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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci, Part One

8-9-2023 < Counter Currents 30 3758 words

3,469 words

Part 1 of 2

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2021

I know I speak for many of my readers when I say that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is my favorite Democrat. He might actually be the only sane Democrat left. Since declaring his underdog run for his party’s nomination, he has appeared on just about every podcast I can think of — and, so far as I know, none of the legacy media channels. The establishment is determined to alternately ignore him and smear him. That impresses me. But what impresses me much more is RFK, Jr.’s evident integrity, his sincerity, his intellect, and his skill as a debater. There is an enormous ideological gulf separating us — for one thing, he is a racial egalitarian — but I have to admire the man nonetheless.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

So, I set out to learn more about RFK (I’ll drop the “Jr.” now, as I’m too lazy to keep typing it), and what better way to begin than with his bestselling and most controversial book, The Real Anthony Fauci? This volume has now sold more than a million copies since its publication in November of 2021. On Amazon it has racked up more than 24,000 reviews — mostly with four and five stars; the one-star reviews are hilariously retarded. It has also made the bestseller lists of The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly. To date, however, I cannot find a single review of the book in a major newspaper. Bookstores also seem to be boycotting it, and hit pieces on RFK have been published by Town & Country, The New York Post, Vanity Fair, the Associated Press, and others.

A word of caution about bestseller lists: You might think that The New York Times, for instance, ranks books in terms of how many copies they sell, with most copies being sold online. Wrong. A book’s ranking on the Times list is based on the paper’s “proprietary algorithm,” which depends in part upon how many copies of a book have been sold by Barnes and Noble as well as independent bookstores. Yes, at The New York Times it’s apparently still the 1980s. The key to suppressing a book’s ranking, therefore, is for the bookstores not to carry it, or to carry only a minimal number of copies.

To take one example of how the fix is in, the week RFK’s book was ranked #7 by the Times, it sold more than 92,000 hardcover copies (chiefly through Amazon). However, none of the first six books on the list sold more copies than The Real Anthony Fauci; in fact, RFK’s book sold about twice as many copies as each of those that outranked it. The #1 slot was occupied by The 1619 Project, a book which was actually published by The New York Times itself (!) and which sold thousands fewer copies than The Real Anthony Fauci.

When I learned all this, it didn’t surprise me. I was well aware of how corrupt the corporate media is and how nothing in it can be believed. Like you, I thought I had the establishment sussed. At least, that was until I read The Real Anthony Fauci. At the very end of the book, after I had waded through more than 400 pages, RFK writes, “What I have described in the preceding chapters can seem overwhelming and dispiriting.” Boy, is that an understatement! It would be no exaggeration to say that The Real Anthony Fauci has completely destroyed what little trust I had left in the medical and pharmaceutical establishment. But the book has broader implications. Once again, I found myself in a situation quite familiar to my readers: the disturbing realization that our world seems to be ruled entirely by equal parts sociopaths and reckless, incompetent fools.

I’m not going to attempt to summarize the entire contents of The Real Anthony Fauci. Instead, I am going to take the reader on a kind of Cook’s tour, briefly highlighting some of the most shocking and egregious examples of corruption detailed by RFK. It would be impossible to cover everything. Since the book presents itself as a professional biography of Fauci, it not only covers the COVID debacle — the follies of the lockdowns, the censorship of dissent, the suppression of drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, the vaccine fraud, and the possibility that Fauci may have funded the creation of COVID in the Wuhan lab — it also goes into great detail concerning Fauci’s equally problematic role in the AIDS epidemic. In certain ways, Fauci’s record with COVID eerily mirrors his earlier incompetence and malfeasance with respect to AIDS. And yet, this only scratches the surface; there is so much more to this book (arguably, too much — a point to which I’ll return in Part Two).

Let’s begin with a little history. In the early 1900s, infections caused about a third of all deaths in the United States each year. Between 800 and 1,000 of every 100,000 Americans died of infectious diseases. By the 1970s, however, fewer than 50 Americans per 100,000 were dying of infections — something that was achieved not by vaccinations but largely through improved diet, hygiene, and sanitation. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC; founded in 1946) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID; founded in 1955) came under intense pressure to justify their huge annual budgets. The response of the agency directors was exactly what you would expect of selfless public servants: they longed for the coming of a deadly new pandemic that would justify their existence, as well as their very generous salaries.

Their prayers seemed to be answered in 1976 by the swine flu. In January of that year, a soldier at Fort Dix, New Jersey died of a lung infection. A sample was sent to the CDC, which identified the culprit as a swine flu. At the time, Fauci was head of the Clinical Physiology Section of NIAID’s Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (he would be appointed head of NIAID in 1984) and played little role in the events I will now describe — though they seemed to make an indelible impression on him. Fauci’s boss told President Ford and the news media that the Fort Dix swine flu was the same strain responsible for the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. This was a lie, and the scientists at the CDC and NIAID knew it. They also knew that there was no real evidence that the virus, also called H1N1, had killed the soldier — because, in fact, while it was highly dangerous to swine, there was no reason to believe that H1N1 posed a threat to humans. Nevertheless, “experts” projected that the swine flu would likely cause a million human deaths in the United States alone.

Predictably, the result was mass hysteria. I remember this well. I was a child at the time but old enough to follow the news and sense the fear in my parents and other adults. The solution proposed by the CDC and NIAID was to work with Big Pharma to quickly develop a vaccine against the new plague, and market it to the public. In exchange for a speedy rollout, Ford indemnified Big Pharma against lawsuits and signed a bill appropriating $135 million to help pay their expenses. The result, so the conspirators hoped, would be massive profits for Big Pharma, and a thunderous justification of the CDC and NIAID — an argument for why they were, if anything, underfunded.

But things did not go as planned. By the end of 1976, that soldier at Fort Dix was the one lone casualty of swine flu in the entire world. By contrast, 32 Americans died of complications related to the vaccine. And the dead may have been the lucky ones. The vaccine caused around 500 cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a degenerative nerve disease. More than 400 people were paralyzed by the vaccine, and there were around 4,000 other injuries. My mother took the jab and had a serious adverse reaction to it, though she recovered and seemed to suffer no long-term damage. The vaccine was such a disaster that in the end the government pulled it, but not before jabbing 49 million Americans. While Big Pharma got off scot-free and was able to keep its lucre, the government wound up paying out more than $83 million to those injured by the vaccine.

Prior to the recall, one lone, courageous scientist tried to blow the whistle on the whole scam. He was Dr. John Anthony Morris, the government’s chief vaccine officer, who had worked for federal public health agencies since 1940. When Morris objected to his superiors that the swine flu was not contagious to humans, and that the vaccine was far more dangerous, he was told to shut up. When Morris disobeyed and went public with his views, Health and Human Services changed the locks on his lab, confiscated his research materials, reassigned his staff, and forbade him to see visitors. Eventually he was fired. A year later, Morris won a wrongful dismissal suit, and was fully vindicated by a government grievance committee.

This is a pattern that we will see repeated again and again. Scientists who questioned the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, as well as scientists who questioned the COVID lockdowns and vaccines, were also pilloried, censored, and driven out. Such are the ways of what RFK refers to as “the medical-industrial complex.” Indeed, the entire swine flu scam was in many ways a template for what was to come: massive scare tactics by government “experts” who were actively lying all the while; the insistence that the development of a risky vaccine was the only answer to the crisis; the indemnification of Big Pharma against lawsuits; the rollout of a vaccine that did more harm than good and whose deleterious effects were initially concealed; and the suppression of all dissent.

You can buy Jef Costello’s Heidegger in Chicago here

Let us now, in fact, flash forward to COVID-19, which is probably what my readers are most interested in, anyway. Between the swine flu and COVID, the medical-industrial complex repeatedly tried their best to gin up more pandemic hysteria. A typical example was “bird flu.” In 2005 scientists predicted that up to 150 million people would be killed by bird flu. In fact, 282 people died worldwide. There were numerous such cases of much ballyhooed pandemics which ended with a whimper, and RFK discusses quite a few of them. The most significant of these was HIV — but we will return to that in Part Two, and discuss it in a fair amount of detail.

After all those years of crying wolf, it’s surprising that anyone listened to these so-called experts when they projected that there would be up to 2.2 million COVID deaths in the US alone. But the public — especially the American public — has a rather short memory. With COVID, the medical-industrial complex really hit the jackpot; it was the pandemic they’d been dreaming of for decades. But they had not spent all those lean years just sitting around. No, the experts had been busy “war gaming” possible pandemic scenarios. These simulations focused on how to use police powers to detain and isolate citizens; how to propagandize the public with the government’s “official” line on the pandemic; how to use censorship to shut down dissent; how to enact lockdowns and mask mandates; and how to coerce the population into taking vaccines. In short, by the time COVID-19 showed up in early 2020, the script had long been written; it had just been stuck in development hell.

Since my readers are typically well informed, there is no reason for me to rehearse the whole sordid tale of COVID here. But rehearse it we should — now and then, at least. The whole episode had a major impact on me. I was living in New York at the time, and so at the epicenter of COVID hysteria. The fear, the foolishness, the authoritarianism, and the dishonesty left their mark: never had I felt so disgusted by my fellow man. I swore at the time that I would never forget — that we should never forget this. So, by all means, read RFK’s excellent and detailed account of the pandemic.

Let us focus here on just one thing: the rollout of the COVID vaccines. Fauci allocated hundreds of billions of dollars to develop risky, novel technology vaccines. At the same time, he spent virtually nothing on developing repurposed medications that doctors had already used to treat COVID patients, with a high rate of success. Indeed, there was not even a consultation process with physicians who were on the front lines treating COVID. Why?

The answer has to do with what RFK claims is Fauci’s “historic role” in the corporate takeover of US public health agencies by Big Pharma. Amusingly, RFK asks us to consider what the Environmental Protection Agency would look like if it were run by the coal industry. Indeed, the relationship between the health agencies and pharma is now such a tangled web of corruption it beggars belief. The personnel of those agencies include numerous one-time pharma executives, many of whom still have a financial stake in their former employers. Pharma is allowed to design and fund their own studies of their own drugs, and these are accepted as valid by regulatory agencies. No one in government, apparently, finds this problematic. Even the government’s research scientists have their fingers in pharma’s till.

Numerous National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists are involved in testing products for which they secretly receive royalties. The CDC owns 57 vaccine patents — and it is therefore no coincidence that it spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion annual budget purchasing and disseminating vaccines. Fauci and others receive royalty payments of up to $150,000 on products they helped develop. The 1980 Bayh-Dole Act permitted NIAID and Dr. Fauci personally to file patents on hundreds of drugs his agency scientists were developing, and then to license those drugs to pharmaceutical companies in exchange for royalties. More than 900 current and former NIH scientists receive royalty payments for drugs they developed while working for the US government.

Virtually from the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Fauci and his minions were arguing that the only hope was the development of vaccines. The reader may recall the controversies over the drugs Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Both had been developed long before COVID, for other uses, both were considered safe, and doctors found that both were effective in combatting COVID infection. But Fauci and crew went on the warpath against the two drugs, and even created fraudulent studies to discredit them. In one study of Hydroxychloroquine, instead of giving subjects the dosage recommended by physicians, they were given a near lethal dose. As a result, the subjects in the study became seriously ill and 39% of them died. The medical-industrial complex’s predictable conclusion was that Hydroxychloroquine was dangerous! This was despite the fact that the drug, which had been in use in the US since 1955 to prevent and treat malaria, had never been reported as dangerous when administered at the proper dosage.

Suddenly, Hydroxychloroquine became unavailable. Doctors who didn’t buy Fauci’s flimflam and wanted to use the drug to treat their COVID patients found that pharmacies would no longer fill prescriptions for Hydroxychloroquine. Eventually, physicians were threatened with the loss of their licenses if they administered the drug to COVID patients. In the midst of the pandemic, when Hydroxychloroquine could have saved thousands of lives in France, the French government recategorized it from an over-the-counter drug to a prescription drug and designated it as a poisonous substance. In Zambia, organized gangs of buyers emptied drugstore shelves of Hydroxychloroquine and then burned the drug in bonfires. In 2021, the US government ordered the destruction of more than 1,000 pounds of Hydroxychloroquine, claiming that it had been “improperly imported.”

RFK writes, “In the midst of a deadly pandemic, somebody very powerful wanted a medication that had been available over the counter for decades, and known to be effective against coronaviruses, to be suddenly but silently pulled from the shelves — from Canada to Zambia.” Again, why? The reason is quite simple. Federal law mandates that new vaccines and medicines cannot be authorized for “emergency use” if any existing Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drug is shown to be effective against the disease. In order to fast-track the vaccine — and to convince the government to indemnify Big Pharma against lawsuits, just as it did in the 1976 swine flu debacle — all other treatments for COVID therefore had to be discredited.

Again, just as in the case of swine flu, in order to ensure maximal profits for Big Pharma and their partners in the government health agencies, the public needed to be maximally terrified. Thus, at the outset of the pandemic Fauci used insanely inaccurate modeling that overestimated US deaths by 525%. Fauci also agreed to CDC protocol changes for completing death certificates in a way that inflated the claimed deaths from COVID. With the help of corporate news media (“Sponsored by Pfizer”), the risk of COVID to the healthy was wildly exaggerated — so much so that one Gallup poll showed that the average Democrat believed that 50% of COVID infections resulted in hospitalizations. The real number was less than 1%.

The CDC admitted late in the game that only 6% of COVID deaths occurred in completely healthy individuals. The remaining 94% had an average of 3.8 potentially fatal comorbidities. Yet everyone had to isolate and lock down, not just those who were really at risk, and everyone had to get the vaccine. Approximately 78% of Americans hospitalized for COVID-19 were overweight or obese. Yet, there was never any talk from Fauci and his cohorts about lifestyle changes that could have made the more vulnerable less vulnerable. Only the jab was presented as the answer to COVID.

As everyone presumably knows by now, the vaccines proved about as effective as the surgical masks we were all expected to wear. Regional analysis in the US showed that mask mandates had no effect on case rates, despite 93% compliance. And about 85% of people who got COVID reported wearing a mask. Similarly, we were told that the vaccines would prevent transmission. They did not. When this became undeniable, the conspirators switched gears and told us that while the vaccines wouldn’t stop transmission, they made COVID symptoms less severe and thus saved lives. But there appears to be precious little evidence for that claim as well. As the pandemic began to wane, the vast majority of those seriously ill and hospitalized with COVID were fully vaccinated. As with just about everything else, the establishment’s claim of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was a lie.

And then, of course, there were the inherent dangers of the vaccines themselves — something that we are really only just beginning to learn about. Yet even as the deaths and injuries began to mount up, Fauci kept pushing the vaccines. He supported COVID vaccines for previously infected Americans in spite of overwhelming scientific evidence that post-COVID jabs were both not necessary and potentially dangerous. He even began promoting the idea of vaccinating children — even infants (!) — though 0% of individuals under the age of 18 had died of the virus.

Fauci also acquiesced in the CDC’s decision to forgo autopsies from deaths attributed to vaccines. This allowed the CDC to claim that all deaths which followed vaccination were unrelated to vaccination. One famous vaccine casualty was baseball great Hank Aaron. When it was reported that Aaron had died after being vaccinated, the media lied and claimed that an Atlanta coroner had performed an autopsy and ruled the death unrelated to the vaccine. RFK actually called the coroner’s office to get more information and was told that in fact no autopsy had been performed. The reader may also be interested to know that as recently as this past June, the CDC quietly stopped collecting “adverse event” reports from vaccine recipients and physicians, giving no explanation whatever for this decision.

Some of my readers may already be familiar with much of the information discussed above. In the next and final part of this review, however, I will be discussing material that may be much less familiar. We will cover the history of Fauci’s handling of the AIDS epidemic. We will discover that almost everything we have been told about that disease, and its connection to the HIV virus, is false. We will discuss the remarkable history of the AIDS drug AZT, a “medicine” that had the minor side effect of producing all the symptoms of AIDS. We will discuss Fauci’s persecution of those who dissented from the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, including the crucifixion of molecular biologist Peter Duesberg. And we will discuss how Fauci tested AIDS drugs on unwilling orphans and foster children, burying the dead in a mass grave in Hawthorne, New York. No, I am not making this up. The lid was lifted off this particular atrocity way back in 2004, by an intrepid BBC journalist.

And there is more. If you can handle the truth, stay tuned.

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