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Politics vs. Self-Help

29-9-2023 < Counter Currents 27 2191 words

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White people face enormous challenges today.

Our living standards are declining due to globalization, immigration, and anti-white discrimination.

Our societies are being destroyed by multiculturalism, anti-whiteness, and the debasement of all standards: of behavior, of education, of taste.

Our private lives are in chaos as well. The collapse of norms governing sex has led to rampant confusion. Men and women don’t know what to expect from one another, so it is increasingly difficult to form and maintain relationships, much less families.

This confusion has been compounded by online pornography and chatrooms, which have led to the proliferation of increasingly bizarre and boutique fetishes, including a shocking uptick in the number of transsexuals.

It is hard enough for ordinary people to find soulmates these days. Imagine the plight of a preop male-to-female (MTF) who identifies as a dragon.

Unsurprisingly, all this real-world misery has driven increasing numbers of white people to despair. Thus we see rising levels of addictive forms of escapism, from relatively benign pastimes such as gaming to drugs, both legal and illegal. Drugs and nihilism are also leading to rising numbers of white “deaths of despair.” Indeed, the average white lifespan is now shrinking, something that we associate with war or civilizational collapse.

No white person is immune to an anti-white system, but some of us are more vulnerable than others. For instance, working- and middle-class whites are more vulnerable to the effects of globalization and immigration than businessmen and professionals, some of whom actually benefit from such changes. Younger people are more vulnerable to the collapse of sexual norms than people who grew up in healthier times. Younger people are also more online and thus more susceptible to the poisons that spread there. Rich people actually abuse more drugs and alcohol than the poor, but they are also less vulnerable to the downward mobility that inevitably follows.

Thus it is harder for older and more prosperous whites to relate to the challenges of Millennials and Zoomers. This has led to a whole genre of hilarious “Okay, Boomer” memes in response to sincere but clueless advice on how to find a job or a mate. It has also led to bitter and borderline insane diatribes blaming entire older generations of whites for present problems.

As a White Nationalist, my aim is to promote white tribal consciousness based on an awareness of common identities, interests, enemies, and, yes, grievances. Once whites sufficiently collectivize, we can pursue political solutions to these problems: abolishing anti-white discrimination, de-globalizing our economic lives, halting immigration and commencing emigration, cracking down on the purveyors of addictive escapism, and restoring healthy families and sexual norms.

Why political solutions? Because ultimately, all the problems we face are political. What is happening to white people is not a mere “misfortune.” It is not random. It is not natural. It is intentional and malevolent. These problems arise from political decisions whose predictable consequences are to make life increasingly difficult and finally impossible for whites. As individuals, we can do what we can to adjust to these problems. But the problems themselves will vanish only if we collectivize and take political action to remove them.

Of course we are going to face plenty of opposition, some of it from very close to home, some of it from within our own movement.

When faced with stories of fellow whites in distress, you have the choice of being big or being small.

The big response is white solidarity based on shared blood, shared culture, shared enemies, and the recognition that we are all in this together. White solidarity is necessary for any sort of political solution to white decline; i.e., the only solution to white decline.

The “small” response to white decline is premised on individualism, which in turn is premised on a conviction of superiority, even invulnerability. This is delusional, because anti-white policies target us all. Such attitudes, moreover, prevent a political solution, which requires white solidarity. Indeed, such attitudes are so inimical to White Nationalism that our enemies would actively promote them if our “own” people did not do it for them.

The most common “small” response to white decline is to use it as an opportunity to signal one’s feeling of superiority: “I’m not threatened by affirmative action. I’m not threatened by a competitive economy. I’m not threatened by strong women. So what’s wrong with you?” Or: “I don’t have trouble finding a woman. What’s wrong with you?” Or: “Young people today lack the work ethic of my generation. Surely that’s why things are harder for them.”

Such signaling is at least plausible given the undeniable fact that people aren’t equal. Some people really are better than others. So some people are more vulnerable to social decline than others. But it is delusional to think that anti-white policies won’t affect all whites eventually. Moreover, although people aren’t equal, all whites are good enough to enjoy a homeland of their own.

But the proper response to such one-upmanship is to reject the individualist framework it assumes. Individual preening and posturing cannot lead to collective political solutions to collective political problems. So the proper response is: “Maybe that’s true. But it is beside the point. We won’t solve these problems as individuals. We will only solve them as a group.”

The most obnoxious “small” response to white distress is to declare that subjecting whites to inhuman conditions is actually a good thing, because it is somehow “eugenic.” Bad economic conditions disproportionately affect those with low-skilled jobs, which means that we will have fewer people with those “low-skilled job” genes in the next generation. Involuntary celibacy hits “beta males” harder than “alpha males,” so that means we will have fewer of those “beta-male” genes in the next generation. Feminism weeds out “cat-lady” genes. All those deaths of despair weed out those with genes for depression and substance abuse. Ten years ago, before the epidemic of transsexualism, we never suspected how many “tranny” genes were in the population, but now, thankfully, those weeds are being dealt with as well. In fact, the people who are flooding our countries with rapists and killers, our streets with drugs, our culture with decadence, and our minds with poisonous ideas such as white guilt and feminism are actually doing us a favor.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Trial of Socrates here.

Although I regard this position as absurd and contemptible, eugenics is based in fact. Genes do play a role in our economic and sexual success, as well as our susceptibility to drink, drugs, and bad ideas.

But not every problem is caused by genes. Moreover, those problems that have a genetic component need not be solved that way. It is especially absurd to think that social problems based on bad ideas can and should be solved on the genetic level. For instance, instead of positing “cat-lady” genes that can be weeded out genetically over how many generations, why not simply counter feminist brainwashing today?

If genes matter and ideas don’t, why share ideas about genes? If one’s ideas are determined by genes rather than observation and argument, then educating people about genetics is really beside the point.

The most charitable explanation for describing our anti-white regime as eugenic is that such people actually feel deep sympathy for the plight of fellow whites. But they feel so impotent to change it that they are grasping at the straw of eugenics to see something positive in an otherwise intolerable situation.

But I don’t buy that. I have never seen eugenicists who argue that they should be weeded out of the gene pool. Thus I suspect we are just dealing with people who wish to signal their sense of superiority while the world burns. They are, however, deluded to think that they are invulnerable to what is coming for all of us.

But the main problem with embracing white decline as eugenic is not moral or factual, but practical. It is individualistic and thus cannot lead to any collective political solutions.

Another obnoxious individualist meme is to shame whites for complaining by likening them to blacks blaming white people for their problems. It’s as if someone didn’t open our borders, institute anti-white discrimination, debase our culture, and destroy our institutions. It’s as if these problems have always been here.

The truth is that white people’s lives have become objectively harder over the past 60 years due to politically-engineered decline. So white decline is not merely a matter of a victim “mindset.” We really are victims. Thus, white people have every right to blame the decline of our societies on those who are responsible. Comparing our complaints to those of blacks, who fail despite being an objectively privileged group, is not just insulting, it is obscene.

The most seductive individualist arguments against white discontent use the language of self-help. Self-help arguments can be benevolent (“Clean your room, Bucko”) or mean-spirited (“Learn to code”). But they, too, have some basis in fact. Ultimately, we all have room for improvement, and there’s always something we can do to better ourselves. So am I really going to argue against self-help? Yes, I am.

I have no objection to self-improvement as such. I am always trying to better myself. In fact, I think that life is largely about becoming the best possible version of oneself. But since we are not just individuals but social beings, self-actualization also entails social and political commitments.

Self-help arguments become problematic when they become entangled with apolitical or anti-political individualism. I am happy to grant that individual problems often have individual solutions. But there are also collective problems that require collective solutions.

Moreover, self-help programs often boil down to becoming better adapted to the current world so that one can flourish in it. But what if the current world is unjust? Wouldn’t becoming better adapted to an unjust world be a bad thing? If so, then “self-help” is actually self-ruin, and the best way to help oneself is to channel one’s misery into overturning and replacing an unjust order. In such a context, telling Bucko to first clean up his room is just an establishment deradicalization technique.

All these individualist ploys to dismiss or shame white grievances fail to grasp the real nature of the current system, which is simply anti-white. That means that it is stacked against all of us, not just the whites you look down on. No accommodation to such a system is possible, because if the system continues, no whites will flourish in the end.

American politics has a strong element of farce. Leftists control the commanding heights of society: politics, academia, the media, even big business. Yet, they posture as outsiders and plucky rebels. Meanwhile, the Republicans occupy a subordinate position in the system, yet posture as the party of the plutocratic establishment, the party of the “winners” and “strivers.”

The farce is compounded when utterly marginalized pro-whites frame arguments about the poor as if they were gallant defenders of the plutocrats who despise and deplatform them.

If complaining about our anti-white system prompts not solidarity but centuries-old “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” shaming, people will naturally doubt the seriousness and sincerity of our pro-white populism. It is an added irony that such quintessential “Boomer memes” are coming from the mouths of Millennials and Zoomers.

Many White Nationalists are ex-libertarians and conservatives, so it makes sense that such anti-populist attitudes linger on. But these ideas really need to be purged. White Nationalism seeks state power to make life easier for all white people. If you recoil from that, you might still be a Republican.

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