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Democracy in Soviet America

6-9-2023 < Counter Currents 25 1817 words

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Last week I was having a good early morning over coffee. While reading a blog, I saw a reference to the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, a government agency I suspected was invented to employ people with no practical experience and psychopathic tendencies at high salaries. I decided to check it out, and that was the end of the “good” part of my morning.

Clicking on the website hit me over the head with further depressing confirmation of the full sovietization of American society. The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor — DRL, as it is abbreviated — is an appendage of the United States Department of State charged with a “salvation” mission analogous to the Communist Manifesto’s slogan: “Workers of the world, unite!” It had been in a state of benign non-existence until given birth in 1977 by Jimmy the Pius, who also during his reign of deranged do-goodism midwifed the bloated monstrosity of feckless busybodies known collectively as the US Department of Education. It is now devoted full-time to diversity, inclusion, and equity agitprop.

Commissar Miguel Cordona, Secretary of the US Department of Education

The “leadership” of the DRL is described as

an experienced team of public servants, dedicated to the U.S. mission of spreading democracy and respect for human rights globally. The biographies of each of our bureau’s senior staff display the diversity of experience and expertise currently benefiting the U.S. cause of promoting freedom around the world.

Reading this statement of lofty aspiration detached from reality brought to mind Rod Serling’s introduction to the episodes of The Twilight Zone. Here is how Mr. Serling might introduce a Twilight Zone episode called “The Current State of the Union”:

You will now be traveling into another dimension of the imagination called “our democracy” — where reality is acknowledged if and only if it meets with the approval of faceless bureaucrats devoted to its representation in the language of empty abstractions, a dimension where no one will tell you what the meaning of “is” is. It is a journey into a shadowy region whose boundaries are set, then reset to keep you constantly guessing — a dimension where what is currently true will soon give way to the more progressively true, making what you thought was true yesterday untrue tomorrow. At your next stop, the signpost says: “Trust us: We’ll always tell you what’s real.”

Let’s see, then, how much we should trust the folks running the DR Bureau, “a team of public servants dedicated . . .”, etc.

Stop right there with “public servants,” which is a verbal felony. 99.9% of the public would have no idea who these people are, who appointed them, why they were appointed, what they do, and — most importantly — how anyone would be worse off if they suddenly vanished. Servants? Who do they serve? Here is how Tom Malinowski, who was Assistant Secretary of State for the DRL in the Obama administration, served the public. As reported by Phil Giraldi in The Unz Review:

[Malinowski] is currently under investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics over “substantial reason to believe” that he had violated federal laws relating to conflicts of interest. He had reportedly traded and failed to disclose approximately $1 million of stock in medical and technical companies that would be receiving taxpayer assistance as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response, which would inevitably result in a large surge in stock values.

What are these public servants such as Malinowski “dedicated” to? This is where the language of government bureaucrat-babble merges into Coca-Cola-style oleaginous marketing verbiage: “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (in Perfect Harmony)”:

I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land.

The folks at DRL, like the dream-makers at Coca-Cola, are all about peace, love, and fluid genderhood, but with a slightly different marketing lingo. They’re about “spreading democracy and respect for human rights globally” and “promoting freedom around the world” — “all standing hand in hand,” of course – which are really swell things that only Nazis and Klansmen would oppose. Still, since democracy, human rights, and freedom are so wonderful, why is so much effort needed to “spread” and “promote” them? What does that effort in language stripped of marketing euphemisms really look like? If the history of US foreign policy since the Second World War is any indication, spreading democracy and promoting freedom around the world has been about failed attempts to force them on people who don’t seem to want them: Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, anyone? Maybe word has gotten out that “democracy” as it’s practiced in Soviet America works a lot like it did for the typical Ivans and Natashas immersing themselves in cheap vodka in Brezhnev’s Soviet Union. The more our DRL types brag about it, the less appealing it becomes.

“Spreading democracy” translates into “democracy from the barrel of a gun.” The folks at DRL are actually cops, members of a moral police force claiming world jurisdiction — albeit they are the desk jockey wing of the operation.

The leadership team shown on the website is made up of 11 people, eight of whom are women — a gynecocracy of sorts.:

The Acting Assistant Secretary
One Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
One Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary
Four Deputy Assistant Secretaries
One US Special Envoy
Three Special Advisors

Head copette of the Bureau:

Erin M. Barclay

Looking out at you is the face of the boss from hell, the prototype of today’s feminist, desk-pounding knuckle-crusher. That clench-jawed smile barely holding back her usual snarl suggests that she’s hiding the sadistic personality of an East German Stasi Colonel. At $236,591 annually, her “public servant” salary far exceeds that of most of the public she serves, 61% of whom are reported to live paycheck to paycheck,

You can buy Stephen Paul Foster’s new novel When Harry Met Sally here.

Not only does comrade Barclay run the DLR, according to her bio she concurrently serves as Coordinator for the Kafkaesque Global Democratic Renewal in the Office of the Undersecretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights. For “the world” to be properly reconstructed according to the moral specifications of those of the DRL persuasion, think of human rights as the shingles, democracy the nail. Erin, you might say, is the hammer.

As we see above, policing the globe to make it free, of course, takes lots of muscle-flexing in the form of “coordinators,” “acting deputies,” “assistant deputies,” “special envoys,” “special advisors,” and “special representatives.”

Turning all the nations of the world into replicas of Ben and Jerry’s hate-free Vermont cannot, it seems, be done without the “expertise” of “special envoy” Jessica Stern, who bears a prolix title that requires a thesaurus of woke argot for anyone hoping to take a stab at figuring out what she does besides warming a desk chair, extolling “diversity,” and drawing her annual paycheck of $183,100.

Jessica is the US Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI+ ) Persons. She appears to be bright enough to remember how to put all those words in her title together in proper order when called upon, and sufficiently dim-witted not to be embarrassed by it.

Jessica Stern

Perhaps as further evidence of Joe Biden’s precipitous cognitive decline, he was the one who appointed Jessica to “lead US efforts to protect LGBTQI+ persons globally from violence and discrimination,” a ludicrous application of vacuous bureaucrat-babble to a job description in order to give this professional virtue-signaling, trend-setting weirdo the pretense of a serious calling. Whether you were an “L,” a “G,” a “B,” or a “Q” — come on! Does she look like anyone remotely capable of protecting you from the nearest hulking homophobe?

We have now entered the government Twilight Zone where power is magically generated — linguistically, with a blizzard of bewildering administrative job titles attached to Non-Governmental Organization and government agency ideologues and zealots, none of whom have ever worked in the private sector and who have been appointed to make life confusing and miserable for the “public they serve,” and the world even less stable. When they are done with their “spreading,” “advancing,” “supporting,” “promoting,” “assisting,” and “protecting” of democracy and freedom, what does the world in their charge look like? Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and a half-million dead soldiers in Ukraine and Russia — probably not the look anyone had hoped for. Here at home, “democracy” is on full display, with the titular head of the regime siccing his criminal justice apparatus on his chief rival in the upcoming election, piling up 90 criminal indictments so far.

The US government, like the late Soviet Union, is an ideocratic state in decline. The regime, assisted by a vast media propaganda arm, rules over large numbers of non-believers for whom there exists a growing credibility gap. The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor is a part of the larger priestly hierarchy, believers operating in an ideological bubble of alternative reality. These taxpayer-funded priests conjure up amorphous abstractions such as “democracy,” “human rights,” and “equity” that comprise the moral foundations of the “progressive” reconstruction of a society they claim they want stripped of hierarchy. Everyone is going to be equal.

The Russian people experiencing the late Soviet Union grasped that the “socialist workers’ paradise” promised by the Party was a joke. Here in Soviet America, “our democracy” is heading in the same direction. And when the chant in the sacred ritual of power becomes a joke, that means that, for the powers-that-be, chances are that the fat lady is about to sing.

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