his limp body and tried moving him to their car but were chased away by the Negro Trio, who then broke their phones and stole Ethan’s car.

  • At trial, the defense cited a coroner’s report that Liming had died as a result of his head striking concrete. But there is no definitive evidence that this occurred during his fall to the ground; it may have happened while his assailants were using his head as a soccer ball.

  • The defense also argued that under cover of night, it was reasonable for the Negro Trio to think that the plastic gel gun was actually a firearm, although the fight didn’t start until after the plastic toy was broken.

Last week a Cleveland jury found Liming’s two main assailants not guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Instead, they convicted 20-year-old Deshawn Stafford of aggravated assault, for which he faces a draconian 18 months in prison. His 19-year-old brother Tyler was convicted of simple assault and will remain on house arrest. A picture of their mugshots, with Tyler on the left and Deshawn on the right, reveals them to be two entirely upstanding young citizens with a promising future as nuclear scientists at CERN.

German Judge Says There’s No Reason to Detain Syrian National Who “Embarked on a Spree of Violence” in Hamburg

Continuing what seems to be an unstoppable trend of judicial malfeasance in the name of social justice, a 31-year-old Syrian national identified only as “Firas A.” remains a free man after spending most of the summer committing crimes in the German city of Hamburg:

A Syrian national who embarked on a spree of violence across the German port city of Hamburg resulting in the smashing of hundreds of car windows and windshields, as well as the violent robbery of a pensioner at an ATM, has avoided prison. . . . The notorious vandal was witnessed in the act a total of 12 times during this period, each time equipped with a hammer and a brass knuckle knife. . . . The repeat offender continued his illicit activity, which culminated last month in the robbery of a pensioner at an ATM. On Aug. 23, the man was caught on surveillance footage accosting an 84-year-old woman withdrawing cash at the Osdorfer Born shopping center.

Despite all the evidence, and despite the fact that the perp isn’t even a German citizen, a judge has refused to issue a warrant for him “due to a lack of grounds for arrest.”

Gunfire Erupts During Protest of Conquistador Statue in Fentanyl-Addled New Mexico Town

Española is a dingy little New Mexico town of about 10,000 that I passed through a few times in 2018 while driving between Santa Fe and Taos. Back then, my female companion informed me that Española — which is known as “The Low Rider Capital of the World,” and whose official motto is “The heart of northern New Mexico . . . where cultures unite” — was the heroin capital of New Mexico.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

But all that has changed; it’s now a cesspit of fentanyl.

The town was founded way back in 1598 by Spanish conquistadors, who’d gained power the old-fashioned way: by massacring and enslaving the locals. A year later, when Acoma Injuns resisted the Spaniards’ attempts to impose taxes on them, a conquistador named Juan de Onate lost one of his relatives during a skirmish in which 13 Spaniards were killed.

Until 2020, a statue of Onate was prominently displayed in downtown Española until political busybodies forced its removal. Authorities recently agreed to reinstall the statue outside a county annex building, which led to yet more protests on Thursday. Amid the crowd of anti-imperialist rabble-rousers stood someone identified as 23-year-old Ryan Martinez who, despite his clearly non-white features and long hair, was wearing a MAGA hat. After protesters forcibly removed his hat and began shoving him around, Martinez pulled out a pistol and shot at them, injuring an unnamed person who was rushed to the hospital.

If the lowriding Natives out in some dusty New Mexico village can’t even get along, what hope is there for the rest of this broken nation?

Charlottesville Park Where Lee Statue Was Removed Is Now a Homeless Camp

Speaking of bloody events sparked by squabbles over historical statues, you may recall that August 2017’s ill-fated “Unite the Right” rally initially hinged over a proposal to remove a Robert E. Lee statue from a downtown park.

I know many will disagree with me, but I stand firm in my belief that the worst thing about the Charlottesville debacle wasn’t even the fact that the Lee Statue was eventually removed, nor even that people died. It was the fact that it led to the devastating “Optics War” and fractured the “racist” fringe Right in ways that were previously unimaginable. I still strongly suspect that the Optics War was not only an unnecessarily toxic distraction, but that it was engineered by forces that are openly hostile to white interests. It split the “dissidents” along lines of religion and economic class and has kept them at each other’s throats when previously they’d all been focused on defeating the egalitarian and white-hating Left.

A sad coda is that Market Street Park, which was called Emancipation Park at the time of the aborted 2017 rally and was previously known as Lee Park, is now a homeless tent camp that city planners have allowed to flourish.

Kenosha Rioter Who Tried to Shoot Kyle Rittenhouse Is Run Over By a Black Driver

On a lighter note, you may recall the name “Gaige Grosskreutz,” who was one of three people — all of whom had criminal histories — who Kyle Rittenhouse shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the Black Lives Matter riots in August 2020. Although Grosskreutz was the only one of the three whom Rittenhouse didn’t kill, he was also the only one who attempted to shoot Rittenhouse. Instead of killing him, Rittenhouse turned his right bicep into hamburger.

In a wonderful act of poetic justice, Grosskreutz — who has since legally changed his name to Paul Predinger — was bowled over by a black driver named Marvin Thomas in Milwaukee. Video of the event suggests that this was no simple “hit and run,” as it appears that the car dragged Grosskreutz along beneath the vehicle for an indeterminate distance. It is unclear whether or not Thomas’ car crossed state lines with Grosskreutz still underneath it.

Black Woman Tries to Stab Pit Bull Who’d Stolen Her Chicken Sandwich but Accidentally Stabs One-Year-Old Niece Instead

In what is easily the blackest story of the week — yes, even blacker than the rise and fall of Lady Meatball — 32-year-old Sharon Key of the faceless and charmless city of Indianapolis has been charged with using a deadly weapon and neglecting a dependent in connection with an incident last Tuesday evening that is so inimitably black that even my jaded self is saying, “Really, black people? Really?

It involves fast food, a pit bull, a chicken sandwich, a motel, a one-year-old, and a knife.

Police say that Key, her sister, her one-year-old niece, and the pit bull were all staying at a Wyndham hotel after returning from Burger King to fetch their highly nutritious evening meal. While the child’s mother was in the bathroom, the mischievous canine killing machine allegedly — I don’t want to be slapped with libel charges for falsely accusing a dog of a criminal act — snatched the aforementioned chicken sandwich, which sent Key into a tizzy. According to police, Key just happened to have a knife handy, and when the dog — chicken sandwich in its mouth — hopped up on the motel-room bed, Key slashed at it, but the pup deftly moved out of the way, causing Key to instead stab the infant, who was taken to a local hospital and listed in critical condition.

Police apprehended Key “in the vicinity of a bush outside the hotel.” Her family said that she “suffered from mental health and addiction issues,” which apparently is ghetto slang for “bitch be fucked up and strung out.”

If you think this week was bad, I’ll see you in seven days to prove, once again, that you were wrong.

Jim Goad

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