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Is Kosher Pro-White Identity Politics Coming?

6-9-2023 < Counter Currents 22 1896 words

Charlie Kirk: gone rogue or trying to piggyback on the dissident Right?

1,475 words

There have recently been stories about how this or that mainstream conservative commentator is some kind of closet and/or ex-dissident Rightist, or is consuming dissident Right content on the down low. In March, liberals raked Tucker Carlson over the coals after leaked internal text messages revealed that he had read a Takimag article by notorious “Holocaust denier” David Cole and commented favorably on it. And then last month, a hot mic recording of Daily Wire star Matt Walsh surfaced in which he could be heard making “demographics are destiny” arguments about how non-whites would not be able to maintain America’s Anglo-Saxon culture. And then there was the case of conservative rising star Richard Hanania, who was recently exposed as a former White Nationalist.

But the recent “mainstream conservative says something uncharacteristically based” story that really floored me was a tweet by none other than Turning Point USA (TPUSA) leader Charlie Kirk in which he stated: “Whiteness is great. Be proud of who you are.”

Kirk’s tweet stands out for a few reasons. First of all, this is Charlie “stable green cards to diploma” Kirk, a shameless Con Inc. stooge whose name has been synonymous with Zionism and cookie-cutter neocon talking points until relatively recently: “America is a nation of ideas,” “Israel is our greatest ally,” “socialism sucks,” race denialism, and so on. Kirk is also famous in dissident Right circles for being the bête noire of the 2019 Groyper Wars, when college students showed up at Charlie Kirk events in order to dominate the Q&A with dissident Right talking points about demographic change and dancing Israelis, leaving Kirk flustered and tongue-tied.

But hey, people can change, right? We were all normies at once who had embarrassing political views. Charlie’s just taking a little longer to red-pill — but better late than never, right?

That’s the problem, though. It’s hard to tell whose behalf Charlie Kirk is speaking on. It’s possible that he has been slowly red-pilling and is now “going rogue.” But then again, this is Charlie Kirk, leader of Conservatism, Inc.’s de facto youth wing. I find it hard to believe that he would say anything as provocative as “be proud to be white” without clearing it with his donors and testing it on half a dozen focus groups.

Charlie Kirk is someone who runs a multi-million-dollar operation that is deeply integrated in the GOP apparatus. He’s not merely a player in the Con Inc. game, but is in fact a cog in their machine. Kirk’s job is to be a spokesman of and gatekeeper for that machine. If you are a high school graduate and want a career in conservative politics, you go to college, join TPUSA, and put it on your resume when you apply for your Washington internship. For years, Charlie Kirk regularly kicked people out of TPUSA for expressing overtly pro-white sentiments — in fact, for saying the sort of things Kirk himself is now tweeting. Unlike Matt Walsh, Richard Hanania, and Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk is in a unique position to gate-keep the next generation of conservative professionals — which is what make Kirk’s comments worthy of consideration.

Kirk stubbornly persisted with his race-blind neoconservatism for years until April 2022, when he blindsided the public with his shock announcement that there was a war on white people.

Before his unceremonious dismissal from FOX News, Tucker Carlson had begun popularizing the term “anti-white,” which subsequently caught on with other conservative commentators. It was possibly Tucker’s greatest contribution to the cause. No longer were people calling the trend “woke” or Critical Race Theory. No, mainstream conservatives were finally doing away with the euphemisms and calling a spade a spade. That thing the Left are doing? There’s a term for it: anti-white.

But being anti-anti-white is easy, because one can argue for anti-anti-whitism within socially approved parameters: “I oppose all forms of racism.”

But while Tucker Carlson was willing to talk about anti-white racism, he stopped short of pro-white identity politics. He’d either say that we’re all individuals, or else make class-based arguments about how there’s a battle between rich fat cats and salt-of-the-earth common folks. But Kirk’s tweet, telling whites to “be proud of who you are,” goes a step beyond being anti-anti-white to full-on white positivity. And this from a card-carrying Con Inc. mouthpiece. Charlie Kirk is now to the right of Tacker Carlson on race.

So has Charlie Kirk “gone rogue” and currently getting tons of frantic calls from his donors and Mossad handlers saying ,“Oy vey! Lay off the pro-white stuff!” Or is Charlie Kirk speaking as usual — as a spokesman for Con Inc.? If it’s the former, we’ll know when he is streaming on DLive is six months. But if it is the latter, and Kirk got his recent statements cleared by the money men upstairs, what we may be seeing is the beginnings of Conservatism Inc.’s attempt to co-opt white advocacy.

What will Kosher Pro-White look like? It will most likely be just another thing that the GOP will pay lip-service to while having no intention of doing anything about. If people think they have a place to express white grievances in one of the two mainstream parties, they will be less likely to seek out the fringe. Obviously, keeping out the anti-Semites will be a major feature.

Take this tweet from a few days ago:

Whatever it was in the past, today the ADL is a hate group that dons a religious mask to justify stoking hatred of the left’s enemies. I believe in the First Amendment and free speech as a principle regardless of what the law says. I don’t want to ban anyone’s speech. But the ADL has no place extorting X/Twitter or any other social media companies, nor should it dictate to federal law enforcement agencies what hate speech is. The ADL itself is America’s number-one purveyor of hate speech (and the SPLC is #2).

Having already gone white-positive, Kirk is now willing to show some Judeo-critical leg by supporting the #BanTheADL hashtag. Given Kirk’s history as a Zionist neocon, it might have been eyebrow-raising that he would even venture within the same zip code as anti-Semitism — or rather, take a stand on an issue that would place him on the same side as anti-Semites. But at this point, the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) censoriousness has become so reckless that even controlled opposition, Zionist conservatives see it as a threat to their grift.

But before posting that tweet, Kirk posted a different tweet which he then quickly deleted:

I love the Jewish people. I love Israel. I do not love the ADL. I believe in the First Amendment so I don’t want to ban anyone’s speech, but if I was going to start somewhere it would be #BanTheADL, which has no place extorting X/Twitter and other social media companies or dictating to federal law enforcement what is and is not hate speech.

We see a few notable differences between the first and second drafts of Kirk’s tweet. He removed all references to the ADL being in any way Jewish, describing it as a generic anti-free speech organization. Even more conspicuous than that, Kirk removed the claim that “the ADL is a mass purveyor of anti-white hate.”

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.

Kirk appears to know the score. He knows about white genocide and the Jewish origins of anti-whiteness. He knows that the dissident Right’s arguments on this point are true, and is trying to incorporate the safest and most popular themes related to it while shaving off some of the sharper rough edges.

There’s the old joke that goes, “Why do dogs chase cars? They wouldn’t know what to do with one if they actually caught it.” At the moment I feel like a dog that just caught a car. We’ve been working for years to try to push dissident Right ideas into the mainstream, and now a prominent mainstream figure is using one of our talking points. I’m not sure what to do. Do I say, “Welcome to the club, brother?” Or do I hold him in even deeper suspicion?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Charlie Kirk is saying the things he is saying. It’s good for the Overton window that a card-carrying gatekeeper for Con Inc. is moving past the color-blind arguments and acknowledging the existence of white people as a group, and affirming that they have distinct interests as a group. Even if this intended to be a Con Inc. gatekeeping operation, I don’t think gatekeeping really works in the Internet era. I was in the original Proud Boys Facebook group and saw Gavin McInnes scrambling to keep the White Nationalists out as the Alt Right virus swept through it.

By dabbling in white identity politics, Kirk and his overlords are playing with forces they do not understand.

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