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The Worst Week Yet: August 20-26, 2023

28-8-2023 < Counter Currents 20 2831 words

Ryan Palmeter

2,401 words

Thanks, Asshole: Neckbearded Fat Boy with Swastikas on His Rifle Kills $3 Worth of Blacks at a Florida Dollar Store

Election Season is heating up again, so of course some white guy with a swastika-emblazoned rifle had to go and shoot himself some black people so that next year, there would be rioting all across the fruited plain just like there was in 2016 and 2020.

The gunman this time around is — sorry, was, because he shot and killed himself, too — 21-year-old Ryan Palmeter, who had a weight problem and an even more problematic patch of facial hair beneath his chin. He reportedly lived — that is, before he died — with his parents somewhere outside Jacksonville, Florida, which is the second-largest city in the continental United States in terms of square miles. Jacksonville is also 30% black.

You can buy Jim Goad’s ANSWER Me! here.

At some point around noon on Saturday, Palmeter texted his father and told him to check his e-mail. At about 2 PM, Palmeter’s father called local authorities to inform them that his son had sent him some kind of racist “manifesto” outlining his desire to murder blacks. By that time, the younger Palmeter had already launched his campaign of anti-black death-mongering.

He reportedly had designs on shooting up the campus at Edwards Waters University, a historically black college that is so historic, I’d never heard of it before. But security guards allegedly got wise to him, which forced Palmeter to scurry off campus grounds wearing tactical gear and begin blasting at patrons inside and outside a Jacksonville Dollar Store. He deprived the world of three Black Lives: 52-year-old Angela Michelle Carr, 19-year-old Anolt Joseph “A. J.” Laguerre, Jr., and 29-year-old Jarrald De’Shawn Gallion. He then shot and killed himself as tactical police teams arrived and surrounded the Dollar Store.

In addition to his parents, Palmeter had also sent his “manifesto” to the media and local authorities. Jacksonville Sheriff T. K. Waters — who, like seemingly all heads of urban police departments these days, is black — referred to the manifesto as the “diary of a madman” and called the shooting a “dark day in Jacksonville’s history.” Waters, who selfishly did not release the entire manifesto to a public that is hungry to read it, said that the document expressed a “disgusting ideology of hate,” adding:

This shooting was racially motivated. He wanted to kill “niggers” — that’s the one and only time I’ll use that word.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis bravely described the murder of three black Dollar Store patrons as “unacceptable”:

This shooting [was] based on the manifesto that they discovered from the scumbag who did this was racially motivated. . . . He was targeting people based on their race. That is totally unacceptable. This guy killed himself rather than face the music and accept responsibility for his actions. . . . He took coward’s way out. We condemn what happened in the strongest possible terms.

Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan reiterated that the shooting was “unacceptable”:

This is unacceptable. . . . One shooting is too much but these mass shootings are really hard to take.

The CIA microchip inside Joe Biden’s skull made his mouth open and close like the ventriloquist dummy Charlie McCarthy’s as he railed against “hate” and “white supremacy”:

On Saturday, our nation marked the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington — a seminal moment in our history and in our work towards equal opportunity for all Americans. . . . But this day of remembrance and commemoration ended with yet another American community wounded by an act of gun violence, reportedly fueled by hate-filled animus and carried out with two firearms. . . . Even as we continue searching for answers, we must say clearly and forcefully that white supremacy has no place in America. . . . We must refuse to live in a country where black families going to the store or black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. Hate must have no safe harbor. Silence is complicity and we must not remain silent.

To my knowledge, neither Biden nor DeSantis made a peep about “hate” or “black supremacy” or “scumbags” or how “unacceptable” it was in July when a black man in Georgia killed four white people. Nor did they say anything in June when a black man in Massachusetts killed three white people.

Personally, I find the double standard to be unacceptable.

As a Gaggle of Republiclowns Hold a Trumpless Presidential Debate, the Associated Press Accuses a Newly-Indicted Trump of “Coded Racial Messaging” for Using the Words “Riggers” and “Peekaboo”

There was a Trump-sized hole in Milwaukee last week at the first GOP presidential debate for the 2024 election season. In Trump’s stead were nine stiffs who have zero chance of ever being elected president, assuming you’re the type of person who thinks it really matters who’s president and entertains fantasies that the president is anything more than a Costco greeter for the Deep State warehouse:

  • The cadaverous former Vice President Mike Pence, who has less personality than a sheet of cardboard.

  • The morbidly obese former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is at any given moment only a misplaced sneeze away from heart failure.

  • Former South Carolina Governor Nimarata “Nikki” Haley, who looks far more dried-up and pruny than her 51 years on this planet would suggest.

  • The absolutely smackable tech guru Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy, a spoiled iodine-colored baby brat of Brahmin migrants.

  • Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, whom I’ve never heard of before and hope to never hear of again.

  • Governor Ron “Meatball” DeSantis of Florida, who was born with a rare genetic defect that deprived him of a Charm Gland.

  • North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, who looks like he’s wearing a pair of those “Eyebrow Fun Shades” party props.

  • Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, who’s this year’s Token Republican Negro.

The candidates mostly talked about what they “love about Israel,” about how “Israel needs America” and “America needs Israel,” and about how our “nation was founded upon the Judeo-Christian values that made this the greatest nation on God’s green Earth.” You know, Republican stuff.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump was indicted in Georgia by a fat black female prosecutor over somethin’-somethin’ to do with the 2020 election. As he attempts to run for president again, Trump is currently facing 91 different charges in four different states, but at least this time around, he wrangled a cool-looking glowering-bald-eagle mugshot out of it.

I’m someone who for some reason feels the need to remind you that I went to journalism school way back in the 1980s when, if my dimming memory serves me correctly, outfits such as the Associated Press (AP) at least attempted to pretend that they followed journalism’s rules of objectivity instead of indulging in the rankest sort of propagandistic gaslighting and baseless hate-accusing crystal-ball-reading that stains the AP now.

But alas, how far the profession has sunk! Exhibit A is a recent AP broadside titled “How Trump’s attacks on prosecutors build on history of using racist language and stereotypes”:

Donald Trump’s aggressive response to his fourth criminal indictment in five months follows a strategy he has long used against legal and political opponents: relentless attacks, often infused with language that is either overtly racist or is coded in ways that appeal to racists. . . . Last week, Trump posted online that prosecutors instead should have gone after those who “rigged the election.” . . . “They only went after those that fought to find the riggers!” he said. . . . The close resemblance of “riggers” to a racial slur garnered attention from internet users on a pro-Trump online forum, who used the term in dozens of racist messages calling for people to be killed or hanged after seeing Trump’s post. . . . The rhetoric is a reminder of Trump’s tendency to use coded racial messaging as a signal to supporters. . . . Even if he doesn’t explicitly employ racial slurs, his language recalls America’s history of portraying Black [sic] people as not fully human. . . . In a message last September on Truth Social, Trump referred to New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is Black [sic], as “Racist A. G. Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James.” The nickname is similar to a term used to insult Black [sic] people.

In other words, we all secretly know what words Trump is dog-whistling when he says “riggers” and “peekaboo.”

Naturally, as is the wont of nearly all mainstream “journalistic” outfits these days, the AP needed to trot out an “expert” on “hate” — in this case, the absolutely hideous Heidi Beirich, former leader of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project and current co-founder of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism — who says that Trump’s coded speech “makes the internet a more dangerous place.” Beirich added, “It just takes one angry person with a gun to do something terrible. And that’s frankly the kind of violence I’m the most worried about.”

Frankly, I suspect that hate-ghouls such as Beirich worry that things such as this weekend’s Jacksonville shooting won’t happen often enough to keep her maw stuffed with donuts and pork cracklins.

Polly Hate a Cracker? “Queer Identified Transman” Who’s a DEI  Healthcare Director in Maine Offers Public Prayer Urging Whites to Go Bonkers with Self-Hatred

According to population estimates from the United States Census for 2022, the State of Maine is 93.9% white and a mere 2% black.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.

Ryan G. Polly is a “queer identified transman and parent of 4 children” who received a doctorate in something called “Transformative Studies” at someplace called the “California Institute of Integral Studies,” but decided to abandon the Golden State’s oodles of melanin and sunshine to move to the deeply white upper reaches of New England, where the mother of four who poses as a man, facial hair and all, is launching a relentless attack on the state’s unremitting whiteness.

Polly enjoyed a stint as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager at the University of Vermont Medical Center. With a Whiteness Quotient (WQ) of 92.8%, The Green Mountain State is statistically the Union’s third-whitest state. Finding Vermont’s racial atmosphere almost suffocatingly white, Polly relocated to Maine — the US’ only monosyllabic state — which, at 92.69%, boasts a slightly lower WQ than Vermont does. Polly now finds employment as the utterly useless Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine.

Polly seems to spend a lot of her paid time mouthing off about how white people need to get more “uncomfortable,” and I would presume that many of those wholesomely craggy Swamp Yankees way up yonder there in Maple Syrup Land are made uncomfortable at the mere thought of a bearded lady lecturing them about their “whiteness.” Earlier this month, The College Fix quoted Polly going on a tirade about the odious whiteness of Maine’s medical system:

I think what I encourage white people who are new to this to think about is your lens first. Like, turn the mirror on yourself first. If you’ve never thought about your whiteness and how it impacts the space you’re interacting with, that’s a starting place. . . . I find that many times a lot of white leaders just don’t have a network of relationships outside of whiteness. . . . I think that organizations that are very white — particularly when you look at your white leadership — needs to start to do, is start to get uncomfortable making relationships with people that aren’t white. . . . I mean, there’s a need for our white leaders to create those bridges and build relationships.

Is anyone else feeling as uncomfortable as I do right now?

But hold your horses just one cotton-pickin’ minute: Not only is Polly a white “queer identified transman” with a Ph.D. in “Transformative Studies” who can’t shut the fuck up about the Evil Demon Whiteness, as if that wasn’t enough for her to be radioactively annoying for the next thousand years, she’s also some kind of “ordained Interfaith/Interspirtual [sic] minister” in something called the “One Spirit Alliance” who has a “contagious passion for positive transformation [that] leaves people feeling empowered to employ tools and techniques in their personal and professional lives for lasting impact” on something or other.

Polly recently led an “antiracist prayer service” where she offered a prayer in the hopes white people would become just as maladjusted about their DNA as she is:

This evening has been designed with white people in mind not to take the stage. We have plenty of places to take the stage. . . . We [need] to . . . begin the work to join the fight. . . . As the head of diversity, equity and inclusion at a major health system, I think frequently about my role as white person first and as a diversity leader second. I think about the responsibility I have to continue the deep internal work of . . . understanding my own racist narrative and biases. I think about the privilege my whiteness affords me and the choices whiteness allows me to have . . . My whiteness keeps me and my family safe. . . . I am white. . . . You share something with Darren Wilson [who shot Michael Brown] and George Zimmerman [who shot Trayvon Martin]. We share the experience of living in a culture that tells us that our lives have more value just because we’re white. . . . I choose to consider these collective wounds as implicating all of us. And that their healing requires my participation because I am white. . . . We need to ensure we . . . do the work to challenge our ignorance, our biases and the racist thoughts that we’ve acquired through the life of whiteness. . . . Only then can we become equipped to . . . challenge the systems that have been designed to give us the advantage and oppress everyone else. . . . Let us develop the courage to dive [into] deeply experienced discomfort. Let’s sit with it . . . knowing that the answers come not from our own conscious thinking, because that thinking is shaped by racist constructs. The answers lie deeper. . . . Let us leave with the tenacity to become anti-racist and continue the fight, even on the days when we could simply choose not to. Amen.

Under a perfectly sane political regime, Polly’s four children would stay in Maine, where they will be safe. But the squawking anti-white parrot who shot those babies like little white pellets out of her natural-born vagina would be forcibly relocated to somewhere in the slums of Jackson, Mississippi or Birmingham, Alabama, where one could go days without having to suffer the savage indignities of ever seeing another white person. I’m sure the Southern natives would take to her like a bowl of gumbo and she’d experience no “discomfort” wading ass-deep in an ocean of blackness.

Jim Goad

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