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Moronic & Demonic Indictment, BRICS in Business, CV19 Horror Returns

25-8-2023 < SGT Report 27 348 words

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

It’s Donald Trump’s fourth indictment for more made-up crimes and political persecution that no other American President in history has had to endure.  This time it is a host of Georgia RICO charges, but in reality, it is making the 1st Amendment a crime.  How dare anyone complain about an election that was obviously stolen in 2020.  The Deep State is trying any desperate act to stop Trump from running in 2024.  The charges filed by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis are moronic and demonic at the same time.  DA Willis has turned her office into a cartoon.  Legal experts say this is a weak case at best but anything to tie Donald Trump up as the Fulton County DA wants a court date for Donald Trump just before the 2024 election.  That’s not political, is it?


The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) met this week and brought some new blood into the group.  Six countries in all were welcomed aboard, and that includes oil producer Saudia Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Is this a clear sign the so-called petro dollar is coming to an end as oil will be priced in currencies other than the U.S. dollar?  Yes, is the short answer, and big inflation is the long-term result in America.

They’re back!  All the awful lies and rules to control the public using the fear button called Covid 19.  The CDC says there is a new CV19 variant, and, yes, even the vaccinated are at risk.  What they don’t say is the CV19 vaxed are at more risk because the CV19 bioweapon vax destroys and depreciates the immune system of the people scared into taking it.  Are the lockdowns and commands to be vaxed with a new round of injections going to be resisted this time?  Let’s hope so.

There is much more in the 49-minute newscast.

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