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The Worst Week Yet: August 27-September 2, 2023

4-9-2023 < Counter Currents 23 2974 words

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The ADL vs. Elon Musk and the World

As everyone knows, it’s one of those lunatic far-Right anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to allege that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a “civil rights” organization that reportedly operates on a budget of only about $80 million per year, plays an oversized role in dictating policy to the United States government — which operates on a budget exceeding $5 trillion per annum.

It also must be why I can’t recall seeing any major American news organization — much less any mainstream educational institution, and especially not anyone in the federal government — ever scrutinizing, criticizing, or even so much as questioning anything the ADL has ever said. It’s also why the press seems to slavishly reprint ADL press releases verbatim without so much as daring to question such vaguely subjective and entirely non-journalistic terms as “hate” and “extremism.”

And only a hate-filled, far-Right schizophrenic would even dare to notice that the FBI’s directors seem almost subservient to the ADL

In May of 2014, the ADL bragged on Twitter:

Did you know ADL trains every new FBI agent on their role as protectors of the American people and the Constitution?

I did not know that. I learn something new every day.

Last November, current FBI Director Christopher Wray says he accepted an invitation to speak at an ADL shindig in New York. Here are actual passages from his speech:

I’ve been in this line of work for a long time now, starting out as a prosecutor in the ‘90s and then in various roles in the Justice Department, which included time overseeing what was then the Office of Special Investigations — or as they were more commonly known, the Nazi hunters — whose particularly rewarding work demonstrated to the world — and anyone who might contemplate heinous crimes against the Jewish people — that we’ll hunt murderers right to their dying days.

I’m proud to say we helped the U.S. track down, denaturalize, and deport more Nazis than all other countries combined. And much like the work we’re doing together today, that effort both required and benefitted from a close partnership with the Jewish community. . . .

I want to thank the ADL today for your support in conducting the training that all of our new special agents and intelligence analysts participate in at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. . . .

Unfortunately, as [ADL CEO] Jonathan [Greenblatt] outlined, antisemitism remains a pervasive and present fact. And we at the FBI see — up close, day in and day out — the actions that hatred drives. Jewish people continue to face repeated violence and very real threats, from all kinds of actors, simply for being who they are…but we also confront the threat of people here, on our soil, whose hateful views — often paraded online — boil over into acts of violence. . . .

For those under threat who need protecting from the violence and destruction of Kristallnacht in Germany 84 years ago this week, to the threats and violence targeting Jewish communities here in the US just across the river last week, we at the FBI recognize that the threat of violent extremism is real, and it’s urgent.

We devote ourselves every day to protecting the Jewish community — and all American people — from these heinous acts. And I assure you, we’ll remain relentless.

It was very generous of Wray to toss in “all American people” almost as an afterthought to his promise to protect “the Jewish community.” When was the last time you heard anyone in the FBI, or the federal government at large, refer to the “white community”?

In May of 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey, again at an ADL-hosted hootenanny, delivered a speech titled “The FBI and the ADL: Working Together to Fight Hate”:

I first met with you in the spring of 2014, when I was relatively new on the job — just seven months in.

I sang your praises as an organization that fights for inclusivity and diversity, equality and justice. An organization that works with us to fight hate crime and terrorism, to educate law enforcement, and to build bridges with underrepresented communities.

I labeled that last speech a love letter to the ADL. Three years later I can say, from the perspective of the FBI, we’re still in love with you. . . .

I’m on Twitter. I have to be, to hear what everyone’s saying about me. And it’s a depressing place. It’s like being in every dive bar in America, and you can hear everybody screaming at the television. . . .

I believe the Holocaust is the most significant event in human history. . . . [Which] is the reason we require every new FBI special agent and intelligence analyst in training to visit the Holocaust Museum. We want them to learn about abuse of power on a breathtaking scale. . . .

My thanks to this room full of people who have chosen to devote their lives to ensuring that evil does not hold the field. To Jonathan Greenblatt and David Friedman and Michael Lieberman, and everyone who is part of this important work.

And on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, thank you for standing by us, for giving us the benefit of your experience, and for making us better.

And so I close my letter,



You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.

Both Comey and Wray could have given Jonathan Greenblatt a slobbering blowjob live and on camera, and it would have come off as less fawningly obsequious compared to what they said in their speeches.

But again, only a mentally ill neo-Nazi would infer from Wray and Comey’s comments that the FBI is taking any kind of marching orders from the ADL.

Last Thursday, Russian broadcaster Vladimir Solovyov referred to Tucker Carlson as “the most popular English-speaking journalist.” The ADL has Nazi-hunted Carlson in the past, as evidenced by their 2021 press release hyperbolically accusing him of “vitriolic, xenophobic commentary about demographic change” and a 2022 press release outright calling for him to be deplatformed for “spreading the ‘Great Replacement’ theory.” FOX News deplatformed Carlson, who was by far their most popular news host, earlier this year.

In the wake of his dismissal by FOX, Carlson found a home doing video shows on Elon Musk’s Twitter, which Musk has recently rebranded as “X.”

According to the Forward, “Musk himself has made and amplified a variety of disturbing comments related to Jews, including quotes from Nazis and friendly public exchanges with bigots.”

As I covered back in May, Musk incurred the ADL’s wrath merely by comparing George Soros to comic-book supervillain Magneto without once mentioning Jews.

In typically hysterical fashion, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt made Musk’s tweet all about Jews:

Soros often is held up by the far-right, using antisemitic tropes, as the source of the world’s problems. To see @ElonMusk, regardless of his intent, feed this segment — comparing him to a Jewish supervillain, claiming Soros “hates humanity” — is not just distressing, it’s dangerous: it will embolden extremists who already contrive anti-Jewish conspiracies and have tried to attack Soros and Jewish communities as a result.

In response, Musk tweeted that “ADL should just drop the ‘A’.”

Last Wednesday, apparently believing that he is just as entitled to issue commands to Musk in the same way his organization “trains” FBI members, Greenblatt wrote that he had a “very [Leo] frank” discussion with Twitter/X CEO Linda Yaccarino about where the site “needs to go” regarding “hate”:

I had a very frank + productive conversation with @LindayaX yesterday about @X, what works and what doesn’t, and where it needs to go to address hate effectively on the platform. I appreciated her reaching out and I’m hopeful the service will improve. @ADL will be vigilant and give her and @ElonMusk credit if the service gets better . . . and reserve the right to call them out until it does.

What a bratty and arrogant little Martian he is.

On Thursday, mixed martial arts star Jake Shields suggested that Twitter/X should start propagating the hashtag “bantheADL”:

Let’s get this trending to help wake the masses of how evil they truly are #bantheADL

I don’t know whether Shields was the first to mention this hashtag last week; it’s merely that his tweet was the first from last week that I could find.

But it’s an intriguing idea: Since the ADL calls for others to be deplatformed as a matter of daily business, are they begging for a bitter taste of their own medicine?

On Friday, Keith Woods tweeted:

As soon as @elonmusk took over Twitter, the ADL got to work ensuring his promise of a free speech site would not come to fruition.

They even warned that Twitter was now “on deathwatch”. Why do these people get to threaten and extort social media companies like this?


A little over an hour later, Elon Musk responded to Woods:

ADL has tried very hard to strangle X/Twitter

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

“Strangle” is an interesting choice of words, seeing as the ADL was formed after Leo Frank, a Jewish factory manager in Atlanta, was convicted in 1913 for raping and murdering a 13-year-old white girl named Mary Phagan. In 1915, after Georgia’s governor commuted Frank’s death sentence to life imprisonment, a white mob seized Frank from his prison cell and literally strangled him to death by hanging him from a noose. Even more interesting is that Frank’s Wikipedia page is listed as “Part of a series on Antisemitism” rather than “Part of a series on convicted Jewish rapist/murderers of underaged white girls.”

By Friday of last week, the hashtag #BanTheADL had reportedly been tweeted over 100,000 times. Remarkably, formerly milquetoast Con, Inc. water boys such as Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA and Matt Walsh of diminutive Super-Jew Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire had joined the anti-ADL brigade.

Charlie Kirk:

Whatever it was in the past, today the ADL is a hate group that dons a religious mask to justify stoking hatred of the left’s enemies.

I believe in the First Amendment and free speech as a principle regardless of what the law says. I don’t want to ban anyone’s speech. But the ADL has no place extorting X/Twitter or any other social media companies, nor should it dictate to federal law enforcement agencies what hate speech is.

The ADL itself is America’s number-one purveyor of hate speech (and the SPLC is #2).

Matt Walsh:

If you want to keep hate off the platform then I guess you agree that we need to #BanTheADL

On Saturday, Dutch bombshell Eva Vlaardingerbroek tweeted:

The fact that #BanTheADL is trending shows how done people are with the “we’re labeling everything we don’t like as hateful/racist/dangerous/far-right” BS.

People aren’t afraid of your intimidation tactics anymore, @JGreenblattADL. Your labels have lost their power.

Responding to Vlaardingerbroek a mere 12 minutes later, Musk tweeted:

Perhaps we should run a poll on this?

In July, the demented and sclerotic US President Joe Biden, when asked whether Elon Musk was a national-security threat, answered:

Elon Musk’s cooperation and/or technical relationships with other countries is worthy of being looked at. . . . Whether or not he is doing anything inappropriate, I’m not suggesting that. . . . I’m suggesting they’re worth being looked at and that’s all I’ll say. . . . There’s a lot of ways.

Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Musk’s SpaceX on Thursday, August 24 for “for Discriminating Against Asylees and Refugees in Hiring.” Last Friday brought news that the DOJ was investigating Tesla’s “alleged used of company funds to build Musk a mansion in Texas.”

Has the DOJ ever prosecuted or even “investigated” the ADL or Southern Poverty Law Center for anything?

On August 21, “journalist” Ronan Farrow — who to my knowledge has never produced an “investigative” piece about people such as George Soros or Jonathan Greenblatt — published an article in the New Yorker titled “Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule: How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire — and is now struggling to rein him in.”

Farrow’s article claimed that Musk’s “influence is more brazen and expansive” than previous “meddling of oligarchs and other monied interests in the fate of nations.”

Saying that he fears America’s “shadow government” may attempt to kill his son, Musk’s father Errol said of Farrow’s article:

It’s a hit job, a shadow government-sponsored opening salvo on Elon. . . . The artillery-like softening up of the enemy before the actual attack and preparing of the ever-submissive people for the attack.

Also on Saturday, as Musk was suggesting that his website should run a poll on whether they should ban the ADL, groups of what the Daily Mail described as “professed neo-Nazis” down in Florida engaged in some street theater.

I can’t recall anyone ever calling themselves a “neo-Nazi,” although I remember countless occasions where individuals and groups were described as “neo-Nazis.”

The alleged neo-Nazi groups ranting and raving and Sieg Heiling out on the Florida streets on Saturday were Blood Tribe, the Goyim Defense League, and Order of the Black Sun. If you search for the latter two groups on Google, the first results that pops up, as luck would have it, are the ADL’s pages on them. The ADL’s page on Blood Tribe takes second place on Google’s results because they got edged out by a “Native American” group of the same name.

En toto, there were two separate “neo-Nazi” demonstrations in Florida on Saturday — one involving Blood Tribe and the Goyim Defense League in Altamonte Springs, and the other featuring Order of the Black Sun in Orlando. As one might expect, the ADL was on the case:

We are deeply outraged by the two extremist demonstrations in the Orlando area. We call on public officials to stand up and clearly denounce this hateful activity. We cannot allow for hate and extremist beliefs to become normalized in our society.

In fact, the ADL was so on the case that according to the Daily Mail, their Center for Extremism prognosticated that such events might happen only a day before they happened. The Daily Mail quoted an ADL document from Friday forecasting that neo-Nazis

will likely hold several demonstrations in high visibility locations — such as a sporting or entertainment venue, highway overpass, government building or in front of an LGBTQ+ venue or Jewish institution — in order to attract as much public and media attention as possible.

Barking plastic-surgery yenta Laura Loomer claimed she was innocently driving home from a hair-salon appointment that apparently took over a year only to accidentally spot the Goyim Defense League and Blood Tribe rally, where members proceeded to call her a “kike” and say that she would be burned alive in an oven. What are the odds?

The theatrical neo-Nazi events in Florida occurred exactly one week after Ryan Palmeter, his rifle festooned in swastikas, shot and killed three black people inside and outside a Dollar Store in Jacksonville, Florida. But the Daily Mail’s coverage of the rallies said — three times — that the rallies happened “just days” after the Jacksonville shooting.

Likewise, Business Insider’s article on the Blood Tribe/Goyim Defense League rally said, in two different passages, that rallies came mere “days after three Black [sic] people were killed in a racist mass shooting in Jacksonville” and “[t]he far-right protests come days after a racist mass shooting in the same state.”

Technically, a week is “just days” – seven, to be exact. Then again, the highly suspicious Florida rallies happened “just days” after Germany’s surrender in the Second World War — according to this website, just 28,607 days, to be exact.

Why did both Business Insider and the Daily Mail take great pains to say “just days” rather than “a week”? It’s almost as if they were taking orders from someone — but definitely not the ADL. Only a virulent anti-Semite would think such a thing.

Jim Goad

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