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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci, Part Two: The HIV Swindle

11-9-2023 < Counter Currents 22 5294 words

Peter Duesberg, a molecular biologist who presented compelling evidence that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS in the 1980s — but whose work has been suppressed by Anthony Fauci and the medical-industrial complex.

4,972 words

Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)

Anthony Fauci was appointed director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 1984, just in time for the AIDS epidemic. That same year, Robert Gallo, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, announced that he had discovered the cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a disease primarily afflicting gay men and IV drug users. The cause, Gallo announced, was a retrovirus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

What Gallo did not mention was that the virus had originally come to his attention when he had appropriated, under false pretenses, a sample of HIV from the lab of French scientist Luc Montagnier. When he was accused of professional misconduct, Gallo tried to pretend that there were two different viruses. Among other things, this subterfuge delayed the development of a blood test for HIV by about a year, during which time thousands of hospital patients and hemophiliacs received tainted blood and became infected with the virus. Many years later, when Montagnier received the Nobel Prize for his discovery of HIV, Gallo was pointedly excluded — though it had become common by then, at least in the United States, to refer to the two as the “co-discoverers” of the virus.

Montagnier came to have doubts about the causal role of HIV in AIDS and theorized that HIV alone could not bring about the condition, and that a “co-factor” was necessary. It is worth noting that Montagnier provided one of the blurbs for The Real Anthony Fauci, and that it reads as follows:

Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that “A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions. RFK, Jr. exposes the decades of lies.

While conventional histories now claim that Montagnier discovered HIV and Gallo proved that it causes AIDS, in fact Gallo did nothing of the kind. It is true that Gallo found traces — faint traces — of HIV in the bodies of patients diagnosed with AIDS. However, what we were not told is that though Gallo looked at 72 AIDS patients, he could find HIV in only 26 of them. Under normal circumstances, this would result in HIV being eliminated as a candidate for the cause of AIDS. But these were not normal circumstances.

Eager for glory, Gallo muddied the waters and claimed a causal link when in fact he had established none. But he found a receptive audience in the public health agencies and men like Fauci, who were always eager to find a new epidemic to justify their existence and — as discussed in the last installment — fatten their wallets. And the gay community was only too happy to embrace a virus as culprit. If AIDS had been brought on by the vast quantities of illicit drugs, alcohol, and antibiotics consumed by gay men in the late 1970s and early ‘80s — as it almost certainly was — then gay AIDS patients were responsible for their own deaths. HIV absolved gay men of personal responsibility, since “anyone” can get a virus.

The problems with the HIV-AIDS hypothesis are numerous and devastating. It is important to note that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. repeatedly states in his chapters on Fauci and AIDS that he is not taking a position on whether HIV causes AIDS. It is not, however, difficult to discern what his actual position is. Those wishing a detailed account of the difficulties with the HIV-AIDS hypothesis should read these chapters in RFK’s book, and especially Peter Duesberg’s 1998 book Inventing the AIDS Virus. Here I will offer only a few highlights.

German physician Robert Koch formulated four criteria in 1884 for establishing a causal connection between a microbe and a disease. Known today as “Koch’s Postulates,” these criteria are considered indispensable axioms of modern medicine. They are as follows:

  1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.

  2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.

  3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.

  4. The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.

The HIV-AIDS hypothesis violates each of these. Koch’s first postulate is violated by the fact that there have been numerous cases in which individuals have been diagnosed with AIDS but HIV cannot be found in their systems. This fact has been mostly concealed from the public. It is important to note that, as its full name clearly states, AIDS is a syndrome. That means that it is not a disease like the flu, which always produces the same set of symptoms. Instead, AIDS is a condition defined by the breakdown of a patient’s immune system, causing them to succumb to a wide variety of opportunistic infections. When we say that individuals have been diagnosed with AIDS but do not have HIV, what is meant is that these individuals were diagnosed as having all the features of the syndrome, but repeatedly tested negative for HIV.

If AIDS can occur with or without HIV, then either HIV is not the cause of AIDS, or it is only one cause among several. The likelihood, in fact, is that Peter Duesberg is correct when he theorizes that HIV is a consequence of AIDS, not a cause; i.e., it is one of many opportunistic infections that patients can contract when their immune systems break down. Gallo, Fauci, and the entire the medical establishment, it appears, have reversed cause and effect. When a brave Newsweek reporter broke the story of HIV without AIDS in the 1990s, Fauci was forced to address the issue. What he did was to claim that AIDS patients who test negative for HIV have “a different disease.”

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This was a completely arbitrary, ad hoc assertion to save the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, since those AIDS patients without HIV were symptomatically indistinguishable from AIDS patients with HIV. In other words, they had the exact same syndrome. You may be surprised to learn that no one has ever demonstrated exactly how HIV is supposed to cause AIDS. Early on, the hypothesis was that HIV killed T-cells, though this claim has now been abandoned. The most recent hypothesis is that somehow HIV tricks T-cells into committing mass suicide. Once again, however, this has not actually been demonstrated, and no retrovirus known to man seems capable of such a feat.

In violation of Koch’s second postulate, no one has ever isolated and grown HIV in pure culture. The virus also defies all expectations of an infectious agent. For example, all sorts of animals have been injected with HIV in laboratory settings, but none has ever developed AIDS. Further, in all other cases of infectious disease, large quantities of the microbe can be found in the bodies of the infected. HIV, however, is barely found in the bodies of AIDS patients, even in the final throes of illness. Viral load from HIV is actually greatest in the days immediately following infection. This ought to be the time when the virus makes patients quite sick — but it doesn’t. Instead, AIDS symptoms arrive — if they arrive at all — an average of 20 years after infection, when the amount of HIV in the patient is negligible.

In violation of Koch’s third postulate, numerous individuals have been HIV positive for many years and show no signs of illness. Magic Johnson is perhaps the most famous example: He announced he had tested positive in 1991 and has been healthy ever since. Gallo, Fauci, et al. hypothesized early on that there was a “latency period” between HIV infection and full-blown AIDS. This has stretched over the years from months to decades, as more and more HIV positive individuals failed to get sick on schedule. The usual explanation for cases such as Magic Johnson is that the use of a “cocktail” of anti-retroviral drugs has staved off AIDS. HIV is thus claimed to be something that can now be “managed” in the long term. But the research on these drugs does not actually support their effectiveness, and predictably, the drugs can have serious adverse side-effects. But they are a major cash cow for Big Pharma: new on-patent regimens can cost up to $28,500 per patient, per year.

Of course, none of these problems with the HIV-AIDS hypothesis was known to the general public in the 1980s (and most of the public are still in the dark). Quite naturally, people thought that they could trust their government health officials, and felt they were in no position to second -guess the opinions of experts. Ordinary folks believed Fauci and his associates when they claimed that despite the fact that AIDS had been confined almost entirely to gay men and IV drug users, it was really a threat to everyone. And they believed the claim that as many as ten billion people could be infected with HIV by the year 2001 (in fact, by 2007 only an estimated 33.2 million people worldwide were HIV positive).

Fauci even falsely claimed that the virus could be spread by “casual contact” (e.g., shaking hands). All these claims were obvious ploys to secure greater public funding for NIAID and other agencies — and to increase Fauci’s fame and influence, RFK believes. It worked — and just as in the swine flu “epidemic” of 1976, mass panic ensued. Der Spiegel solemnly announced in 1985 that HIV might entirely exterminate the German nation by 1992. American news outfits made similar predictions. And anyone who questioned whether AIDS really was, in fact, a threat to heterosexuals was treated as a pariah. Questioning Fauci’s official line on AIDS, you see, was tantamount to murder. It was no picnic, by the way, growing up believing that sex can kill.

You may have heard that while AIDS in the US and Europe seems to now be “managed” effectively, it is still an enormous problem in Africa. What you have probably not heard, however, is that so-called “AIDS patients” in Africa are seldom if ever given HIV tests. Instead, if they present with any of the diseases known to occur in patients with compromised immune systems, they are officially declared to have AIDS. If you catch pneumonia in the US, for example, your diagnosis is pneumonia; if you catch pneumonia in Africa, your diagnosis is AIDS. This is quite obviously a ploy to inflate African AIDS statistics, and thus inflate foreign aid.

Furthermore, African AIDS looks like an entirely different animal from Western AIDS. In the West, as already noted, AIDS is primarily a disease of gay men and drug users. In the US and Europe, women make up only 19% of AIDS cases. In Africa, by contrast, 85% of AIDS cases occur among heterosexuals, and 59% of cases are women. As RFK puts it, “No one has ever explained how a disease largely confined to male homosexuals in the West is a female heterosexual disease in Africa.”

Believe it or not, Canadian AIDS is also quite different from American AIDS. In 1993, American medical authorities decided to classify anyone with a low T-cell count as having AIDS, even if they weren’t sick. (T-cell counts can fluctuate for a variety of reasons, sometimes on a daily basis.) As a result of this new way of defining AIDS, the number of US AIDS patients doubled in 1993. Canadian doctors, however, did not follow their American counterparts in this new system of classification. Thus, an American patient diagnosed with AIDS because of a low T-cell count would not have AIDS if he moved to Canada. Talk about magic dirt . . .

If you are old enough to remember the early days of AIDS, you may recall images of male patients with purple sores all over their bodies. This was a comparatively rare form of cancer known as Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS), and it was attributed to HIV infection. The images of patients with KS, once seen, could not be unseen — and so many AIDS patients had KS it became virtually the defining feature of the disease. However, scientists never managed to find HIV DNA in KS tumor cells — just as they never found it in T-cells (which is one reason the “HIV kills T-cells” theory was abandoned).

So why, then, did all those men have KS? The most plausible theory is that it was caused by chronic use of amyl nitrite, colloquially known in the gay community as “poppers.” The abuse of poppers was nearly universal among gay men in the 1970s and ‘80s, the reason being that the drug, when inhaled, produces a powerful rush and relaxes the anal sphincter. But poppers are also highly mutagenic and carcinogenic. KS was also found, predictably, in gay men who showed no trace of HIV infection. By 1990, scientists had quietly admitted that HIV played no role in the KS exhibited by all those gay AIDS patients.

Almost from the beginning of the epidemic, Fauci was claiming that the solution was the development of a vaccine against HIV — a vaccine that has never, in fact, been produced. Indeed, there is an inherent problem with the very idea of an HIV vaccine, one that even intelligent laypeople can readily spot, once the facts are laid before them. If you get an HIV test — and the tests are highly unreliable, by the way — the testing kit is supposed to detect whether you are producing antibodies to HIV. If those antibodies are detected, you are said to be HIV positive, and it is projected that in time you will develop AIDS.

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The trouble is that this is exactly the opposite of how any other infectious agent is treated. In all other cases of infection, if the body is producing antibodies to the microbe, then the body is understood to be well on its way to neutralizing the infection. But not in the case of HIV. Now, the problem with the idea of an HIV vaccine is that most vaccines operate by introducing a tiny, inert quantity of an infectious microbe into the body. This then stimulates the system to produce antibodies, which makes you resistant, from then on, to that particular infection. But if the presence of antibodies to HIV is as good as a death sentence, according to HIV testing protocols, how then would we evaluate a vaccine’s effectiveness?

This problem has never been addressed by Fauci and company. But it has not stopped him, and others, from repeatedly declaring over the course of more than 30 years that a vaccine is “just around the corner.” Consider the case of Dr. Robert Redfield, an Army medical officer who was one of the leaders of the military’s AIDS research in the 1980s and ‘90s. In 1992, Redfield published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine claiming that an HIV vaccine he had co-developed had been tested on patients at Walter Reed Hospital and proven effective. This was a lie.

That same year, an Air Force medical office took a look at Redfield’s research and accused him of engaging in “a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analysis and misleading data presentation in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine.” In short, Redfield was accused of scientific fraud — and when threatened with court-martial, he admitted the fraud. Redfield was scheduled to speak at an upcoming AIDS conference and told his superiors that he would go there and publicly admit that his vaccine was worthless. But Redfield did nothing of the kind. Instead, in a stroke of diabolical genius, he simply repeated his fraudulent claims at the conference, then at two subsequent conferences, and even before the US Congress.

This strategy paid off handsomely. Redfield’s lies generated tremendous excitement and personal support. Congress appropriated $20 million for the military to fund Redfield’s research. Military prosecutors wanted to go ahead and court-martial Redfield. But this would now embarrass some very powerful people, who had been completely snookered by Redfield’s lies. Besides, Redfield had caused the military’s budget to be increased, and the brass did not want to give the money back. All charges against Redfield were subsequently dropped. What happened to the man? Redfield was promoted to Colonel and later wound up running the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under Donald Trump.

And the search for the elusive HIV vaccine continues. In 2019, only a few months before the COVID pandemic, Fauci announced that he had finally developed an effective HIV vaccine. However, he added some important caveats. The vaccine would not stop transmission of HIV, but those who did catch the virus would find that when they got AIDS, their symptoms would be much less severe. Sound familiar?

No brief introduction to the scandal that is HIV-AIDS would be complete without at least some discussion of azidothymidine (AZT), the anti-AIDS drug that was pushed for years by Fauci and crew as the primary treatment for the disease. AZT was originally developed in the 1960s as cancer chemotherapy, but was shelved because the drug was more reliably deadly than cancer. AZT has the distinction of being the most toxic drug ever approved for long-term use. The scientist who developed AZT did not even initially bother to patent the drug, as it was so toxic he deemed it worthless as a treatment. AZT terminates DNA synthesis. In the words of one scientist quoted by RFK, “AZT is incompatible with life.”

When HIV was blamed for AIDS, scientists hunted around for some drug that could be repurposed to fight the virus. Someone had the bright idea of suggesting AZT, since it functions as an anti-retroviral. Given that it also eventually produces bone marrow toxicity, and thus shuts down the immune system, one might have thought that scientists would consider it a problematic treatment for a disease that causes immunodeficiency. But apparently not. Soon, AZT was not just being given to patients with full-blown AIDS, it was being given prophylactically. In other words, it was given to anyone who tested positive for HIV, even if they weren’t sick.

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After taking AZT, however, these perfectly healthy individuals soon became quite sick indeed. Via AZT, the CDC in effect created the illusion that tens of thousands of Americans died from HIV-AIDS between the years 1986 and 1996. In fact, a great many of these individuals almost certainly died of AZT; how many we will never know. High-profile HIV positive individuals such as tennis player Arthur Ashe and ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev — both personal acquaintances of RFK — were perfectly healthy until they started taking AZT. Nureyev’s physician tried to talk him out of taking the drug, but the dancer insisted. Soon after its administration, he became ill and subsequently died. The deaths of Ashe and Nureyev, and countless others, were attributed to HIV.

It is genuinely incredible that so many bright scientists could have been so blind to the obvious truth that AZT was mimicking the symptoms of AIDS. Some of this, at least, is attributable to simple human pigheadedness and conformity. Scientists were absolutely wedded to the thesis that HIV would inevitably cause AIDS and subsequent death. When they saw the signs of immune deficiency syndrome in AZT patients, it was therefore automatically attributed to HIV. And Fauci and company had produced studies that purported to establish AZT’s effectiveness as a treatment. Predictably, however, the studies were rigged. In one case, AZT patients suffered such severe adverse reactions they had to be given multiple blood transfusions just to keep them alive until the end of the study. In each instance, however, researchers checked off “no adverse reactions” on case report forms. Such bogus studies ensured that AZT was widely prescribed. At a fee of $10,000 per year per patient, it was one of the most expensive drugs in pharmaceutical history.

Scientists were also under considerable professional pressure not to question any of the official story about HIV-AIDS, or AZT. RFK quotes journalist Charles Ortleb saying that “[t]he First Amendment simply does not apply to Tony Fauci. Any scientist who disputes his official cosmology or any of the canons that promote the orthodoxy that HIV is the one and only cause of AIDS is dead in terms of the rewards and sustenance of science.” Fauci and the medical-industrial complex have systematically destroyed the careers of scientists who have expressed doubts about HIV-AIDS. The most famous example is Berkeley molecular biologist Peter Duesberg, a leading scientist in his field who did ground-breaking work on the genetic aspects of cancer.

Duesberg published an article in Cancer Research in 1987 that questioned the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. From that point on, Duesberg became persona non grata in the scientific community. He had received numerous National Institutes of Health (HIV) grants prior to 1987, and none of his applications had ever been rejected. Since 1987, Duesberg has written over 30 research proposals, most of them having nothing to do with HIV, and NIH has rejected every one of them. Fauci personally intervened in order to put pressure on television programs not to interview Duesberg. When President Reagan invited both Duesberg and Fauci to the White House for a “friendly debate,” Fauci threw a fit and refused to show up.

Fauci extended an olive branch to Duesberg in 1994. He dispatched high-ranking NIH geneticist Stephen O’Brien to California to meet with Duesberg. The two had crossed paths before, and, after chatting for a few minutes about old times, O’Brien produced an unpublished manuscript titled “HIV Causes AIDS: Koch’s Postulates Fulfilled.” Duesberg was told that if he agreed to have the article published under his name, all would be forgiven. He could have it all back, including the NIH grants. Duesberg refused, and several years later published an entire book debunking HIV-AIDS: Inventing the AIDS Virus.

RFK quotes journalist Celia Farber, who makes the plausible claim that Dr. Fauci may be the inventor of cancel culture:

What Fauci did was he made political correctness the new currency of his funding empire. Peter Duesberg was not “wrong” about HIV and AIDS, he was politically incorrect about it and that was how Fauci banished him — sentenced him to funding and reputation death, as though he had done something really bad by dissenting against HIV theory. . . . The real scientists were horrified. Suddenly a guillotine was present. A new and strange terror. People were “guilty” of thought crimes like “HIV denialism.” Fauci had made political correctness the new revolutionary language, see? And that meant if you were “bad,” if you didn’t push agenda driven science, everything was taken away from you. And the media cheered. And anybody who didn’t was destroyed, vilified, harassed, fired, in a word, cancelled.

You know you’re really onto something when they call you a “denialist.”

Similar tactics are, of course, now being employed against scientists who decline to join the climate cult. Fauci and company had plenty of reasons to crush dissent. First, many of them had a financial stake in the HIV-AIDS hypothesis — which generates billions of dollars in profits each year for pharma and the scientists in bed with pharma; profits on HIV testing kits and anti-retroviral drugs, for example. HIV had also been an enormous boon to Fauci’s NIAID. His prediction that HIV would spread to the general population and cause billions of deaths had led to substantial budget increases. Finally, there was the fear that should the truth about HIV-AIDS ever become widely known, it would destroy the public’s faith in the medical-industrial complex.

RFK quotes molecular biologist Harvey Bialy:

The scientific and medical communities have a great deal of face to lose. It is not much of an exaggeration to state that when the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is finally recognized as wrong, the entire institution of science will lose the public’s trust, and science itself will experience fundamental, profound, and long-lasting changes. The scientific community has risked its credibility by standing by the HIV theory for so long a period. This is why doubting the HIV hypothesis is now tantamount to doubting science itself, and this is why dissidents face excommunication.

We can expect that the medical-industrial complex will enforce HIV conformity even more vigorously in the years to come, given the serious damage already done to their reputations by their handling of COVID, especially the fraudulent vaccines. The truth about HIV has been relatively easy to hide from the general public. Since AIDS mostly remained “someone else’s disease,” there was little incentive for most people to go digging and to question what they were being told.

We may pause here to address a question that may have occurred to my readers, especially those for whom most of the above information is new: “If HIV is not the cause of AIDS, what is?” A number of theories have been advanced by scientists who have questioned the orthodoxy. In my view, the most plausible theory is offered by Duesberg, and I have already alluded to it. He suggests that the AIDS cases of the 1980s were caused by gay men abusing massive amounts of drugs, alcohol, and antibiotics (often taken prophylactically prior to an evening on the town). In truth, the amount of substance abuse going on in the gay community in the 1970s and ‘80s was truly epic. To say nothing of the promiscuity: It was not uncommon for urban gay men to have close to a thousand sexual partners in a single year.

These serial sexual encounters, plus the substance abuse, exacted an enormous toll on the immune systems of many gay men. It is also noteworthy that the other group in which AIDS was typically found was drug addicts. Once AIDS was blamed on HIV, Duesberg theorizes, a second cause of AIDS was introduced: AZT. As we’ve already seen, administration of AZT actually produced acquired immune deficiency syndrome in healthy individuals. Eventually, the early AIDS patients — including those whose AIDS was due to AZT — died off, the gay community became slightly less promiscuous and less drug happy, and AZT was prescribed a lot less often. You may have noticed that you haven’t heard a whole lot about AIDS since then.

There’s so much more in The Real Anthony Fauci that is worth discussing — too much, indeed, to discuss in this already-overlong review. But I cannot resist mentioning just one more thing: Fauci tested HIV drugs on orphans and foster children. The Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City, once a foster care boarding home, was remunerated by NIAID for supplying children for drug experiments. The claim was made that all these children had HIV, but in fact experiments were performed on many of them without actual proof of HIV infection. The drugs given to the children were highly toxic. Among other things, they caused genetic mutation and organ failure.

If the children began to refuse the drugs, they were held down and force fed. Particularly recalcitrant children had a tube surgically inserted into their sides so that the drugs could be squirted directly into their stomachs. Many of them died. Naturally, those deaths were attributed to HIV. An intrepid BBC journalist broke this story in 2004 (odd that you’ve never heard of it before, isn’t it?). Among other things, she literally uncovered a mass grave in Hawthorne, New York where Fauci’s young victims had been hastily buried. What’s all the fuss about Dr. Mengele when Anthony Fauci is alive and well and living in DC?

Just after recounting the tale of a Fauci-sponsored “study” in which dogs were bitten to death by flies, RFK finally loses it:

From what moral wilderness did the monsters who devised and condoned these experiments descend upon our idealistic country? How have they lately come to exercise such tyrannical power over our citizens? What sort of nation are we if we allow them to continue? . . . Could these same dark alchemists justify a strategy of prioritizing their $48 billion vaccine project ahead of public health and human life?

Indeed, they could. Much of the above information about AIDS was not new to me when I read RFK’s book, for I had read Duesberg’s Inventing the AIDS Virus in the late 1990s. At the time, I was struck by the fact that some of the principal players, especially Big Pharma, had to have known that they were supporting bogus medical claims purely for financial gain — and that this was killing people. I found it difficult to fathom how anyone could be that evil — yet the evidence was there before me. It caused me to rethink many things I had believed for years. If something this big can be a complete lie, I thought to myself, what else are they lying about? And down the rabbit hole I went.

No matter how much I’ve learned, however, I’ve never ceased to find the evil shocking. Make no mistake about the fact that ours really is a battle against evil. We are up against an establishment — a medical-industrial establishment, a political establishment, a military-industrial establishment, a financial establishment (all these being intertwined) — that is rotten to the core, and that attracts people with literally no moral scruples. Folks, it’s all got to come down, every last bit of it.

I can’t recommend The Real Anthony Fauci highly enough. Although it’s not without its flaws. RFK tries to pack too much into this book. I’ve said nothing at all, for example, about the chapters in which he blows the lid off Bill Gates’ supposed “humanitarianism.” RFK should really have saved this for another book. This one is a whopping 449 pages — with small print and the tiniest of margins. Still, it is by no means a slog. In fact, it’s a page-turner. And for some, it will be a life-changer — a book with the potential to change minds about many things, not just about little Tony Fauci.

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