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Metapolitics in Germany, Part 2: An Exclusive Interview with Frank Kraemer of Stahlgewitter

30-8-2023 < Counter Currents 23 2493 words

Frank Kraemer and Nana Domena

2,308 words

Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)

Ondrej Mann: Which nationalist projects in Germany do you consider the most important and valuable?

Frank Kraemer: One is the initiative Zusammenrücken (Moving Together). This helps Germans who want to move to Central Germany from areas in West Germany that have been overrun by foreigners so that they may live among Germans, and also seeks to improve Right-wing organizations in terms of personnel.

Of course there is Kampf der Nibelungen (KdN), which provides a stage for athletic competition among nationalists and embodies the defensive part of our movement.

Furthermore, there are a variety of activist groups, such as Revolte Rheinland, which carry out positive actions.

Did you participate in the Pegida demonstrations in Germany, or the demonstrations against the COVID-19 measures? What was the significance of these demonstrations, and which strategies worked?

In January of 2016 I went to a Pegida demonstration in Cologne and met Nana Domena there. More about that later.

I was also present at the COVID demonstrations in my city. It was good to see so many people opposing the prevailing politics, but there was no plan on how to proceed. You can demonstrate to death without achieving anything politically. There were also many disputes within Pegida‘s organizing team. Whether the leaders‘ egos or state-controlled activities led to this, I don’t know. The fact is that without organized willpower, all these demonstrations only have meaning for a brief moment, but in the long term they only have a limited effect.

I was active in the demonstrations against the COVID measures in my city. As with Pegida, it is always a success when people take to the streets against the regime. Above all, you see who you can network with locally and who thinks similarly.

You have to remember that these protests were and are very middle class. There are few people with a deep worldview involved. Accordingly, while the protests are important, they are rather superficial in nature. As soon as the pressure and threats from the regime vanish, the demonstrators went back to sleep. For us nationalists, these events gave us the opportunity to make contact with people and show that only we are truly critical of the system and that our solutions are good for our people.

Why is antifa burning down city centers, and is there a strategy in Germany to fight them?

The fight against Left-wing extremism is a joke. There is no real fight; only state funding. 100 million euros have been allocated to the fight against nationalists. This money was given to Left-wing extremist groups, among others.

When riots break out at Left-wing extremist marches and the police intervene, the officers then have to justify why the riots happened. The press and the politicians protect the real perpetrators of this violence. The fact that Left-wing extremists are concerned with nothing other than violence is irrelevant. On the one hand, they claim to be against the allegedly racist and imperialist state, but on the other, they claim subsidies from the Ministry of Family Affairs and support the inhumane COVID measures.

Do they perceive this contradiction themselves? I don’t know. In their twisted perception, they probably see themselves as heroes in the fight against a system of which they themselves have become a part.

Is it true that Germans no longer have their own opinions? The biggest witch trials occurred in the German-speaking areas of the Holy Roman Empire. Adolf Hitler was almost unopposed while his political opponents, occultists, homosexuals, the nationalist opposition around the Conservative Revolution, and so on were being persecuted. Today, almost no one opposes the multiculturalism that is destroying the German nation. Is it possible that Germans are always too loyal to their ruling class and cannot stand up for what is right?

An outsider can certainly answer that better than I can. But I would also like to point out that today’s Germans have nothing in common with the Germans of a hundred years ago. A century of brainwashing has left deep traces in the collective subconscious. Although we Germans are not that bad when compared to other nations. There is a lot of potential for there to be criticism of the regime, but it is poorly organized and therefore has little clout. I also doubt that these qualities you mentioned are only appearing among Germans. Sweden is even worse off than we are when it comes to multiculturalism, digitizaliztion, and excessive tolerance, nor are the Chinese known for their critical thinking about their own government.

But I would like to add that it  may be that we Germans have a strong obedience to authority. When a country’s elite is made up of the right people, there’s nothing wrong with that. It even creates cohesion and establishes concentrated power. Loyalty and trust in one’s leadership makes many things easier, and usually these virtues are laudable. It only becomes problematic when these virtues are abused by an anti-state, especially one that has been infiltrated by Big Tech and Big Pharma. This is what we are currently experiencing.

According to surveys, however, this trust in the government is declining and people are withdrawing into private life and seeking more contact with friends and like-minded people. This is a good development and drains energy from the system. Once the systemic crisis has been overcome, we must of course return to a strong state worthy of the name.

Other qualities that we Germans are said to have are a penchant for order and thoroughness. These qualities are important for ensuring good conditions in the post-democratic era.

What do you think is the essence of Germanness?

Foreign countries once called us the “people of poets and thinkers.” That is an ideal worth striving for. Many important philosophers and inventors have come from Germany, and the German language is very profound. Carl Benz invented the automobile, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in Europe, Konrad Zuse invented the first programmable computer, and Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.

I think it is this profundity which makes us Germans, when we are allowed to live according to our nature. We Germans are less revolutionaries and more thinkers and analysts. This has advantages and disadvantages, of course. The clear disadvantage is that we put up with too much. But when we start marching, there is no stopping us.

Amidst all our many foreign influences and foreign regulations today, we can no longer find our center, which leads to a large part of our people adopting a degenerate zeitgeist. I therefore consider the cultural struggle to be an extremely important task.

Is it possible to get young people excited about nationalism? Are there any ”gateway drugs“ to nationalism for the youth in Germany? How do German nationalists reach the youth? In the United States, it’s called “taking the red pill.”

Steven Feldmann, an activist from KdN’s circle, was invited to a stream by the YouTuber Sharo from BeastKitchen. Steven discussed the topic of integration with Sharo and reached a lot of people due to the radical statements he made. He was even well-received by migrants. He developed a big following on TikTok, and then he was banned. Before that, however, he was able to reach and inspire many young people. Steven was also my guest on an episode of my program and told me about all the hype. At one time it was music; today it is more the Right-wing influencers who bring our worldview to young people. Concerts are very difficult to organize in Germany today, anyway, and the Internet allows us to reach those who are outside our bubble.

Stahlgewitter no longer performs at all. Are nationalist concerts useful? What are the most important bands in Germany?

I don’t listen to Right-wing rock myself, so I can’t say much about those bands. In contrast to 20 years ago, the quality has improved considerably, and the music styles have changed and become more appealing to the masses. That is progress.

My last concert with Stahlgewitter was in 2009 in Switzerland. I don’t like concerts. There are too many people and too much alcohol. That’s why Gigi has hired guest musicians to play concerts with him. But I’m not up to date on that. Are concerts useful? For many it brings a feeling of togetherness and they are popular. If there’s more to them than just listening to music and drinking beer, then they have their value.

Stahlgewitter’s last album was released in 2013. Will you continue to make more music? Are you planning anything?

It was actually in December 2012, if I remember correctly. There are currently no plans for new material. Stahlgewitter still exists, but it is on ice.

What was your interview with the black man Nana Domena about? Are you working with him on any other projects? And how did the mainstream react to this interview? 

I met Nana Domena at a Pegida demonstration in Cologne in 2016. He interviewed both Right-wing demonstrators and Left-wing counter-demonstrators about their reasons for being there. I told him about my reasons and discussed the fact that there had been mass sexual assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. There were over a thousand reports of sexual harassment and rape in that one night. There must be consequences for this. Nana himself condemned these assaults.

Our short interview later appeared on his YouTube channel and I thanked him for not distorting my statements. In return, I offered to interview him on my blog, Der Dritte Blickwinkel. After that we shot a video and founded the project Multikulti trifft Nationalismus (Multiculturalism Meets Nationalism). We shot several videos and held two discussions in Cologne.

At first the mainstream media remained silent about our project, although Nana was later attacked by people who demanded to know why he would talk to a ”Nazi“ like me and offer me a platform. One would think that the mainstream would welcome such a dialogue, but this is wrong. An honest discussion is not desired. Rather, they want certain stereotypes of the “evil Nazi” and the ”black victim“ to be reinforced. Even the fact that Nana expressed approval for some of my views brought him criticism from other blacks, who saw their status as victims being threatened.

Even the Federal Office for Political Education warned against our project. Only Russia Today invited us to speak and reported fairly about our project.

This project showed that we nationalists can hold discussions with anyone and gain wider acceptance if we can present ourselves without distortion in the system‘s press and accurately represent our positions. Nana Domena has been living in Spain for several years, and the project is now on hold. Whether we will do something together again remains to be seen. All our collaborations can be found on my website. Fun fact: Our first video was deleted from YouTube due to “hate speech.”

In an interview you did with a university magazine, you said that Leftist ideology is taking over science, as in the case of Prof. James Watson, who discovered the structure of DNA but has since been cancelled for ”racism.“ Have you seen any other cases where ideology is winning over science? Is this a common phenomenon in Germany? 

Narratives such as man-made climate change, gender ideology that propagates the idea that there are 100 genders, and anti-racism that denies races but nevertheless wants to fight racism are all pseudo-scientific dogmas that are supposed to fill a spiritual vacuum. I think that this is not a purely German problem, however. Eastern Europe seems to have been spared, but the West is completely submerged in these ideas. It is a culture war that is affecting all areas of life.

Rational arguments cannot persuade the followers of these pseudo-religious ideologies to consider alternatives. Nevertheless, we must challenge them in order to show the world what insane errors these ideologies came out of. How can you deny the existence of race while simultaneously engaging in identity politics and serving the Black Lives Matter narrative? Also, when it comes to blame, the white race suddenly becomes quite real for them.

You have a family. How are you raising your kids? Do your children have problems because of your political activities? Does your family share your views? Do nationalists in Germany have large families and have more children than Leftists?

It must unfortunately be said that many nationalists are single or childless. In völkisch circles, on the other hand, large families can be found, although not very often. We have had to struggle for decades with the fact that there were hardly any women in our ranks. Women, by their nature, tend to get involved in social issues. That’s a good thing. But the official narrative was that migrants were the only oppressed and disadvantaged group. As a result of this propaganda, many women were thus more likely to be found in the Left‘s camp. But this situation has now improved, and this victim myth is slowly breaking down.

My family is not politically active, which is fine. But they have my back, and that is more support than I can ask for. I am very grateful to my family for that. Interestingly, there have been no problems for them worth mentioning. Other activists suffer much more. I think it is because of my open nature that we have remained unmolested so far. If you are known locally, and people know that you are not the monster that the other side claims, then they do not believe the propaganda. If Left-wing extremists were to attack me, it would bring me even more sympathy.

As for raising my daughter, I try not to indoctrinate her. By puberty, at the latest, this will backfire. I also don’t really have to do much at all. She is very intelligent and questions many things herself, recognizing the contradictions that we encounter every day.

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