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Prepping for the Collapse

8-9-2023 < Counter Currents 37 1261 words

1,198 words

Before I talk about prepping for the collapse, I would like to announce a new incentive for helping Counter-Currents. Between now and September 30th, anyone who gives at least $120/year or $10/month will receive a free paperback of my book Toward a New Nationalism. Toward a New Nationalism was published in 2019 as a companion to The White Nationalist Manifesto. Later this year, it will be published in a French edition. My French translator suggested, however, that I drop a number of essays that would not make much sense to French readers. I looked at the list and thought he was right. Indeed, most of them were journalistic essays about the Alt Right and associated figures that seem irrelevant now. Dropping them shortened the book and sharpened it as well, focusing it on issues of permanent relevance. My translator also suggested I include my essay “It’s Okay to Be White,” which I also did. I liked his suggestions so much that I decided to bring out a second, abridged edition of Toward a New Nationalism in English as well. I am very proud of this collection, and I hope it finds a whole new readership.


Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. This year, we are trying to raise $300,000. Thus far, we have raised $86,892.40, which is28.96% of our goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!)


When I visited India in 2004, I had a conversation with a Rajput Kshatriya, who drove a cab. India’s population had just passed 1.1 billion. He predicted that in 20 years, India would be more populous than China. (He was wrong. It took only 19 years.)

“Then what?” I asked.

“Only the worst people are reproducing. It will not be sustainable. India will collapse. There will be famine and civil war. Hundreds of millions will die.”

“Then what?”

“Then things will be better.”

“So you’re an optimist.”

It sounds paradoxical, but most people who look forward to the collapse of the current order are actually unreasonably optimistic. There is no reason to believe that after a collapse, whites will be better off, much less that our preferred ideology will triumph. In fact, there are reasons to think we will be worse off.

First, the cultural, political, and economic centers of American civilization are in and around large, vibrant urban areas. And we know what that means. Because of globalization and cost-cutting, these cities depend on globe-spanning supply chains and just-in-time delivery. Within hours of a collapse, stores would be looted, neighborhoods would burn, and infrastructure would seize up. Within days, there would be starvation.

If we had an across-the-board collapse of law and order, blacks and other groups would literally end up eating us. Why? Because they know who they are. They are tribal. In a crisis, blacks will instinctively stick together. They even stick by blacks who victimize them. Whites don’t know who we are anymore. We are individualistic. Or worse: actively anti-white. When the collapse comes and you look around a room, can you tell which whites will side with you and which ones would side with the enemy?

Second, in floods and other natural disasters, whites are at the forefront of those providing relief. White firemen, cops, and paramedics braved bullets during the Black Lives Matter riots to save blacks and antifa from the consequences of their own behavior. Why do they do this? Because they feel called to risk life and limb for their society and their fellow man. As long as whites think this way, they will move mountains to preserve the system as it collapses around them and to shelter hostile and ungrateful non-whites.

Why do they do it? It comes down to a question of identity. It is who they are. It is who they are according to their churches, their schools, their political leaders, and every entertainment they consume. Today’s whites are hopeless in an us vs. them situation, because they believe there is no “us.” We are all individuals, and the only group we belong to is all-inclusive: global humanity. Thus, whites won’t take their own side in a fight. In a fight to the death, that means extinction.

Third, collapses are not always sudden and complete. Did the Roman Empire really collapse in the fifth century? No, it simply downsized and retrenched in the east, where it survived nearly a thousand more years. We call them Byzantines, but they called themselves Romans. If the American regime partially collapsed and retrenched on the eastern seaboard, it might not have the power to rule the rest of the continent, but it would surely have the power to prevent any rivals from emerging out of the wreckage.

Fourth, a complete collapse is unlikely to give us the opportunity to create a white regime, either. Instead, it would trigger a rush of wretched refuse to America, to squabble over the ruins. An America in ruins would still seem like an improvement to billions around the globe. And just as Belarus is using non-white migrants as a weapon against the European Union, America’s geopolitical enemies would promote the rush simply to prevent the rise of a new rival. Or millions of Chinese soldiers and civilians would traverse those lightning-fast supply chains and simply colonize North America.

What should our post-collapse plan be? Simply this: We should plan not to lose. Everything else depends on that plan working.

A collapse is a shift from order to chaos. A new order will crystallize based on ideas of order carried in the minds of people who survive the chaos and can come together as a new group. What are our people programmed to be? Individualists in a world of tribes fighting for power. That is not a winning strategy. No new order can emerge from that thinking. Our people have been programmed to lose.

To plan not to lose, we must promote white tribalism and intellectually destroy rival identities. We should begin today, since after a collapse we will be less able to spread our ideas and others will be less receptive to them, if only because they will be worried more about immediate survival. A collapse will definitely be a “school of hard knocks.” But order is more likely to reemerge based on what people learn before the collapse.

Fortunately, Counter-Currents has already been promoting white tribalism and dismantling rival identities for more than 13 years now. If we do it right, we might win and avoid a collapse entirely, which is preferable, since we may have better odds before a collapse than after it. So by all means, prep for the collapse, but don’t forget your intellectual ammunition as well. Support Counter-Currents today.

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Remember: Those who fight for a better world live in it today.

Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.

Greg Johnson
