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The Counter-Currents 2023 Fundraiser: Support the Movement of Truth!

25-8-2023 < Counter Currents 27 1712 words

Receive a free copy of Greg Johnson’s The Trial of Socrates by donating $120 or more today!

1,505 words

Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $71,665.56, or 24% of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) Today we are announcing a one-week bonus for donating $120 or more (in other words, paywall and up): Aside from all the usual paywall perks, all donors who give at least this amount or more will also receive a paperback copy of Greg Johnson’s latest book, The Trial of Socrates. And now, Stephen Paul Foster offers a few words on why Counter-Currents needs your support.

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In the culture wars, Counter-Currents gives dissidents on the Right live ammunition to wage the battle of ideas against the ideological and metapolitical assault on white Americans and European culture. Our ideas and arguments can prevail over the fantasies and sophisms of the Left and the ravings of grievance-peddling ideologues, but only if we can continue to make them accessible to readers.

But consider for a moment the meaning of “procrastinate”: to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring.

Procrastination is likely among the most common of human shortcomings. It’s also one of the most insidious. By simply defaulting to inaction, achievements that could have been turn into needlessly lost opportunities. Overcoming inaction is usually not high cost, dangerous, or difficult. The rub is that it takes up some of your valuable time. Yes, you can always do it later. Yes, you are going to do it soon, but not now. Not doing it somehow bothers you; if it doesn’t, you’re not procrastinating — but not enough to do it now.

As a Counter-Currents regular contributor and avid reader of my colleague writers, I am asking for your financial support. You, too, are a reader who values Counter-Current’s timely, hard-hitting, political-social analysis and commentary — the in-depth, erudite historical and philosophical essays and the kind of sagacious movie and book reviews you won’t find in the mainstream media. The seriousness and quality of the writing is what keeps you coming back. That said, the competition from the other side comes from sheer volume: word count and banalities, not talent. As Teresa Toranska described aged Polish Communists interviewed in the 1980s reflecting on their careers: “Their sentences are clumsy, their grasp of grammar tenuous; they misuse words, and see language not as a way of conveying their meaning but as an instrument for distorting and concealing the truth.”[1] As Morris van de Camp recently noted, Counter-Currents “is an online university by our people and for our people.” Counter-Currents gathers those minds in rebellion against groupthink, contemporary superstitions, and the celebration of virtuous victimhood.

You’ve been intending to give. Put paid to procrastination and please, donate now, this day in August, not tomorrow, not next week or next month. Every contribution is significant. Every dollar strengthens the currents that run counter to the propaganda mills of the mainstream media, woke advertising with the mandatory blacks and the social justice cheerleading from the entertainment industry. The few minutes spent writing a check and putting it in an envelope turn into a gesture of solidarity with people like yourselves. You are dissident thinkers who loath the virtue-signaling Hollywood idiots, the “diversity” preachers destroying the universities, the “Hate has no home here” sign-posting on the suburban lawns of good whites. You disdain the bread and circuses designed to distract Americans from the treachery of the ruling class. Contributions coming in now will help us build momentum and encourage others to give as we move into the remaining months of 2023.

One of Karl Marx’s most notable quotes is, “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.” Maybe this is sometimes so, but the Sovietization of American society moving toward what appears to be a near end-stage is both tragedy and farce.

The farce is the collective face of the ruling class — the affirmative action, incompetent stooges inserted as “colorful” decorations, and the demented geriatrics whose shriveled snouts have long been plunged into the taxpayer trough. They are the emperors without clothes, buffoons minus the bathrobes and slippers, shuffling around a world stage. They recite the scripted lies that insult your intelligence, lies that through widespread promulgation and constant, hectoring repetition turned into a state-endorsed, ritualized catechism for dimwits, the departure from which marks one as thoughtful — i.e., a heretic. The embarrassing nakedness of the emperors is egregiously ignored by the power-worshiping sycophants in high places. They dutifully project the rampant criminality and corruption of their patrons onto the law-abiding subjects, the clear-eyed skeptics who resist the depredations and call out the lies.

The tragedy is the targeting of white Americans for destruction (the “Great Replacement”) and the transformation of a First World nation built by European-heritage people into a dysfunctional Third World slum. Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, St. Louis: once unique, culturally great American cities are now squalid, dangerous jungles on the way to resembling Port-au-Prince and Tijuana. Chicago, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and San Francisco are rapidly moving in that direction, increasingly lawless, dirty, and dysfunctional. The big American cities have become hostile to and uninhabitable for white people.

The “elephant in the room” is the reprehensible complicity of white, liberal-Left ideologues and establishment conservatives in the rationalization of black dysfunction and criminality as “systemic racism.” Gangster enterprises such as Black Lives Matter are supported by corporations such as Cisco, IBM, and Microsoft. The extortion scheme of “slavery reparations,” backed by Democrats, goes seriously unchallenged by Republicans. The non-stop, anti-white propaganda comes at us from all directions: the schools, universities, the entertainment industry, corporations, the centers of government power. It is so outrageously false, viciously pursued, and utterly demoralizing that it can drive an independent mind to despair.

This is why you should support Counter-Currents: It exposes and challenges the lies, provides useful advice for mounting metapolitical resistance, and is an antidote to despair.

Arthur Schopenhauer wrote, “But life is short, and truth works far and long; let us speak the truth.”

In the short term, the massive alignment of the institutions on the side of the tergiversators, calumniators, and defalcators seems overpowering. Here, however, is why an investment in Counter-Currents, where voices “speak the truth,” is a good long-term investment. Over time, as the official “truth” becomes more detached from empirical reality, the institutional coercion and corruption used to perpetuate belief in it will become more obvious, more egregious, and ultimately stripped of any legitimizing power it once had. Only cynics and opportunists will be left standing in the establishment — mediocrities and timeservers to be scorned and then swept away.

Diversity” is the state religion, enforced by state power. Contrary to the Orwellianisms pouring out of the Ministry of Truth, our “lying eyes” tell us that the more “diversity” we get, the less things work. The disparity between painful reality and the glaring absurdity of the official propaganda becomes inescapable. Even those people watching the likes of CNN must begin to take notice. How to ignore the staggering incompetence of the bosses: Afghanistan and East Palestine, Ohio? Then there is the corruption, as in the phenomenal wealth of career politicians: the Bidens, the Clintons, the Obamas, Nancy Pelosi — the banana-republic style tsunami of fake crimes committed by Donald Trump, and the capitulation of the corporations to grotesque fantasies such as transgenderism.

The compounding of lies has reached a critical mass. The ruling class’ detachment from reality is nearing completion. “Truth works far and long,” which means that the Soviet-like decadence of the bosses makes them vulnerable, and the success for intrepid truth-tellers “far and long” is a good wager. The official lies, once under scrutiny, become increasingly indefensible and marked by desperation. They metastasize into a multiplicity of distorted faces of reality shunned by normal people. Truth is an existential threat, and the liars cannot engage truth-tellers openly and directly with discussion, facts, or arguments. Argument is not an option for them. Doing so requires conformity to the norms of logic and the protocols of respectful discourse, as well as moving in the direction of empirical reality and following the evidence and facing the facts. Blustering, defaming, and threatening are their tools of last resort. The face of the ruling class is looking decrepit. The future of the leviathan state is a “pitiful, helpless giant.”

The Web traffic metrics from July shows the direction of intrepid truth-telling. Consider the performance of 13-year-old upstart Counter-Currents, rising up and challenging The Nation, a lodestar of Left-wing journalism for 158 years. It was founded by abolitionists in 1865: mischief-makers and sermonizing lovers of the dusky ones from the beginning.

Counter-Currents: 2,295,536 page views; 541,400 total visits; 50,982 total hours

The Nation: 3,325,000 page views; 1,900,000 total visits; 41,167 total hours

The numbers here show Counter-Currents’ phenomenal success as an ascending rival to the decadent, establishment Left that can bring us back to Schopenhauer and the movement of truth. They are cause for celebration. You can be a part of it. Please help us today.

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There are many ways to help, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.

You can explore all your donation options on our newly-redesigned Donate page.

Also, check out our new Paywall page!

For a preview of events in the coming year, check out our birthday page.

Remember: Those who fight for a better world live in it today.

Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.

Greg Johnson


[1] Teresa Toranska, “Them”: Stalin’s Polish Puppets (New York: Harper, 1987), p. 7.
